blob: 214c22f3c040bcf99b8a985f7a290582bde3db4c [file] [log] [blame]
---++ GET /api/instance/list/:entity-type/:entity-name
* <a href="#Description">Description</a>
* <a href="#Parameters">Parameters</a>
* <a href="#Results">Results</a>
* <a href="#Examples">Examples</a>
---++ Description
Get list of all instances of a given entity.
---++ Parameters
* :entity-type Valid options are cluster, feed or process.
* :entity-name Name of the entity.
* start <optional param> Show instances from this date. Date format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'.
* By default, it is set to (end - (10 * entityFrequency)).
* end <optional param> Show instances up to this date. Date format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'.
* Default is set to now.
* colo <optional param> Colo on which the query should be run.
* lifecycle <optional param> Valid lifecycles for feed are Eviction/Replication(default) and for process is Execution(default).
* filterBy <optional param> Filter results by list of field:value pairs. Example: filterBy=STATUS:RUNNING,CLUSTER:primary-cluster
* Query will do an AND among filterBy fields.
* orderBy <optional param> Field by which results should be ordered.
* Supports ordering by "status","startTime","endTime","cluster".
* sortOrder <optional param> Valid options are "asc" and "desc"
* offset <optional param> Show results from the offset, used for pagination. Defaults to 0.
* numResults <optional param> Number of results to show per request, used for pagination. Only integers > 0 are valid, Default is 10.
* doAs <optional query param> allows the current user to impersonate the user passed in doAs when interacting with the Falcon system.
* allAttempts <optional query param> To get all the attempts for corresponding instances.
---++ Results
List of instances of given entity.
The possible instance status returned and its meaning are as follows:
* WAITING - The instance is waiting for the corresponding data(feed) instances to become available.
* READY - The instance is ready to be scheduled. But, is waiting for scheduling conditions to be met. For example, limitation on number of instances that can be run in parallel.
* RUNNING - The instance is running on the workflow engine.
* FAILED - The instance has failed during execution.
* KILLED - The instance has been killed either manually or by the system.
* SUCCEEDED - The instance has executed successfully.
* SKIPPED - This instance was not executed, but was skipped. For example, when the execution order is LAST_ONLY, the older instances are skipped.
* ERROR - There was error while executing this instance on the workflow engine.
* UNDEFINED - The status of the instance could not be determined.
---++ Examples
---+++ Rest Call
GET http://localhost:15000/api/instance/list/process/SampleProcess?colo=*&start=2012-04-03T07:00Z
---+++ Result
"instances": [
"details": "",
"endTime": "2013-10-21T14:40:26-07:00",
"startTime": "2013-10-21T14:39:56-07:00",
"cluster": "primary-cluster",
"logFile": "http:\/\/localhost:11000\/oozie?job=0000070-131021115933395-oozie-rgau-W",
"status": "SUCCEEDED",
"instance": "2012-04-03T07:00Z"
"requestId": "default\/e15bb378-d09f-4911-9df2-5334a45153d2\n",
"message": "default\/STATUS\n",
"status": "SUCCEEDED"
---+++ Rest Call
GET http://localhost:15000/api/instance/list/process/SampleProcess?colo=*&start=2012-04-03T07:00Z&filterBy=STATUS:SUCCEEDED,CLUSTER:primary-cluster&orderBy=startTime&offset=2&numResults=2&doAs=joe
---+++ Result
"instances": [
"details": "",
"endTime": "2013-10-21T14:40:26-07:00",
"startTime": "2013-10-21T14:39:56-07:00",
"cluster": "primary-cluster",
"logFile": "http:\/\/localhost:11000\/oozie?job=0000070-131021115933395-oozie-rgau-W",
"status": "SUCCEEDED",
"instance": "2012-04-03T07:00Z"
"details": "",
"endTime": "2013-10-21T14:42:26-07:00",
"startTime": "2013-10-21T14:41:56-07:00",
"cluster": "primary-cluster",
"logFile": "http:\/\/localhost:11000\/oozie?job=0000070-131021115933397-oozie-rgau-W",
"status": "SUCCEEDED",
"instance": "2012-04-03T08:00Z"
"requestId": "default\/e15bb378-d09f-4911-9df2-5334a45153d2\n",
"message": "default\/STATUS\n",
"status": "SUCCEEDED"
---+++ Rest Call
GET https://localhost:15443/api/instance/status/process/oozie-mr-process?*&offset=0&allAttempts=true
---+++ Result
"requestId":"default/942519651@qtp-1386909980-16 - 5b11a8ba-402b-4cc7-969c-256e0ed18ae2\n",