blob: b322b27a9c94b373f4e76981863a5963867034a2 [file] [log] [blame]
---++ POST /api/entities/suspend/:entity-type/:entity-name
* <a href="#Description">Description</a>
* <a href="#Parameters">Parameters</a>
* <a href="#Results">Results</a>
* <a href="#Examples">Examples</a>
---++ Description
Suspend an entity.
---++ Parameters
* :entity-type can either be a feed or a process.
* :entity-name is name of the entity.
* doAs <optional query param> allows the current user to impersonate the user passed in doAs when interacting with the Falcon system.
---++ Results
Status of the entity.
---++ Examples
---+++ Rest Call
POST http://localhost:15000/api/entities/suspend/process/SampleProcess?doAs=joe
---+++ Result
"requestId": "default\/fe5f2b6c-1f2e-49fc-af3a-342079f0b46b\n",
"message": "default\/SampleProcess(process) suspended successfully\n",
"status": "SUCCEEDED"