blob: 763c2a776a7086a47eb294b70da026e7704d7cb0 [file] [log] [blame]
---++ GET /api/entities/summary/:entity-type
* <a href="#Description">Description</a>
* <a href="#Parameters">Parameters</a>
* <a href="#Results">Results</a>
* <a href="#Examples">Examples</a>
---++ Description
Given an EntityType and cluster, get list of entities along with summary of N recent instances of each entity
---++ Parameters
* :entity-type Valid options are feed or process.
* cluster Show entities that belong to this cluster.
* start <optional param> Show entity summaries from this date. Date format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'.
* By default, it is set to (end - 2 days).
* end <optional param> Show entity summary up to this date. Date format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'.
* Default is set to now.
* fields <optional param> Fields of entity that the user wants to view, separated by commas.
* Valid options are STATUS, TAGS, PIPELINES.
* filterBy <optional param> Filter results by list of field:value pairs. Example: filterBy=STATUS:RUNNING,PIPELINES:clickLogs
* Supported filter fields are NAME, STATUS, PIPELINES, CLUSTER.
* Query will do an AND among filterBy fields.
* tags <optional param> Return list of entities that have specified tags, separated by a comma. Query will do AND on tag values.
* Example:,
* orderBy <optional param> Field by which results should be ordered.
* Supports ordering by "name".
* sortOrder <optional param> Valid options are "asc" and "desc"
* offset <optional param> Show results from the offset, used for pagination. Defaults to 0.
* numResults <optional param> Number of results to show per request, used for pagination. Only integers > 0 are valid, Default is 10.
* numInstances <optional param> Number of recent instances to show per entity. Only integers > 0 are valid, Default is 7.
* doAs <optional query param> allows the current user to impersonate the user passed in doAs when interacting with the Falcon system.
---++ Results
Show entities along with summary of N instances for each entity.
---++ Examples
---+++ Rest Call
GET http://localhost:15000/api/entities/summary/feed?cluster=primary-cluster&filterBy=STATUS:RUNNING&fields=status&
---+++ Result
"entitySummary": [
"name" : "SampleOutput",
"type" : "feed",
"status": "RUNNING",
"instances": [
"details": "",
"endTime": "2013-10-21T14:40:26-07:00",
"startTime": "2013-10-21T14:39:56-07:00",
"cluster": "primary-cluster",
"logFile": "http:\/\/localhost:11000\/oozie?job=0000070-131021115933395-oozie-rgau-W",
"status": "RUNNING",
"instance": "2012-04-03T07:00Z"
"details": "",
"endTime": "2013-10-21T14:42:27-07:00",
"startTime": "2013-10-21T14:41:57-07:00",
"cluster": "primary-cluster",
"logFile": "http:\/\/localhost:11000\/oozie?job=0000070-131021115933397-oozie-rgau-W",
"status": "RUNNING",
"instance": "2012-04-03T08:00Z"
"requestId": "default\/e15bb378-d09f-4911-9df2-5334a45153d2\n",
"message": "default\/STATUS\n",
"status": "SUCCEEDED"