blob: f2258f23aacb10cfd07447b6434bf509bc777ce8 [file] [log] [blame]
---++ GET api/metadata/lineage/entities?pipeline=:pipeline
* <a href="#Description">Description</a>
* <a href="#Parameters">Parameters</a>
* <a href="#Results">Results</a>
* <a href="#Examples">Examples</a>
---++ Description
It returns the graph depicting the relationship between the various processes and feeds in a given pipeline.
---++ Parameters
* :pipeline is the name of the pipeline
* doAs <optional query param> allows the current user to impersonate the user passed in doAs when interacting with the Falcon system.
---++ Results
It returns a json graph
---++ Examples
---+++ Rest Call
GET http://localhost:15000/api/metadata/lineage/entities?pipeline=my-pipeline&doAs=joe
---+++ Result
"vertices": ["my-minutely-process", "my-hourly-process"],
"from" : "my-minutely-process",
"to" : "my-hourly-process",
"label" : "my-minutely-feed"
"from" : "my-hourly-process",
"to" : "my-minutely-process",
"label" : "my-hourly-feedback"