blob: c4422e789d1c30c936dfdd1e6b70fc1a5fa5e273 [file] [log] [blame]
[[CommonCLI][Common CLI Options]]
Once submitted, an entity can be scheduled using schedule option. Process and feed can only be scheduled.
$FALCON_HOME/bin/falcon entity -type [process|feed] -name <<name>> -schedule
Optional Args :
-skipDryRun When this argument is specified, Falcon skips oozie dryrun.
-doAs <username>
-properties <<key1:val1,...,keyN:valN>>. Specifying 'falcon.scheduler:native' as a property will schedule the entity on the the native scheduler of Falcon. Else, it will default to the engine specified in For details on Native scheduler, refer to [[FalconNativeScheduler][Falcon Native Scheduler]]
$FALCON_HOME/bin/falcon entity -type process -name sampleProcess -schedule
$FALCON_HOME/bin/falcon entity -type process -name sampleProcess -schedule -properties falcon.scheduler:native