blob: 636c73932edce177808b5fcc7099a233883c3792 [file] [log] [blame]
---++Metric Collection
Metric Collection currently allows to collect the following metrics at process level:
1. Processing time the process spent in the running state in seconds (workflow_end_time - workflow_start_time)
1.Wait time that the process spent in the waiting/ready state. (workflow_start_time - workflow_nominal_time)
1.Number of instances that are failed for a process.
To send data to *Graphite*
Falcon need to intialize metricNotificationService in
* org.apache.falcon.metrics.MetricNotificationService,
Add following properties for graphiteNotificationPlugin :
*Graphite properties*
* *.falcon.graphite.hostname=localhost
* *.falcon.graphite.port=2003
* *.falcon.graphite.frequency=1
* *.falcon.graphite.prefix=falcon
The falcon.graphite.frequency is in seconds and all the time that is being sent to graphite is in seconds.
To send data to *Falcon DB*
Falcon needs to *!ProcessInstanceInfo* table in the database have a look at [[FalconDatabase]] to know how to create it.
Add the following properties in the