blob: 8534ba6ffef032d620a920c8a00886b587ba25d2 [file] [log] [blame]
---++Entity SLA Alerting
Falcon supports SLA in feed and process.
Types of SLA supported for feed:
To know more about feedSla look at [[EntitySpecification][Feed Specification]]
Types of SLA supported for process:
To know more about processSla look at [[EntitySpecification][Process Specification]]
Falcon Entity Alerting service do the following things:
1.Monitor instances of feed and process and send notifications to all the listeners attached to it.
1.In case of feed it notifies when an *slaHigh* miss happens. slaLow is not supported.
1.In case of process it notifies when an SLA miss for *shouldEndIn* happens. shouldStartIn is not supported.
Entity SLA Alert service depends upon [[EntitySLAMonitoring][Falcon Entity SLA Monitoring]] to know which process and feed instances are to be monitored.
*How to attach listeners:*
You can write custom listeners to do some action whenever a process or feed instance misses its SLA.
To attach listeners please add below property in
Currently Falcon natively supports [[BacklogMetricEmitterService][Back Log Emitter Service]] as a listener to EntitySLAAlert service
*Other Services:*
To enable Enity SLA Alerting service you need to enable [[EntitySLAMonitoring][Falcon Entity SLA Monitoring]]
Following properties are needed in
*Falcon Database:*
Entity SLA Alerting service maintains its state in the database.It needs one table *ENTITY_SLA_ALERTS* please have a look at [[FalconDatabase]] to know how to create it.