blob: 4a3bbc47a4dcd068642b54d1965bcfc13a46910b [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Falcon (incubating) Change log
Trunk (Unreleased)
FALCON-615 Add pipleline element to lineage graph
(Sowmya Ramesh via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-614 Add pipeline element to process entity
(Balu Vellanki via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-588 Baselining designer code. (samar via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-400 Add Authorization for Entities (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-279 Add ACL for Cluster Entity
FALCON-462 Add ACL for process entity
FALCON-463 Validate Feed ACL only if authorization is enabled
FALCON-464 Enforce Authorization for REST API
FALCON-468 Add User Documentation for authorization feature
FALCON-557 Add super-user who is authorized for all
FALCON-466 REST APIs must add the entity owner as an implicit filter (Balu Vellanki
via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-263 API to get workflow parameters. (pavan kumar kolamuri via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-654 Exclude junit dependency in pom (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-640 Add ability to specify sort order for orderBy param in RestAPI
(Balu Vellanki via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-594 Process lineage information for Retention policies
(Sowmya Ramesh via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-325 Process lineage information for Replication policies
(Sowmya Ramesh via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-474 Add Bulk APIs to drive the dashboard needs (Balu Vellanki via
Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-166 Instance status start and end dates are rigid and inconvenient
(Balu Vellanki via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-612 Create CHANGES.txt for falcon-regression(Arpit Gupta via SamarthG)
FALCON-470 Add support for pagination, filter by, etc. to Entity and
Instance List API (Balu Vellanki via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-327 - Simplify message passing framework (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-484 - Refactor workflow related code into context, listener and Notification
FALCON-485 - Simplify JMS Message Sender/Consumer and use Workflow Context
FALCON-486 - Introduce Workflow Context in Post Processing
FALCON-487 -Introduce Workflow Context in Rerun framework
FALCON-488 - Introduce Workflow Context in Lineage Service
FALCON-492 - Refactor workflow listener implementation init config driven
FALCON-554 Extend time functions available in Falcon to support current &
last week (Contributed by Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-369 Refactor workflow builder. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-280 Validate the ACL in Feed entity with the user submitting the entity
(Jean-Baptiste Onofré via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-445 Propagate hive credentials defined in cluster entity to
hive-site.xml (Sowmya Ramesh via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-133 Upgrade to slf4j 1.7.5 and use SLF4J logger. (Jean-Baptiste Onofré
via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-353 enable dry run feature of oozie for schedule
and update (Shwetha GS via Suhas Vasu)
FALCON-669 Missing optional workflow execution listeners configuration
results in NPE (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-644 Falcon message producer masks errors in Post processing
(Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-338 - late data recording is enabled by default for all feeds
irrespective of late arrival config (Ajay Yadav via Suhas Vasu)
FALCON-652 EntityUtils tests are failing (Ajay Yadav via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-650 Instance list APIs occassionally fail when orderBy set to
starttime or endtime (Balu Vellanki via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-649 Remove unnecessary validation for Instance start time in
FalconCLI (Balu Vellanki via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-579 Lineage breaks if feed.xml doesn't have the date pattern in
feed path location (Sowmya Ramesh via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-642 OozieProcessWorkflowBuilderTest test failures. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-630 late data rerun for process broken in trunk. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-611 Post process arg status is in 'FAILED' state always
(Shwetha GS via Suhas Vasu)
FALCON-622 Fix ProcessUpdate and update at specific time test
FALCON-616 cluster submission should fail when shared libs copy fail
(Shwetha GS via Suhas Vasu)
FALCON-598 ProcessHelper throws NPE if the process has no inputs OR no
outputs defined (Balu Vellanki via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-583 Post processing is broken in current trunk
(Venkatesh Seetharam via Suhas Vasu)
FALCON-582 Latest changes to LICENSE files results in build failure
(Srikanth Sundarrajan via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-577 Extend time functions added in Falcon 0.6 to support current & last week
are giving UnsupportedOperationException. (Srikanth Sundarrajan via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-578 Table import & table export failing during hcat table replication
(Suhas Vasu)
FALCON-571 user libs not getting loaded during process execution
(Shwetha GS via Suhas Vasu)
FALCON-514 Falcon CLI giving error when using -file option with -rerun in
instance management. (pavan kumar kolamuri via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-566 update throwing null job id exception. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-561 Falcon jenkins failure in EntityManagerJerseyIT.
(Shwetha GS via Suhas Vasu)
FALCON-556 Feed Replication _SUCCESS is not getting created on target directory.
(pavan kumar kolamuri via Suhas Vasu)
FALCON-497 Able to submit feed even though owner of storage specified (location type=data)
is different from the ACL owner. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-357 HCatalog Feed replication: Hive export job fails when table partition
contains multiple dated columns. (Satish Mittal via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-495 multi source single target feed replication failing in regression.
(Satish Mittal via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-494 update feature broken. (Shwetha GS via Suhas Vasu)
FALCON-496 Feed Replication with Empty Directories giving error.
(pavan kumar kolamuri via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-483 Fix the failing test ConfigurationStoreTest.testConcurrentRemoves
on jenkins. (Sowmya Ramesh via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-430 Process update with user (Shwetha GS via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-460 Concurrent deletion of same entity results in NPE (Sowmya Ramesh
via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-459 Lineage resource API fails with NPE for bad query params
(Sowmya Ramesh via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-456 Custom DistCp conflict with core DistCp in container classpath
fails falcon workflows (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-446 Hive Replications fail because of permissions issue
(Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-444 Logs dir for replication workflow is incorrect and jobs fail
with permission issues (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-443 Process with Hive workflow engine and filesystem input feeds,
table output feed fails (Sowmya Ramesh via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-382 Error While building Latest trunk code with Hadoop 2.2.0. (Suhas Vasu)
FALCON-240 Instance status from CLI on a feed doesn't give the retention details.
(pavan kumar kolamuri via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-441 Lineage capture fails for feeds with multiple instances
(Venkatesh Seetharam)
Release Version: 0.5-incubating
FALCON-11 Add support for security in Falcon (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-288 Persist lineage information into a persistent store
(Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-281 Design Action Interface. (Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-259 Design Transformation Interface. (Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-26 Pipeline Monitor addition. (Suhas Vasu via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-254 Bootstrap designer module. (Srikanth Sundarrajan via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-238 Support updates at specific time. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-285 Support Lineage information capture (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-289 Provide REST APIs for discovering lineage metadata over the store.
(Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-229 Enable SSL for Falcon REST API (Srikanth Sundarrajan via
Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-453 possible LICENSE/NOTICE issues (Chris Douglas via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-450 Add jdk 1.6 requirement in release notes (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-449 Twiki documentation files may need ALv2 headers (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-448 File names in the release should have apache as the prefix
(Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-439 Update the copyright in Notice and License files (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-324 Document lineage feature (Sowmya Ramesh via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-312 Falcon LogCleanupServiceTest seems to clean up root "/"
(Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-379 Document limitations of Hive support in Falcon (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-421 Upgrade Hadoop to 2.4.0 (Sowmya Ramesh via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-386 Upgrade to oozie 4.0.1. (Sowmya Ramesh via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-392 HCat Example Recipes. (Shwetha GS via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-391 Add ability to set mapBandwidth. (Michael Miklavcic via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-380 The dependency option doesn't mention input or output for a feed.
(Suhas Vasu via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-365 Remove the checked in oozie xsds. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-356 Merge OozieProcessMapper and OozieProcessWorkflowBuilder. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-355 Remove SLAMonitoringService. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-333 jsp-api dependency is defined twice. (Jean-Baptiste
Onofrévia Shaik Idris)
FALCON-311 Several dead links in Falcon documentation.
(Suresh Srinivas via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-304 Simplify assembly for script in standalone and distributed
mode. (Suresh Srinivas via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-264 Update with effectiveTime in CLI. (Shwetha GS via Srikanth
FALCON-60 Feed retention doesn't delete empty parent dirs. (Shaik Idris)
FALCON-247 Add scripts to check the status of falcon and prism. (Jean-Baptiste
Onofré via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-245 POM should use Apache POM as parent. (Jean-Baptiste Onofré via
Shwetha GS)
FALCON-252 Upgrade to json-simple 1.1.1. (Jean-Baptiste Onofré via
Shwetha GS)
FALCON-233 Update hadoop 2 version to 2.2.0. (Venkatesh Seetharam
via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-64 Add example entity xmls in falcon package. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-66 Make oozie version change configurable. (Shwetha GS
via Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-38 Falcon's parent workflow actions (pre-processing & prost-processing)
should have multiple retries. (Shaik Idris)
FALCON-242 Post processing is not called in Retention workflows (Shaik Idris)
FALCON-286 Capture information in process entity about the user workflow
(Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-287 Record lineage information in post processing (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-257 File system storage wont work with relative paths
(Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-334 Add indexing to the graph property keys. (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-342 Add ability to set maxMaps on replication (Michael Miklavcic
via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-366 Add a REST API to get properties for a given vertex (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-370 Remove Graph dump option in CLI (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-367 Bump dagre and jquery version for the web UI (Haohui Mai
via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-290 Visualize lineage information on the dashboard (Haohui Mai
via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-371 Show vertex information in the web UI (Haohui Mai via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-373 Display lineage link only for jobs that are succeeded in the web UI
(Haohui Mai via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-393 Display error messages when the web UI fails to get the data from the server
(Haohui Mai via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-395 Falcon service does not start when _HOST is used in the spnego principal
(Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-397 DistCp uses JobSubmissionFiles API which is incompatible between hadoop versions
(Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-123 Improve build speeds in falcon. (Srikanth Sundarrajan via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-447 Remove the jar file form the source distribution (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-440 Exclude IDEA IntelliJ and other unnecessary files from source
distribution (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-437 Feed Replication workflows are failing (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-429 Falcon CLI entity list command throws NPE stack trace in case
of no entities (Satish Mittal via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-427 Update default falcon endpoint URL in for
prism setup to work out of box (Satish Mittal via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-425 src/bin/ is broken for hadoop 2.* versions
(Sowmya Ramesh via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-426 Prism unable to connect to falcon server if falcon endpoint URL ends with
'/' character. (Satish Mittal via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-401 replicate hcat table to two targets can fail with export dir
exists on source (Sowmya Ramesh via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-364 Process specification contains a mistake in the parallel section
(Jean-Baptiste Onofré via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-398 Null pointer Exception on submitting HCat Feed (Sowmya Ramesh
via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-390 falcon HCatProcess tests are failing in secure clusters
(Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-284 Hcatalog based feed retention doesn't work when partition filter spans across
multiple partition keys. (Satish Mittal via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-409 Not able to create a package. (Raju Bairishetti via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-396 minor logging typo in FalconTopicSubscriber. (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-352 old properties not removed on refresh of runtime properties. (Shaik Idris)
FALCON-332 Oozie execution order is wrongly mapped in Falcon for LAST_ONLY.
(Shaik Idris)
FALCON-374 Update with effective time in CLI. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-98 starting embedded hadoop fails sometimes. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-28 unable to submit/delete feed or process which had been attempted submit
with wrong cluster. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-269 Mistake in the embedded ActiveMQ port property. (Jean-Baptiste Onofré
via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-344 FeedEvictorTest. (Shaik Idris Ali via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-302 Issues with distributed package properties. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-331 Summary API returning NPE if only start is passed. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-323 Summary API deserialization fails if array has only one element.
(Shwetha GS via Shaik Idris)
FALCON-319 Summary instance API returning wrong exception. (Shwetha GS via
Shaik Idris)
FALCON-321 Feed evictor deleting more stuff than it should. (Shaik Idris)
FALCON-330 Build fails for the module 'Apache Falcon CLI client ' on ubuntu.
(Deepak Marathe via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-297 Validations on update with effective time. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-278 Changes in feed availability info doesn't update process. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-239 Build failed on build-tools due to a missing SNAPSHOT. (Srikanth
FALCON-221 Logmover is not copying all action level logs. (Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-270 Checkstyle can not be run on a module. (Jean-Baptiste Onofré via
Shwetha GS)
FALCON-260 When a process is scheduled, the user workflow is failing with
OozieClientException. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-268 Checkstyle/Findbugs issues on FalconCLI. (Jean-Baptiste Onofré via
Shwetha GS)
FALCON-258 Falcon status throws an error when external jobids are missing
(Suhas Vasu via Shaik Idris)
FALCON-262 Example files should use aligned dependency versions. (Jean-Baptiste Onofré
via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-249 Fix mistakes in docs/InstallationSteps.html. (Jean-Baptiste Onofré
via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-241 The job logs are not copied during Post-Processing step in Replication workflows.
(Suhas Vasu via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-106 Falcon compilation fails for hadoop-2 profile. (Shwetha GS
via Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-206 Process update for wf changes. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-236 Falcon process output events which is optional should have at least one event
if defined. (Shaik Idris Ali via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-228 Build failed on build-tools module. (Jean-Baptiste Onofré
via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-232 mvn clean verify fails with oozie war not found. (Shwetha GS)
FALCON-124 unable to schedule deleted feed. (Shwetha GS via Shaik Idris)
FALCON-226 Tests for subscribing/listening to multiple active-mq topics. (Shaik Idris
via Shwetha GS)
FALCON-336 Fix check style error - builds fail (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-354 Bug when MetadataMappingService is not configured as one of the
application services. (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-360 Lineage recording fails with NPE for processes with >1 inputs.
(Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-378 Feed status fails with NPE post update when the new coordinator
is in PREP state (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-377 Unit test fails consistently - EntityManagerJerseyIT.testProcessInputUpdate.
(Shwetha GS via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-418 FALCON-395 introduces a regression with hadoop-1
(Jean-Baptiste Onofré via Venkatesh Seetharam)
Release Version: 0.4-incubating
FALCON-54: Falcon support for hadoop 2.0
FALCON-85: Hive (HCatalog) integration
FALCON-164: Provide Falcon Prism Web UI
FALCON-107: Adding extensions
FALCON-73: Remove JUnit dependency as its used only for asserts while TestNG for tests
FALCON-80: Option in falcon-start to not start embedded activemq
FALCON-83: Option to build distributed packages
FALCON-131: Remove set -e from falcon scripts
FALCON-151: Document the REST APIs for Falcon
FALCON-165: simplify packaging to create one package instead of client, falcon and prism packages
FALCON-192: Release falcon 0.4 umbrella
FALCON-62: Falcon compilation with hadoop 2.0 libs
FALCON-63: Ability to ingest hadoop libs to falcon release package
FALCON-67: Remove ant dependency in oozie workflows
FALCON-76: Use cluster readonly endpoint for replication source
FALCON-78: Falcon error when prism on one hadoop version and server on another
FALCON-86: Hive table integration with cluster entity
FALCON-87: Hive table integration with feed entity
FALCON-88: Add embedded hive and webhcat for integration tests
FALCON-90: Propagate hive table through Process mapper
FALCON-91: Handle feed updates in purview of tables
FALCON-93: Replication to handle hive table replication
FALCON-94: Retention to handle hive table eviction
FALCON-95: Enable embedding hive scripts directly in a process
FALCON-96: Hive client to talk to the metastore
FALCON-102: Add integration tests for feed entity parser with table defined
FALCON-103: Upgrade oozie to 4.0.x
FALCON-104: FALCON-86 introduces a backward incompatible change
FALCON-113: Update documentation for Hive integration
FALCON-129: Disable Late data handling for hive tables
FALCON-143: Enable Late data handling for hive tables
FALCON-146: Javadoc generation should respect skipCheck property
FALCON-153: Feed Storage type isn't passed in replication for successful post processing
FALCON-154: Remove webhcat startup in HadoopStartupListener as its not used
FALCON-161: Feed evictor evicts instances not eligible when pattern has dash
FALCON-163: Merge FALCON-85 branch into main line
FALCON-171: Provide status in /api/entities/list
FALCON-175: Visualize dependency information
FALCON-178: Implement client-side pagination
FALCON-190: /api/entities/list should allow the client to query different fields
FALCON-193: Update the documentation to reflect the current work of dashboard
FALCON-43: Add Falcon to Sonar for Analysis
FALCON-134: Remove jsch dependency
FALCON-135: Remove jzlib dependency
FALCON-136: Upgrade to commons-codec 1.8
FALCON-137: Remove commons-logging dependency
FALCON-138: Remove perf4j dependency
FALCON-198 Update LICENSE.txt to contain license information for all third-party libraries
FALCON-363 Jetty is started with war when the war is already expanded
(Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-358 REST API does not conform to Rexster (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-359 Instance id's captured are of different formats in process and feed
(Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-223: hive-exec bundles protobuf-2.4.1 which is incompatible with hadoop-2 requiring protobuf-2.5
FALCON-213: Validating Storage Exists (table) should be called only from the server (not from prism)
FALCON-24: Allow re-run of timedout instances
FALCON-42: Simplify Build and Installation Guide
FALCON-50: Falcon replication having issue to s3
FALCON-61: The identifier regex for oozie bundle,coordinator, workflow pattern is incorrect.
FALCON-69: exception from ConfigurationChangeListener should fail the API
FALCON-71: mvn jetty:run doesn't work
FALCON-72: Feeds with invalid oozie URI in cluster cannot be deleted
FALCON-74: Falcon CLI needs to be more robust in handling trailing spaces
FALCON-79: Fix typos in Falcon architecture document
FALCON-100: Build error with mvn 3.0.4
FALCON-101: mvn release:prepare fails because of build order
FALCON-127: Fix test issues after FALCON-107
FALCON-128: Feed replication post processing log mover error
FALCON-130: Use Geronimo Specs JMS instead of javax.jms
FALCON-132: assembly plugin for embedded does not generate client artifacts
FALCON-142: Cleanup testng dependency
FALCON-152: REST API for entity & Admin resources only returns XML
FALCON-159: Version API endpoint does not emit valid JSON
FALCON-162: Update falcon scripts to let the user set the log and pid locations.
FALCON-168: Different validity of clusters in feed not handled
FALCON-169: multiple "/" in target for replication for multi target feed
FALCON-174: bind activemq to all interfaces rather than just localhost
FALCON-179: Table replication must drop partition before import as late reruns fails
FALCON-180: Disable table replication for multiple sources
FALCON-182: Disable specifying partitions in inputs with table storage for process
FALCON-185: Timestamp handled as int
FALCON-186: Enable scheduler support for embedded activemq
FALCON-187: Update Falcon start script to also redirect stdout to the log file
FALCON-188: hadoop-2 profile is not carried through to oozie package
FALCON-194 Import external libraries into the repository
FALCON-204 Process mapper generates params assuming table input and output
as names literally (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-201 Package oozie-el-extensions jar files as part of tarball
(Ashish Singh via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-203 Do not generate transitive closure for the dependency graph
(Haohui Mai via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-212 OozieClient does not propagate user in request to
Oozie server (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-208 Improve the icons for instance lists. (Haohui Mai)
FALCON-158 Fix failing jenkins nightly build. (Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-215 Falcon-start fails. (Arpit Gupta via Venkatesh Seetharam)
Release Version: 0.3-incubating
FALCON-70 Confirm if v0.3 branch is ready for release as per guideline.
(Venkatesh Seetharam via Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-65 Avoid bundling compilation path dependent configs in artifact
and allow for config scan to seamlessly fallback to classpath if not found
in default conf location. (Srikanth Sundarrajan via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-58 Gaps in release source / binary tarball. (Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-57 Build fails if the source is not in scm. (Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-53 Add -incubating to the version. (Jarek Jarcec Cecho via Srikanth
FALCON-56 Update Falcon packing to include all source files. (Srikanth
FALCON-55 Update suspends old oozie coords. (Shwetha GS via Srikanth
FALCON-52 Main module configured used with jetty:run has issues with app
start. (Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-30 Enable embedding pig scripts directly in a process. (Venkatesh
Seetharam via Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-47 Falcon Replication should support configurable delays in feed,
parallel, timeout and bulk transfer with variable frequency (Shaik Idris
Ali via Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-49 Dependency on oozie-client pulls in hadoop-auth-0.23.1 which
is not necessary (Venkatesh Seetharam via Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-32 Store test output in file rather then printing all the output
into the console (Srikanth Sundarrajan via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-1 Create packaging and scripts to install and try Apache Falcon
(Srikanth Sundarrajan via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-29 Add ability to tag/classify data sets and processes to enable
discovery (Venkatesh Seetharam via Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-31 File Installation-steps.txt contains old path to repository (Jarek
Jarcec Cecho via Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-33 Add patch files to RAT ignore list (Jarek Jarcec Cecho via Srikanth
FALCON-22 Rename ivory to falcon in project (Venkatesh Seetharam via Srikanth
FALCON-19 Bump up the release version to 0.3-SNAPSHOT (Srikanth Sundarrajan
via Venkatesh Seetharam)
FALCON-13 super pom must reflect license, project website, ML and SCM changes
post incubation (Venkatesh Seetharam via Srikanth Sundarrajan)
FALCON-10 Add findbugs plugin and fix findbugs warnings for project (Venkatesh
Seetharam via Srikanth Sundarrajan)