blob: af5e6605086cc1e281cf5a5e7351d3eced2533d9 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Falcon Regression Change log
Trunk (Unreleased)
FALCON-1382 Add a test for feed retention to make sure that data directory is not deleted (Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-1321 Add Entity Lineage Test (Pragya Mittal via Ajay Yadava)
FALCON-1319 Contribute HiveDr, Mirror tests and some test fixes (Namit Maheshwari, Paul Isaychuk,
Raghav Kumar Gautam & Ruslan Ostafiychuk via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1254 ClusterSetup UI: edit xml test cases, stabilize 2 tests (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1215 Adding new test cases related to rerun feature (Pragya M via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-1249 Tests for process setup wizard (Namit Maheshwari and Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-1242 Search UI test for entity upload button (Namit Maheshwari)
FALCON-1222 Feed Wizard multiple tests (Namit Maheshwari)
FALCON-1229 Tests for instance page on SearchUI (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1216 Cluster setup wizard multiple tests (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1202 Add tests for EntityPage (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1210 Process Setup tests for testing header and general step default scenario (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1201 Feed Setup tests for testing header and default scenario (Namit Maheshwari)
FALCON-1198 Test buttons available on search results page (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1187 Test that changes made via API are reflected on UI (Ruslan Ostafiychuk
via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1173 Tests for entities table of search-ui (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1171 Adding search API tests (Paul Isaychuk via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1167 Homepage & Login test for search-ui (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1067 Add test in falcon-regression for feed instance listing api(Karishma G
via Samarth G)
FALCON-1066 Add test in falcon to test process SLA feature(Pragya M via Samarth G)
FALCON-964 add test in falcon regression to test loading of jar present in user lib(Pragya M
via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-974 add test in falcon-regression for log mover feature(Pragya via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-843 add test to support current & last week el expression(Pragya M via Samarth G)
FALCON-1035 Add test in falcon regression for validate feature. Validate is exposed
via both server and prism (Karishma G via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-1030 Test for Add option to search for Entities(Pragya Mittal Via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-1043 Add test in falcon to test touch feature(Pragya Mittal via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-1021 Add test in falcon to test feed SLA feature (Pragya Mittal via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-671 Add a test in falcon-regression where one oozie workflow has various actions like
mr, hive, pig (Karishma Gulati via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-985 Upgrading jsch version in falcon regression pom (Pragya M via Samarth)
FALCON-884 Add option to dump xmls generated by falcon (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan
FALCON-893 Add tests for replication to wasb filesystem
(Raghav Kumar Gautam and Ruslan Ostafiychuk via Arpit Gupta)
FALCON-861 Add ACL tests for falcon client and ACL update
(Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-844 List instances tests (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-841 Test falcon process with different frequencies
(Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-814 Tests for entities summary API (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-833 FeedReplicationTest.availabilityFlagTest fix (Paul Isaychuk
via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-838 Add support for https in merlin (Raghav Kumar Gautam and
Ruslan Ostafiychuk via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-746 Add ACL validation and enforcement tests (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-743 Adding tests for cases related to usage of pipelines tag
(Paul Isaychuk via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-589 Add test cases for various feed operations on Hcat feeds (Karishma G
via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-1384 cleanup (Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-1306 Custom window dimensions for UI tests (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1284 Fix entity cleanup when is_depracate=true (Ruslan Ostafiychuk via Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-1283 Save screenshots to log.capture.location (Ruslan Ostafiychuk via Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-1259 Fix property picked for DIFFERENT_USER_GROUP (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1261 ProcessSetupTest, EntitiesPatternSearchTest stabilization (Paul Isaychuk via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1256 ListProcessInstancesTest needs to be stabilized (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1227 Add logMover check in FeedReplication test(Pragya M via Samarth G)
FALCON-1253 Fortify ExternalFSTest (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1243 Feed test update as per new UI changes (Namit Maheshwari)
FALCON-1241 Fix SearchApiTest according to changes in API, tag ClusterSetupTest,
PrismProcessScheduleTest#testScheduleDeletedProcessOnBothColos (Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-1226 Stabilize testActionsPauseResume() (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1225 remove text line containing "Copyright" from regression Gupta)
FALCON-1197 Use diamond operator in merlin and merlin-core (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1131 Fixing FeedClusterUpdateTest and name confilcts in FALCON-1113(Pragya M
via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-1145 Changing entity name if it exceeds defined length(Pragya M via Samarth G)
FALCON-1151 Migrate oozie related methods from to
(Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1138: JDK requirement for merlin should be 1.7 (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1135 Migrate methods related to * classes from and (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1088 Fixing FeedDelayParallelTimeoutTest and renaming it to FeedDelayTest(Pragya M via
Samarth G)
FALCON-1112 Migrate methods related to * classes from to their respective
* (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1113 Clean up data files in merlin resource directory. Create better names for them
(Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1103 RetentionTest stabilization - remove check of all retention job actions
(Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1010 Add documentation in falcon-regression's, making it easy for
contributors to add tests to falcon-regression(Karishma G via Samarth )
FALCON-1011 Fix PrismProcessScheduleTest in falcon regression ( Pragya M via
Samarth G)
FALCON-1075 Fixing ProcessFrequencyTest, EntityDryRunTest, ProcessInstanceRerunTest
which are failing as part of falcon regression (Pragya M via Samarth G)
FALCON-1094 getAllFilesRecursivelyHDFS without recursive call (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1093 Tag all new tests added to falcon-regression (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1089 ProcessInstanceStatusTest improvement (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1058 Test for Feed Replication with Empty Directories(Pragya M via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-1046 Add test for process update with user feature(Karishma G via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-1017 FeedReplicationTest modified to check for _SUCCESS getting created on
target directory(Pragya M via Samarth G)
FALCON-1040 Modifying ProcessInstanceStatusTest to expose job id for running jobs in
Falcon. (Pragya M via Samarth G)
FALCON-1044 Add tests for the change that start and end are compulsory parameters for
all instance POST apis.(Karishma G via Samarth)
FALCON-1034 Add test for FALCON-677 - wherein feed data and stats paths no longer default
to /tmp/.(Karishma G via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-1014 Fix PrismProcessSnSTest in falcon regression . (Contributed by Pragya M via
Samarth G)
FALCON-1022 Wait for RUNNING status of instances before killing them (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-968 Remove only entities submitted by same test and baseHDFSDir usage refactored
(Ruslan Ostafiychuk via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1007 Improve test output and variable names (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1009 InstanceUtil cleanup (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1006 Add a property for inclusion of test (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-999 Fix PrismProcessResumeTest in falcon regression (Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-998 Removing 'store' hard coded in regression test (Pragya M via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-989 add timeout to EmbeddedPigScriptTest in falcon regression (Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-978 Refactoring FeedLateRerunTest to be parametrized test (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-979 Fix checkstyle issues introduced by falcon-976 (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-976 EntityDryRunTest failing in falcon trunk (Pragya M via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-942 Cleanup BaseTestClass and setUp/tearDown methods (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-962 Fortify ListFeedInstancesTest (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-963 Add option to exclude tests in falcon-regression (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-953 Change wasb replication to run with single cluster (Ruslan Ostafiychuk
via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-947 Ignore hadoop configs in merlin/src/test/resources/hadoop-conf (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-940 Avoid NPE in getAllEntitiesOfOneType() for zero elements
(Ruslan Ostafiychuk via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-908 Remove jars that are not needed (Paul Isaychuk via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-939 Fixing few typos and removing unused stuff (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-930 Delete old project name (ivory) from code and xmls (Ruslan Ostafiychuk via Raghav
Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-927 Refactoring of entity helpers in falcon-regression (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-928 Use falcon's checkstyle for falcon regression code (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-909 Remove names of the contributors from xmls and code (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-926 Fix problems found by findbugs in merlin and merlin-core (Ruslan Ostafiychuk and
Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-698 Fix checkstyle bugs in test files in falcon-regression (Ruslan Ostafiychuk and
Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-684 Fix problems found by checkstyle in non-test files in falcon-regression (Ruslan
FALCON-923 Remove unused xsd's (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-699 Use APIResult and other support classes from falcon-client in falcon-regression
(Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-906: Add license header where it is needed, remove deprecated inmobi
references (Paul Isaychuk via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-890 Merlin tests need to be updated in secure cluster to get the
token using the ugi object requests (Arpit Gupta)
FALCON-863 Fix tests to have start as well as end time for kill, rerun etc
requests (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-856 Handle JsonSyntaxException in hitUrl (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-847 Issue with login from keytab in merlin (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-835 Tag authorization tests (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-826 unify staging and working dir requirements (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan
FALCON-811 falcon superuser should be used instead of admin (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan
FALCON-812 all the entities must have acl (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-801 Increasing time to wait for instance (Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-809 Add message from response if assertSucceeded fails (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-802 Authorization test disabled (Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-706 Parse json with instances to InstancesResult using joda's DateTime (Ruslan
FALCON-798 optionalTest_updateProcessMakeOptionalCompulsory fixed (Paul
Isaychuk via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-631 add late data regression test for feed and process(Pragya
via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-701 HadoopUtil and Util classes documented (Paul Isaychuk via
Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-750 Method name fixed (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-645 add test to falcon regression for change made in default behaviour
of instance request ( Karishma Via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-745 LogUtil requires fine control over what to dump (Raghav Kumar
FALCON-739 JmsMessageConsumer should start daemon threads (Raghav Kumar
FALCON-729 HCatFeedOperationsTest should not initialize hcat client during
var declaration (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-726 Expect less fields in messages in falcon-regression
(Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-720 Fix ProcessInstanceStatusTest as per FALCON-166
(Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-693 Tests with zero inp/outp fixed to use correct workflow, javadocs
added (Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-711 Test retagged (Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-696 Pull oozie logs at the end of tests (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-675 Request URLS moved from parameters into methods in falcon-regression (Ruslan
FALCON-656 add test in falcon regression's Authorization test where non-feed owner updates
a feed with a dependent process(Karishma via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-674 General code factored out for ProcessInstance* tests (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan
FALCON-657 String datePattern moved to BaseTestClass (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-643 Tests with zero-output/input scenario amended to match test case (Paul Isaychuk via
Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-660 7 test classes refactored and few of them documented (Paul Isaychuk via
Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-653 Add falcon regression test for zero input process(Karishma via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-655 Skip workflow upload if process won't be submitted (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-587 Don't delete input data in @AfterClass in falcon-regression tests if
clean_test_dir=false (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-646 Refactoring, documentation stuff (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-572 HadoopUtil cleanup in falcon-regression (Ruslan Ostafiychuk via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-632 Refactoring, documentation stuff (Paul Isaychuk via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-609 UpdateAtSpecificTimeTest, InstanceSummaryTest tagged, fixed, refactored
(Paul Isaychuk via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-619 ELExp_FutureAndLatestTest stabilization (Paul Isaychuk via Arpit Gupta)
FALCON-610 Refactoring and documentation updates (Paul Isaychuk via Arpit Gupta)
FALCON-581 Refactor code for cross product and make it a method
(Raghav Kumar Gautam via Arpit Gupta)
FALCON-597 String logged at the start and end of the merlin test are slightly
mismatched (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Arpit Gupta)
FALCON-681 delete duplicate feed retention test from falcon regression (SamarthG)
FALCON-1388 Fix merge conflicts produced by FALCON-1002 (Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-1002 Disable UpdateAtSpecific time test from falcon regression(Samarth Gupta via Ajay Yadava)
FALCON-1376 Fixing FeedDelayTest(Pragya Mittal via Ajay Yadava)
FALCON-1332 Fortify ClusterSetupTest#testRegistryInterface - if checkbox wasn't clicked repeat an attempt
(Paul Isaychuk via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1338 Fortify ProcessInstanceRerunTest#testProcessInstanceRerunMultipleSucceeded (Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-1318 Method waitForAngularToFinish() should be robust to unresponsive browser (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1314 Unify handling of local files and directory (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1278 Submitted entity properties must have unique names (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1300 Use xml instead of properties for log4j (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1290 Push Enter in start/end filter on entity page, start instance is included (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1289 Select instances again after performing action on entity page (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1292 Avoid usage of hard coded feed names in Bundle class (Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-1281 Fix InstancePageTest#testInstancePageStatusWaitingRunning (Namit Maheshwari via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1287 Use listAllEntities() instead of listEntities() (Ruslan Ostafiychuk via Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-1288 Fortify expressionLanguageTest (Ruslan Ostafiychuk via Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-1285 Don't reduce process name in ProcessSetupTest (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1277 Fix SearchApiTest according to api changes (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1275 PrismFeedUpdateTest is using root directory (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1274 PrismProcessScheduleTest is using root directory (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1273 ProcessLateRerunTest still using root directory (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1272 InstanceParamTest still using root directory (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1269 Update InstancePageTest and other after UI changes (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1270 SearchUI. Login screen changed to not have password field (Namit Maheshwari via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1266 LineageApiTest test fixes (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1265 ListProcessInstancesTest test fixes (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1267 Fix Processsetuptest#testinoutstepdropdownfeeds (Namit Maheshwari via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1264 Fix validity parsing in ProcessWizardPage (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1263 Fix waitTillInstanceReachState for EntityType.PROCESS (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1258 Fix feed validity and fortify ELExpFutureAndLatestTest (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1257 Fix feedAclUpdate and processAclUpdate (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1255 Fix list of expected statuses in drop down on Entity Page (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1246 Remove wrong parameter from update signature, delete related tests (Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-1221 RescheduleProcessInFinalStatesTest.checkNotFoundDefinition() needs to be case flexible
(Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1218 Minor fix for testFeedListingAfterFeedDataPathUpdate & testFeedListingAfterFeedAvailabilityFlagUpdate
(Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1183 Fix expected response in testScheduleDeletedFeedOnBothColosUsingColoHelper
(Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1176 Fixing EntitiesPatternSearchTest failing as a result of FALCON-1158 (Pragya Mittal
via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1177 Changing method modifier to make it be not concerned as a test (Paul Isaychuk via
Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1166 Fixing FeedReplicationTest, TouchAPIPrismAndServerTest, ProcessLibPathLoadTest
(Pragya Mittal via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1155 Unwanted character at the end of workflow.xml (Karishma Gulati via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1072 Dumping of Oozie info should use os specific newline (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-1018 Enable and fix FalconClientTest#badClusterSubmit (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-1005 In ProcessInstanceSuspendTest clean test dir after each method execution
(Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-990 Fix and enable 3/4 tests of RescheduleProcessInFinalStatesTest (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-951 Adding wait till instance goes into running for tests in falcon trunk
(Pragya Mittal via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-955 enable and fix feedAclUpdate and processAclUpdate tests (Raghav Kumar Gautam via
Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-948 Enabling late rerun tests (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-956 Fix testProcessInstanceStatusTimedOut (Paul Isaychuk via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-937 Fix tests that are still using hdfs root dir in feeds (Raghav Kumar Gautam
via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-936 Replace deprecated WorkflowJob.getGroup() with getAcl().
(Ruslan Ostafiychuk via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-895 Fix intermittent failures in ProcessInstanceStatus and KillsTest classes.
(Paul Isaychuk via Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-891 Removing some more invalid acl tests (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-888 Disabling test for special chars in pipeline name and
RescheduleProcessInFinalStatesTest (Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-886 Disable tests that are failing (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-883 Fixing testFeedCustomFilter() (Paul Isaychuk)
FALCON-879 Update ACL tests according to info provided in FALCON-864
(Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-876 Reducing fail time for HCatProcessTest and
PrismFeedReplicationUpdateTest (Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-873 BeforeClass fails in falcon-regression if ""
is not set(Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-871 Merlin clusters should have property
(Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-865 Rest end-point entities/summary has changed (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-867 In process ACL tests process validity needs to be in future
(Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-866 Lineage endpoints need to be changed for merlin
(Raghav Kumar Gautam)
FALCON-855 Fix validation in ProcessInstanceKillsTest#testProcessInstanceKillStartAndEndSame
(Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-860 Add label-types for labels added as part of EntitySummaryTest (Raghav Kumar Gautam
via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-852 Merlin function testProcessOrderBy() needs to use string ordering instead of enum
ordering (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-848 ListEntitiesTest tagged and checkstyle bugs fixed (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-832 more edge labels and node type for lineage (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan
FALCON-797 ProcessInstanceStatusTest#testProcessInstanceStatusEndOutOfRange fixed (Paul
Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-779 ProcessInstanceStatusTest#testProcessInstanceStatusReverseDateRange fixed (Paul
Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-776 Fixing PrismFeedUpdateTest and FeedInstanceStatus test issues (Raghav Kumar Gautam
via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-747 validateSuccessOnlyStart should use '1' as expected value (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-737 In NoOutputProcessTest print info before assertion (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-736 OneNonCatInputOneHCatOutput test fails because of change in parameter name (Raghav Kumar Gautam
via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-733 HCatProcess tests fail because _SUCCESS file is non-zero size (Raghav Kumar Gautam
via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-723 Fix ProcessInstanceResumeTest and ProcessInstanceSuspendTest as per FALCON-166 (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-715 "end" parameter should be greater than last instances startTime (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-716 PrismFeedSuspendTest tests retagged as distributed (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-713 UpdateAtSpecificTimeTest#updateTimeInPast_Feed should submitAndSchedule feed rather
then submit (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-707 ProcessInstanceSuspendTest is failing because input path is not set correctly
(Raghav Kumar Gautam via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)