blob: fae937ac0966e1c6c03bcf4fa0bc6bd967c982e8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
#### This is used for falcon packaging only. ####
######### Implementation classes #########
## If you wish to use Falcon native scheduler uncomment and enable the properties below.##
## If you wish to use Falcon native scheduler set the workflow engine to FalconWorkflowEngine instead of OozieWorkflowEngine. ##
##### Falcon Services #####
org.apache.falcon.workflow.WorkflowJobEndNotificationService, \
##Add if you want to use Metadata Service
## Also enable all the properties which starts with falcon.graph prefix
##Add if you want to use Trusted or User Extensions
## In case of distributed Mode enable ExtensionService only on Prism via
## It should come after FalconJPAService in application services
##For feed SLA monitoring enable these two
# org.apache.falcon.service.FalconJPAService,\
# org.apache.falcon.service.EntitySLAMonitoringService,\
##Add if you want to send data to graphite
# org.apache.falcon.metrics.MetricNotificationService\
##Add if you want to enable BacklogMetricService
# org.apache.falcon.service.FalconJPAService,\
# org.apache.falcon.metrics.MetricNotificationService,\
# org.apache.falcon.service.EntitySLAMonitoringService,\
# org.apache.falcon.service.EntitySLAAlertService,\
# org.apache.falcon.service.BacklogMetricEmitterService
## Add if you want to use Falcon Azure integration ##
# org.apache.falcon.adfservice.ADFProviderService
## If you wish to use Falcon native scheduler uncomment out below application services and comment out above application services ##
# org.apache.falcon.workflow.WorkflowJobEndNotificationService, \
# org.apache.falcon.service.ProcessSubscriberService,\
# org.apache.falcon.service.EntitySLAMonitoringService,\
# org.apache.falcon.service.LifecyclePolicyMap,\
# org.apache.falcon.service.FalconJPAService,\
# org.apache.falcon.rerun.service.RetryService,\
# org.apache.falcon.rerun.service.LateRunService,\
# org.apache.falcon.metadata.MetadataMappingService,\
# org.apache.falcon.service.LogCleanupService,\
# org.apache.falcon.service.GroupsService,\
# org.apache.falcon.service.ProxyUserService,\
# org.apache.falcon.notification.service.impl.JobCompletionService,\
# org.apache.falcon.notification.service.impl.SchedulerService,\
# org.apache.falcon.notification.service.impl.AlarmService,\
# org.apache.falcon.notification.service.impl.DataAvailabilityService,\
# org.apache.falcon.execution.FalconExecutionService
##### Prism Services #####,\
# List of Lifecycle policies configured.
# List of builders for the policies.
##### Falcon Configuration Store Change listeners #####
## if you wish to use BacklogEmitterService please add BackLogEmitter service as a configstore listners.##
# org.apache.falcon.service.BacklogMetricEmitterService
## If you wish to use Falcon native scheduler, add the State store as a configstore listener. ##
##### Prism Configuration Store Change listeners #####
##### JMS MQ Broker Implementation class #####
##### List of shared libraries for Falcon workflows #####
##### Workflow Job Execution Completion listeners #####
######### Implementation classes #########
######### System startup parameters #########
# Location to store user entity configurations
# HDFS location of extension store for extension artifacts
#Location to store state of Feed SLA monitoring service
* = file://${falcon.home}/data/sla/pendingentityinstances
# Location of libraries that is shipped to Hadoop
# Default number of threads to be used to restore entities.
# Default timeout in minutes to load entities
######### Properties for Entity SLA Monitoring #########
# frequency of serialization for the state of FeedSLAMonitoringService - 1 hour
# Maximum number of pending instances per feed that will be recorded. After this older instances will be removed in
# a FIFO fashion.
# Do not change unless really sure
# Frequency in seconds of "status check" for pending feed instances, default is 10 mins = 10 * 60
# Do not change unless really sure
# Time Duration (in milliseconds) in future for generating pending feed instances.
# In every cycle pending feed instances are added for monitoring, till this time in future.
# It must be more than statusCheck frequency, default is 15 mins = 15 * 60 * 1000
##Add if you want to enable BacklogMetricService
######### Properties for configuring JMS provider - activemq #########
# Default Active MQ url
# default time-to-live for a JMS message 3 days (time in minutes)
######### Properties for configuring iMon client and metric #########
######### Graph Database Properties #########
# Graph implementation
# Graph Storage
# IMPORTANT: Please enable one of the graph db backend: hbase or berkeleydb, per instructions below.
# Enable the following for Berkeley DB. Make sure je-5.0.73.jar is downloaded and available
# under Falcon webapp directory or under falcon server classpath.
# Enable the following for HBase
# For standalone mode , set hostname to localhost; for distributed mode, set to the zookeeper quorum
# @see
# Avoid acquiring read lock when iterating over large graphs
# See
# Uncomment and override the following properties for enabling metrics for titan db and pushing them to graphite. You
# can use other reporters like ganglia also.
# Refer ( finding the
# relevant configurations for your use case. NOTE: you have to prefix all the properties with "*.falcon.graph."
# * = true
# Required; IP or hostname string
# *.falcon.graph.metrics.graphite.hostname =
# Required; specify logging interval in milliseconds
# *.falcon.graph.metrics.graphite.interval = 60000
######### Authentication Properties #########
# Authentication type must be specified: simple|kerberos
##### Service Configuration
# Indicates the Kerberos principal to be used in Falcon Service.
# Location of the keytab file with the credentials for the Service principal.
# name node principal to talk to config store
##### SPNEGO Configuration
# Authentication type must be specified: simple|kerberos|<class>
# can be used for backwards compatibility
# Indicates how long (in seconds) an authentication token is valid before it has to be renewed.
# The signature secret for signing the authentication tokens.
# The domain to use for the HTTP cookie that stores the authentication token.
# Indicates if anonymous requests are allowed when using 'simple' authentication.
# Indicates the Kerberos principal to be used for HTTP endpoint.
# The principal MUST start with 'HTTP/' as per Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO specification.
# Location of the keytab file with the credentials for the HTTP principal.
# The kerberos names rules is to resolve kerberos principal names, refer to Hadoop's KerberosName for more details.
# Indicates the validity time (in seconds) for kerberos token.
# Comma separated list of black listed users
######### Authentication Properties #########
######### Authorization Properties #########
# Authorization Enabled flag: false (default)|true
# The name of the group of super-users
# CSRF filter enabled flag: false (default) | true
# Custom header for CSRF filter
# Browser user agents to be filtered
# Admin Users, comma separated users
# Admin Group Membership, comma separated users
# Authorization Provider Implementation Fully Qualified Class Name
######### Authorization Properties #########
######### ADF Configurations start #########
# A String object that represents the namespace
# Request and status queues on the namespace
# A String object that contains the SAS key name
# A String object that contains the SAS key
# A String object containing the base URI that is added to your Service Bus namespace to form the URI to connect
# to the Service Bus service. To access the default public Azure service, pass ""
# Service bus polling frequency
# Super user
######### ADF Configurations end ###########
######### SMTP Properties ########
# Setting SMTP hostname
# Setting SMTP port number
# Setting email from address
# Setting email Auth
#Setting user name, if Auth is true
#Setting password, if Auth is true
# Setting monitoring plugin, if SMTP parameters is defined
# DefaultMonitoringPlugin
# org.apache.falcon.plugin.EmailNotificationPlugin,\
# org.apache.falcon.plugin.ProcessExecutionStatsPlugin
# Graphite properties
# Backlog Metric Properties
# Property to remove postProcessing
### LogMoveService Properties
##Note min threadCount should always be smaller than max threadCount.