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Hive Mirroring
Falcon provides feature to replicate Hive metadata and data events from source cluster to destination cluster. This is supported for both secure and unsecure cluster through Falcon extensions.
Following is the prerequisites to use Hive mirrroing
* Hive 1.2.0+
* Oozie 4.2.0+
*Note:* Set following properties in hive-site.xml for replicating the Hive events:
<description>event listeners that are notified of any metastore changes</description>
a. Perform initial bootstrap of Table and Database from one Hadoop cluster to another Hadoop cluster
Table Bootstrap
For bootstrapping table replication, essentially after having turned on the DbNotificationListener
on the source db, we should do an EXPORT of the table, distcp the export over to the destination
warehouse, and do an IMPORT over there. Check following Hive Export-Import link for syntax details
and examples.
This will set up the destination table so that the events on the source cluster that modify the table
will then be replicated over.
Database Bootstrap
For bootstrapping DB replication, first destination DB should be created. This step is expected,
since DB replication definitions can be set up by users only on pre-existing DBs. Second, we need
to export all tables in the source db and import them in the destination db, as described above.
b. Setup cluster definition
$FALCON_HOME/bin/falcon entity -submit -type cluster -file /cluster/definition.xml
c. Submit Hive mirroring extension
$FALCON_HOME/bin/falcon extension -submitAndSchedule -extensionName hive-mirroring -file /process/definition.xml
Please Refer to Falcon CLI and REST API twiki in the Falcon documentation for more details on usage of CLI and REST API's for extension jobs and instances management.