blob: 9e836e7b263b2e0a8846ea0e5a9ce0dbc55be7c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.falcon.unit;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.falcon.FalconException;
import org.apache.falcon.LifeCycle;
import org.apache.falcon.entity.EntityUtil;
import org.apache.falcon.entity.FeedHelper;
import org.apache.falcon.entity.Storage;
import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.Entity;
import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.EntityType;
import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.Frequency;
import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.feed.Feed;
import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.feed.LocationType;
import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.process.Process;
import org.apache.falcon.expression.ExpressionHelper;
import org.apache.falcon.hadoop.HadoopClientFactory;
import org.apache.falcon.hadoop.JailedFileSystem;
import org.apache.falcon.resource.APIResult;
import org.apache.falcon.resource.InstancesResult;
import org.apache.falcon.util.DateUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Test Utility for Local Falcon Unit.
public class FalconUnitTestBase {
* Perform a predicate evaluation.
* @return the boolean result of the evaluation.
* @throws Exception thrown if the predicate evaluation could not evaluate.
public interface Predicate {
boolean evaluate() throws Exception;
public static final ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> FORMATTER = new ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat>() {
protected SimpleDateFormat initialValue() {
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'");
return format;
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FalconUnitTestBase.class);
private static final String DEFAULT_CLUSTER = "local";
private static final String DEFAULT_COLO = "local";
protected static final String CLUSTER = "cluster";
protected static final String COLO = "colo";
protected static final String CLUSTER_TEMPLATE = "/local-cluster-template.xml";
protected static final String STAGING_PATH = "/projects/falcon/staging";
protected static final String WORKING_PATH = "/projects/falcon/working";
public static final Pattern VAR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("##[A-Za-z0-9_.]*##");
protected static final int WAIT_TIME = 90000;
protected static FalconUnitClient falconUnitClient;
protected static JailedFileSystem fs;
protected static ConfigurationStore configStore;
public void setup() throws Exception {
falconUnitClient = FalconUnit.getClient();
fs = (JailedFileSystem) FalconUnit.getFileSystem();
configStore = falconUnitClient.getConfigStore();
public void cleanup() throws Exception {
fs.delete(new Path(STAGING_PATH), true);
fs.delete(new Path(WORKING_PATH), true);
public void cleanUpActionXml() throws IOException, FalconException {
for (EntityType type : ConfigurationStore.ENTITY_DELETE_ORDER) {
for (String name : ConfigurationStore.get().getEntities(type)) {
getClient().delete(type, name, null);
//Needed since oozie writes action xml to current directory.
FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File("action.xml"));
FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(".action.xml.crc"));
protected FalconUnitClient getClient() throws FalconException {
return FalconUnit.getClient();
protected JailedFileSystem getFileSystem() throws IOException {
return fs;
public boolean submitCluster(String colo, String cluster,
Map<String, String> props) throws IOException {
props = updateColoAndCluster(colo, cluster, props);
fs.mkdirs(new Path(STAGING_PATH), HadoopClientFactory.ALL_PERMISSION);
fs.mkdirs(new Path(WORKING_PATH), HadoopClientFactory.READ_EXECUTE_PERMISSION);
String clusterXmlPath = overlayParametersOverTemplate(CLUSTER_TEMPLATE, props);
APIResult result = falconUnitClient.submit(CLUSTER, clusterXmlPath, "");
return true ? APIResult.Status.SUCCEEDED.equals(result.getStatus()) : false;
public boolean submitCluster() throws IOException {
return submitCluster(DEFAULT_COLO, DEFAULT_CLUSTER, null);
public APIResult submit(EntityType entityType, String filePath) throws IOException {
return submit(entityType.toString(), filePath);
public APIResult submit(String entityType, String filePath) throws IOException {
return falconUnitClient.submit(entityType, filePath, "");
public APIResult submitProcess(String filePath, String appDirectory) throws IOException {
return submit(EntityType.PROCESS, filePath);
public APIResult scheduleProcess(String processName, String startTime, int numInstances,
String cluster, String localWfPath, Boolean skipDryRun,
String properties) throws FalconException, IOException {
Process processEntity = configStore.get(EntityType.PROCESS, processName);
if (processEntity == null) {
throw new FalconException("Process not found " + processName);
String workflowPath = processEntity.getWorkflow().getPath();
fs.copyFromLocalFile(new Path(localWfPath), new Path(workflowPath, "workflow.xml"));
return falconUnitClient.schedule(EntityType.PROCESS, processName, startTime, numInstances, cluster,
skipDryRun, properties);
public APIResult scheduleProcess(String processName, String cluster, String localWfPath) throws FalconException,
IOException {
Process processEntity = configStore.get(EntityType.PROCESS, processName);
if (processEntity == null) {
throw new FalconException("Process not found " + processName);
String workflowPath = processEntity.getWorkflow().getPath();
fs.copyFromLocalFile(new Path(localWfPath), new Path(workflowPath, "workflow.xml"));
return falconUnitClient.schedule(EntityType.PROCESS, processName, cluster, false, null, null);
public APIResult schedule(EntityType entityType, String entityName, String cluster) throws FalconException {
Entity entity = configStore.get(entityType, entityName);
if (entity == null) {
throw new FalconException("Process not found " + entityName);
return falconUnitClient.schedule(entityType, entityName, cluster, false, null, null);
public APIResult submitAndSchedule(String type, String filePath, String localWfPath, Boolean skipDryRun,
String doAsUser, String properties, String appDirectory) throws IOException,
FalconException {
fs.copyFromLocalFile(new Path(localWfPath), new Path(appDirectory, "workflow.xml"));
return falconUnitClient.submitAndSchedule(type, filePath, skipDryRun, doAsUser, properties);
private Map<String, String> updateColoAndCluster(String colo, String cluster, Map<String, String> props) {
if (props == null) {
props = new HashMap<>();
String coloProp = StringUtils.isEmpty(colo) ? DEFAULT_COLO : colo;
props.put(COLO, coloProp);
String clusterProp = StringUtils.isEmpty(cluster) ? DEFAULT_CLUSTER : cluster;
props.put(CLUSTER, clusterProp);
return props;
public String registerExtension(String extensionName, String packagePath, String description)
throws IOException, FalconException {
return falconUnitClient.registerExtension(extensionName, packagePath, description).getMessage();
public String getExtensionJobDetails(String jobName) {
return falconUnitClient.getExtensionJobDetails(jobName).getMessage();
public String unregisterExtension(String extensionName) {
return falconUnitClient.unregisterExtension(extensionName).getMessage();
public APIResult submitExtensionJob(String extensionName, String jobName, String configPath, String doAsUser) {
return falconUnitClient.submitExtensionJob(extensionName, jobName, configPath, doAsUser);
public APIResult submitAndScheduleExtensionJob(String extensionName, String jobName, String configPath,
String doAsUser) {
return falconUnitClient.submitAndScheduleExtensionJob(extensionName, jobName, configPath, doAsUser);
APIResult updateExtensionJob(String jobName, String configPath, String doAsUser) {
return falconUnitClient.updateExtensionJob(jobName, configPath, doAsUser);
APIResult deleteExtensionJob(String jobName, String doAsUser) {
return falconUnitClient.deleteExtensionJob(jobName, doAsUser);
public static String overlayParametersOverTemplate(String template,
Map<String, String> overlay) throws IOException {
File tmpFile = getTempFile();
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile);
InputStreamReader in;
InputStream resourceAsStream = FalconUnitTestBase.class.getResourceAsStream(template);
if (resourceAsStream == null) {
in = new FileReader(template);
} else {
in = new InputStreamReader(resourceAsStream);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(in);
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
Matcher matcher = VAR_PATTERN.matcher(line);
while (matcher.find()) {
String variable = line.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end());
line = line.replace(variable, overlay.get(variable.substring(2, variable.length() - 2)));
matcher = VAR_PATTERN.matcher(line);
return tmpFile.getAbsolutePath();
public static File getTempFile() throws IOException {
return getTempFile("test", ".xml");
public static File getTempFile(String prefix, String suffix) throws IOException {
return getTempFile("target", prefix, suffix);
public static File getTempFile(String path, String prefix, String suffix) throws IOException {
File f = new File(path);
if (!f.exists()) {
return File.createTempFile(prefix, suffix, f);
* Creates data in the feed path with the given timestamp.
* @param feedName
* @param cluster
* @param time
* @param inputFile
* @throws FalconException
* @throws ParseException
* @throws IOException
public void createData(String feedName, String cluster, String time,
String inputFile) throws FalconException, ParseException, IOException {
String feedPath = getFeedPathForTS(cluster, feedName, time);
fs.mkdirs(new Path(feedPath));
fs.copyFromLocalFile(new Path(getAbsolutePath(inputFile)), new Path(feedPath));
public void deleteData(String feedName, String cluster) throws FalconException, ParseException, IOException {
Entity existingEntity = configStore.get(EntityType.FEED, feedName);
if (existingEntity == null) {
throw new FalconException("Feed Not Found " + feedName);
Feed feed = (Feed) existingEntity;
Storage rawStorage = FeedHelper.createStorage(cluster, feed);
String feedPathTemplate = rawStorage.getUriTemplate(LocationType.DATA);
Path feedBasePath = FeedHelper.getFeedBasePath(feedPathTemplate);
fs.delete(feedBasePath, true);
protected String getFeedPathForTS(String cluster, String feedName,
String timeStamp) throws FalconException, ParseException {
Entity existingEntity = configStore.get(EntityType.FEED, feedName);
if (existingEntity == null) {
throw new FalconException("Feed Not Found " + feedName);
Feed feed = (Feed) existingEntity;
Storage rawStorage = FeedHelper.createStorage(cluster, feed);
String feedPathTemplate = rawStorage.getUriTemplate(LocationType.DATA);
Properties properties = ExpressionHelper.getTimeVariables(ExpressionHelper.FORMATTER.get().parse(timeStamp),
String feedPath = ExpressionHelper.substitute(feedPathTemplate, properties);
return feedPath;
public String getAbsolutePath(String fileName) {
return this.getClass().getResource("/" + fileName).getPath();
public void createDir(String path) throws IOException {
fs.mkdirs(new Path(path));
* Wait for a condition, expressed via a {@link Predicate} to become true.
* @param timeout maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the predicate to become true.
* @param predicate predicate waiting on.
* @return the waited time.
protected long waitFor(int timeout, Predicate predicate) {
long started = System.currentTimeMillis();
long mustEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
long lastEcho = 0;
try {
long waiting = mustEnd - System.currentTimeMillis();"Waiting up to [{}] msec", waiting);
while (!(predicate.evaluate()) && System.currentTimeMillis() < mustEnd) {
if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastEcho) > 5000) {
waiting = mustEnd - System.currentTimeMillis();"Waiting up to [{}] msec", waiting);
lastEcho = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (!predicate.evaluate()) {"Waiting timed out after [{}] msec", timeout);
return System.currentTimeMillis() - started;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
protected long waitForStatus(final String entityType, final String entityName, final String instanceTime,
final InstancesResult.WorkflowStatus instanceStatus) {
return waitFor(WAIT_TIME, new Predicate() {
public boolean evaluate() throws Exception {
InstancesResult.WorkflowStatus status = falconUnitClient.getInstanceStatus(entityType,
entityName, instanceTime);
return instanceStatus.equals(status);
public void assertStatus(APIResult apiResult) {
Assert.assertEquals(APIResult.Status.SUCCEEDED, apiResult.getStatus());
public InstancesResult.WorkflowStatus getRetentionStatus(String feedName, String cluster) throws FalconException {
Feed feedEntity = EntityUtil.getEntity(EntityType.FEED, feedName);
Frequency feedFrequency = feedEntity.getFrequency();
Frequency defaultFrequency = new Frequency("hours(24)");
long endTimeInMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() + 30000;
String endTime = DateUtil.getDateFormatFromTime(endTimeInMillis);
long startTimeInMillis;
if (DateUtil.getFrequencyInMillis(feedFrequency) < DateUtil.getFrequencyInMillis(defaultFrequency)) {
startTimeInMillis = endTimeInMillis - (6 * DateUtil.HOUR_IN_MILLIS);
} else {
startTimeInMillis = endTimeInMillis - (24 * DateUtil.HOUR_IN_MILLIS);
String startTime = DateUtil.getDateFormatFromTime(startTimeInMillis);
List<LifeCycle> lifecycles = new ArrayList<>();
InstancesResult result = falconUnitClient.getStatusOfInstances("feed", feedName, startTime, endTime, cluster,
lifecycles, null, "status", "asc", 0, 1, null, null);
if (result.getInstances() != null && result.getInstances().length > 0) {
return result.getInstances()[0].getStatus();
return null;