blob: ae0a61ae7140774777877534219feaf981196881 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.falcon.resource.proxy;
import org.apache.falcon.FalconException;
import org.apache.falcon.FalconRuntimException;
import org.apache.falcon.FalconWebException;
import org.apache.falcon.entity.EntityNotRegisteredException;
import org.apache.falcon.entity.EntityUtil;
import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.Entity;
import org.apache.falcon.resource.APIResult;
import org.apache.falcon.util.DeploymentUtil;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.apache.falcon.resource.AbstractEntityManager.getAllColos;
import static org.apache.falcon.resource.AbstractEntityManager.getApplicableColos;
import static org.apache.falcon.resource.proxy.SchedulableEntityManagerProxy.FALCON_TAG;
* Proxy Util class to proxy entity management apis from prism to servers.
class EntityProxyUtil {
private final Map<String, Channel> entityManagerChannels = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, Channel> configSyncChannels = new HashMap<>();
EntityProxyUtil() {
try {
Set<String> colos = getAllColos();
for (String colo : colos) {
} catch (FalconException e) {
throw new FalconRuntimException("Unable to initialize channels", e);
private void initializeFor(String colo) throws FalconException {
entityManagerChannels.put(colo, ChannelFactory.get("SchedulableEntityManager", colo));
configSyncChannels.put(colo, ChannelFactory.get("ConfigSyncService", colo));
Channel getConfigSyncChannel(String colo) throws FalconException {
if (!configSyncChannels.containsKey(colo)) {
return configSyncChannels.get(colo);
Channel getEntityManager(String colo) throws FalconException {
if (!entityManagerChannels.containsKey(colo)) {
return entityManagerChannels.get(colo);
Map<String, APIResult> proxySubmit(final String type, final HttpServletRequest bufferedRequest,
final Entity entity, final Set<String> colos) {
Map<String, APIResult> results = new HashMap<>();
results.put(FALCON_TAG, new EntityProxy(type, entity.getName()) {
protected Set<String> getColosToApply() {
return colos;
protected APIResult doExecute(String colo) throws FalconException {
return getConfigSyncChannel(colo).invoke("submit", bufferedRequest, type, colo);
return results;
Map<String, APIResult> proxyDelete(final String type, final String entityName,
final HttpServletRequest bufferedRequest) {
Map<String, APIResult> results = new HashMap<>();
results.put(FALCON_TAG, new EntityProxy(type, entityName) {
public APIResult execute() {
try {
EntityUtil.getEntity(type, entityName);
return super.execute();
} catch (EntityNotRegisteredException e) {
return new APIResult(APIResult.Status.SUCCEEDED,
entityName + "(" + type + ") doesn't exist. Nothing to do");
} catch (FalconException e) {
throw FalconWebException.newAPIException(e);
protected APIResult doExecute(String colo) throws FalconException {
return getConfigSyncChannel(colo).invoke("delete", bufferedRequest, type, entityName, colo);
return results;
Map<String, APIResult> proxyUpdate(final String type, final String entityName, final Boolean skipDryRun,
final HttpServletRequest bufferedRequest, Entity newEntity) {
final Set<String> oldColos = getApplicableColos(type, entityName);
final Set<String> newColos = getApplicableColos(type, newEntity);
final Set<String> mergedColos = new HashSet<>();
mergedColos.retainAll(newColos); //Common colos where update should be called
newColos.removeAll(oldColos); //New colos where submit should be called
oldColos.removeAll(mergedColos); //Old colos where delete should be called
Map<String, APIResult> results = new HashMap<>();
if (!oldColos.isEmpty()) {
results.put(FALCON_TAG + "/delete", new EntityProxy(type, entityName) {
protected Set<String> getColosToApply() {
return oldColos;
protected APIResult doExecute(String colo) throws FalconException {
return getConfigSyncChannel(colo).invoke("delete", bufferedRequest,
type, entityName, colo);
if (!mergedColos.isEmpty()) {
results.put(FALCON_TAG + "/update", new EntityProxy(type, entityName) {
protected Set<String> getColosToApply() {
return mergedColos;
protected APIResult doExecute(String colo) throws FalconException {
return getConfigSyncChannel(colo).invoke("update", bufferedRequest,
type, entityName,
colo, skipDryRun);
if (!newColos.isEmpty()) {
results.put(FALCON_TAG + "/submit", new EntityProxy(type, entityName) {
protected Set<String> getColosToApply() {
return newColos;
protected APIResult doExecute(String colo) throws FalconException {
return getConfigSyncChannel(colo).invoke("submit", bufferedRequest, type,
return results;