blob: f0cb7cd64cb08f795fa378df5d3757367a05ca1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.oozie.extensions;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.oozie.client.OozieClient;
import org.apache.oozie.command.coord.CoordCommandUtils;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELEvaluator;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.SyncCoordAction;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.SyncCoordDataset;
import org.apache.oozie.dependency.ActionDependency;
import org.apache.oozie.dependency.DependencyChecker;
import org.apache.oozie.util.ELEvaluator;
import org.apache.oozie.util.ParamChecker;
import org.apache.oozie.util.XLog;
import org.jdom.Attribute;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.Text;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* Oozie EL Extensions for falcon.
public final class OozieELExtensions {
public static final String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'";
public static final TimeZone UTC = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");
private enum TruncateBoundary {
private enum DayOfWeek {
public static final String COORD_CURRENT = "coord:current";
private OozieELExtensions() {
public static String ph1_dataIn_echo(String dataInName, String part) {
return "dataIn('" + dataInName + "', '" + part + "')";
public static String ph3_dataIn(String dataInName, String part) {
ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent();
String uristr = (String) eval.getVariable(".datain." + dataInName);
//optional input
if (uristr == null) {
Element dsEle = getDSElement(eval, dataInName);
SyncCoordAction appInst = (SyncCoordAction) eval.getVariable(CoordELFunctions.COORD_ACTION);
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.set(OozieClient.USER_NAME, (String)eval.getVariable(OozieClient.USER_NAME));
try {
ELEvaluator instEval = CoordELEvaluator.createInstancesELEvaluator(dsEle, appInst, conf);
StringBuilder instances = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder urisWithDoneFlag = new StringBuilder();
CoordCommandUtils.resolveInstanceRange(dsEle, instances, appInst, conf, instEval);
CoordCommandUtils.createEarlyURIs(dsEle, instances.toString(),
new StringBuilder(), urisWithDoneFlag);
XLog.getLog(OozieELExtensions.class).debug("Resolved instances for " + dataInName + " : "
+ urisWithDoneFlag.toString());
// Check if availability flags are present for each instance.
ActionDependency actionDep = DependencyChecker.checkForAvailability(urisWithDoneFlag.toString(),
conf, false);
String doneFlag = (String) eval.getVariable(dataInName + ".done-flag");
uristr = StringUtils.join(stripDoneFlag(actionDep.getAvailableDependencies(), doneFlag), ",");
// If no instances are present, point the optional input to empty dir.
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(uristr)) {
String emptyDir = (String) eval.getVariable(dataInName + ".empty-dir");
XLog.getLog(OozieELExtensions.class).debug("No instances could be resolved. Passing empty dir : "
+ emptyDir);
return emptyDir;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to resolve instance range for " + dataInName, e);
} else {
Boolean unresolved = (Boolean) eval.getVariable(".datain." + dataInName + ".unresolved");
if (unresolved != null && unresolved) {
throw new RuntimeException("There are unresolved instances in " + uristr);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(uristr) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(part) && !part.equals("null")) {
String[] uris = uristr.split(",");
StringBuilder mappedUris = new StringBuilder();
for (String uri : uris) {
if (uri.trim().length() == 0) {
if (mappedUris.length() > 0) {
return mappedUris.toString();
return uristr;
private static List<String> stripDoneFlag(List<String> availableDependencies, String doneFlag) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(doneFlag)) {
return availableDependencies;
List<String> strippedAvailableDeps = new ArrayList<>();
for (String availableDep : availableDependencies) {
strippedAvailableDeps.add(StringUtils.stripEnd(availableDep, "/" + doneFlag));
return strippedAvailableDeps;
private static Element getDSElement(ELEvaluator eval, String dataInName) {
Element ele = new Element("datain");
Element dsEle = new Element("dataset");
String[] attrs = {"initial-instance", "frequency", "freq_timeunit", "timezone", "end_of_duration"};
for (String attr : attrs) {
dsEle.getAttributes().add(new Attribute(attr, (String) eval.getVariable(dataInName + "." + attr)));
String[] children = {"done-flag", "uri-template"};
for (String child : children) {
Element childEle = new Element(child);
String text = (String) eval.getVariable(dataInName + "." + child);
if (text != null) {
childEle.setContent(new Text(text.replace('%', '$')));
String[] eleChildren = {"start-instance", "end-instance"};
for (String child : eleChildren) {
Element childEle = new Element(child);
childEle.setContent(new Text("${" + ((String) eval.getVariable(dataInName + "." + child)) + "}"));
return ele;
public static String ph1_now_echo(int hr, int min) {
ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent();
eval.setVariable(".wrap", "true");
return "now(" + hr + "," + min + ")"; // Unresolved
public static String ph1_today_echo(int hr, int min) {
ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent();
eval.setVariable(".wrap", "true");
return "today(" + hr + ", " + min + ")"; // Unresolved
public static String ph1_yesterday_echo(int hr, int min) {
ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent();
eval.setVariable(".wrap", "true");
return "yesterday(" + hr + ", " + min + ")"; // Unresolved
public static String ph1_currentWeek_echo(String weekDayName, int hr, int min) {
ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent();
eval.setVariable(".wrap", "true");
return "currentWeek('" + weekDayName + "', " + hr + ", " + min + ")"; // Unresolved
public static String ph1_lastWeek_echo(String weekDayName, int hr, int min) {
ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent();
eval.setVariable(".wrap", "true");
return "lastWeek('" + weekDayName + "', " + hr + ", " + min + ")"; // Unresolved
public static String ph1_currentMonth_echo(int day, int hr, int min) {
ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent();
eval.setVariable(".wrap", "true");
return "currentMonth(" + day + ", " + hr + ", " + min + ")"; // Unresolved
public static String ph1_lastMonth_echo(int day, int hr, int min) {
ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent();
eval.setVariable(".wrap", "true");
return "lastMonth(" + day + ", " + hr + ", " + min + ")"; // Unresolved
public static String ph1_currentYear_echo(int month, int day, int hr, int min) {
ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent();
eval.setVariable(".wrap", "true");
return "currentYear(" + month + ", " + day + ", " + hr + ", " + min + ")"; // Unresolved
public static String ph1_lastYear_echo(int month, int day, int hr, int min) {
ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent();
eval.setVariable(".wrap", "true");
return "lastYear(" + month + ", " + day + ", " + hr + ", " + min + ")"; // Unresolved
public static String ph2_now_inst(int hr, int min) {
return mapToCurrentInstance(TruncateBoundary.NONE, 0, 0, 0, hr, min);
public static String ph2_today_inst(int hr, int min) {
return mapToCurrentInstance(TruncateBoundary.DAY, 0, 0, 0, hr, min);
public static String ph2_yesterday_inst(int hr, int min) {
return mapToCurrentInstance(TruncateBoundary.DAY, 0, 0, -1, hr, min);
public static String ph2_currentWeek_inst(String weekDayName, int hr, int min) {
int day = getDayOffset(weekDayName);
return mapToCurrentInstance(TruncateBoundary.DAY, 0, 0, day, hr, min);
public static String ph2_lastWeek_inst(String weekDayName, int hr, int min) {
int day = getDayOffset(weekDayName) - 7;
return mapToCurrentInstance(TruncateBoundary.DAY, 0, 0, day, hr, min);
public static String ph2_currentMonth_inst(int day, int hr, int min) {
return mapToCurrentInstance(TruncateBoundary.MONTH, 0, 0, day, hr, min);
public static String ph2_lastMonth_inst(int day, int hr, int min) {
return mapToCurrentInstance(TruncateBoundary.MONTH, 0, -1, day, hr, min);
public static String ph2_currentYear_inst(int month, int day, int hr, int min) {
return mapToCurrentInstance(TruncateBoundary.YEAR, 0, month, day, hr, min);
public static String ph2_lastYear_inst(int month, int day, int hr, int min) {
return mapToCurrentInstance(TruncateBoundary.YEAR, -1, month, day, hr, min);
private static String evaluateCurrent(String curExpr) throws Exception {
if (curExpr.equals("")) {
return curExpr;
int inst = CoordCommandUtils.parseOneArg(curExpr);
return CoordELFunctions.ph2_coord_current(inst);
public static String ph2_now(int hr, int min) throws Exception {
if (isDatasetContext()) {
String inst = ph2_now_inst(hr, min);
return evaluateCurrent(inst);
} else {
return getEffectiveTimeStr(TruncateBoundary.NONE, 0, 0, 0, hr, min);
private static boolean isActionContext() {
return !isDatasetContext();
private static boolean isDatasetContext() {
ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent();
SyncCoordDataset ds = (SyncCoordDataset) eval.getVariable(CoordELFunctions.DATASET);
return ds != null;
private static String getEffectiveTimeStr(TruncateBoundary trunc, int yr, int mon,
int day, int hr, int min) throws Exception {
Calendar time = getEffectiveTime(trunc, yr, mon, day, hr, min);
return formatDateUTC(time);
private static DateFormat getISO8601DateFormat(TimeZone tz) {
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);
// Stricter parsing to prevent dates such as 2011-12-50T01:00Z (December 50th) from matching
return dateFormat;
public static String formatDateUTC(Date d) throws Exception {
return (d != null) ? getISO8601DateFormat(UTC).format(d) : "NULL";
public static String formatDateUTC(Calendar c) throws Exception {
return (c != null) ? formatDateUTC(c.getTime()) : "NULL";
private static Calendar getEffectiveTime(TruncateBoundary trunc, int yr, int mon, int day, int hr, int min) {
Calendar cal;
if (isActionContext()) {
ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent();
SyncCoordAction action = ParamChecker.notNull((SyncCoordAction)
"Coordinator Action");
cal = Calendar.getInstance(action.getTimeZone());
} else {
Calendar tmp = CoordELFunctions.getEffectiveNominalTime();
if (tmp == null) {
return null;
cal = Calendar.getInstance(CoordELFunctions.getDatasetTZ());
// truncate
switch (trunc) {
case YEAR:
cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0);
case MONTH:
cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
case DAY:
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
case NONE: // don't truncate
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Truncation boundary " + trunc + " is not supported");
// add
cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, yr);
cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, mon);
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, day);
cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hr);
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, min);
return cal;
public static String ph2_today(int hr, int min) throws Exception {
if (isDatasetContext()) {
String inst = ph2_today_inst(hr, min);
return evaluateCurrent(inst);
} else {
return getEffectiveTimeStr(TruncateBoundary.DAY, 0, 0, 0, hr, min);
public static String ph2_yesterday(int hr, int min) throws Exception {
if (isDatasetContext()) {
String inst = ph2_yesterday_inst(hr, min);
return evaluateCurrent(inst);
} else {
return getEffectiveTimeStr(TruncateBoundary.DAY, 0, 0, -1, hr, min);
public static String ph2_currentMonth(int day, int hr, int min) throws Exception {
if (isDatasetContext()) {
String inst = ph2_currentMonth_inst(day, hr, min);
return evaluateCurrent(inst);
} else {
return getEffectiveTimeStr(TruncateBoundary.MONTH, 0, 0, day, hr, min);
public static String ph2_lastMonth(int day, int hr, int min) throws Exception {
if (isDatasetContext()) {
String inst = ph2_lastMonth_inst(day, hr, min);
return evaluateCurrent(inst);
} else {
return getEffectiveTimeStr(TruncateBoundary.MONTH, 0, -1, day, hr, min);
private static int getDayOffset(String weekDayName) {
int day;
Calendar effectiveTime;
if (isDatasetContext()) {
effectiveTime = CoordELFunctions.getEffectiveNominalTime();
} else {
effectiveTime = getEffectiveTime(TruncateBoundary.DAY, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
int currentWeekDay = effectiveTime.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
int weekDay = DayOfWeek.valueOf(weekDayName).ordinal() + 1; //to map to Calendar.SUNDAY ...
day = weekDay - currentWeekDay;
if (weekDay > currentWeekDay) {
day = day - 7;
return day;
public static String ph2_currentWeek(String weekDayName, int hr, int min) throws Exception {
int day = getDayOffset(weekDayName);
if (isDatasetContext()) {
String inst = ph2_currentMonth_inst(day, hr, min);
return evaluateCurrent(inst);
} else {
return getEffectiveTimeStr(TruncateBoundary.DAY, 0, 0, day, hr, min);
public static String ph2_lastWeek(String weekDayName, int hr, int min) throws Exception {
int day = getDayOffset(weekDayName) - 7;
if (isDatasetContext()) {
String inst = ph2_lastMonth_inst(day, hr, min);
return evaluateCurrent(inst);
} else {
return getEffectiveTimeStr(TruncateBoundary.DAY, 0, 0, day, hr, min);
public static String ph2_currentYear(int month, int day, int hr, int min) throws Exception {
if (isDatasetContext()) {
String inst = ph2_currentYear_inst(month, day, hr, min);
return evaluateCurrent(inst);
} else {
return getEffectiveTimeStr(TruncateBoundary.YEAR, 0, month, day, hr, min);
public static String ph2_lastYear(int month, int day, int hr, int min) throws Exception {
if (isDatasetContext()) {
String inst = ph2_lastYear_inst(month, day, hr, min);
return evaluateCurrent(inst);
} else {
return getEffectiveTimeStr(TruncateBoundary.YEAR, -1, month, day, hr, min);
* Maps the dataset time to coord:current(n) with respect to action's
* nominal time dataset time = truncate(nominal time) + yr + day + month +
* hr + min.
* @param trunc
* : Truncate resolution
* @param yr
* : Year to add (can be -ve)
* @param month
* : month to add (can be -ve)
* @param day
* : day to add (can be -ve)
* @param hr
* : hr to add (can be -ve)
* @param min
* : min to add (can be -ve)
* @return coord:current(n)
* @throws Exception
* : If encountered an exception while evaluating
private static String mapToCurrentInstance(TruncateBoundary trunc, int yr, int month, int day, int hr, int min) {
Calendar nominalInstanceCal = CoordELFunctions.getEffectiveNominalTime();
if (nominalInstanceCal == null) {
"If the initial instance of the dataset is later than the nominal time, "
+ "an empty string is returned. This means that no data is available "
+ "at the current-instance specified by the user and the user could "
+ "try modifying his initial-instance to an earlier time.");
return "";
Calendar dsInstanceCal = getEffectiveTime(trunc, yr, month, day, hr, min);
int[] instCnt = new int[1];
Calendar compInstCal = CoordELFunctions.getCurrentInstance(dsInstanceCal.getTime(), instCnt);
if (compInstCal == null) {
return "";
int dsInstanceCnt = instCnt[0];
compInstCal = CoordELFunctions.getCurrentInstance(nominalInstanceCal.getTime(), instCnt);
if (compInstCal == null) {
return "";
int nominalInstanceCnt = instCnt[0];
return COORD_CURRENT + "(" + (dsInstanceCnt - nominalInstanceCnt) + ")";