[ISSUE #166] Provide updated Runtime/Docker deployment and compilation docs (#170)

* Format updated connectors doc

* Remove zh incubator desc

* fix zh next 1.10.0 release notes

* Sync connectors change

* migrate connector status

* Split connectors table

* Sync connector doc, order by roadmap

* add link to doc in roadmap

* fix minor issues

* use new http connector doc

* provide runtime docker deployment and compilation doc

* provide runtime deployment and compilation doc

* minor optimization

* fix broken links

* fix broken anchors and some minor issue

* Make less important Eclipse documentation less prominent

* copy Next docs to v1.10.0 & add sidebar & fix relative path

* Add the Event Store Implementation Status

* some minor change

* link to Event Store instead of Github

* add non-standalone notice

* add code block highlight

* upgrade docusaurus from 2.4.1 to 2.4.3 and node from 16 to 18

* Update outdated info of Runtime docs
182 files changed
tree: b6391575f7ed4753eb0047a9eebc7b3b43925e71
  1. .github/
  2. blog/
  3. community/
  4. docs/
  5. events/
  6. i18n/
  7. scripts/
  8. sidebars/
  9. src/
  10. static/
  11. versioned_docs/
  12. versioned_sidebars/
  13. .asf.yaml
  14. .eslintrc.js
  15. .gitignore
  16. babel.config.js
  17. doap_EventMesh.rdf
  18. docusaurus.config.js
  19. eventmesh-multi-runtime.drawio
  21. package-lock.json
  22. package.json
  23. README.md
  24. tsconfig.json
  25. versions.json

Apache EventMesh Website


Clone and install dependencies:

git clone git@github.com:apache/eventmesh-site.git
cd eventmesh-site

npm install

Preview the website in development mode:

# Start the website with English documentations
npm run start -- --locale en

# Start the website with Chinese documentations
npm run start -- --locale zh

Build and view the website:

npm run build

npm run serve

Sync Documentation from apache/eventmesh

The npm run fetch script (scripts/fetch.ts) clones the apache/eventmesh repository and copies the documentations to docs and i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs. To update the documentation, please create a pull request in the apache/eventmesh repository.

npm run fetch

npm run start -- --locale en