Apache EventMesh Website

Clone this repo:
  1. 50b4b2f [ISSUE #229] Fix 404 issue due to setting log path to relative path (#231) by Createsequence · 2 weeks ago master
  2. e602114 Fix zh copywriting by use AutoCorrect. (#226) by Jason Lee · 2 weeks ago
  3. 8fff514 Fix used Chinese punctuation, spaces in the English contents. (#227) by Jason Lee · 5 weeks ago
  4. cb3bf33 [ISSUE #217] Add license check instructions in publish guide (#218) by Pil0tXia · 8 weeks ago
  5. 0e03c94 update architecture picture (#223) by mike_xwm · 8 weeks ago

Apache EventMesh Website


Clone and install dependencies:

git clone git@github.com:apache/eventmesh-site.git
cd eventmesh-site

npm install

Preview the website in development mode:

# Start the website with English documentations
npm run start -- --locale en

# Start the website with Chinese documentations
npm run start -- --locale zh

Build and view the website:

npm run build

npm run serve

Check contents style

Before you commit your changes, you can check the style of the contents by running the following command:

$ npm run autocorrect --lint

And then follow the instructions to fix the style issues.

Sync Documentation from apache/eventmesh

The npm run fetch script (scripts/fetch.ts) clones the apache/eventmesh repository and copies the documentations to docs and i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs. To update the documentation, please create a pull request in the apache/eventmesh repository.

npm run fetch

npm run start -- --locale en