Merge pull request #79 from shaowenchen/fix_table_format

fix: markdown table for webhook
tree: 23ba72294bdaa373b2d96e9ad61a0d728fc2cd04
  1. .github/
  2. blog/
  3. community/
  4. docs/
  5. events/
  6. i18n/
  7. scripts/
  8. sidebars/
  9. src/
  10. static/
  11. .asf.yaml
  12. .eslintrc.js
  13. .gitignore
  14. babel.config.js
  15. docusaurus.config.js
  16. eventmesh-multi-runtime.drawio
  17. eventmesh.drawio
  19. package-lock.json
  20. package.json
  22. tsconfig.json
  23. 未命名绘图.drawio

Apache EventMesh (Incubating) Website


Clone and install dependencies:

git clone
cd incubator-eventmesh-site

npm install

Preview the website in development mode:

# Start the website with English documentations
npm run start -- --locale en

# Start the website with Chinese documentations
npm run start -- --locale zh

Build and view the website:

npm run build

npm run serve

Sync Documentation from apache/incubator-eventmesh

The npm run fetch script (scripts/fetch.ts) clones the apache/incubator-eventmesh repository and copies the documentations to docs and i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs. To update the documentation, please create a pull request in the apache/incubator-eventmesh repository.

npm run fetch

npm run start -- --locale en