@echo off | |
rem Copyright 2008 Cisco Systems | |
rem This script is for the support of the various launch configurations | |
rem used with eclipse. | |
if "%ETCH_DEPENDENT_JARS%" neq "" goto test_etch_exist | |
echo Environment variable ETCH_DEPENDENT_JARS not set. | |
exit /b 1 | |
goto :eof | |
:test_etch_exist | |
if exist "%~dp0..\bin\etch" goto run_etch | |
echo Cannot find etch classes. | |
exit /b 1 | |
goto :eof | |
:run_etch | |
echo etch %* | |
java -cp "%~dp0..\bin;%ETCH_DEPENDENT_JARS%" etch.compiler.EtchMain %* |