blob: a7ffd6e0080842fd06ff23ff3626d7896c1e9c92 [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.etch.compiler;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.apache.etch.util.cmd.CommandParser;
import org.apache.etch.util.cmd.Option;
import org.apache.etch.util.cmd.Parameter;
import org.apache.etch.util.cmd.Program;
* The main command line interface for the etch compiler.
public class EtchMain extends Program
* @param args
* @throws Exception
public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception
new EtchMain().doMain( args );
* Runs the main program, parsing command line arguments and performing
* the action.
* @param args
* @throws Exception
public void doMain( String[] args ) throws Exception
main( this, args );
catch ( Throwable e )
exit( 3, toString(), e.toString(), true );
* Constructs the etch parser / compiler driver.
public EtchMain()
// nothing to do.
public String toString()
return "etch";
protected void defineOptionsAndParameters( CommandParser cp )
throws Exception
cp.defineFileOption( "-d|--output-dir", "outputDir", "setOutputDir",
"output directory for compiler generated files",
Option.SINGLETON, null, null );
cp.defineFileOption( "-m|--mixin-output-dir", "outputDir", "setMixinOutputDir",
"output directory for compiler generated files for mixins",
Option.SINGLETON, null, null );
cp.defineFileOption( "-t|--template-output-dir", "outputDir", "setTemplateOutputDir",
"output directory for compiler generated user editable template files",
Option.SINGLETON, null, null );
cp.defineStringOption( "-b|--binding", "binding", "setBinding",
"specifies a target language binding to generate",
Option.REQUIRED|Option.SINGLETON, null, null );
cp.defineStringOption( "-w|--what", "what", "addWhat",
"specifies what files to generate (depends upon binding, try -w help for more info; separate with '"+CmdLineOptions.WHAT_DELIMETER+"')",
Option.NONE, null, null );
cp.defineNullOption( "-g|--ignore-global-words-list", "ignoreGlobalWordsList",
"ignore the global reserved words list",
cp.defineNullOption( "-l|--ignore-local-words-list", "ignoreLocalWordsList",
"ignore the local (binding-specific) reserved words list",
cp.defineFileOption( "-W|--user-words-list", "wordList", "setUserWordsList",
"file name of a user-specified reserved words list",
Option.SINGLETON, null, null );
cp.defineStringOption( "-I|--include-path", "includePath", "addIncludePath",
"adds search directories for included or mixed in etch files (separate elements with system path separator '"+File.pathSeparator+"')",
Option.NONE, null, null );
cp.defineNullOption( "-i|--ignore-include-path", "ignoreIncludePath",
"ignore the "+CmdLineOptions.ETCH_INCLUDE_PATH+" environment variable",
cp.defineNullOption( "-n|--no-mixin-artifacts", "noMixinArtifacts",
"mixin artifacts should not be generated",
cp.defineNullOption( "-q|--quiet", "quiet",
"only report problems",
cp.defineNullOption( "-v|--version", "doVersion",
"show the version and exit",
cp.defineNullOption( "-f|--no-flatten-packages", "noFlattenPackages",
"namespace directory tree should not be flattened",
cp.defineNullOption( "--testing", "setTesting",
Option.HIDDEN );
cp.defineFileParameter( "sourceFile", "setSourceFile",
"etch source file to compile", true, false, null );
private final CmdLineOptions clo = new CmdLineOptions();
* Sets the output directory of compiler generated files.
* @param cp
* @param option
* @param token
* @param value the output directory
public void setOutputDir( CommandParser cp, Option option, String token,
File value )
clo.outputDir = value;
* Sets the output directory for user editable template files.
* @param cp
* @param option
* @param token
* @param value the template output directory
public void setTemplateOutputDir( CommandParser cp, Option option, String token,
File value )
clo.templateOutputDir = value;
* Sets the binding.
* @param cp
* @param option
* @param token
* @param value the binding
public void setBinding( CommandParser cp, Option option, String token,
String value )
clo.binding = value;
* Adds to the set of what needs to be generated.
* @param cp
* @param option
* @param token
* @param value the list of what needs to be generated.
public void addWhat( CommandParser cp, Option option, String token,
String value )
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( value, CmdLineOptions.WHAT_DELIMETER );
while (st.hasMoreElements())
* Sets the ignore the globally reserved words list flag.
* @param cp
* @param option
* @param token
public void ignoreGlobalWordsList(CommandParser cp, Option option, String token)
clo.ignoreGlobalWordsList = true;
* Sets the ignore the locally reserved words list flag.
* @param cp
* @param option
* @param token
public void ignoreLocalWordsList(CommandParser cp, Option option, String token)
clo.ignoreLocalWordsList = true;
* Sets the file name of the user-defined reserved words list.
* @param cp
* @param option
* @param token
* @param value the file name of the user-defined reserved words list
public void setUserWordsList(CommandParser cp, Option option, String token,
File value)
clo.userWordsList = value;
* Adds to the include path.
* @param cp
* @param option
* @param token
* @param value path list to append to the current include path.
public void addIncludePath( CommandParser cp, Option option, String token,
String value )
StringTokenizer includeTokens = new StringTokenizer(value,
File temp = new File(includeTokens.nextToken());
* Sets the ignore the include path from the environment flag.
* @param cp
* @param option
* @param token
public void ignoreIncludePath(CommandParser cp, Option option,
String token)
clo.ignoreIncludePath = true;
* Sets the quiet flag.
* @param cp
* @param option
* @param token
public void quiet( CommandParser cp, Option option, String token )
clo.quiet = true;
* Shows the version and exits.
* @param cp
* @param option
* @param token
* @return false so that we stop.
public boolean doVersion( CommandParser cp, Option option, String token )
System.out.println(String.format("Etch version is %s", Version.VERSION));
return false;
* Sets the suppress mixin artifacts flag.
* @param cp
* @param option
* @param token
public void noMixinArtifacts( CommandParser cp, Option option, String token )
clo.noMixinArtifacts = true;
* Sets the output directory for mixins.
* @param cp
* @param option
* @param token
* @param value the output directory for mixin
public void setMixinOutputDir( CommandParser cp, Option option, String token,
File value )
clo.mixinOutputDir = value;
* Sets the no flatten packages flag.
* @param cp
* @param option
* @param token
public void noFlattenPackages( CommandParser cp, Option option, String token )
clo.noFlattenPackages = true;
* Sets the hidden testing flag.
* @param cp
* @param option
* @param token
public void setTesting( CommandParser cp, Option option, String token )
clo.testing = true;
clo.lh = new ListLogHandler();
testingClo = clo;
* If --testing is on the command line, the CmdLineOptions is saved
* here for reference by unit testing programs.
public CmdLineOptions testingClo;
* Sets the etch source file to compile.
* @param cp the command parser
* @param param
* @param value path of etch file to compile
public void setSourceFile( CommandParser cp, Parameter param, File value )
clo.sourceFile = value;
protected void run() throws Exception
// Instantiate a new compiler instance and run it.
ClassLoader cl = EtchCompiler.setupClassLoader( null );
EtchCompiler etchCompiler = new EtchCompiler( cl ); clo );
if (clo.lh.hasError())
exit( 3, "EtchMain", "errors during compile", false );