blob: cec8a0064542c89752fc6382b02c2cfa3e40b9fc [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.apache.etch.util.core.Who;
import org.junit.Test;
/** Tests MailboxManager */
public class TestPlainMailboxManager
private final ValueFactory vf = new MyValueFactory( "tcp:" );
private final Who who = new Who() {};
private final MyTransportMessage transport = new MyTransportMessage();
private final MySessionMessage session = new MySessionMessage();
private final PlainMailboxManager mmgr = new PlainMailboxManager( transport, "", null );
mmgr.setSession( session );
private Message constructAddMessage() throws Exception
return new Message( MyValueFactory.mt_add, vf );
private Message constructAddResultMessage() throws Exception
return new Message( MyValueFactory.mt_add_result, vf );
/** @throws Exception */
public void construction() throws Exception
assertSame( mmgr, transport.getSession() );
assertSame( session, mmgr.getSession() );
assertSame( transport, mmgr.getTransport() );
/** @throws Exception */
public void transportMessage1() throws Exception
// test sending an event message
assertNull( transport.what );
assertNull( transport.recipient );
assertNull( transport.msg );
Message msg = constructAddMessage();
assertNull( msg.getMessageId() );
assertNull( msg.getInReplyTo() );
mmgr.transportMessage( who, msg );
assertSame( transport.what, What.TRANSPORT_MESSAGE );
assertSame( transport.recipient, who );
assertSame( transport.msg, msg );
assertEquals( 0, mmgr.size() );
assertNotNull( msg.getMessageId() );
assertNull( msg.getInReplyTo() );
assertNull( mmgr.getMailbox( msg.getMessageId() ) );
/** @throws Exception */
public void transportMessage2() throws Exception
// test sending a result message
assertNull( transport.what );
assertNull( transport.recipient );
assertNull( transport.msg );
Message msg = constructAddResultMessage();
assertNull( msg.getMessageId() );
assertNull( msg.getInReplyTo() );
msg.setInReplyTo( 1L );
mmgr.transportMessage( who, msg );
assertSame( transport.what, What.TRANSPORT_MESSAGE );
assertSame( transport.recipient, who );
assertSame( transport.msg, msg );
assertEquals( 0, mmgr.size() );
assertNotNull( msg.getMessageId() );
assertEquals( 1L, msg.getInReplyTo() );
assertNull( mmgr.getMailbox( msg.getMessageId() ) );
/** @throws Exception */
@Test( expected = IllegalStateException.class )
public void transportMessage3() throws Exception
// test sending a message that has already been sent (has a message id)
assertNull( transport.what );
assertNull( transport.recipient );
assertNull( transport.msg );
Message msg = constructAddMessage();
assertNull( msg.getMessageId() );
msg.setMessageId( 1L );
// this should trigger msg already sent
mmgr.transportMessage( who, msg );
/** @throws Exception */
public void transportCall1() throws Exception
// test sending a call message
mmgr.sessionNotify( Session.UP );
assertNull( transport.what );
assertNull( transport.recipient );
assertNull( transport.msg );
Message msg = constructAddMessage();
assertNull( msg.getMessageId() );
assertNull( msg.getInReplyTo() );
Mailbox mb = mmgr.transportCall( who, msg );
assertSame( transport.what, What.TRANSPORT_MESSAGE );
assertSame( transport.recipient, who );
assertSame( transport.msg, msg );
assertNotNull( mb );
assertEquals( 1, mmgr.size() );
assertNotNull( msg.getMessageId() );
assertNull( msg.getInReplyTo() );
assertSame( mb, mmgr.getMailbox( msg.getMessageId() ) );
assertEquals( 0, mmgr.size() );
assertNull( mmgr.getMailbox( msg.getMessageId() ) );
/** @throws Exception */
public void transportCall2() throws Exception
// test sending a call message
mmgr.sessionNotify( Session.UP );
assertNull( transport.what );
assertNull( transport.recipient );
assertNull( transport.msg );
Message msg = constructAddMessage();
assertNull( msg.getMessageId() );
assertNull( msg.getInReplyTo() );
Mailbox mb = mmgr.transportCall( who, msg );
assertSame( transport.what, What.TRANSPORT_MESSAGE );
assertSame( transport.recipient, who );
assertSame( transport.msg, msg );
assertNotNull( mb );
assertEquals( 1, mmgr.size() );
assertNotNull( msg.getMessageId() );
assertNull( msg.getInReplyTo() );
assertSame( mb, mmgr.getMailbox( msg.getMessageId() ) );
assertEquals( 0, mmgr.size() );
assertNull( mmgr.getMailbox( msg.getMessageId() ) );
/** @throws Exception */
@Test( expected = IllegalStateException.class )
public void transportCall3() throws Exception
// test sending a call message that has already been sent (has a message id)
assertNull( transport.what );
assertNull( transport.recipient );
assertNull( transport.msg );
Message msg = constructAddMessage();
assertNull( msg.getMessageId() );
assertNull( msg.getInReplyTo() );
msg.setMessageId( 1L );
// this should trigger msg already sent
mmgr.transportCall( who, msg );
assertEquals( 0, mmgr.size() );
assertNull( mmgr.getMailbox( msg.getMessageId() ) );
/** @throws Exception */
@Test( expected = IllegalStateException.class )
public void transportCall4() throws Exception
assertNull( transport.what );
assertNull( transport.recipient );
assertNull( transport.msg );
Message msg = constructAddResultMessage();
assertNull( msg.getMessageId() );
assertNull( msg.getInReplyTo() );
msg.setInReplyTo( 1L );
// this should trigger message is marked as a reply
mmgr.transportCall( who, msg );
assertEquals( 0, mmgr.size() );
assertNull( mmgr.getMailbox( msg.getMessageId() ) );
// tests of sessionMessage //
/** @throws Exception */
public void sessionMessage1() throws Exception
// message without an inReplyTo, session wants it.
assertNull( session.what );
assertNull( session.sender );
assertNull( session.msg );
Message msg = constructAddMessage();
session.msg_handled = true;
boolean msg_handled = mmgr.sessionMessage( who, msg );
assertTrue( msg_handled );
assertSame( What.SESSION_MESSAGE, session.what );
assertSame( who, session.sender );
assertSame( msg, session.msg );
/** @throws Exception */
public void sessionMessage2() throws Exception
// message without an inReplyTo, session doesn't want it.
assertNull( session.what );
assertNull( session.sender );
assertNull( session.msg );
Message msg = constructAddMessage();
session.msg_handled = false;
boolean msg_handled = mmgr.sessionMessage( who, msg );
assertFalse( msg_handled );
assertSame( What.SESSION_MESSAGE, session.what );
assertSame( who, session.sender );
assertSame( msg, session.msg );
/** @throws Exception */
public void sessionMessage3() throws Exception
// message with an inReplyTo which doesn't match a mailbox
assertNull( session.what );
assertNull( session.sender );
assertNull( session.msg );
Message msg = constructAddResultMessage();
msg.setInReplyTo( 1L );
session.msg_handled = true;
boolean msg_handled = mmgr.sessionMessage( who, msg );
assertFalse( msg_handled );
assertNull( session.what );
assertNull( session.sender );
assertNull( session.msg );
/** @throws Exception */
public void sessionMessage4() throws Exception
// message with an inReplyTo which doesn't match a mailbox
assertNull( session.what );
assertNull( session.sender );
assertNull( session.msg );
Message msg = constructAddResultMessage();
msg.setInReplyTo( 1L );
session.msg_handled = false;
boolean msg_handled = mmgr.sessionMessage( who, msg );
assertFalse( msg_handled );
assertNull( session.what );
assertNull( session.sender );
assertNull( session.msg );
/** @throws Exception */
public void sessionMessage5() throws Exception
// message with an inReplyTo which matches a mailbox which is open
mmgr.sessionNotify( Session.UP );
session.what = null;
session.event = null;
assertNull( session.what );
assertNull( session.sender );
assertNull( session.msg );
assertNull( transport.what );
assertNull( transport.recipient );
assertNull( transport.msg );
Message msg = constructAddMessage();
Mailbox mb = mmgr.transportCall( who, msg );
assertSame( transport.what, What.TRANSPORT_MESSAGE );
assertSame( transport.recipient, who );
assertSame( transport.msg, msg );
assertNotNull( mb );
assertEquals( 1, mmgr.size() );
assertNotNull( msg.getMessageId() );
assertNull( msg.getInReplyTo() );
assertSame( mb, mmgr.getMailbox( msg.getMessageId() ) );
Message rmsg = msg.reply( MyValueFactory.mt_add_result );
boolean msg_handled = mmgr.sessionMessage( who, rmsg );
assertTrue( msg_handled );
assertNull( session.what );
assertNull( session.sender );
assertNull( session.msg );
Mailbox.Element x =;
assertSame( who, x.sender );
assertSame( rmsg, x.msg );
assertEquals( 1, mmgr.size() );
assertSame( mb, mmgr.getMailbox( msg.getMessageId() ) );
assertEquals( 0, mmgr.size() );
assertNull( mmgr.getMailbox( msg.getMessageId() ) );
/** @throws Exception */
public void sessionMessage6() throws Exception
// message with an inReplyTo which matches a mailbox which is open
mmgr.sessionNotify( Session.UP );
session.what = null;
session.event = null;
assertNull( session.what );
assertNull( session.sender );
assertNull( session.msg );
assertNull( transport.what );
assertNull( transport.recipient );
assertNull( transport.msg );
Message msg = constructAddMessage();
Mailbox mb = mmgr.transportCall( who, msg );
assertSame( transport.what, What.TRANSPORT_MESSAGE );
assertSame( transport.recipient, who );
assertSame( transport.msg, msg );
assertNotNull( mb );
assertEquals( 1, mmgr.size() );
assertNotNull( msg.getMessageId() );
assertNull( msg.getInReplyTo() );
assertSame( mb, mmgr.getMailbox( msg.getMessageId() ) );
assertEquals( 0, mmgr.size() );
assertNull( mmgr.getMailbox( msg.getMessageId() ) );
Message rmsg = msg.reply( MyValueFactory.mt_add_result );
boolean msg_handled = mmgr.sessionMessage( who, rmsg );
assertFalse( msg_handled );
assertNull( session.what );
assertNull( session.sender );
assertNull( session.msg );
/** @throws Exception */
public void sessionQuery() throws Exception
Object QUERY = "foo";
Object RESULT = "bar";
assertNull( session.what );
assertNull( session.query );
session.query_result = RESULT;
Object result = mmgr.sessionQuery( QUERY );
assertSame( What.SESSION_QUERY, session.what );
assertSame( QUERY, session.query );
assertSame( RESULT, result );
/** @throws Exception */
public void sessionControl() throws Exception
Object CONTROL = "foo";
Object VALUE = "bar";
assertNull( session.what );
assertNull( session.control );
assertNull( session.value );
mmgr.sessionControl( CONTROL, VALUE );
assertSame( What.SESSION_CONTROL, session.what );
assertSame( CONTROL, session.control );
assertSame( VALUE, session.value );
/** @throws Exception */
public void sessionNotify() throws Exception
Object EVENT = "foo";
assertNull( session.what );
assertNull( session.event );
mmgr.sessionNotify( EVENT );
assertSame( What.SESSION_NOTIFY, session.what );
assertSame( EVENT, session.event );
/** @throws Exception */
public void transportQuery() throws Exception
Object QUERY = "foo";
Object RESULT = "bar";
assertNull( transport.what );
assertNull( transport.query );
transport.query_result = RESULT;
Object result = mmgr.transportQuery( QUERY );
assertSame( What.TRANSPORT_QUERY, transport.what );
assertSame( QUERY, transport.query );
assertSame( RESULT, result );
/** @throws Exception */
public void transportControl() throws Exception
Object CONTROL = "foo";
Object VALUE = "bar";
assertNull( transport.what );
assertNull( transport.control );
assertNull( transport.value );
mmgr.transportControl( CONTROL, VALUE );
assertSame( What.TRANSPORT_CONTROL, transport.what );
assertSame( CONTROL, transport.control );
assertSame( VALUE, transport.value );
/** @throws Exception */
public void transportNotify() throws Exception
Object EVENT = "foo";
assertNull( transport.what );
assertNull( transport.event );
mmgr.transportNotify( EVENT );
assertSame( What.TRANSPORT_NOTIFY, transport.what );
assertSame( EVENT, transport.event );
/** */
public enum What
/** */
public static class MyTransportMessage implements TransportMessage
/** */ public What what;
/** */ public Who recipient;
/** */ public Message msg;
/** */ public Object query;
/** */ public Object query_result;
/** */ public Object control;
/** */ public Object value;
/** */ public Object event;
public void transportMessage( Who recipient, Message msg )
throws Exception
this.recipient = recipient;
this.msg = msg;
public Object transportQuery( Object query ) throws Exception
this.query = query;
return query_result;
public void transportControl( Object control, Object value )
throws Exception
this.control = control;
this.value = value;
public void transportNotify( Object event ) throws Exception
this.event = event;
public SessionMessage getSession()
return session;
public void setSession( SessionMessage session )
this.session = session;
private SessionMessage session;
/** */
public static class MySessionMessage implements SessionMessage
/** */ public What what;
/** */ public Who sender;
/** */ public Message msg;
/** */ public boolean msg_handled;
/** */ public Object query;
/** */ public Object query_result;
/** */ public Object control;
/** */ public Object value;
/** */ public Object event;
public boolean sessionMessage( Who sender, Message msg ) throws Exception
this.sender = sender;
this.msg = msg;
return msg_handled;
public Object sessionQuery( Object query )
what = What.SESSION_QUERY;
this.query = query;
return query_result;
public void sessionControl( Object control, Object value )
this.control = control;
this.value = value;
public void sessionNotify( Object event )
this.event = event;
/** Private value factory for testing. */
public static class MyValueFactory extends DefaultValueFactory
* Construct MyValueFactory.
* @param uri
public MyValueFactory( String uri )
super( uri, types, class2type );
private final static TypeMap types = new TypeMap();
private final static Class2TypeMap class2type = new Class2TypeMap();
DefaultValueFactory.init( types, class2type );
/** */
public final static Type mt_add = types.get( "add" );
/** */
public final static Type mt_add_result = types.get( "add_result" );
mt_add.putValidator( DefaultValueFactory._mf__messageId, Validator_long.get( 0 ) );
mt_add_result.putValidator( DefaultValueFactory._mf__messageId, Validator_long.get( 0 ) );
mt_add_result.putValidator( DefaultValueFactory._mf__inReplyTo, Validator_long.get( 0 ) );