blob: 380790240b6443fd005b63af43c9b6f2f5aa0fdb [file] [log] [blame]
// $Id$
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Support;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Msg
public class TestMessage
public void First()
Console.Write( "TestMessage" );
private MyValueFactory vf = new MyValueFactory();
private XType mt1 = new XType(1, "mt");
private XType rmt = new XType(2, "rmt");
private Field mf1 = new Field(3, "x");
private Field mf2 = new Field(4, "y");
public TestMessage()
mt1.PutValidator( mf1, Validator_int.Get( 0 ) );
mt1.PutValidator( mf2, Validator_int.Get( 0 ) );
mt1.PutValidator( vf.mf_messageId, Validator_long.Get( 0 ) );
rmt.PutValidator( vf.mf_messageId, Validator_long.Get( 0 ) );
rmt.PutValidator( vf.mf_inReplyTo, Validator_long.Get( 0 ) );
public void GetVf()
Message msg = new Message( mt1, vf );
Assert.AreSame( vf, msg.Vf );
//public void TestArrayIterator()
// ArrayIterator<int?> fooBar = new ArrayIterator<int?>(new int?[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });
// Assert.IsTrue(fooBar.MoveNext());
// Assert.AreEqual(1, fooBar.Current);
// Assert.IsTrue(fooBar.MoveNext());
// Assert.AreEqual(2, fooBar.Current);
// Assert.IsTrue(fooBar.MoveNext());
// Assert.AreEqual(3, fooBar.Current);
// Assert.IsTrue(fooBar.MoveNext());
// Assert.AreEqual(4, fooBar.Current);
// Assert.IsTrue(fooBar.MoveNext());
// Assert.AreEqual(5, fooBar.Current);
// Assert.IsFalse(fooBar.MoveNext());
//public void WriteMessage()
// Message msg = new Message( mt1 , vf );
// WriteHelper(msg);
// msg[mf1] = 123;
// WriteHelper(msg);
// msg[mf2] = 234 ;
// WriteHelper(msg);
//private void WriteHelper(Message msg)
// TaggedDataOutput tdo = new FakeTdo(msg);
// msg.WriteMessage(tdo);
// //tdo.Close();
public void Reply()
Message msg = new Message(mt1, vf);
msg.MessageId = 12345L;
Message rmsg = msg.Reply(rmt);
Assert.AreSame(rmt, rmsg.GetXType);
Assert.AreSame(vf, rmsg.Vf);
Assert.AreEqual(12345L, rmsg.InReplyTo);
public void MessageId()
Message msg = new Message(mt1, vf);
msg.MessageId = 234L;
Assert.AreEqual(234L, msg.MessageId);
msg.MessageId = 345L;
Assert.AreEqual(345L, msg.MessageId);
public void InReplyTo()
Message msg = new Message(rmt, vf);
msg.InReplyTo = 234L;
Assert.AreEqual(234L, msg.InReplyTo);
msg.InReplyTo = 345L;
Assert.AreEqual(345L, msg.InReplyTo);
//public class FakeTdo : TaggedDataOutput
// public FakeTdo(Message msg)
// {
// this.xmsg = msg;
// }
// private Message xmsg;
// public void StartMessage(Message msg)
// {
// Assert.AreSame(xmsg, msg);
// Assert.IsFalse(started);
// Assert.IsFalse(ended);
// started = true;
// }
// private bool started;
// private bool ended;
// public void WriteStructElement(Field key, Object value)
// {
// Assert.IsTrue(started);
// Assert.IsFalse(ended);
// items[key] = value;
// }
// private Dictionary<Field, Object> items = new Dictionary<Field, Object>();
// public void EndMessage(Message msg)
// {
// Assert.AreSame(xmsg, msg);
// Assert.IsTrue(started);
// Assert.IsFalse(ended);
// ended = true;
// }
// public void Close()
// {
// Assert.IsTrue(started);
// Assert.IsTrue(ended);
// Assert.AreEqual(xmsg.Count, items.Count);
// Assert.AreEqual(xmsg, items); //entrySet() deleted
// }
// public void EndArray(ArrayValue array)
// {
// throw new NotSupportedException("not implemented");
// }
// public void EndStruct(StructValue struc)
// {
// throw new NotSupportedException("not implemented");
// }
// public void StartArray(ArrayValue array)
// {
// throw new NotSupportedException("not implemented");
// }
// public void StartStruct(StructValue struc)
// {
// throw new NotSupportedException("not implemented");
// }
// public void WriteArrayElement(Object value)
// {
// throw new NotSupportedException("not implemented");
// }
// #region TaggedDataOutput Members
// public void SetBuffer( Etch.Transport.FlexBuffer msgBuf )
// {
// // ignore
// }
// #endregion
public class MyValueFactory : ValueFactory
public long? GetMessageId( Message msg )
return (long?) msg.Get( mf_messageId );
public void SetMessageId( Message msg, long? msgid )
msg[mf_messageId] = msgid;
public Field Get_mf__messageId()
return mf_messageId;
public readonly Field mf_messageId = new Field( "_messageId" );
public long? GetInReplyTo( Message msg )
return (long?) msg.Get( mf_inReplyTo );
public void SetInReplyTo( Message msg, long? msgid )
msg[mf_inReplyTo] = msgid ;
public Field get_mf__inReplyTo()
return mf_inReplyTo;
public readonly Field mf_inReplyTo = new Field( "_inReplyTo" );
// UNUSED //
public StructValue ExportCustomValue( Object value )
throw new NotSupportedException("not implemented");
public Encoding GetStringEncoding()
throw new NotSupportedException("not implemented");
public XType GetType( int id )
throw new NotSupportedException("not implemented");
public XType GetType( String name )
throw new NotSupportedException("not implemented");
public ICollection<XType> GetTypes()
throw new NotSupportedException("not implemented");
public Object ImportCustomValue( StructValue sv )
throw new NotSupportedException("not implemented");
public XType GetCustomStructType( Type c )
throw new NotSupportedException("not implemented");
public XType Get_mt__Etch_AuthException()
throw new NotSupportedException("not implemented");
public XType Get_mt__Etch_RuntimeException()
throw new NotSupportedException("not implemented");
public XType get_mt__exception()
throw new NotSupportedException("not implemented");
#region ValueFactory Members
public XType GetType( int? id )
throw new Exception( "The method or operation is not implemented." );
public Field GetField( int? id )
throw new Exception( "The method or operation is not implemented." );
public void AddType(XType type)
throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
public void LockDynamicTypes()
throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
public void UnlockDynamicTypes()
throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
public Field Get_mf__inReplyTo()
throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
public Validator.Level GetLevel()
return Validator.Level.FULL;
public Validator.Level SetLevel(Validator.Level level)
throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");