blob: 26efbfc9f5c48e6688e0a5d745043ea2b8811dff [file] [log] [blame]
// $Id$
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
using System;
using Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Msg;
namespace Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Transport.Fmt.Binary
/// <summary>
/// Common elements for binary tagged data input and output.
/// </summary>
public class BinaryTaggedData : TaggedData
/// <summary>
/// Sentinel which marks the end of a struct or array item list
/// in a binary input or output stream.
/// </summary>
public class SentinelObject
public override string ToString()
return "NONE";
public static readonly SentinelObject NONE = new SentinelObject();
/// <summary>
/// This is the current version of the protocol.
/// </summary>
public const sbyte VERSION = 3;
public BinaryTaggedData()
// do nothing
/// <summary>
/// Constructs the BinaryTaggedData.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vf"></param>
public BinaryTaggedData(ValueFactory vf)
: base(vf)
public override sbyte CheckValue(object value)
if (value == null)
return TypeCode.NULL;
else if (value == NONE)
return TypeCode.NONE;
Type type = value.GetType();
if (value is long)
return CheckLong((long)value);
else if (value is Int32)
return CheckInteger((Int32)value);
else if (value is short)
return CheckShort((short)value);
else if (value is SByte)
return CheckByte((sbyte)value);
else if (value is Double)
return (sbyte)TypeCode.DOUBLE;
else if (value is float)
return (sbyte)TypeCode.FLOAT;
else if (value is String)
String s = (String)value;
if (s.Length == 0)
return TypeCode.EMPTY_STRING;
return TypeCode.STRING;
else if (value is Boolean)
if ((Boolean)value)
return TypeCode.BOOLEAN_TRUE;
return TypeCode.BOOLEAN_FALSE;
else if (value is StructValue)
return TypeCode.CUSTOM;
else if (value is Array)
Array a = (Array)value;
//if (a.GetType() == typeof(Int32[]))
// return TypeCode.INTS;
//if (a.GetType() == typeof(Int16[]))
// return TypeCode.SHORTS;
//if (a.GetType() == typeof(Boolean[]))
// return TypeCode.BOOLS;
if (a.GetType() == typeof(SByte[]))
return TypeCode.BYTES;
//if (a.GetType() == typeof(Int64[]))
// return TypeCode.LONGS;
//if (a.GetType() == typeof(Single[]))
// return TypeCode.FLOATS;
//if (a.GetType() == typeof(Double[]))
// return TypeCode.DOUBLES;
return TypeCode.ARRAY;
return TypeCode.CUSTOM;
public override sbyte GetNativeTypeCode(Type c)
if (c == typeof(Boolean))
return TypeCode.BOOLEAN_TRUE;
if (c == typeof(SByte))
return TypeCode.BYTE;
if (c == typeof(short))
return TypeCode.SHORT;
if (c == typeof(int))
return TypeCode.INT;
if (c == typeof(long))
return TypeCode.LONG;
if (c == typeof(float))
return TypeCode.FLOAT;
if (c == typeof(double))
return TypeCode.DOUBLE;
if (c == typeof(string))
return TypeCode.STRING;
if (c == typeof(Object))
return TypeCode.ANY;
return TypeCode.CUSTOM;
public override XType GetCustomStructType(Type c)
return vf.GetCustomStructType(c);
public override Type GetNativeType(sbyte type)
switch (type)
case TypeCode.BOOLEAN_TRUE:
case TypeCode.BOOLEAN_FALSE:
return typeof(Boolean);
case TypeCode.BYTE:
return typeof(sbyte);
case TypeCode.SHORT:
return typeof(short);
case TypeCode.INT:
return typeof(int);
case TypeCode.LONG:
return typeof(long);
case TypeCode.FLOAT:
return typeof(float);
case TypeCode.DOUBLE:
return typeof(double);
case TypeCode.EMPTY_STRING:
case TypeCode.STRING:
return typeof(string);
case TypeCode.ANY:
return typeof(Object);
throw new Exception("unsupported native type " + type);
private static sbyte CheckByte(sbyte v)
if (v >= TypeCode.MIN_TINY_INT && v <= TypeCode.MAX_TINY_INT)
return v;
return TypeCode.BYTE;
private static sbyte CheckShort(short v)
if (v >= SByte.MinValue && v <= SByte.MaxValue)
return CheckByte((sbyte)v);
return TypeCode.SHORT;
private static sbyte CheckInteger(int v)
if (v >= short.MinValue && v <= short.MaxValue)
return CheckShort((short)v);
return TypeCode.INT;
private static sbyte CheckLong(long v)
if (v >= int.MinValue && v <= int.MaxValue)
return CheckInteger((int)v);
return TypeCode.LONG;