blob: fbe056ea950a93983b532bae3d1f72747f93605c [file] [log] [blame]
## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
## or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
## distributed with this work for additional information
## regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
## to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
## "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
## with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
## software distributed under the License is distributed on an
## KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
## specific language governing permissions and limitations
## under the License.
// This file automatically generated by:
// $version
// $now
// This file is automatically created and should not be edited!
#set($i = $
#set( $vf = "ValueFactory$" )
\#include "$inc"
\#include "${}.h"
\#include "Stub${i}Server.h"
\#include "Stub${i}Client.h"
\#include "common/EtchError.h"
\#include "serialization/EtchField.h"
\#include "serialization/EtchAsyncMode.h"
\#include "serialization/EtchDirection.h"
\#include "serialization/EtchValidators.h"
\#include "serialization/EtchImportExportHelper.h"
using namespace $namespace;
status_t $vf::Etch${}RuntimeListener::onRuntimeChanged(EtchRuntime* runtime) {
if (runtime == NULL) {
return ETCH_ERROR;
if (runtime->isClosed()) {
//the runtime is closed and is removed
return ETCH_OK;
capu::Mutex $vf::SRuntimesMutex;
capu::List<capu::uint64_t> $vf::SRuntimes;
$vf::Etch${}RuntimeListener $vf::S${}RuntimeListener;
## Classes that represent anonym creation in java
#foreach ( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($n.isStruct() || $n.isExcept())
#set( $tname = $n.efqname( $helper ) )
class ImportExportHelper$n.vname($helper)
: public EtchImportExportHelper {
ImportExportHelper$n.vname($helper)(EtchRuntime* runtime)
: EtchImportExportHelper(runtime) {
virtual ~ImportExportHelper$n.vname($helper)() {
status_t exportValue(EtchValueFactory* vf, EtchObjectPtr value, EtchStructValue *&result)
EtchStructValue* _struct = new EtchStructValue( $vf::${n.vname( $helper )}, vf );
$i::${tname}Ptr v = capu::smartpointer_cast<$i::$tname>(value);
#set($CountParams = 0)
#foreach( $p in $n.getAllParameters() )
#set($CountParams = $CountParams + 1)
EtchObjectPtr val$CountParams = v->$helper.getGetterName($;
_struct->put($vf::$p.vname($helper)(), val$CountParams );
result = _struct;
ETCH_LOG_TRACE(mRuntime->getLogger(), mRuntime->getLogger().getDeliveryServiceContext(), "Valuefactory ${namespace}: exported $n.vname($helper) Value.");
return ETCH_OK;
status_t importValue(EtchStructValue* value, EtchObjectPtr &result)
$i::$tname* v = new $i::${tname}();
#set($CountParams = 0)
#foreach ($p in $n.getAllParameters())
#set($CountParams = $CountParams + 1)
$helper.getEtchTypeName($p.type(), true) tmp$CountParams;
EtchObjectPtr val$CountParams;
value->get($vf::$p.vname($helper)(), &val$CountParams);
tmp$CountParams = capu::smartpointer_cast<$helper.getEtchTypeName($p.type(), false)>(val$CountParams);
result = v;
ETCH_LOG_TRACE(mRuntime->getLogger(), mRuntime->getLogger().getDeliveryServiceContext(), "Valuefactory ${namespace}: imported $n.vname($helper) Value.");
return ETCH_OK;
#elseif ($n.isExtern())
#set( $tname = $n.efqname( $helper ) )
#elseif ($n.isEnumx())
#set( $tname = $n.efqname( $helper ) )
class ImportExportHelper$n.vname( $helper )
: public EtchImportExportHelper {
ImportExportHelper$n.vname($helper)(EtchRuntime* runtime)
: EtchImportExportHelper(runtime) {
virtual ~ImportExportHelper$n.vname($helper)() {
status_t exportValue(EtchValueFactory* vf, EtchObjectPtr value, EtchStructValue *&result)
EtchStructValue* _struct = new EtchStructValue( $vf::${n.vname( $helper )}, vf );
${tname}Ptr v = capu::smartpointer_cast<${tname}>(value);
switch (v->Value)
#foreach ($p in $n.iterator())
case $tname::${tname}_$ _struct->put($vf::$p.vname($helper)(), new EtchBool(true) ); break;
result = _struct;
return ETCH_OK;
status_t importValue(EtchStructValue* value, EtchObjectPtr &result)
// if empty, it likely means that a null value was sent
// or an unknown key (from a different rev of the service).
if (value->isEmpty())
// there should only be a single key, so take the first one
EtchHashTable<EtchField, capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> >::ConstIterator it = value->begin();
EtchHashTable<EtchField, capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> >::HashTableEntry entry;;
EtchField key = entry.key;
#foreach ($p in $n.iterator())
if (key.equals(&$vf::$p.vname($helper)()))
result = new ${tname}(${tname}::${tname}_$;
return ETCH_OK;
// a known key was sent, but it did not match any defined
// key for this type.
//Static Variable Initialization
EtchTypeMap* $vf::types() {
static EtchTypeMap ret;
return &ret;
EtchClass2TypeMap* $vf::class2type() {
static EtchClass2TypeMap ret;
return &ret;
#foreach ( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($n.isEnumx() || $n.isStruct() || $n.isExtern() || $n.isExcept() || $n.isMessage())
EtchType* $vf::$n.vname( $helper );
#set( $x = $params.clear() )
## standard params from DefaultValueFactory
#set( $x = $params.add( "msg" ) )
#set( $x = $params.add( "result" ) )
#foreach( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($n.isEnumx() || $n.isStruct() || $n.isExcept() || $n.isMessage())
#foreach( $param in $n.iterator() )
#if (!$params.contains($
#set( $x = $params.add($ )
EtchField& $vf::$param.vname( $helper )() {
static EtchField ret("$");
return ret;
${vf}::${vf}( EtchString uri ) : EtchDefaultValueFactory(uri, types(), class2type())
#foreach ( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($n.isMixin())
#set( $m = $n.getModule() )
#set( $s = $m.iterator().next() )
addMixin( new ${}.ValueFactory${}( uri ) );
status_t ${vf}::InitTypes()
#foreach ( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($n.isEnumx() || $n.isStruct() || $n.isExtern() || $n.isExcept() || $n.isMessage())
types()->get(EtchString("$n.fqname()"), ${vf}::${n.vname( $helper )});
return ETCH_OK;
status_t ${vf}::InitResults()
#foreach ( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($n.isMessage())
${vf}::${n.vname( $helper )}->setDirection((EtchDirection)$n.msgDir());
#if (!$n.isHidden())
#if ($n.isQueuedAsyncReceiver())
${vf}::${n.vname( $helper )}->setAsyncMode((EtchAsyncMode)QUEUED);
#elseif ($n.isFreeAsyncReceiver())
${vf}::${n.vname( $helper )}->setAsyncMode((EtchAsyncMode)FREE);
${vf}::${n.vname( $helper )}->setAsyncMode((EtchAsyncMode)NONE);
#if (!$n.isOneway())
#set( $r = $n.getResultMessage() )
${vf}::${n.vname( $helper )}->setResult(${vf}::$r.vname( $helper ));
${vf}::${r.vname( $helper )}->setTimeout($n.getTimeout());
return ETCH_OK;
## ----------------------------- import / export -----------------------------
status_t ${vf}::InitImportExport(EtchRuntime* runtime)
#foreach ( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($n.isStruct() || $n.isExcept())
#set( $tname = $n.efqname( $helper ) )
$vf::class2type()->put($${tname}::TYPE(), $vf::${n.vname($helper)});
$vf::${n.vname( $helper )}->setComponentType($i::${tname}::TYPE());
#if ($n.hasExtends())
$vf::${n.vname($helper)}->setImportExportHelper(new ImportExportHelper$n.vname($helper)(runtime));
#elseif ($n.isExtern())
#set( $tname = $n.efqname( $helper ) )
#elseif ($n.isEnumx())
#set( $tname = $n.efqname( $helper ) )
$vf::class2type()->put(${tname}::TYPE(), $vf::${n.vname($helper)});
$vf::${n.vname( $helper )}->setComponentType(${tname}::TYPE());
$vf::${n.vname( $helper )}->setImportExportHelper(new ImportExportHelper$n.vname($helper)(runtime));
return ETCH_OK;
## ----------------------------- fields -----------------------------
status_t ${vf}::InitFields()
#set( $x = $params.clear() )
## standard params from DefaultValueFactory
#set( $x = $params.add( "msg" ) )
#set( $x = $params.add( "result" ) )
#foreach ( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($n.isMessage())
#if (!$n.isHidden())
#if (!$n.isOneway())
#set( $r = $n.getResultMessage() )
$vf::${r.vname( $helper )}->setResponseField( $vf::_mf_result() );
return ETCH_OK;
#set( $ctr = 0 )
status_t $vf::InitParams(EtchRuntime* runtime)
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> tmpValue;
#foreach( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($n.isEnumx() || $n.isStruct() || $n.isExcept() || $n.isMessage())
#if ($ctr > 0 && $ctr % 10 == 0)
return ETCH_OK;
status_t $vf::InitParams${ctr}(EtchRuntime* runtime)
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> tmpValue;
#set( $ctr = $ctr + 1 )
// params for $
#if ($n.isStruct() || $n.isExcept())
#foreach( $param in $n.getAllParameters() )
$vf::${n.vname( $helper )}->putValidator($vf::$param.vname($helper)(), tmpValue);
#end ## -- foreach --
#foreach( $param in $n.iterator() )
$vf::${n.vname( $helper )}->putValidator($vf::$param.vname($helper)(), tmpValue);
#end ## -- foreach --
#end ## -- else --
#if ($n.isMessage())
EtchValidatorLong::Get(runtime, 0, tmpValue);
${n.vname( $helper )}->putValidator($vf::_mf__messageId(), tmpValue);
#if ($n.isHidden())
#set( $param = $n.getResultParam() )
#set( $reqMsg = $n.getRequestMessage() )
#foreach( $t in $reqMsg.thrown().iterator() )
$vf::${n.vname( $helper )}->putValidator($vf::$param.vname($helper)(), tmpValue); // thrown $
#end ## -- foreach --
EtchValidatorRuntimeException::Get(runtime, tmpValue);
$vf::${n.vname( $helper )}->putValidator($vf::$param.vname($helper)(), tmpValue); // thrown RuntimeException
EtchValidatorLong::Get(runtime, 0, tmpValue);
$vf::${n.vname( $helper )}->putValidator($vf::_mf__inReplyTo(), tmpValue);
#end ## -- isHidden --
#end ## -- isMessage --
#end ## -- $n.isEnumx() || $n.isStruct() || $n.isExcept() || $n.isMessage() --
#end ## -- foreach --
return ETCH_OK;
status_t $vf::InitValueFactory(EtchRuntime* runtime)
status_t status;
if (SRuntimes.find(runtime->getId()) != SRuntimes.end()) {
//runtime is already in list
return ETCH_OK;
status = SRuntimes.push_back(runtime->getId());
if (status != ETCH_OK) {
return status;
if (SRuntimes.size() > 1) {
//Valuefactory is already initialized
return ETCH_OK;
status = $vf::Init(runtime, types(), class2type());
if (status != ETCH_OK) {
return status;
status = $vf::InitTypes();
if (status != ETCH_OK) {
return status;
status = $vf::InitResults();
if (status != ETCH_OK) {
return status;
status = $vf::InitFields();
if (status != ETCH_OK) {
return status;
#foreach( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($n.isExtern())
status = ${n.sname( $helper )}.Init(runtime, ${n.vname($helper)}(), class2type);
if (status != ETCH_OK) {
return status;
status = $vf::InitParams(runtime);
if (status != ETCH_OK) {
return status;
status = $vf::InitImportExport(runtime);
if (status != ETCH_OK) {
return status;
status = Stub${i}<void>::Init(runtime);
if (status != ETCH_OK) {
return status;
status = Stub${i}Server::Init(runtime);
if (status != ETCH_OK) {
return status;
status = Stub${i}Client::Init(runtime);
if (status != ETCH_OK) {
return status;
// done updating types, and class2type: lock them.
return ETCH_OK;