blob: 1c528acce1f878f5b28b7a10723b168c4352d61d [file] [log] [blame]
// This file automatically generated by:
// Apache Etch 1.4.0 (LOCAL-0) / cpp 1.4.0 (LOCAL-0)
// Fri Apr 04 11:35:36 CEST 2014
// This file is automatically created for your convenience and will not be
// overwritten once it exists! Please edit this file as necessary to implement
// your service logic.
#include "ImplHelloWorldServer.h"
using namespace org_apache_etch_examples_helloworld_HelloWorld;
* Your custom implementation of BaseHelloWorldServer. Add methods here to provide
* implementations of messages from the mClient.
ImplHelloWorldServer::ImplHelloWorldServer( RemoteHelloWorldClient* mClient )
this->mClient = mClient;
// TODO insert methods here to provide implementations of HelloWorldServer
// messages from the mClient.
ImplHelloWorldServer::say_helloAsyncResultPtr ImplHelloWorldServer::say_hello(HelloWorld::userPtr to_whom)
say_helloAsyncResultPtr res = new EtchAsyncResult<EtchString>();
res->setResult(new EtchString("Hi From C++ Server!"));
return res;