blob: 775e6af07a47cf1defee113235592d980435afe4 [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.etch.util;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* The alarm manager is used to implement alarms.
* A listener desiring a wakeup call should add itself to the manager
* with the specified delay in milliseconds. The listener may be removed
* at any time. When the alarm goes off, the listener may reset or remove
* the alarm.
* @see #add(AlarmListener, Object, int)
* @see #remove(AlarmListener)
public class AlarmManager extends AbstractStartable implements Runnable
* Adds the listener to the set of those getting wakeup calls.
* Note: uses the statically configured Alarm.
* @param listener the target of the wakeup call.
* @param state a bit of state for the listener.
* @param delay the positive delay in milliseconds before the wakeup call.
* @see #add(AlarmListener, Object, int)
* @see #getAlarmManager(boolean)
public static void staticAdd( AlarmListener listener, Object state, int delay )
getAlarmManager( true ).add( listener, state, delay );
* Removes the listener from the set of those getting wakeup calls.
* Note: uses the statically configured Alarm.
* @param listener the target of the wakeup call.
* @see #remove(AlarmListener)
public static void staticRemove( AlarmListener listener )
AlarmManager am = getAlarmManager( false );
if (am != null)
am.remove( listener );
* Gets the statically configured alarm manager, creating one if
* specified and none exists.
* @param startIt if true, we really need one and if there isn't
* one then one should be started, otherwise one should not be
* started.
* @return the statically configured alarm manager, or a newly
* created one if there is none.
public static AlarmManager getAlarmManager( boolean startIt )
if (alarmManager == null)
synchronized (alarmManagerSync)
if (alarmManager == null)
if (!startIt)
return null;
AlarmManager am = new AlarmManager();
catch ( RuntimeException e )
throw e;
catch ( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( "caught exception", e );
alarmManager = am;
return alarmManager;
* Sets the statically configured alarm manager, returning the old one
* if any. Don't forget to stop the old one.
* @param newAlarmManager a new AlarmManager to be statically available.
* @return the old statically available AlarmManager.
public static AlarmManager setAlarmManager( AlarmManager newAlarmManager )
synchronized (alarmManagerSync)
AlarmManager oldAlarmManager = alarmManager;
alarmManager = newAlarmManager;
return oldAlarmManager;
private static AlarmManager alarmManager;
private final static Object alarmManagerSync = new Object();
* Constructs the AlarmManager.
* @param nWorkers the number of worker threads to create to process
* wakeups. Must be > 0 and < 100.
public AlarmManager( int nWorkers )
if (nWorkers <= 0 || nWorkers >= 100)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "nWorkers <= 0 || nWorkers >= 100" );
this.nWorkers = nWorkers;
* Constructs the AlarmManager with the default number of
* workers.
public AlarmManager()
private final int nWorkers;
* The default number of worker threads (1).
public final static int DEFAULT_NWORKERS = 1;
protected void start0() throws Exception
worker = new Thread[nWorkers];
for (int i = 0; i < nWorkers; i++)
worker[i] = new Thread( this, "AlarmManager worker thread "+i );
private Thread[] worker;
protected void stop0() throws InterruptedException
synchronized (this)
for (int i = 0; i < nWorkers; i++)
if (worker[i] != null)
worker[i] = null;
* Adds the listener to the set of those getting wakeup calls. If the
* listener is already scheduled for a wakeup call, the schedule is
* adjusted. There can only be one outstanding wakeup call per listener.
* This method is thread safe.
* @param listener the target of the wakeup call.
* @param state a bit of state for the listener.
* @param delay the positive delay in milliseconds before the wakeup call.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the delay is less than or equal to
* 0.
public synchronized void add( AlarmListener listener, Object state, int delay )
if (listener == null)
throw new NullPointerException( "listener == null" );
if (delay <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "delay <= 0" );
long due = Timer.getNanos() + delay * Timer.NANOS_PER_MILLI;
Alarm alarm = getAlarm( listener );
if (alarm != null)
// schedule is being adjusted
dequeue( alarm );
alarm.setDue( due );
alarm.setState( state );
enqueue( alarm );
alarm = new Alarm( listener, state, due );
addAlarm( listener, alarm );
enqueue( alarm );
notifyWorker( "add" );
private synchronized void update( Alarm alarm, int delay )
long due = delay > 0
? alarm.getDue() + delay * Timer.NANOS_PER_MILLI
: Timer.getNanos() - delay * Timer.NANOS_PER_MILLI;
alarm.setDue( due );
enqueue( alarm );
notifyWorker( "update" );
* Removes any scheduled wakeup call for this listener.
* This method is thread safe.
* @param listener the target of the wakeup call.
public synchronized void remove( AlarmListener listener )
Alarm alarm = removeAlarm( listener );
if (alarm != null)
dequeue( alarm );
notifyWorker( "remove" );
private synchronized void remove( Alarm alarm )
removeAlarm( alarm.listener );
private void wakeup( Alarm alarm )
int delay = alarm.listener.wakeup( this, alarm.getState(), alarm.getDue() );
if (delay != 0)
update( alarm, delay );
remove( alarm );
catch ( Exception e )
remove( alarm );
report( e );
private Alarm getNextDueAlarm()
// ok, the worker needs to get the next due alarm and
// then wait until its due time, then return it. if alerted
// by notifyWorker, it should refresh the next due alarm.
// one trick will be in excluding multiple workers from
// coming in here at the same time.
synchronized (getNextDueAlarmSync)
synchronized (this)
while (true)
if (!isStarted())
return null;
Alarm alarm = getFirst();
if (alarm == null)
wait( Long.MAX_VALUE );
catch ( InterruptedException e )
return null;
long delayNs = alarm.getDue() - Timer.getNanos();
if (delayNs > 0)
long delay = delayNs / Timer.NANOS_PER_MILLI;
if (delay > 0)
wait( delay );
catch ( InterruptedException e )
return null;
// the alarm being returned has not been removed
// from alarmsByListener. it is presumed that the
// alarm will be set again. if not, it should be
// removed.
dequeue( alarm );
return alarm;
private final Object getNextDueAlarmSync = new Object();
private void notifyWorker( String reason )
// the set of alarms has changed.
public void run()
Alarm alarm;
while ((alarm = getNextDueAlarm()) != null)
wakeup( alarm );
catch ( RuntimeException e )
report( e );
private void report( Exception e )
private Alarm getAlarm( AlarmListener listener )
return alarmsByListener.get( listener );
private void addAlarm( AlarmListener listener, Alarm alarm )
alarmsByListener.put( listener, alarm );
private Alarm removeAlarm( AlarmListener listener )
return alarmsByListener.remove( listener );
private void clearAlarms()
private final Map<AlarmListener,Alarm> alarmsByListener = new HashMap<AlarmListener,Alarm>();
private Alarm getFirst()
if (alarms.isEmpty())
return null;
return alarms.first();
private void enqueue( Alarm alarm )
alarms.add( alarm );
private void dequeue( Alarm alarm )
alarms.remove( alarm );
private void clearQueue()
private final TreeSet<Alarm> alarms = new TreeSet<Alarm>();
private final static class Alarm implements Comparable<Alarm>
* @param listener the target of the wakeup call.
* @param state a bit of state for the listener.
* @param due the absolute due time for the alarm.
Alarm( AlarmListener listener, Object state, long due )
this.listener = listener;
this.state = state;
this.due = due;
* @return the state for the listener.
Object getState()
return state;
* @param state a new bit of state for the listener.
void setState( Object state )
this.state = state;
* @return the time the alarm is due.
long getDue()
return due;
* @param due
void setDue( long due )
this.due = due;
public int hashCode()
return (int) (due ^ due >>> 32 ^ seq ^ seq >>> 32);
public boolean equals( Object obj )
if (obj == this)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (obj.getClass() != Alarm.class)
return false;
Alarm other = (Alarm) obj;
return due == other.due && seq == other.seq;
public int compareTo( Alarm other )
if (due < other.due)
return -1;
if (due > other.due)
return 1;
// due time is the same for both, now we need to
// compare the seq.
if (seq < other.seq)
return -1;
if (seq > other.seq)
return 1;
return 0;
* The listener for wakeup events.
final AlarmListener listener;
* Just a bit of state for the listener.
private Object state;
* The time the alarm is due.
private long due;
* A unique for all reasonable time sequence number.
private final long seq =;
private final static IdGenerator idGen = new IdGenerator();
* Shuts down the default alarm manager if there is one.
* @throws Exception
public static void shutdown() throws Exception
AlarmManager am = setAlarmManager( null );
if (am != null)