blob: 4b435530032681607e317ad95865996f5992020f [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.apache.etch.util.AlarmListener;
import org.apache.etch.util.AlarmManager;
import org.apache.etch.util.Assertion;
import org.apache.etch.util.IdGenerator;
import org.apache.etch.util.Todo;
import org.apache.etch.util.TodoManager;
import org.ho.yaml.Yaml;
import org.ho.yaml.exception.YamlException;
/** Local Yaml implementation of ConfigurationServer */
public class YamlConfig implements ConfigurationServer
* Constructs an empty YamlConfigurationServer.
* @param client
* @throws ConfigurationException
public YamlConfig( ConfigurationClient client )
throws ConfigurationException
this( client, null );
* Constructs a YamlConfigurationServer, then loads the config.
* @param client
* @param name
* @throws ConfigurationException
public YamlConfig( ConfigurationClient client, String name )
throws ConfigurationException
this.client = client;
if (name == null)
loadConfig( name );
private final ConfigurationClient client;
public Object loadConfig( String name )
throws ConfigurationException
File f = mkfile( name );
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
long t0 = f.lastModified();
Object o = loadConfig0( f );
long t1 = f.lastModified();
if (t1 == t0)
configs = importConfigs( o );
file = f;
lastModified = t0;
subs = Collections.synchronizedSet( new HashSet<Integer>() );
return getRoot();
Thread.sleep( 1000 );
catch ( InterruptedException e )
throw new ConfigurationException( "config is changing: "+name );
public void unloadConfig()
file = null;
lastModified = null;
configs = null;
subs = null;
public Boolean canLoad( String name )
mkfile( name );
return true;
catch ( ConfigurationException e )
return false;
public Boolean isLoaded()
return configs != null;
public Object getRoot()
if (!isLoaded())
throw new IllegalStateException( "no config loaded" );
if (configs.size() == 0)
throw new IllegalStateException( "config is empty" );
return toId( 0 );
public Object getParent( Object id )
return toId( getConf( id ).parent );
public String getName( Object id )
return getConf( id ).name();
public Integer getIndex( Object id )
return getConf( id ).index();
public String getPath( Object id )
return getConf( id ).getPath();
public Boolean isRoot( Object id )
return getConf( id ).isRoot();
public Boolean isList( Object id )
return getConf( id ).isList();
public Boolean isMap( Object id )
return getConf( id ).isMap();
public Integer size( Object id )
return getConf( id ).size();
public Object[] listConfigIds( Object id, Integer offset, Integer count )
Conf c = getConf( id );
if (c.isList())
return toIdArray( c.list(), offset, count );
if (c.isMap())
return toIdArray(, offset, count );
throw new NoSuchElementException( "value is not a List or a Map" );
public Object[] listConfigPathIds( Object id, String path, Integer offset,
Integer count )
return listConfigIds( getConfigPath( id, path ), offset, count );
public Object getConfigIndex( Object id, Integer index )
if (index == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "index == null" );
Conf c = getConf( id );
if (c.isList())
List<Integer> list = c.list();
if (index < 0 || index >= list.size())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"index < 0 || index >= list.size()" );
return toId( c.list().get( index ) );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "value is not a List" );
public Object getConfigPath( Object id, String path )
checkPath( path );
// path is not null.
// id == null: path must be absolute.
// id != null: path may be relative or absolute.
if (id == null)
if (!isAbsolute( path ))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"path must be absolute when id == null" );
id = getRoot();
path = abs2rel( path );
if (isAbsolute( path ))
id = getRoot();
path = abs2rel( path );
getConf( id );
// id is not null
Integer iid = fromId( id );
// if we have a simple path just let getConfig0 handle it
if (path.indexOf( '/' ) < 0)
return toId( getConfigName( iid, path ) );
// complex path
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( path, "/" );
while (iid != null && st.hasMoreTokens())
iid = getConfigName( iid, st.nextToken() );
return toId( iid );
public Boolean hasValuePath( Object id, String path )
return hasValue( getConfigPath( id, path ) );
public Object getValuePath( Object id, String path )
return getValue( getConfigPath( id, path ) );
public Boolean getBooleanPath( Object id, String path )
return getBoolean( getConfigPath( id, path ) );
public Integer getIntegerPath( Object id, String path )
return getInteger( getConfigPath( id, path ) );
public Double getDoublePath( Object id, String path )
return getDouble( getConfigPath( id, path ) );
public String getStringPath( Object id, String path )
return getString( getConfigPath( id, path ) );
public Date getDatePath( Object id, String path )
return getDate( getConfigPath( id, path ) );
public List<?> getListPath( Object id, String path, Integer depth )
return getList( getConfigPath( id, path ), depth );
public Map<?, ?> getMapPath( Object id, String path, Integer depth )
return getMap( getConfigPath( id, path ), depth );
public Boolean hasValue( Object id )
if (id == null)
return false;
return getConf( id ).hasValue();
public Object getValue( Object id )
if (id == null)
return null;
return getConf( id ).getValue();
public Boolean getBoolean( Object id )
if (id == null)
return null;
return getConf( id ).getBoolean();
public Integer getInteger( Object id )
if (id == null)
return null;
return getConf( id ).getInteger();
public Double getDouble( Object id )
if (id == null)
return null;
return getConf( id ).getDouble();
public String getString( Object id )
if (id == null)
return null;
return getConf( id ).getString();
public Date getDate( Object id )
if (id == null)
return null;
return getConf( id ).getDate();
public List<?> getList( Object id, Integer depth )
if (id == null)
return null;
return getConf( id ).getList( depth );
public Map<?, ?> getMap( Object id, Integer depth )
if (id == null)
return null;
return getConf( id ).getMap( depth );
public void subscribe( Object id )
if (id == null)
int iid = fromId( id );
getConf0( iid );
synchronized (subs)
if (subs.isEmpty())
AlarmManager.staticAdd( LISTENER, null, INTERVAL );
subs.add( iid );
fireConfigValuesChanged( new Object[] { id } );
private void fireConfigValuesChanged( final Object[] updated )
TodoManager.addTodo( new Todo()
public void doit( TodoManager mgr ) throws Exception
client.configValuesChanged( updated );
public void exception( TodoManager mgr, Exception e )
} );
public void subscribePath( Object id, String path )
subscribe( getConfigPath( id, path ) );
public void unsubscribe( Object id )
if (id == null)
int iid = fromId( id );
getConf0( iid );
synchronized (subs)
if (!subs.remove( iid ))
if (subs.isEmpty())
AlarmManager.staticRemove( LISTENER );
public void unsubscribePath( Object id, String path )
unsubscribe( getConfigPath( id, path ) );
public void unsubscribeAll()
if (subs == null)
AlarmManager.staticRemove( LISTENER );
synchronized (subs)
for (Integer iid: subs)
getConf0( iid );
* Dumps the config space.
public void dump()
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Conf> me: configs.entrySet())
System.out.printf( "%d: %s\n", me.getKey(), me.getValue() );
System.out.println( "done" );
private static final int ID_RADIX = Character.MAX_RADIX;
private String abs2rel( String path )
Assertion.check( isAbsolute( path ), "path is absolute" );
return path.substring( 1 );
private static boolean isAbsolute( String path )
checkPath( path );
return path.startsWith( "/" );
private static void checkPath( String path )
if (path == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "path == null" );
private Object toId( Integer iid )
if (iid == null)
return null;
return "#"+Integer.toString( iid, ID_RADIX )+"#";
private int fromId( Object id )
if (id == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "id == null" );
if (!(id instanceof String))
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "id is not valid: "+id );
String s = (String) id;
if (!s.startsWith( "#" ))
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "id is not valid: "+id );
if (!s.endsWith( "#" ))
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "id is not valid: "+id );
return Integer.parseInt( s.substring( 1 )
.substring( 0, s.length()-2 ), ID_RADIX );
catch ( StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "id is not valid: "+id );
catch ( NumberFormatException e )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "id is not valid: "+id );
private int INTERVAL = 5*1000;
private final static int FAIL_INTERVAL = 60*1000;
private static final String configDir = ".";
private final AlarmListener LISTENER = new AlarmListener()
public int wakeup( AlarmManager manager, Object state, long due )
return INTERVAL;
catch ( Exception e )
private File mkfile( String name ) throws ConfigurationException
if (name == null || name.length() == 0)
throw new ConfigurationException( "name is null or blank" );
// filter out references to non-existent configs.
File f = new File( name+".yml" );
if (!f.isFile() || !f.canRead())
throw new ConfigurationException( "could not verify name: "+name );
// make sure the config is in the config directory.
String fcp = f.getCanonicalPath();
// System.out.println( "fcp = "+fcp );
String cd = new File( configDir ).getCanonicalPath() + File.separatorChar;
// System.out.println( "cd = "+cd );
if (!fcp.startsWith( cd ))
throw new ConfigurationException( "could not verify name: "+name );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new ConfigurationException( "could not verify name: "+name );
return f;
private File file;
private Long lastModified;
private Map<Integer, Conf> configs;
private IdGenerator idgen = new IdGenerator( 0 );
private Set<Integer> subs;
private static Object loadConfig0( File file ) throws ConfigurationException
Object o = Yaml.load( file );
return o;
catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
throw new ConfigurationException( "file not found: " + file );
catch ( YamlException e )
throw new ConfigurationException( "file not loaded: " + file + "; "+e );
private Map<Integer, Conf> importConfigs( Object root )
Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs = new HashMap<Integer, Conf>();
importObject( newConfigs, null, null, root );
return newConfigs;
* This is purely for testing.
void setConfig( String name ) throws Exception
file = mkfile( name );
lastModified = Long.MIN_VALUE;
private void updateConfig() throws ConfigurationException
if (file.lastModified() == lastModified)
long t0 = file.lastModified();
Object o = loadConfig0( file );
long t1 = file.lastModified();
if (t1 != t0)
Set<Object> changeIds = new HashSet<Object>();
synchronized (subs)
Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs = new HashMap<Integer, Conf>( configs );
Set<Integer> newSubs = Collections.synchronizedSet(
new HashSet<Integer>( subs ) );
Set<Integer> changeSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
updateObject( newConfigs, newSubs, changeSet, 0,
null, null, o );
// compute those ids in changeSet or their ancestors that
// are subscribed to.
computeChangeIds( changeIds, newConfigs, newSubs, changeSet );
lastModified = t0;
configs = newConfigs;
subs = newSubs;
fireConfigValuesChanged( changeIds.toArray() );
private void computeChangeIds( Set<Object> changeIds,
Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs, Set<Integer> newSubs, Set<Integer> changeSet )
for (int iid: changeSet)
computeChangeIds( changeIds, newConfigs, newSubs, iid );
private void computeChangeIds( Set<Object> changeIds,
Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs, Set<Integer> newSubs, int iid )
if (newSubs.contains( iid ))
changeIds.add( toId( iid ) );
Conf c = newConfigs.get( iid );
if (c.parent != null)
computeChangeIds( changeIds, newConfigs, newSubs, c.parent );
private int importObject( Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs, Integer parent, Object nameOrIndex,
Object value )
if (valueIsList( value ))
return importList( newConfigs, parent, nameOrIndex, (List<?>) value );
if (valueIsMap( value ))
return importMap( newConfigs, parent, nameOrIndex, (Map<?, ?>) value );
if (valueIsScalar( value ))
int k = (int);
newConfigs.put( k, new Conf( k, parent, nameOrIndex, value ) );
return k;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"don't know how to import type "+value.getClass() );
private static boolean valueIsScalar( Object value )
return value instanceof Boolean || value instanceof Number ||
value instanceof String || value instanceof Date;
private boolean valueIsList( Object value )
return value instanceof List;
private boolean valueIsMap( Object value )
return value instanceof Map;
private void updateObject( Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs, Set<Integer> newSubs,
Set<Integer> changeSet, int iid, Integer parent, Object nameOrIndex,
Object value )
Conf c = newConfigs.get( iid );
Assertion.check( (parent == null && c.parent == null) ||
(parent != null && c.parent != null && parent.equals( c.parent )),
"parents match" );
Assertion.check( (nameOrIndex == null && c.nameOrIndex == null) ||
(nameOrIndex != null && c.nameOrIndex != null && nameOrIndex.equals( c.nameOrIndex )),
"nameOrIndex match" );
if (valueIsList( value ))
if (c.isList())
updateList( newConfigs, newSubs, changeSet, iid, parent, nameOrIndex, (List<?>) value, c );
if (c.isMap())
destroyMap( newConfigs, newSubs, iid, c );
importList( newConfigs, newSubs, changeSet, iid, parent, nameOrIndex, (List<?>) value );
if (c.isScalar())
importList( newConfigs, newSubs, changeSet, iid, parent, nameOrIndex, (List<?>) value );
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"don't know how to update to list from type " + c.value.getClass() );
if (valueIsMap( value ))
if (c.isMap())
updateMap( newConfigs, newSubs, changeSet, iid, parent, nameOrIndex, (Map<?, ?>) value, c );
if (c.isList())
destroyList( newConfigs, newSubs, iid, c );
importMap( newConfigs, newSubs, changeSet, iid, parent, nameOrIndex, (Map<?, ?>) value );
if (c.isScalar())
importMap( newConfigs, newSubs, changeSet, iid, parent, nameOrIndex, (Map<?, ?>) value );
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"don't know how to update to map from type " + c.value.getClass() );
if (valueIsScalar( value ))
if (c.isMap())
destroyMap( newConfigs, newSubs, iid, c );
newConfigs.put( iid, new Conf( iid, parent, nameOrIndex, value ) );
add( newConfigs, changeSet, iid );
if (c.isList())
destroyList( newConfigs, newSubs, iid, c );
newConfigs.put( iid, new Conf( iid, parent, nameOrIndex, value ) );
add( newConfigs, changeSet, iid );
if (c.isScalar())
if (value.equals( c.value ))
newConfigs.put( iid, new Conf( iid, parent, nameOrIndex, value ) );
add( newConfigs, changeSet, iid );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "don't know how to update to " +
value.getClass() + " from " + c.value.getClass() );
private void add( Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs, Set<Integer> changeSet, int iid )
System.out.println( "changeSet.add( "+iid+" )" );
System.out.println( " conf: "+newConfigs.get( iid ) );
// new Throwable().printStackTrace( System.out );
changeSet.add( iid );
private int importList( Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs, Integer parent, Object nameOrIndex, List<?> value )
List<Integer> v = new ArrayList<Integer>( value.size() );
int k = (int);
newConfigs.put( k, new Conf( k, parent, nameOrIndex, Collections.unmodifiableList( v ) ) );
int i = 0;
for (Object o: value )
v.add( importObject( newConfigs, k, i++, o ) );
return k;
private void importList( Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs, Set<Integer> newSubs,
Set<Integer> changeSet, int iid, Integer parent, Object nameOrIndex,
List<?> value )
List<Integer> v = new ArrayList<Integer>( value.size() );
newConfigs.put( iid, new Conf( iid, parent, nameOrIndex, Collections.unmodifiableList( v ) ) );
add( newConfigs, changeSet, iid );
int i = 0;
for (Object o: value )
v.add( importObject( newConfigs, iid, i++, o ) );
private void updateList( Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs, Set<Integer> newSubs,
Set<Integer> changeSet, int iid, Integer parent, Object nameOrIndex,
List<?> value, Conf c )
List<Integer> newList = new ArrayList<Integer>( c.list() );
boolean changed = false;
int n = Math.max( value.size(), newList.size() );
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (i < value.size() && i < newList.size())
updateObject( newConfigs, newSubs, changeSet, newList.get( i ), iid, i, value.get( i ) );
else if (i < newList.size()) // ran out of new values (newList too long)
destroy( newConfigs, newSubs, newList.get( i ) );
newList.set( i, null );
changed = true;
// this entry will eventually be removed...
else // i < value.size() // extending newList
newList.add( importObject( newConfigs, iid, i, value.get( i ) ) );
changed = true;
// trim newList if it is too long.
while (newList.size() > value.size())
newList.remove( newList.size() - 1 );
newConfigs.put( iid, new Conf( iid, parent, nameOrIndex, Collections.unmodifiableList( newList ) ) );
if (changed)
add( newConfigs, changeSet, iid );
private void destroyList( Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs, Set<Integer> newSubs, int iid, Conf c )
newConfigs.remove( iid );
newSubs.remove( iid );
for (int i: c.list())
destroy( newConfigs, newSubs, i );
private int importMap( Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs, Integer parent, Object nameOrIndex, Map<?, ?> value )
Map<String, Integer> v = new HashMap<String, Integer>( value.size() * 4 / 3 + 1 );
int k = (int);
newConfigs.put( k, new Conf( k, parent, nameOrIndex, Collections.unmodifiableMap( v ) ) );
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> me: value.entrySet() )
String n = (String) me.getKey();
v.put( n, importObject( newConfigs, k, n, me.getValue() ) );
return k;
private void importMap( Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs, Set<Integer> newSubs,
Set<Integer> changeSet, int iid, Integer parent, Object nameOrIndex,
Map<?, ?> value )
Map<String, Integer> v = new HashMap<String, Integer>( value.size() * 4 / 3 + 1 );
newConfigs.put( iid, new Conf( iid, parent, nameOrIndex, Collections.unmodifiableMap( v ) ) );
add( newConfigs, changeSet, iid );
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> me: value.entrySet() )
String n = (String) me.getKey();
v.put( n, importObject( newConfigs, iid, n, me.getValue() ) );
private void updateMap( Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs, Set<Integer> newSubs,
Set<Integer> changeSet, int iid, Integer parent, Object nameOrIndex,
Map<?, ?> value, Conf c )
Map<String, Integer> newMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>( );
boolean changed = false;
// Look for names in the current map which are not in the new.
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> me:
String name = me.getKey();
Integer siid = me.getValue();
if (!value.containsKey( name ))
// this name will have to be deleted.
newMap.remove( name );
destroy( newConfigs, newSubs, siid );
changed = true;
// Look for names in the new map which are not in the current.
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> me: value.entrySet())
String name = (String) me.getKey();
Object v = me.getValue();
if (!newMap.containsKey( name ))
// import the object
int k = importObject( newConfigs, iid, name, v );
newMap.put( name, k );
changed = true;
// update the object
Integer siid = newMap.get( name );
updateObject( newConfigs, newSubs, changeSet, siid, iid, name, v );
newConfigs.put( iid, new Conf( iid, parent, nameOrIndex, Collections.unmodifiableMap( newMap ) ) );
if (changed)
add( newConfigs, changeSet, iid );
private void destroy( Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs, Set<Integer> newSubs, int iid )
Conf c = newConfigs.get( iid );
if (c.isMap())
destroyMap( newConfigs, newSubs, iid, c );
else if (c.isList())
destroyList( newConfigs, newSubs, iid, c );
else if (c.isScalar())
newConfigs.remove( iid );
newSubs.remove( iid );
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"don't know how to destroy "+c.value.getClass() );
private void destroyMap( Map<Integer, Conf> newConfigs, Set<Integer> newSubs, int iid, Conf c )
newConfigs.remove( iid );
newSubs.remove( iid );
for (int i:
destroy( newConfigs, newSubs, i );
private Conf getConf0( int iid )
if (!isLoaded())
throw new IllegalStateException( "no config loaded" );
Conf c = configs.get( iid );
if (c == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "no such conf" );
return c;
private Conf getConf( Object id )
return getConf0( fromId( id ) );
private Object[] toIdArray( Collection<Integer> value, Integer offset,
Integer count )
int size = value.size();
if (offset == null)
offset = 0;
else if (offset < 0 || offset > size)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"offset < 0 || offset > size" );
if (count == null)
count = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
else if (count < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"count < 0" );
int remaining = size - offset;
if (count > remaining)
count = remaining;
Object[] a = new Object[count];
int i = 0;
for (int v: value)
if (offset > 0)
if (i >= a.length)
a[i++] = toId( v );
return a;
private Integer getConfigName( int iid, String name )
if (name.length() == 0)
return iid;
if (name.equals( "." ))
return iid;
Conf c = getConf0( iid );
if (name.equals( ".." ))
return c.parent;
if (c.isList())
int i = Integer.valueOf( name );
// i might be out of range.
List<Integer> list = c.list();
if (i < 0 || i >= list.size())
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "i < 0 || i >= list.size()" );
return list.get( i );
if (c.isMap())
Integer i = name );
// i might be null.
return i;
throw new NoSuchElementException( name );
private class Conf
public Conf( int id, Integer parent, Object nameOrIndex, Object value )
if (parent == null && nameOrIndex != null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"parent == null && nameOrIndex != null" );
if (parent != null && nameOrIndex == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"parent != null && nameOrIndex == null" );
if (value == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "value == null" ); = id;
this.parent = parent;
this.nameOrIndex = nameOrIndex;
this.value = value;
private final int id;
public boolean isScalar()
return valueIsScalar( value );
public String getPath()
if (isRoot())
return "/";
String s = getConf0( parent ).getPath();
if (s.equals( "/" ))
return s + nameOrIndex;
return s + '/' + nameOrIndex;
public Integer size()
if (isList())
return list().size();
if (isMap())
return map().size();
throw new NoSuchElementException( "value is not a List or a Map" );
public Integer index()
if (nameOrIndex == null)
return null;
if (nameOrIndex instanceof Integer)
return (Integer) nameOrIndex;
return null;
public String name()
if (nameOrIndex == null)
return "";
if (nameOrIndex instanceof String)
return (String) nameOrIndex;
return nameOrIndex.toString();
public final Integer parent;
public final Object nameOrIndex;
public final Object value;
public String toString()
return String.format( "Conf %d parent %s nameOrIndex %s, value %s", id, parent, nameOrIndex, value );
public boolean isRoot()
return nameOrIndex == null;
public boolean isList()
return valueIsList( value );
public boolean isMap()
return valueIsMap( value );
public List<Integer> list()
return (List<Integer>) value;
public Map<String, Integer> map()
return (Map<String, Integer>) value;
public boolean hasValue()
return value != null;
public Object getValue()
return value;
public Boolean getBoolean()
if (value instanceof Boolean)
return (Boolean) value;
if (value instanceof String)
return Boolean.valueOf( (String) value );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot convert value to Boolean" );
public Integer getInteger()
if (value instanceof Integer)
return (Integer) value;
if (value instanceof String)
return Integer.valueOf( (String) value );
catch ( NumberFormatException e )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot convert value to Integer: "+value );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot convert value to Integer" );
public Double getDouble()
if (value instanceof Double)
return (Double) value;
if (value instanceof Number)
return ((Number) value).doubleValue();
if (value instanceof String)
return Double.valueOf( (String) value );
catch ( NumberFormatException e )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot convert value to Double: "+value );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot convert value to Double" );
public String getString()
if (value instanceof Boolean)
return value.toString();
if (value instanceof Number)
return value.toString();
if (value instanceof Date)
return value.toString();
if (value instanceof String)
return (String) value;
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot convert value to String" );
public Date getDate()
if (value instanceof Date)
return (Date) value;
if (value instanceof String)
return new Date( (String) value );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot convert value to Date" );
public List<?> getList( Integer depth )
if (isList())
return getList0( depth );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot convert value to List" );
private List<?> getList0( Integer depth )
if (depth == null)
depth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (depth <= 0)
return null;
List<Object> l = new ArrayList<Object>( list().size() );
for (Integer iid: list())
Conf c = getConf0( iid );
if (c.isList())
l.add( c.getList0( depth-1 ) );
else if (c.isMap())
l.add( c.getMap0( depth-1 ) );
l.add( c.getValue() );
return l;
public Map<?, ?> getMap( Integer depth )
if (isMap())
return getMap0( depth );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot convert value to Map: "+value.getClass() );
private Map<?, ?> getMap0( Integer depth )
if (depth == null)
depth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (depth <= 0)
return null;
Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>( (map().size() * 4 + 2) / 3 );
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e: map().entrySet())
Conf c = getConf0( e.getValue() );
if (c.isList())
m.put( e.getKey(), c.getList0( depth-1 ) );
else if (c.isMap())
m.put( e.getKey(), c.getMap0( depth-1 ) );
m.put( e.getKey(), c.getValue() );
return m;
void setInterval( int newInterval )
INTERVAL = newInterval;