blob: d494ef4c1f665314d0256868160bf774567afdf0 [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$
* Copyright 2007-2008 Cisco Systems Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
module org.apache.etch.compiler.test
service Constants
// data types
const boolean t1 = false
const byte t2 = 0
const short t3 = 0
const int t4 = 0
const long t5 = 0
const float t6 = 0
const double t7 = 0
const string t8 = ""
// booleans
const boolean t = true
const boolean f = false
// integers
const byte z = 0
const byte mz = -0
const byte i1 = 1
const byte i10 = 10
const byte i100 = 100
const short i1000 = 1000
const short i10000 = 10000
const int i100000 = 100000
const int i1000000 = 1000000
const int i10000000 = 10000000
const int i100000000 = 100000000
const int i1000000000 = 1000000000
const long i10000000000 = 10000000000
const long i100000000000 = 100000000000
const long i1000000000000 = 1000000000000
const long i10000000000000 = 10000000000000
const long i100000000000000 = 100000000000000
const long i1000000000000000 = 1000000000000000
const long i10000000000000000 = 10000000000000000
const long i100000000000000000 = 100000000000000000
const long i1000000000000000000 = 1000000000000000000
// const long i10000000000000000000 = 10000000000000000000 // too big
const byte mi1 = -1
const byte mi10 = -10
const byte mi100 = -100
const short mi1000 = -1000
const short mi10000 = -10000
const int mi100000 = -100000
const int mi1000000 = -1000000
const int mi10000000 = -10000000
const int mi100000000 = -100000000
const int mi1000000000 = -1000000000
const long mi10000000000 = -10000000000
const long mi100000000000 = -100000000000
const long mi1000000000000 = -1000000000000
const long mi10000000000000 = -10000000000000
const long mi100000000000000 = -100000000000000
const long mi1000000000000000 = -1000000000000000
const long mi10000000000000000 = -10000000000000000
const long mi100000000000000000 = -100000000000000000
const long mi1000000000000000000 = -1000000000000000000
// const long mi10000000000000000000 = -10000000000000000000 // too small
// biggest and smallest
const byte min_byte = -128
const byte max_byte = 127
const short min_short = -32768
const short max_short = 32767
const int min_int = -2147483648
const int max_int = 2147483647
const long min_long = -9223372036854775808
const long max_long = 9223372036854775807
const float min_float = 1.4e-45
const float max_float = 3.4028235e38
const double min_double = 4.9e-324
const double max_double = 1.7976931348623157e308
// binary
//const int b0 = 0b0
//const int b0a = 0b00
//const int b1 = 0b1
//const int b1a = 0b01
//const int b2 = 0b10
//const int b3 = 0b11
// octal
const int o0 = 00
const int o1 = 01
const int o2 = 02
const int o3 = 03
const int o4 = 04
const int o5 = 05
const int o6 = 06
const int o7 = 07
const int o10 = 010
// hex
const int h0 = 0x0
const int h1 = 0x1
const int h2 = 0x2
const int h3 = 0x3
const int h4 = 0x4
const int h5 = 0x5
const int h6 = 0x6
const int h7 = 0x7
const int h8 = 0x8
const int h9 = 0x9
const int ha = 0xa
const int hb = 0xb
const int hc = 0xc
const int hd = 0xd
const int he = 0xe
const int hf = 0xf
const int h10 = 0x10
// floating zeros
const float f0a = 0
const float f0b = 0.
const float f0c = .0
const float f0d = 0.0
const float f0e = 0e0
const float mf0a = -0
const float mf0b = -0.
const float mf0c = -.0
const float mf0d = -0.0
const float mf0e = -0e0
// various floating non-zeros
const float f1a = 1
const float f1b = 1.
const float f1c = .1
const float f1d = 1.1
const float f1e = 1e0
const float mf1a = -1
const float mf1b = -1.
const float mf1c = -.1
const float mf1d = -1.1
const float mf1e = -1e0
// floating big and small
//const float fbig = 1234567890.0987654321e1234567890
//const float mfbig = -1234567890.0987654321e1234567890
//const float fsmall = 1234567890.0987654321e-1234567890
//const float mfsmall = -1234567890.0987654321e-1234567890
// strings
const string blank = ""
const string s1 = "a"
const string s2 = "ab"
const string s3 = "abc"
const string s4 = "abcd"
const string s5 = "abcde"
const string e1 = "\""
const string e2 = "\\"
const string e3 = "\t"
const string e4 = "\r"
const string e5 = "\n"
const string e6 = "\u0054his is a \u0074est of\u0020unicode escapes\u002e"
const string e7 = "\u00a1Use unicode escapes to \u201cquote\u201d things!"