blob: a7c132da2eba21bbdc3efa2a39e4100c959c9327 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE chapter [
<!ENTITY % globalent SYSTEM "../../libs/global.ent">
<chapter xmlns="" version="5.0" xml:id="nsdl-chap" status="review">
<title xml:id="nsdl">Network Service Definition Language</title>
The Network Service Definition Language is used to specify the message exchange between client / server applications.
The language specifies the messages, their parameters, message direction, timeout, authorization, delivery style, custom
types, constants, and documentation for the service and each message, parameter, type, and constant. A compiler can then
be used to process the NSDL into meta-data and code to support implementing clients and servers in a variety of different
programming languages and environments with the help of a small runtime library.
<section xml:id="nsdl-syntax" status="review"><info><title>Syntax Elements</title></info>
The NSDL uses syntax elements common to other programming languages:
This is a note!