blob: 4fc1904ca5487e7fb7e4b1c3f50458846feb7b12 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file automatically generated by:
// Apache Etch 1.3.0-incubating (LOCAL-0) / c 1.3.0-incubating (LOCAL-0)
// Fri Jul 27 11:35:36 CEST 2012
// This file is automatically created for your convenience and will not be
// overwritten once it exists! Please edit this file as necessary to implement
// your service logic.
#include "common/EtchTypes.h"
#include "support/EtchRuntime.h"
#include "RemoteHelloWorldServer.h"
#include "MainHelloWorldClient.h"
#include "ImplHelloWorldClient.h"
#include "transport/EtchTransportData.h"
using namespace org_apache_etch_examples_helloworld_HelloWorld;
HelloWorldClient* MainHelloWorldClientFactory::newHelloWorldClient(RemoteHelloWorldServer* server)
return new ImplHelloWorldClient(server);
* Main program for HelloWorldClient.
* @param args command line arguments.
* @throws Exception
capu::int32_t main(int argc, const char* argv[])
EtchRuntime* runtime = new EtchRuntime();
// TODO Change to correct URI
EtchString uri("tcp://");
MainHelloWorldClientFactory mc;
status_t result;
RemoteHelloWorldServer *remote = NULL;
result = HelloWorldHelper::newServer(runtime, uri, NULL, mc, remote);
if (result != ETCH_OK) {
//TODO Handle error
// Connect to the service
result = remote->transportControl(new EtchString(EtchTransportData::START_AND_WAIT_UP()), new EtchInt32(4000));
if (result != ETCH_OK) {
//TODO Handle error
HelloWorld::userPtr myUser = new HelloWorld::user(new EtchInt32(1),new EtchString("World"));
HelloWorldServer::say_helloAsyncResultPtr say_helloResult = remote->say_hello(myUser);
if(say_helloResult->hasException()) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchException> exception = say_helloResult->getException();
printf("say_hello FAILED: exception=%s \n", exception->getErrorMessage().c_str());
if(say_helloResult->hasResult()) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchString> result = say_helloResult->getResult();
printf("say_hello OK: result=%s\n", result->c_str());
// Disconnect from the service
remote->transportControl(new EtchString(EtchTransportData::STOP_AND_WAIT_DOWN()), new EtchInt32(4000));
printf("\n\npress any key to close client\n");
//delete remote
delete remote;
//delete runtime
result = runtime->shutdown();
if (result != ETCH_OK) {
//TODO Handle error
delete runtime;
return 0;