blob: 9ed7e2ed3b2a1e3f85e8a55d1eb4e7da82e4f5f5 [file] [log] [blame]
# package 'etch/bindings/ruby/msg'
require 'etch/bindings/ruby/msg/id_name'
# Field is an IdName which denotes a field of a struct
# or message (i.e., a key for a value).
class Field < IdName
# Constructs the Field.
# @param id the id of the field.
# @param name the name of the field.
def initialize(id, name)
super(id, name)
# Constructs the Field, computing the appropriate value
# for the id.
# @param name the name of the field.
# def initialize(name)
# super(name)
# end