blob: 9463e092da256a9b1000de25d47fbd2310b2752f [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version
* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "serialization/EtchTypeCodes.h"
#include "serialization/EtchBinaryTaggedDataInput.h"
#include "serialization/EtchDefaultValueFactory.h"
#include "serialization/EtchTypeMap.h"
#include "serialization/EtchClass2TypeMap.h"
#include "serialization/EtchBinaryTaggedDataInput.h"
#include "serialization/EtchBinaryTaggedDataOutput.h"
#include "serialization/EtchValidatorBoolean.h"
#include "serialization/EtchValidatorShort.h"
#include "serialization/EtchValidatorByte.h"
#include "serialization/EtchValidatorFloat.h"
#include "serialization/EtchValidatorDouble.h"
#include "support/EtchRuntime.h"
class MockValueFactory9 : public virtual EtchValueFactory {
~MockValueFactory9() {
MOCK_METHOD2(getType, status_t(capu::uint32_t id, EtchType*& result));
MOCK_METHOD2(getType, status_t(EtchString& name, EtchType*& result));
MOCK_METHOD1(addType, status_t(EtchType* type));
MOCK_METHOD0(lockDynamicTypes, status_t());
MOCK_METHOD0(unlockDynamicTypes, status_t());
MOCK_METHOD2(getMessageId, status_t(EtchMessage* msg, capu::int64_t &result));
MOCK_METHOD2(setMessageId, status_t(EtchMessage* msg, capu::int64_t msgid));
MOCK_METHOD0(get_mf__messageId, EtchField());
MOCK_METHOD2(getInReplyToMessageId, status_t(EtchMessage* msg, capu::int64_t &result));
MOCK_METHOD2(setInReplyToMessageId, status_t(EtchMessage* msg, capu::int64_t msgid));
MOCK_METHOD0(get_mf__inReplyTo, EtchField());
MOCK_METHOD2(importCustomValue, status_t(EtchStructValue* _struct, capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject>& result));
MOCK_METHOD2(exportCustomValue, status_t(capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> value, EtchStructValue*& result));
MOCK_METHOD0(get_mt__exception, EtchType*());
MOCK_METHOD2(getCustomStructType, status_t(const EtchObjectType* c, EtchType *& type));
EtchLevel getLevel() {
return LEVEL_FULL;
MOCK_METHOD1(setLevel, EtchLevel(EtchLevel level));
class MyValueFactory {
EtchTypeMap types;
EtchClass2TypeMap class2type;
EtchDefaultValueFactory * factory;
* Constructs the MyValueFactory.
* @param uri
MyValueFactory(EtchString uri) {
EtchDefaultValueFactory::Init(&types, &class2type);
factory = new EtchDefaultValueFactory(uri, &types, &class2type);
~MyValueFactory() {
delete factory;
class Utility {
static capu::int32_t* testInt() {
capu::int32_t n = 65536 + 2 + 2;
capu::int32_t k = 65536 + 2;
capu::int32_t min = capu::NumericLimitMin<capu::int16_t > () - 1;
capu::int32_t *vals = new capu::int32_t[n];
capu::int32_t i = 0;
while (k > 0) {
vals[i++] = min++;
vals[i++] = capu::NumericLimitMin<capu::int32_t > ();
vals[i++] = capu::NumericLimitMax<capu::int32_t > ();
return vals;
static capu::int64_t* testLong() {
capu::int32_t n = 65536 + 2 + 6;
capu::int32_t k = 65536 + 2;
capu::int32_t min = capu::NumericLimitMin<capu::int16_t > () - 1;
capu::int64_t* vals = new capu::int64_t[n];
capu::int32_t i = 0;
while (k > 0) {
vals[i++] = min++;
vals[i++] = capu::NumericLimitMin<capu::int32_t > ();
vals[i++] = capu::NumericLimitMax<capu::int32_t > ();
vals[i++] = (capu::int64_t) capu::NumericLimitMin<capu::int32_t > () - (capu::int64_t)1L;
vals[i++] = (capu::int64_t) capu::NumericLimitMax<capu::int32_t > () + (capu::int64_t)1L;
return vals;
static void test(capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> x, capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> v, capu::bool_t stringTypeAndField) {
MyValueFactory vf("tcp:");
EtchType *mt_foo = NULL;
EtchField mf_x("x");
EtchString foo("foo");
vf.factory->getType(foo, mt_foo);
mt_foo->putValidator(mf_x, v);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchMessage> msg = new EtchMessage(mt_foo, vf.factory);
msg->put(mf_x, x);
capu::uint32_t length;
capu::int8_t * buffer;
msg2bytes(msg, stringTypeAndField, length, buffer, vf);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchMessage> msg2;
bytes2msg(buffer, length, msg2, vf);
EXPECT_TRUE(msg2->count() == 1);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> result;
EXPECT_TRUE(msg2->get(mf_x, &result) == ETCH_OK);
//check result of serialization
check_equal(result.get(), x.get());
static void check_equal(EtchObject* first, EtchObject* second) {
if (first->getObjectType()->isArray()) {
EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> > * array = (EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> > *) first;
EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> > * array2 = (EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> > *) second;
for (capu::int32_t i = 0; i < array->getLength(); i++) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> obj;
capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> obj1;
if (array->getDim() == 1) {
array->get(i, &obj);
array2->get(i, &obj1);
check_equal(obj.get(), obj1.get());
} else if (array->getDim() > 1) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> > > subarray;
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> > > subarray2;
array2->get(i, subarray2);
check_equal(subarray.get(), subarray2.get());
} else {
} else {
static void msg2bytes(capu::SmartPointer<EtchMessage> msg, capu::bool_t stringTypeAndField, capu::uint32_t &size, capu::int8_t *&buffer, MyValueFactory &vf) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchFlexBuffer> buf = new EtchFlexBuffer();
EtchURL u("none:");
// u.addTerm(EtchBinaryTaggedDataOutput::STRING_TYPE_AND_FIELD(), stringTypeAndField);
EtchBinaryTaggedDataOutput btdo(vf.factory, &u);
EXPECT_TRUE(btdo.writeMessage(msg, buf) == ETCH_OK);
size = buf->getAvailableBytes();
buffer = new capu::int8_t[size];
capu::uint32_t len;
EXPECT_TRUE(buf->get(buffer, 0, size, len) == ETCH_OK);
static void bytes2msg(capu::int8_t* buf, capu::uint32_t length, capu::SmartPointer<EtchMessage> &msg, MyValueFactory &vf) {
return bytes2msg(buf, length, msg, LEVEL_FULL, vf);
static void bytes2msg(capu::int8_t* buf, capu::uint32_t length, capu::SmartPointer<EtchMessage> &msg, EtchLevel level, MyValueFactory &vf) {
EtchLevel oldLevel = vf.factory->setLevel(level);
EtchBinaryTaggedDataInput btdi(vf.factory);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchFlexBuffer> buffer = new EtchFlexBuffer(buf, length);
EXPECT_TRUE(btdi.readMessage(buffer, msg) == ETCH_OK);
static void test_bto_write(capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> x, capu::int8_t *compare_buffer, capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> v) {
EtchString type("a");
EtchString field("b");
MyValueFactory vf("tcp:");
EtchType t(1, type);
EtchField f(2, field);
t.putValidator(f, v);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchMessage> msg = new EtchMessage(&t, vf.factory);
msg->put(f, x);
EtchURL u("none:");
EtchBinaryTaggedDataOutput btdo(vf.factory, &u);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchFlexBuffer> buf = new EtchFlexBuffer();
EXPECT_TRUE(btdo.writeMessage(msg, buf) == ETCH_OK);
capu::int32_t size = buf->getAvailableBytes();
capu::int8_t* buffer = new capu::int8_t[size];
capu::uint32_t len;
EXPECT_TRUE(buf->get(buffer, 0, size, len) == ETCH_OK);
EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(buffer, compare_buffer, len) == 0);
delete [] buffer;
class EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest
: public ::testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() {
mRuntime = new EtchRuntime();
mRuntime->setLogger(new EtchLogger());
virtual void TearDown() {
EtchLogger* logger = mRuntime->getLogger();
if(logger != NULL) {
delete logger;
delete mRuntime;
mRuntime = NULL;
EtchRuntime* mRuntime;
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, createTest) {
MockValueFactory9 *factory = new MockValueFactory9();
EtchBinaryTaggedDataInput* dataIn = new EtchBinaryTaggedDataInput(factory);
delete dataIn;
delete factory;
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, checkTest) {
MockValueFactory9 *factory = new MockValueFactory9();
EtchBinaryTaggedDataInput* dataIn = new EtchBinaryTaggedDataInput(factory);
// i'm testing with hard coded constants on the left hand
// side here because this represents our external interface
// for messages. if these values change, it could bring about
// accidental missile launches, inadvertant bank balance transfers
// to unfriendly foreign nations, or the dropping of a small
// child's lollipop into the sand. like a pizza face down in
// the parking lot, you don't wanna go there.
// byte values
for (capu::int8_t i = capu::NumericLimitMin<capu::int8_t > (); i < capu::NumericLimitMax<capu::int8_t > (); i++) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchByte> _byte = new EtchByte(i);
if (i >= EtchTypeCode::MIN_TINY_INT && i <= EtchTypeCode::MAX_TINY_INT)
EXPECT_TRUE(i == dataIn->checkValue(_byte));
else {
capu::int8_t var = EtchTypeCode::BYTE;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(_byte));
// short values
for (capu::int16_t i = capu::NumericLimitMin<capu::int16_t > (); i < capu::NumericLimitMax<capu::int16_t > (); i++) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchShort> _short = new EtchShort(i);
if (i >= EtchTypeCode::MIN_TINY_INT && i <= EtchTypeCode::MAX_TINY_INT)
EXPECT_TRUE((capu::int8_t) i == dataIn->checkValue(_short));
else if (i >= capu::NumericLimitMin<capu::int8_t > () && i <= capu::NumericLimitMax<capu::int8_t > ()) {
capu::int8_t var = EtchTypeCode::BYTE;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(_short));
} else {
capu::int8_t var = EtchTypeCode::SHORT;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(_short));
// int values
capu::int32_t *array = Utility::testInt();
for (capu::int32_t i = 0; i < 65540; i++) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchInt32> _int = new EtchInt32(array[i]);
if (array[i] >= EtchTypeCode::MIN_TINY_INT && array[i] <= EtchTypeCode::MAX_TINY_INT)
EXPECT_TRUE((capu::int8_t) array[i] == dataIn->checkValue(_int));
else if ((array[i] >= capu::NumericLimitMin<capu::int8_t > ()) && (array[i] <= capu::NumericLimitMax<capu::int8_t > ())) {
capu::int8_t var = EtchTypeCode::BYTE;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(_int));
} else if ((array[i] >= capu::NumericLimitMin<capu::int16_t > ()) && (array[i] <= capu::NumericLimitMax<capu::int16_t > ())) {
capu::int8_t var = EtchTypeCode::SHORT;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(_int));
} else {
capu::int8_t var = EtchTypeCode::INT;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(_int));
delete [] array;
// long values
capu::int64_t *array2 = Utility::testLong();
for (capu::int64_t i = 0; i < 65542; i++) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchLong> _long = new EtchLong(array2[i]);
if (array2[i] >= EtchTypeCode::MIN_TINY_INT && array2[i] <= EtchTypeCode::MAX_TINY_INT)
EXPECT_TRUE((capu::int8_t) array2[i] == dataIn->checkValue(_long));
else if (array2[i] >= capu::NumericLimitMin<capu::int8_t > () && array2[i] <= capu::NumericLimitMax<capu::int8_t > ()) {
capu::int8_t var = EtchTypeCode::BYTE;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(_long));
} else if (array2[i] >= capu::NumericLimitMin<capu::int16_t > () && array2[i] <= capu::NumericLimitMax<capu::int16_t > ()) {
capu::int8_t var = EtchTypeCode::SHORT;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(_long));
} else if (array2[i] >= capu::NumericLimitMin<capu::int32_t > () && array2[i] <= capu::NumericLimitMax<capu::int32_t > ()) {
capu::int8_t var = EtchTypeCode::INT;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(_long));
} else {
capu::int8_t var = EtchTypeCode::LONG;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(_long));
delete [] array2;
// null value
capu::int8_t var = EtchTypeCode::Null;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(NULL));
// boolean values
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> _true = new EtchBool(true);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> _false = new EtchBool(false);
var = EtchTypeCode::BOOLEAN_FALSE;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(_false));
var = EtchTypeCode::BOOLEAN_TRUE;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(_true));
capu::SmartPointer<EtchFloat> _float = new EtchFloat(3.14159f);
// float
var = EtchTypeCode::FLOAT;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(_float));
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDouble> _double = new EtchDouble(3.14159);
// double
var = EtchTypeCode::DOUBLE;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(_double));
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::int8_t> > narray = new EtchNativeArray<capu::int8_t > (2);
// byte array
var = EtchTypeCode::BYTES;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(narray));
capu::SmartPointer<EtchString> empty = new EtchString("");
capu::SmartPointer<EtchString> randstr = new EtchString("abc");
// string
var = EtchTypeCode::EMPTY_STRING;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(empty));
var = EtchTypeCode::STRING;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(randstr));
EtchString tmp = "type";
EtchType type(tmp);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchStructValue> sv = new EtchStructValue(&type, factory);
// struct
var = EtchTypeCode::CUSTOM;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(sv));
// none
var = EtchTypeCode::NONE;
EXPECT_TRUE(var == dataIn->checkValue(EtchBinaryTaggedData::NONE()));
delete dataIn;
delete factory;
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, boolean_serialization) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> > > carray1 = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> > (2, 2);
carray1->createArray(0, 2);
carray1->createArray(1, 2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> content1 = new EtchBool(false);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> content2 = new EtchBool(true);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> content3 = new EtchBool(false);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> content4 = new EtchBool(true);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 0), content1);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 1), content2);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 0), content3);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 1), content4);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorBoolean::Get(2, val);
Utility::test(carray1, val, false);
EtchValidatorBoolean::Get(0, val);
Utility::test(content1, val, false);
Utility::test(content2, val, false);
Utility::test(content3, val, false);
Utility::test(content4, val, false);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, int_serialization) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchInt32> > > carray1 = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchInt32> > (2, 2);
carray1->createArray(0, 2);
carray1->createArray(1, 2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchInt32> content1 = new EtchInt32(12);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchInt32> content2 = new EtchInt32(23);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchInt32> content3 = new EtchInt32(43);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchInt32> content4 = new EtchInt32(54);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 0), content1);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 1), content2);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 0), content3);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 1), content4);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorInt::Get(2, val);
Utility::test(carray1, val, false);
EtchValidatorInt::Get(0, val);
Utility::test(content1, val, false);
Utility::test(content2, val, false);
Utility::test(content3, val, false);
Utility::test(content4, val, false);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, string_serialization) {
const capu::uint8_t utf8_1 [] = {0xF0, 0xA4, 0xAD, 0xA2, 0xE2, 0x82, 0xAC, 0xC2, 0xA2, 0x24, 0x0};
const capu::uint8_t utf8_2 [] = {0xF0, 0xA4, 0xAD, 0xA2, 0xE2, 0x82, 0xAC, 0xC2, 0xA2, 0x25, 0x0};
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchString> > > carray1 = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchString> > (2, 2);
carray1->createArray(0, 2);
carray1->createArray(1, 2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchString> content1 = new EtchString((capu::int8_t*)utf8_1, 11, "utf-8");
capu::SmartPointer<EtchString> content2 = new EtchString((capu::int8_t*)utf8_2, 11, "utf-8");
capu::SmartPointer<EtchString> content3 = new EtchString((capu::int8_t*)utf8_1, 11, "utf-8");
capu::SmartPointer<EtchString> content4 = new EtchString((capu::int8_t*)utf8_2, 11, "utf-8");
carray1->set(Pos(0, 0), content1);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 1), content2);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 0), content3);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 1), content4);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorString::Get(2, val);
Utility::test(carray1, val, false);
EtchValidatorString::Get(0, val);
Utility::test(content1, val, false);
Utility::test(content2, val, false);
Utility::test(content3, val, false);
Utility::test(content4, val, false);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, long_serialization) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchLong> > > carray1 = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchLong> > (2, 2);
carray1->createArray(0, 2);
carray1->createArray(1, 2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchLong> content1 = new EtchLong(90);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchLong> content2 = new EtchLong(1123123213);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchLong> content3 = new EtchLong(90);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchLong> content4 = new EtchLong(1123123213);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 0), content1);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 1), content2);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 0), content3);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 1), content4);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorLong::Get(2, val);
Utility::test(carray1, val, false);
EtchValidatorLong::Get(0, val);
Utility::test(content1, val, false);
Utility::test(content2, val, false);
Utility::test(content3, val, false);
Utility::test(content4, val, false);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, byte_serialization) {
// EtchNativeArray<EtchByte*> carray(2, &EtchByte::TYPE);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchByte> content1 = new EtchByte(90);
//array can not be tested because it is optimized as native
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorByte::Get(0, val);
Utility::test(content1, val, false);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, short_serialization) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchShort> > > carray1 = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchShort> > (2, 2);
carray1->createArray(0, 2);
carray1->createArray(1, 2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchShort> content1 = new EtchShort(90);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchShort> content2 = new EtchShort(1113);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchShort> content3 = new EtchShort(90);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchShort> content4 = new EtchShort(32423);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 0), content1);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 1), content2);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 0), content3);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 1), content4);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorShort::Get(2, val);
Utility::test(carray1, val, false);
EtchValidatorShort::Get(0, val);
Utility::test(content1, val, false);
Utility::test(content2, val, false);
Utility::test(content3, val, false);
Utility::test(content4, val, false);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, float_serialization) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchFloat> > > carray1 = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchFloat> > (2, 2);
carray1->createArray(0, 2);
carray1->createArray(1, 2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchFloat> content1 = new EtchFloat(90.2f);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchFloat> content2 = new EtchFloat(1113.2f);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchFloat> content3 = new EtchFloat(90.2f);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchFloat> content4 = new EtchFloat(32423.2f);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 0), content1);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 1), content2);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 0), content3);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 1), content4);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorFloat::Get(2, val);
Utility::test(carray1, val, false);
EtchValidatorFloat::Get(0, val);
Utility::test(content1, val, false);
Utility::test(content2, val, false);
Utility::test(content3, val, false);
Utility::test(content4, val, false);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, double_serialization) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchDouble> > > carray1 = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchDouble> > (2, 2);
carray1->createArray(0, 2);
carray1->createArray(1, 2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDouble> content1 = new EtchDouble(90.2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDouble> content2 = new EtchDouble(1113.2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDouble> content3 = new EtchDouble(90.2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDouble> content4 = new EtchDouble(32423.2);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 0), content1);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 1), content2);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 0), content3);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 1), content4);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorDouble::Get(2, val);
Utility::test(carray1, val, false);
EtchValidatorDouble::Get(0, val);
Utility::test(content1, val, false);
Utility::test(content2, val, false);
Utility::test(content3, val, false);
Utility::test(content4, val, false);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, empty_string_serialization) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchString> str = new EtchString(NULL, 0, "utf-8");
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorString::Get(0, val);
Utility::test(str, val, false);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, date_serialization) {
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchDate> > > carray1 = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchDate> > (2, 2);
carray1->createArray(0, 2);
carray1->createArray(1, 2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDate> content1 = new EtchDate();
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDate> content2 = new EtchDate();
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDate> content3 = new EtchDate();
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDate> content4 = new EtchDate();
carray1->set(Pos(0, 0), content1);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 1), content2);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 0), content3);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 1), content4);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorObject::Get(2, val);
Utility::test(carray1, val, false);
EtchValidatorObject::Get(0, val);
Utility::test(content1, val, false);
Utility::test(content2, val, false);
Utility::test(content3, val, false);
Utility::test(content4, val, false);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, btdo_object_serialization) {
capu::int8_t byte_array[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -111, -106, 1, 2, 90, -126, -127, -127};
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> > > carray1 = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> > (2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> content1 = new EtchLong(90);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> content2 = new EtchBool(false);
carray1->set(0, content1);
carray1->set(1, content2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorObject::Get(1, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(carray1, byte_array, val);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, btdo_boolean_write) {
capu::int8_t byte_array[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -111, -125, 1, 2, -125, -126, -127, -127};
capu::int8_t byte_false[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -126, -127};
capu::int8_t byte_true[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -125, -127};
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> > > carray = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> > (2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> content1 = new EtchBool(true);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> content2 = new EtchBool(false);
carray->set(0, content1);
carray->set(1, content2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorBoolean::Get(0, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(content2, byte_false, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(content1, byte_true, val);
EtchValidatorBoolean::Get(1, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(carray, byte_array, val);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, btdo_byte_write) {
capu::int8_t byte_array[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -117, 3, 1, 2, 3, -127};
capu::int8_t byte_pos[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, 1, -127};
capu::int8_t byte_neg[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -1, -127};
capu::int8_t byte_zero[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, 0, -127};
capu::int8_t bytes[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -124, -100, -127};
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::int8_t> > carray = new EtchNativeArray<capu::int8_t > (3);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchByte> content1 = new EtchByte(1);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchByte> content2 = new EtchByte(-1);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchByte> content0 = new EtchByte(0);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchByte> content7 = new EtchByte(-100);
capu::int8_t content3 = 1;
capu::int8_t content4 = 2;
capu::int8_t content5 = 3;
carray->set(0, content3);
carray->set(1, content4);
carray->set(2, content5);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorByte::Get(0, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(content1, byte_pos, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(content2, byte_neg, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(content0, byte_zero, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(content7, bytes, val);
EtchValidatorByte::Get(1, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(carray, byte_array, val);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, btdo_short_write) {
capu::int8_t byte_array[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -111, -123, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, -127, -127};
capu::int8_t byte_pos[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -123, 39, 16, -127};
capu::int8_t byte_neg[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -123, -40, -16, -127};
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchShort> > > carray = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchShort> > (3);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchShort> content0 = new EtchShort(10000);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchShort> content7 = new EtchShort(-10000);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchShort> content1 = new EtchShort(1);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchShort> content2 = new EtchShort(2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchShort> content3 = new EtchShort(3);
carray->set(0, content1);
carray->set(1, content2);
carray->set(2, content3);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorShort::Get(0, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(content0, byte_pos, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(content7, byte_neg, val);
EtchValidatorShort::Get(1, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(carray, byte_array, val);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, btdo_int_write) {
capu::int8_t byte_array[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -111, -122, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, -127, -127};
capu::int8_t byte_pos[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -122, 59, -102, -54, 0, -127};
capu::int8_t byte_neg[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -122, -60, 101, 54, 0, -127};
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchInt32> > > carray = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchInt32> > (3);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchInt32> content0 = new EtchInt32(1000000000);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchInt32> content7 = new EtchInt32(-1000000000);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchInt32> content1 = new EtchInt32(1);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchInt32> content2 = new EtchInt32(2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchInt32> content3 = new EtchInt32(3);
carray->set(0, content1);
carray->set(1, content2);
carray->set(2, content3);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorInt::Get(0, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(content0, byte_pos, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(content7, byte_neg, val);
EtchValidatorInt::Get(1, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(carray, byte_array, val);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, btdo_long_write) {
capu::int8_t byte_array[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -111, -121, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, -127, -127};
capu::int8_t byte_pos[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -121, 13, -32, -74, -77, -89, 100, 0, 0, -127};
capu::int8_t byte_neg[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -121, -14, 31, 73, 76, 88, -100, 0, 0, -127};
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchLong> > > carray = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchLong> > (3);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchLong> content0 = new EtchLong(1000000000000000000L);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchLong> content7 = new EtchLong(-1000000000000000000L);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchLong> content1 = new EtchLong(1);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchLong> content2 = new EtchLong(2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchLong> content3 = new EtchLong(3);
carray->set(0, content1);
carray->set(1, content2);
carray->set(2, content3);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorLong::Get(0, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(content0, byte_pos, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(content7, byte_neg, val);
EtchValidatorLong::Get(1, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(carray, byte_array, val);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, btdo_float_write) {
capu::int8_t byte_array[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -111, -120, 1, 3, -120, 63, -128, 0, 0, -120, 64, 0, 0, 0, -120, 64, 64, 0, 0, -127, -127};
capu::int8_t byte_pos[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -120, 70, 64, -28, 0, -127};
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchFloat> > > carray = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchFloat> > (3);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchFloat> content0 = new EtchFloat(12345.0f);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchFloat> content1 = new EtchFloat(1);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchFloat> content2 = new EtchFloat(2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchFloat> content3 = new EtchFloat(3);
carray->set(0, content1);
carray->set(1, content2);
carray->set(2, content3);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorFloat::Get(0, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(content0, byte_pos, val);
EtchValidatorFloat::Get(1, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(carray, byte_array, val);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, btdo_double_write) {
capu::int8_t byte_array[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -111, -119, 1, 3, -119, 63, -16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -119, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -119, 64, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -127, -127};
capu::int8_t byte_pos[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -119, 64, -42, -24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -127};
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchDouble> > > carray = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchDouble> > (3);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDouble> content0 = new EtchDouble(23456);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDouble> content1 = new EtchDouble(1);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDouble> content2 = new EtchDouble(2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDouble> content3 = new EtchDouble(3);
carray->set(0, content1);
carray->set(1, content2);
carray->set(2, content3);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorDouble::Get(0, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(content0, byte_pos, val);
EtchValidatorDouble::Get(1, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(carray, byte_array, val);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, btdo_empty_string_write) {
capu::int8_t byte_pos[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -110, -127};
capu::SmartPointer<EtchString> content0 = new EtchString("");
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorString::Get(0, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(content0, byte_pos, val);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, btdo_date_write) {
capu::int8_t byte_array[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -111, -107, -122, 43, 57, 107, -52, 1, 2, -107, -122, 43, 57, 107, -52, 1, -122, 102, 0, 26, 64, -122, 73, -106, 2, -46, -127, -107, -122, 43, 57, 107, -52, 1, -122, 102, 0, 26, 64, -121, 0, 0, 0, 0, -117, -48, 56, 53, -127, -127, -127};
capu::int8_t byte_pos[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -107, -122, 43, 57, 107, -52, 1, -122, 102, 0, 26, 64, -122, 73, -106, 2, -46, -127, -127};
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchDate> > > carray = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchDate> >(2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDate> date = new EtchDate();
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDate> content1 = new EtchDate();
capu::SmartPointer<EtchDate> content2 = new EtchDate();
carray->set(0, content1);
carray->set(1, content2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorObject::Get(1, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(carray, byte_array, val);
EtchValidatorObject::Get(0, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(date, byte_pos, val);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, null_write) {
capu::int8_t byte_pos[] = {3, 1, 0, -127};
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorObject::Get(0, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(NULL, byte_pos, val);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, multi_dimension_test) {
capu::int8_t byte_pos[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -111, -125, 2, 2, -111, -125, 1, 2, -126, -125, -127, -111, -125, 1, 2, -126, -125, -127, -127, -127};
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> > > carray1 = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> >(2, 2);
carray1->createArray(0, 2);
carray1->createArray(1, 2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> content1 = new EtchBool(false);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> content2 = new EtchBool(true);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 0), content1);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 1), content2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> content3 = new EtchBool(false);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> content4 = new EtchBool(true);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 0), content3);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 1), content4);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorBoolean::Get(2, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(carray1, byte_pos, val);
TEST_F(EtchBinaryTaggedDataInputOutputTest, btdo_multi_array_write) {
capu::int8_t byte_array[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, -111, -106, 2, 2, -111, -106, 1, 2, -125, -126, -127, -111, -106, 1, 2, -126, -125, -127, -127, -127};
capu::SmartPointer<EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> > > carray1 = new EtchNativeArray<capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> >(2, 2);
carray1->createArray(0, 2);
carray1->createArray(1, 2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> content1 = new EtchBool(true);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> content2 = new EtchBool(false);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 0), content1);
carray1->set(Pos(0, 1), content2);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> content3 = new EtchBool(false);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchBool> content4 = new EtchBool(true);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 0), content3);
carray1->set(Pos(1, 1), content4);
capu::SmartPointer<EtchValidator> val = NULL;
EtchValidatorObject::Get(2, val);
Utility::test_bto_write(carray1, byte_array ,val);