blob: 33bf0b823e061d199ef9e3170dcf3ed7dd87224e [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version
* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* etch_remote.c
* base methods for either type of remote
#include "etch_remote.h"
#include "etch_exception.h"
#include "etch_url.h"
#include "etch_log.h"
#include "etch_objecttypes.h"
static const char* LOG_CATEGORY = "etch_remote";
* is_etch_remote()
int is_etch_remote(void* x)
int result = FALSE, objtype = x? ((etch_object*)x)->obj_type: 0;
result = TRUE;
return result;
* etchremote_new_message()
* instantiates a message to be sent via this.send() or this.begin_call().
* @param thisx this remote object.
* @param message_type type of message, caller retains.
* @return message object, or an etch object wrapping an exception.
etch_message* etchremote_new_message (void* data, etch_type* message_type)
xxxx_remote* thisx = (xxxx_remote*)data;
etch_message* msg = new_message (message_type, ETCH_DEFSIZE, thisx->vf);
/* removed this throw because caller (remote) can't use the exception
* without rethrowing it to the mailbox object */
if (NULL == msg) /* warning this is not a usable message object */
msg = (etch_message*) throw_from(EXCPTYPE_ETCHRUNTIME, ETCHTYPEB_MESSAGE,
L"could not create message", ETCHEXCP_COPYTEXT);
return msg;
* etchremote_send()
* sends message to recipient without waiting for a response.
* @param thisx this remote object.
* @param msg message, caller relinquishes.
* @return 0 success, -1 failure.
int etchremote_send (void* data, etch_message* msg)
xxxx_remote* thisx = (xxxx_remote*)data;
int result = 0;
result = thisx->dsvc->itm->transport_message(thisx->dsvc, NULL, msg);
if (0 != result)
ETCH_LOG(LOG_CATEGORY, ETCH_LOG_ERROR, "remote server send failed for msg %x\n", msg);
return result;
* etchremote_sendex()
* sends message to recipient without waiting for a response.
* @param thisx this remote object.
* @param msg message, caller relinquishes.
* @return NULL or exception
void* etchremote_sendex (void* data, etch_message* msg)
xxxx_remote* thisx = (xxxx_remote*)data;
etch_object* resultobj = NULL;
if (0 != etchremote_send (thisx, msg)){
resultobj = (etch_object*)new_etch_exception_from_errorcode(ETCH_EIO);
etch_exception_set_message((etch_exception*)resultobj,new_stringw(L"remote server send failed"));
return resultobj;
* etchremote_begincall()
* sends message beginning a call sequence.
* @param thisx this remote object.
* @param msg message, caller relinquishes.
* @return in out parameter, a mailbox which can be used to retrieve the response.
* @return 0 success, -1 failure.
int etchremote_begincall (void* data, etch_message* msg, void** out)
xxxx_remote* thisx = (xxxx_remote*)data;
int result = 0;
result = thisx->dsvc->begin_call(thisx->dsvc, msg, out);
if (0 != result)
ETCH_LOG(LOG_CATEGORY, ETCH_LOG_ERROR, "could not create mailbox for msg %x\n", msg);
return result;
* etchremote_endcall()
* finishes a call sequence by waiting for a response message.
* @param thisx this remote object.
* @param mbox a mailbox which will be used to read an expected message response.
* @param response_type the message type of the expected response.
* @return in out parameter, on success, the response etch_object* masked object.
* @return 0 success, -1 failure.
int etchremote_endcall (void* data, i_mailbox* mbox, etch_type* response_type, void** out)
xxxx_remote* thisx = (xxxx_remote*)data;
return thisx->dsvc->end_call(thisx->dsvc, mbox, response_type, out);
* etchremote_transport_control()
* @param evt caller relinquishes
* @param value caller relinquishes
* @return 0 success, -1 failure.
int etchremote_transport_control (void* data, etch_event* evt, etch_object* value)
xxxx_remote* thisx = (xxxx_remote*)data;
return thisx->dsvc->itm->transport_control(thisx->dsvc, evt, value);
* etchremote_transport_notify()
* @param evt caller relinquishes
* @return 0 success, -1 failure.
int etchremote_transport_notify (void* data, etch_event* evt)
xxxx_remote* thisx = (xxxx_remote*)data;
return thisx->dsvc->itm->transport_notify(thisx->dsvc, evt);
* etchremote_transport_query()
* @param query caller relinquishes
* @return 0 success, -1 failure.
etch_object* etchremote_transport_query (void* data, etch_query* query)
xxxx_remote* thisx = (xxxx_remote*)data;
return thisx->dsvc->itm->transport_query(thisx->dsvc, query);
* etchremote_set_session()
* @param session caller retains
* @return 0 success, -1 failure.
void etchremote_set_session (void* data, void* session)
xxxx_remote* thisx = (xxxx_remote*)data;
* etchremote_get_session()
* @param session caller retains
* @return 0 success, -1 failure.
i_session* etchremote_get_session (void* data)
xxxx_remote* thisx = (xxxx_remote*)data;
return (i_session*)thisx->dsvc->ism;
* etchremote_start_waitup()
* start the transport and wait for it to come up.
* @param thisx this remote object.
* @param waitms how long to wait, in milliseconds.
* @return 0 success, -1 failure.
int etchremote_start_waitup (void* data, const int waitms)
xxxx_remote* thisx = (xxxx_remote*)data;
/* indicate to transport start whether this request is from a client
* (remote server) or a server (remote client) */
{ const int is_client = thisx->remote_type == ETCH_REMOTETYPE_SERVER;
etch_int32* txvalue = is_client? new_int32(is_client): NULL;
etch_event* txevent = new_etch_event(CLASSID_CONTROL_START_WAITUP, waitms);
return thisx->transport_control (thisx, txevent, (etch_object*)txvalue);
* etchremote_stop_waitdown()
* stop the transport and wait for it to go down.
* @param thisx this remote object.
* @param waitms how long to wait, in milliseconds.
* @return 0 success, -1 failure.
int etchremote_stop_waitdown (void* data, const int waitms)
xxxx_remote* thisx = (xxxx_remote*)data;
/* indicate to transport start whether this request is from a client
* (remote server) or a server (remote client) */
{ const int is_client = thisx->remote_type == ETCH_REMOTETYPE_SERVER;
etch_int32* txvalue = is_client? new_int32(is_client): NULL;
etch_event* txevent = new_etch_event(CLASSID_CONTROL_STOP_WAITDOWN, waitms);
if (is_client) /* dead end chain here for client demo */
txevent = NULL;
txvalue = NULL;
return -1;
return thisx->transport_control (thisx, txevent, (etch_object*)txvalue);
* new_etch_remote_base
* generic constructor for remote base
* @param thisx parent object such as remote server or client.
* @param objsize byte length of actual remote base object,
* specifying ETCH_DEFSIZE defaults to sizeof(xxxx_remote).
* @param class_id etch class id of this object.
* @param ids delivery service -- caller retains.
* @param vf default value factory -- caller retains.
* @param ixxxx service interface -- caller retains.
* @return xxxx_remote* mask over either remote type.
* fyi xxxx_remote typedefs to etch_remote.
xxxx_remote* new_etch_remote_base (void* thisx,
const int objsize, const unsigned short class_id,
i_delivery_service* ids, etch_value_factory* vf, etch_object* ixxxx)
const int nbytes = objsize? objsize: sizeof(xxxx_remote);
xxxx_remote* remote = (xxxx_remote*) new_object (nbytes, ETCHTYPEB_REMOTE, class_id);
/* xxxx_remote instance data and methods */
remote->dsvc = ids;
remote->vf = vf;
remote->start_waitup = etchremote_start_waitup;
remote->stop_waitdown = etchremote_stop_waitdown;
/* transport methods */
remote->transport_control = etchremote_transport_control;
remote->transport_notify = etchremote_transport_notify;
remote->transport_query = etchremote_transport_query;
remote->set_session = etchremote_set_session;
remote->get_session = etchremote_get_session;
/* remote base */
remote->new_message = etchremote_new_message;
remote->send = etchremote_send;
remote->sendex = etchremote_sendex;
remote->begin_call = etchremote_begincall;
remote->end_call = etchremote_endcall;
return remote;