blob: 958172e28290b32f83d624f87a29f6b920ce483c [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version
* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* etch_defvalufact.c
* default value factory from which all others inherit
#include "etch_default_value_factory.h"
#include "etch_serializer.h"
#include "etch_map.h"
#include "etch_log.h"
#include "etch_objecttypes.h"
#include "etch_general.h"
#include <wchar.h>
char* ETCHVALF = "VALF";
void etchvf_instantiate_builtins();
etch_type* defvf_add_type (void*, etch_type*);
etch_id_name* get_idname_by_id (etch_hashtable* map, const unsigned id);
etch_type* defvf_get_type_by_id (void*, const unsigned id);
etch_type* defvf_get_type_by_name(void*, const wchar_t* name);
etch_type* defvf_get_type_by_name(void*, const wchar_t* name);
wchar_t* defvf_get_string_encoding (void*);
etch_type* defvf_get_custom_struct_type (void*, const unsigned);
etch_int64* defvf_get_message_id (void*, etch_message*);
int defvf_set_message_id (void*, etch_message*, etch_int64* id);
etch_int64* defvf_get_in_reply_to (void*, etch_message*);
int defvf_set_in_reply_to (void*, etch_message*, etch_int64* id);
etch_type* defvf_get_mt_exception(void*);
etch_type* defvf_get_mt_rutime_exception(void*);
etch_type* defvf_get_mt_auth_exception(void*);
etch_object* defvf_import_custom_value (void*, etch_structvalue*);
etch_structvalue* defvf_export_custom_value (void*, etch_object* value);
etch_arraylist* new_vf_mixin_collection(void*);
etch_arraylist* defvf_get_types (void*);
* built-in (etch-global, quasi-static) objects.
* these singleton objects are global to all vfs, instantiated with the
* initial vf, and destroyed at etch teardown.
defvf_statics builtins;
unsigned char is_builtins_instantiated;
const wchar_t* str_etch_runtime_exception;
const wchar_t* str_etch_auth_exception;
const wchar_t* str_exception;
const wchar_t* str_etch_list;
const wchar_t* str_etch_map;
const wchar_t* str_etch_set;
const wchar_t* str_etch_datetime;
const wchar_t* str_msg;
const wchar_t* str_message_id;
const wchar_t* str_in_reply_to;
const wchar_t* str_result;
const wchar_t* str_utf8;
const wchar_t* str_keys;
const wchar_t* str_values;
const wchar_t* str_date_time;
const wchar_t* str_keys_values;
const wchar_t* str_msgizervf;
const wchar_t* str_msgizerfmt;
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* constructors/destructors
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* new_default_value_factory()
* constructor for default_value_factory
* @param typemap the types map. if caller supplies this object, caller
* retains ownership, unless vf.is_own_types flag is subsequently set false.
* @param c2tmap the class to type map. if caller supplies this object, caller
* retains ownership, unless vf.is_own_class_to_type flag is subsequently set false.
default_value_factory* new_default_value_factory(vf_idname_map* typemap, class_to_type_map* c2tmap)
return new_default_value_factory_ex(sizeof(default_value_factory), typemap, c2tmap);
* destroy_default_value_factory()
* destructor for default_value_factory
int destroy_default_value_factory(void* data)
default_value_factory* vf = (default_value_factory*)data;
if (!is_etchobj_static_content(vf))
return destroy_objectex((etch_object*) vf);
* new_default_value_factory_ex()
* constructor for default_value_factory
* @param objsize the size of the value factory
* @param typemap the types map. if caller supplies this object, caller
* retains ownership, unless vf.is_own_types flag is subsequently set false.
* @param c2tmap the class to type map. if caller supplies this object, caller
* retains ownership, unless vf.is_own_class_to_type flag is subsequently set false.
default_value_factory* new_default_value_factory_ex(const int objsize, vf_idname_map* typemap, class_to_type_map* c2tmap)
i_value_factory* vtab = NULL;
default_value_factory* newvf = NULL;
ETCH_ASSERT("typemap==NULL" && typemap);
ETCH_ASSERT("c2tmap==NULL" && c2tmap);
newvf = (default_value_factory*) new_value_factory(objsize);
((etch_object*)newvf)->destroy = destroy_default_value_factory;
vtab = (i_value_factory*)((etch_object*)newvf)->vtab;
vtab->add_type = defvf_add_type;
vtab->export_custom_value = defvf_export_custom_value;
vtab->get_custom_struct_type= defvf_get_custom_struct_type;
vtab->get_in_reply_to = defvf_get_in_reply_to;
vtab->get_message_id = defvf_get_message_id;
vtab->get_string_encoding = defvf_get_string_encoding;
vtab->get_type_by_id = defvf_get_type_by_id;
vtab->get_type_by_name = defvf_get_type_by_name;
vtab->get_types = defvf_get_types;
vtab->import_custom_value = defvf_import_custom_value;
vtab->set_in_reply_to = defvf_set_in_reply_to;
vtab->set_message_id = defvf_set_message_id;
newvf->mixins = new_vf_mixin_collection(newvf);
newvf->types = typemap;
newvf->class_to_type = c2tmap;
return newvf;
defvf_initialize_static(vf_idname_map* typemap, class_to_type_map* c2tmap){
int result = 0;
struct i_hashtable* vtab =((struct i_hashtable*)((etch_object*)typemap)->vtab);
(typemap->realtable, builtins._mt__etch_runtime_exception, NULL,typemap, 0);
(typemap->realtable, builtins._mt__etch_auth_exception, NULL,typemap, 0);
(typemap->realtable, builtins._mt__exception, NULL,typemap, 0);
(typemap->realtable, builtins._mt__etch_list, NULL,typemap, 0);
(typemap->realtable, builtins._mt__etch_map, NULL,typemap, 0);
(typemap->realtable, builtins._mt__etch_set, NULL,typemap, 0);
(typemap->realtable, builtins._mt__etch_datetime, NULL,typemap, 0);
etch_serializer_exception_init(builtins._mt__exception, c2tmap);
etch_serializer_authxcp_init (builtins._mt__etch_auth_exception, c2tmap);
etch_serializer_rtxcp_init (builtins._mt__etch_runtime_exception, c2tmap);
etch_serializer_list_init (builtins._mt__etch_list,c2tmap);
etch_serializer_map_init (builtins._mt__etch_map, c2tmap);
etch_serializer_set_init (builtins._mt__etch_set, c2tmap);
etch_serializer_date_init (builtins._mt__etch_datetime, c2tmap);
return result;
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* vf class methods
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* defvf_add_type()
* adds a type to set of types
* @param type a non-disposable etch_type object
* @return the effective type. if there was a name collision, the existing type
* is returned in place of the supplied type, AND the supplied type is destroyed.
* this simplifies logic up the line, and is consistent with caller expecting to
* relinquish memory management of the type passed.
etch_type* defvf_add_type (void* data, etch_type* type)
default_value_factory* vf = (default_value_factory*)data;
etch_type *effective_type = type;
const int result = ((struct i_hashtable*)((etch_object*)vf->types)->vtab)->inserth
(vf->types->realtable, type, NULL, vf->types, 0);
if (-1 == result)
effective_type = defvf_get_type_by_name(vf, type->name);
if (effective_type != type && NULL != effective_type)
if(effective_type == NULL)
ETCH_LOG("etch_default_value_factory", ETCH_LOG_ERROR, "error adding type '%s'\n", type->aname);
return effective_type;
* get_idname_by_id()
* given a id_name map and a numeric id, return the id_name for that key.
* @return a non-disposable *reference*, not a copy, or null if not found.
etch_id_name* get_idname_by_id (etch_hashtable* map, const unsigned id)
etch_iterator iterator;
set_iterator(&iterator, map, &map->iterable);
etch_id_name* this_idname = (etch_id_name*) iterator.current_key;
if (this_idname->id == id) {
return this_idname;
return NULL;
* defvf_get_type_by_id()
* @return a non-disposable reference to the type matching the supplied id,
* or null if no match. all mixed-in vfs are recursed for a match.
etch_type* defvf_get_type_by_id (void* data, const unsigned id)
default_value_factory* vf = (default_value_factory*)data;
etch_type* type = get_idname_by_id(vf->types, id);
if (type) return type;
if (vf->mixins->count)
etch_iterator iterator;
set_iterator(&iterator, vf->mixins, &vf->mixins->iterable);
default_value_factory* mvf
= (default_value_factory*) iterator.current_value;
if (is_etch_valuefact(mvf) && (mvf != vf))
type = defvf_get_type_by_id(mvf, id);
if (type) return type;
return NULL;
* get_idname_by_name()
* given a id_name map and a name string, return the id_name for that name.
* @return a non-disposable *reference*, not a copy, or null if not found.
* recall that etch_type and etch_field each are typedefs of etch_id_name.
etch_id_name* get_idname_by_name(etch_hashtable* map, const wchar_t* name)
etch_hashitem hashbucket, *thisitem = &hashbucket;
const unsigned hash = etch_get_wchar_hashkey(name);
const int result = ((struct i_hashtable*)((etch_object*)map)->vtab)->findh(map->realtable, hash, map, (void**)&thisitem);
return result == 0? (etch_id_name*) thisitem->key: NULL;
* etchtypemap_get_by_name()
* given a type map and a name, looks up the type matching that name,
* adding a new type to the map if no match was found.
* @return a non-disposable reference to the type matching the supplied
* name, or null if no match.
etch_type* etchtypemap_get_by_name(etch_hashtable* map, const wchar_t* name)
etch_type* thistype = get_idname_by_name(map, name);
if (NULL == thistype)
/* TODO handle return value */
((struct i_hashtable*)((etch_object*)map)->vtab)->inserth(map->realtable, thistype = new_type(name), NULL, map, 0);
return thistype;
* defvf_get_type_by_name()
* searches vf and all mixed-in vfs for type matching specified name.
* @return a non-disposable reference to the type corresponding to
* specified name, or null if no match.
etch_type* defvf_get_type_by_name (void* data, const wchar_t* name)
default_value_factory* vf = (default_value_factory*)data;
etch_type* type = get_idname_by_name(vf->types, name);
if (type) return type;
if (vf->mixins->count)
etch_iterator iterator;
set_iterator(&iterator, vf->mixins, &vf->mixins->iterable);
default_value_factory* mvf
= (default_value_factory*) iterator.current_value;
if (is_etch_valuefact(mvf) && (mvf != vf))
type = defvf_get_type_by_name(mvf, name);
if (type) return type;
return NULL;
* defvf_get_types()
* @return a disposable arraylist of non-disposable references to all types
* resident in this vf, and in all its mixed-in vfs. caller should invoke
* the returned list's destructor, which will destroy the list shell.
etch_arraylist* defvf_get_types (void* data)
default_value_factory* vf = (default_value_factory*)data;
etch_arraylist* typeslist = get_map_keys(vf->types);
if (vf->mixins->count)
int newmixintypes = 0;
etch_iterator iterator;
set_iterator(&iterator, vf->mixins, &vf->mixins->iterable);
etch_arraylist* mvflist;
default_value_factory* mvf
= (default_value_factory*) iterator.current_value;
if (is_etch_valuefact(mvf) && (mvf != vf))
mvflist = get_map_keys(mvf->types);
newmixintypes += etch_arraylist_add_from(typeslist, mvflist, etchtypelist_comparator);
return typeslist; /* caller must dispose */
* defvf_get_string_encoding()
* @returns a non-disposable reference to the encoding type
wchar_t* defvf_get_string_encoding (void* data)
return (wchar_t*) str_utf8;
* get_etch_string_encoding()
* return etch code indicating current string encoding
int get_etch_string_encoding(etch_value_factory* vf)
wchar_t* encoding = ((struct i_value_factory*)((etch_object*)vf)->vtab)->get_string_encoding(vf);
if (0 == wcscmp(encoding, L"utf-8")) return ETCH_ENCODING_UTF8;
if (0 == wcscmp(encoding, L"utf-16")) return ETCH_ENCODING_UTF16;
* defvf_get_custom_struct_type()
* @return a non-disposable reference to the etch type type corresponding
* to the specified class. invoked recursively via mixed in vfs.
etch_type* defvf_get_custom_struct_type(void* data, const unsigned etchclass)
default_value_factory* vf = (default_value_factory*)data;
etch_type* type = (etch_type*) etchmap_find(vf->class_to_type, etchclass, 0);
if (type) return type;
if (vf->mixins->count)
etch_iterator iterator;
set_iterator(&iterator, vf->mixins, &vf->mixins->iterable);
default_value_factory* mvf
= (default_value_factory*) iterator.current_value;
if (is_etch_valuefact(mvf) && (mvf != vf)) /* ensure no cycle */
type = ((struct i_value_factory*)((etch_object*)mvf)->vtab)->get_custom_struct_type(mvf, etchclass);
if (type) break;
return type;
* defvf_import_custom_value()
* get helper method from the struct's type to import the custom value associated
* with the type. if found, invoke the method to create the custom object.
* @param sv the *disposable* raw key-value pairs read in by tdi,
* from which to reconstruct the expected custom value object.
* caller relinquishes ownership of this object regardless of outcome.
* @return the *disposable* custom object, which must be cast by caller, or null.
etch_object* defvf_import_custom_value (void* data, etch_structvalue* sv)
etch_object* custom_value = NULL;
etch_serializer* impxhelper = etchtype_get_impexphelper(sv->struct_type);
if (impxhelper)
custom_value = impxhelper->import_value(impxhelper, (etch_object*) sv);
return custom_value;
* defvf_export_custom_value()
* establishes the etch type of the custom struct to be exported to, gets the
* export helper method from the type, and invokes that method to do the export.
* @param value the custom value object to be exported to a struct for tdo.
* caller retains ownership of this object.
* @return the exported struct, or null. caller owns the returned struct.
etch_structvalue* defvf_export_custom_value(void* data, etch_object* value)
default_value_factory* vf = (default_value_factory*)data;
etch_type* custom_type = NULL;
etch_serializer* impxhelper = NULL;
etch_structvalue* exported_value = NULL;
if (NULL == value) return NULL;
custom_type = defvf_get_custom_struct_type(vf, ETCHOBJCLASS(value));
if (NULL == custom_type)
custom_type = ((etch_structvalue*)value)->struct_type;
custom_type = builtins._mt__etch_runtime_exception;
custom_type = builtins._mt__etch_list;
custom_type = builtins._mt__etch_map;
custom_type = builtins._mt__etch_set;
/* fetch non-disposable helper object from custom type */
impxhelper = etchtype_get_impexphelper(custom_type);
if (impxhelper && value)
{ /* export value object to struct */
exported_value = (etch_structvalue*)
impxhelper->export_value(impxhelper, value);
/* changed to not destroy value 6/23, since the tdo itself does not own
* the value, and the export custom value is invoked from tdo write_value. */
/* value->destroy(value); */
return exported_value;
* defvf_add_mixin()
* add a mixed in value factory to this value factory.
* @return 0 or -1.
int defvf_add_mixin(default_value_factory* vf, etch_value_factory* mixedin_vf)
return etch_arraylist_add(vf->mixins, mixedin_vf);
* defvf_get_message_id()
* valuefactory.get_message_id() implementation.
* @return a non-disposable reference to the etch_int64 id object, or null.
etch_int64* defvf_get_message_id (void* data, etch_message* msg)
return (etch_int64*) message_get(msg, builtins._mf__message_id);
* message_get_id32()
* get and return message id in 32 bits. used for debugging, logging, etc.
unsigned message_get_id32 (etch_message* msg)
etch_int64* id64 = (etch_int64*) message_get (msg, builtins._mf__message_id);
const int id32 = id64? (unsigned) id64->value: 0;
return id32;
* defvf_set_message_id()
* valuefactory.set_message_id() implementation.
* @param id a *disposable* etch_int64* wrapping the message id.
* regardless of outcome, caller relinquishes ownership of this object.
* @return 0 or -1.
int defvf_set_message_id (void* data, etch_message* msg, etch_int64* id)
return message_put(msg, clone_field(builtins._mf__message_id), (etch_object*) id);
* defvf_get_in_reply_to()
* gets the id of the message to which this message is a reply.
* returns a non-disposable reference to an etch_int64*, not a copy, or null.
etch_int64* defvf_get_in_reply_to (void* data, etch_message* msg)
return (etch_int64*) message_get(msg, builtins._mf__in_reply_to);
* defvf_set_in_reply_to()
* sets the id of the message to which this message is a reply.
* @param id a *disposable* etch_int64* wrapping the message id.
* regardless of outcome, caller relinquishes ownership of this object.
* @return 0 or -1.
int defvf_set_in_reply_to (void* data, etch_message* msg, etch_int64* id)
return message_put (msg, clone_field(builtins._mf__in_reply_to), (etch_object*) id);
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* vf types collection
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* defvf_typescollection_clear_handler()
* callback set to handle freeing of key memory during a clear() of the vf
* types collection. such a map owns its content, which consists of both builtin
* types, which are marked static, and of user types, which are generally not
* marked static. the type's destructor is invoked here; however the destructor
* will take no action on the static types (these being freed later when the
* builtins are destroyed. those types which are added as a result of a runtime
* get() call, e.g., etchtypemap_get_by_name(vf->types, L"my_newtype"),
* are not marked static and so will be destroyed with this map.
int defvf_typescollection_clear_handler (void* data1, void* data2)
etch_type* type = (etch_type*) key;
if (is_etchobj_static_shell(type))
wprintf(L"vf types map NOT destroying %s\n", type->name);
else wprintf(L"vf types map destroying %s\n", type->name);
//key->destroy(key); /* see comments above re static and nonstatic types */
return TRUE;
* new_vf_types_collection()
* return a hashtable configured as expected for a set of types
etch_set* new_vf_types_collection(const int initialsize)
etch_set* map = new_set(initialsize);
map->content_obj_type = ETCHTYPEB_TYPE;
map->content_class_id = CLASSID_ID_TYPE;
map->freehook = defvf_typescollection_clear_handler;
return map;
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* vf_idname_map
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* defvf_idnmap_clear_handler()
* callback set to handle freeing of key memory during a clear() of a vf
* id_name map. map keys are etch_field owned by the map. however the map does
* not know how to destroy such a key so we handle that here. values in this
* map are etch_type owned elsewhere (presumably quasi-static built-in types).
int defvf_idnmap_clear_handler (void* data1, void* data2)
etch_object* key = (etch_object*)data1;
etch_id_name* idn = (etch_id_name*) key;
wprintf(L"destroy idn %08x '%s'\n", (size_t) (void*) key, idn->name);
return TRUE;
* new_vf_idname_map()
* return a hashtable configured as expected for a vf
* todo lose this method and the clear handler we don't use it
etch_hashtable* new_vf_idname_map(const int initialsize)
etch_hashtable* map = new_hashtable(initialsize);
map->is_tracked_memory = TRUE;
map->is_readonly_keys = FALSE; /* keys are etch_field* owned by the map */
map->is_readonly_values = FALSE; /* values are etch_type* owned elsewhere */
map->content_obj_type = ETCHTYPEB_TYPE;
map->content_class_id = CLASSID_ID_TYPE;
map->freehook = defvf_idnmap_clear_handler; /* key memory free hook */
return map;
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* class_to_type_map
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* class_to_type_map_put()
* put the specified type to the supplied map, keyed by specified class.
* the map does not own the specified type object.
* @return 0 or -1;
int class_to_type_map_put(class_to_type_map* map, const unsigned thisclass,
etch_type* type)
int hashvalue = etchmap_insert (map, thisclass, type, TRUE);
return hashvalue? 0: -1;
* class_to_type_map_get()
* get the type associated with the specified class from the supplied map.
* @return a non-disposable reference to the matching type, or null.
etch_type* class_to_type_map_get(class_to_type_map* map, const unsigned thisclass)
etch_type* foundobj = (etch_type*) etchmap_find (map, thisclass, NULL);
return foundobj;
* new_class_to_type_map()
* class_to_type_map constructor.
* such a map associates a "class", which in this context is a 32-bit unsigned
* integer whose high 16 bits is the etch object obj_type, and the low 16 bits
* the etch object class_id, to an etch_type.
class_to_type_map* new_class_to_type_map(const int initialsize)
/* this map calls no etch destructors when destroyed. the key strings are
* freed automatically by the etch_hashtable, and the values are pointers
* to etch_type objects owned elsewhere. it obviously follows that this
* map should be destroyed prior to any such referenced type object.
class_to_type_map* map = new_hashtable(initialsize);
map->is_tracked_memory = TRUE;
map->is_readonly_keys = TRUE; /* keys are strings owned by the hashtable */
map->is_readonly_values = TRUE; /* values are non-disposable etch_type* */
map->content_obj_type = ETCHTYPEB_TYPE;
map->content_class_id = CLASSID_ID_TYPE;
return map;
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* built-in (etch-global, quasi-static) objects
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/* these objects are global to all vfs.
* for each such object, a corresponding entry should exist both in
* etchvf_instantiate_builtins(), and in etchvf_free_builtins()
const wchar_t* str_etch_runtime_exception = L"_Etch_RuntimeException";
const wchar_t* str_etch_auth_exception = L"_Etch_AuthException";
const wchar_t* str_exception = L"_exception";
const wchar_t* str_etch_list = L"_Etch_List";
const wchar_t* str_etch_map = L"_Etch_Map";
const wchar_t* str_etch_set = L"_Etch_Set";
const wchar_t* str_etch_datetime = L"_Etch_Datetime";
const wchar_t* str_msg = L"msg";
const wchar_t* str_message_id = L"_messageId";
const wchar_t* str_in_reply_to = L"_inReplyTo";
const wchar_t* str_result = L"result";
const wchar_t* str_utf8 = L"utf-8";
const wchar_t* str_keys = L"keys";
const wchar_t* str_values = L"values";
const wchar_t* str_date_time = L"dateTime";
const wchar_t* str_keys_values = L"keysAndValues";
const wchar_t* str_msgizervf = L"Messagizer.valueFactory";
const wchar_t* str_msgizerfmt = L"Messagizer.format";
* etchvf_free_builtins()
* frees memory for etch-global quasi-static builtin objects,
* and for the validators cache and its validator content.
* it should be invoked at etch teardown, after last vf is destroyed.
* unit tests will show memory leaks unless they invoke this post-test.
void etchvf_free_builtins()
if (is_builtins_instantiated)
etchvtor_clear_cache(); /* destroy cached validators */
is_builtins_instantiated = FALSE;
* etchvf_instantiate_builtins()
* instantiate built-in objects such as default types and fields.
* these singleton objects are destroyed explicitly by invoking
* etchvf_free_builtins().
* todo: mark these objects immutable and unmark in destructor.
* todo: determine how we handle case of multiple vfs.
void etchvf_instantiate_builtins()
if (is_builtins_instantiated) return;
builtins._mt__etch_runtime_exception = new_static_type(str_etch_runtime_exception);
builtins._mt__etch_auth_exception = new_static_type(str_etch_auth_exception);
builtins._mt__exception = new_static_type(str_exception);
builtins._mt__etch_list = new_static_type(str_etch_list);
builtins._mt__etch_map = new_static_type(str_etch_map);
builtins._mt__etch_set = new_static_type(str_etch_set);
builtins._mt__etch_datetime = new_static_type(str_etch_datetime);
builtins._mf_msg = new_static_field(str_msg);
builtins._mf_result = new_static_field(str_result);
builtins._mf__message_id = new_static_field(str_message_id);
builtins._mf__in_reply_to = new_static_field(str_in_reply_to);
clone_field(builtins._mf_result), (etch_object*) etchvtor_exception_get());
clone_field(builtins._mf__message_id), (etch_object*) etchvtor_int64_get(0));
clone_field(builtins._mf__in_reply_to),(etch_object*) etchvtor_int64_get(0));
is_builtins_instantiated = TRUE;
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* other methods
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* etchtypelist_comparator()
* etch_comparator comparing two etch_types
* hook for arraylist_add_from to determine if a type from list b
* already exists in list a.
int etchtypelist_comparator(void* a, void* b)
return a && b && (((etch_type*)a)->id == ((etch_type*)b)->id);
* new_vf_mixin_collection()
* instantiate and return a collection configured appropriately for the
* storage of value factory objects of mixed-in classes.
etch_arraylist* new_vf_mixin_collection(void* data)
default_value_factory* vf = (default_value_factory*)data;
//TODO: eheck if arraylist have to be synchronized
etch_arraylist* list = new_etch_arraylist(ETCH_DEVVF_MIXINS_DEFINITSIZE, 0);
list->is_readonly = TRUE; /* list dtor will not destroy list content */
list->content_obj_type = ((etch_object*)vf)->obj_type;
list->content_class_id = ((etch_object*)vf)->class_id;
return list;