blob: 44a27f5d880086a2524130cc533b139a8d90d43b [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.esme.model
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import net.liftweb._
import mapper._
import http._
import util._
import common._
import org.apache.esme._
import lib._
import external._
import java.util.Calendar
import java.util.Date
import scala.xml.{Text, Node, Elem => XmlElem}
import{Props => AkkaProps, ActorSystem}
import bootstrap.liftweb.AkkaActorSystem.sys
object Action extends Action with LongKeyedMetaMapper[Action] with Logger {
val logger: Logger = Logger("org.apache.esme.model")
override def afterCommit = notifyDistributor _ :: super.afterCommit
private def notifyDistributor(in: Action) {
Distributor ! Distributor.UpdateTrackingFor(in.user,
override def create: Action = {
val ap = super.create
ap.createdDate(new Date())
override def afterSave = startStopActors _ :: super.afterSave
private def startStopActors(in: Action) {
if (! && in.enabled) {
} else {
SchedulerActor ! SchedulerActor.StopRegular(
MessagePullActor ! MessagePullActor.StopPullActor(
sys.actorFor("akka://camel/user/XmppSupervisor") ! XmppSupervisor.Stop(
type TestFunc = (Message, Long, Calendar, MailboxReason) => Boolean
lazy val TrueFunc: TestFunc = {case _ => true}
lazy val SentToMe: TestFunc = (m, u, c, r) => m.sentToIds.contains(u)
* Returns a function, which determines if a set of events should trigger the action
* Note: in pattern matching, define more general cases later: order is important
def toFunc(in: TestAction): TestFunc = in match {
case AnyAction => TrueFunc
case NotAction(action) =>
val f: TestFunc = this.toFunc(action)
(m, u, c, r) => !f(m,u,c,r)
case OrAction(left, right) =>
val f1 = toFunc(left)
val f2 = toFunc(right)
(m, u, c, r) => f1(m, u, c, r) || f2(m, u, c, r)
case AndAction(left, right) =>
val f1 = toFunc(left)
val f2 = toFunc(right)
(m, u, c, r) => f1(m, u, c, r) && f2(m, u, c, r)
case LoginAction =>
(m, u, c, r) => r.isInstanceOf[LoginReason]
case FollowedAction =>
(m, u, c, r) => r.isInstanceOf[FollowedReason]
case UnfollowedAction =>
(m, u, c, r) => r.isInstanceOf[UnfollowedReason]
case RegularAction(mins) =>
(m, u, c, r) => r.isInstanceOf[RegularReason]
case ProfileAction =>
(m, u, c, r) => r.isInstanceOf[ProfileReason]
case AtUserAction(userId) =>
(m, u, c, r) => == userId
case PoolAction(poolId) =>
(m, u, c, r) => == poolId
case PoolAction =>
(m, u, c, r) => m.pool.defined_?
case ConvAction(convId) =>
(m, u, c, r) => == convId
case ResentAction(userId) =>
(m, u, c, r) => r match {
case ResendReason(`userId`) => true
case _ => false
case ResentAction =>
(m, u, c, r) => r.isInstanceOf[ResendReason]
case SentToMeAction =>
case RegexAction(re) =>
val r = re.r
(m, u, c, reason) => r.findFirstIn(m.getText).isDefined
case StringAction(s) =>
val str = s.toLowerCase.trim
(m, u, c, r) => m.getText.toLowerCase.indexOf(str) >= 0
case HashAction(id, _) =>
(m, u, c, r) => m.tagIds.contains(id)
case ParenAction(a) =>
case PercentAction(percent) =>
(m, u, c, r) => Helpers.randomInt(100) <= percent
case AtSendAction(users, EqOpr) =>
(m, u, c, r) => !m.sentToIds.intersect(users).isEmpty
case AtSendAction(users, NeOpr) =>
(m, u, c, r) => m.sentToIds.intersect(users).isEmpty
case DateTestAction(dt, ot, what) =>
(m, u, c, r) => ot.buildFunc(dt.buildFunc(c), what)
* Searches for regular actions recursively, since
* an action expression could have a nested structure of or/and operators and parentheses
def regularActions(in: TestAction): List[RegularAction] = in match {
case NotAction(a) => regularActions(a)
case ParenAction(a) => regularActions(a)
case OrAction(left, right) => regularActions(left) ::: regularActions(right)
case AndAction(left, right) => regularActions(left) ::: regularActions(right)
case a @ RegularAction(mins) => List(a)
case _ => Nil
* The Action class represents some automatic message processing which is
* triggered when a certain condition is met:
* - a message which satisfies certain criteria is received
* - an internal event occurs- login, one user follows another
* - at regular intervals
* Both the condition and performance are parsed at least in the following stages:
* - when saving the action
* - when constructing the function to determine if the action should be triggered
class Action extends LongKeyedMapper[Action] {
import Action.logger
* Actors related to regularly executed actions are started here
* This is done when the action is activated or at the start of the application
def startActors() {
for(regular <- regularActions) regular match {
case RegularAction(mins) => SchedulerActor ! SchedulerActor.StartRegular(this, mins * 60)
val urlSourcePrefix = "url:"
theAction.actionFunc match {
case a @ (FetchFeed(url, tags)) => {
User.find(user) match {
case Full(u) =>
val msgList = Message.findAll(By(Message.source, urlSourcePrefix + url.uniqueId),
OrderBy(, Descending),
val lastMsg = if (msgList.isEmpty) None
else {
val m = msgList.head
Some(Distributor.UserCreatedMessage(user, m.body, m.tags, m.when, Empty, m.source, Full(m.replyTo), None))
val feed = a match {
case FetchAtom(_, _) => new AtomFeed(u, url.url, urlSourcePrefix + url.uniqueId, 0, tags)
case FetchRss(_, _) => new RssFeed(u, url.url, urlSourcePrefix + url.uniqueId, 0, tags)
MessagePullActor ! MessagePullActor.StartPullActor(, lastMsg, feed)
case _ =>
case XmppFrom(who) => {
User.find(user) match {
case Full(u) => {
sys.actorFor("akka://camel/user/XmppSupervisor") ! XmppSupervisor.Start(, who, u)
case _ =>
case _ =>
def getSingleton = Action // what's the "meta" server
def primaryKeyField = id
//define createfields
object createdDate extends MappedDateTime(this)
object id extends MappedLongIndex(this)
object user extends MappedLongForeignKey(this, User)
object name extends MappedPoliteString(this, 64) {
override def validations =
valMinLen(2, S.?("base_action_error_min_len")) _ :: super.validations
private[model] object theAction extends MappedText(this) {
import MsgParser._
override def validations = checkParsing _ :: super.validations
def checkParsing(in: String): List[FieldError] = _perform(in) match {
case Failure(msg, _) => List(FieldError(this, Text(msg)))
case Error(msg, _) => List(FieldError(this, Text(msg)))
case _ => Nil
// already parsed, so should always return Success
def actionFunc = (_perform(is): @unchecked) match {
case Success(v, _) => v
private[model] object theTest extends MappedText(this) {
import MsgParser._
override def validations = checkParsing _ :: super.validations
def checkParsing(in: String): List[FieldError] = testExpr(in) match {
case Failure(msg, _) => List(FieldError(this, Text(msg)))
case Error(msg, _) => List(FieldError(this, Text(msg)))
case _ => Nil
// already parsed, so should always return Success
def testFunc = (testExpr(is): @unchecked) match {
case Success(v, _) => Action.toFunc(v)
object uniqueId extends MappedUniqueId(this, 32) {
override def dbIndexed_? = true
object removed extends MappedBoolean(this) {
override def defaultValue = false
object disabled extends MappedBoolean(this) {
override def defaultValue = false
import MsgParser._
def setTest(in: String): Box[Action] = try {
testExpr(in) match {
case Success(testAction: TestAction, _) =>
testAction.error match {
case Some(msg) =>
net.liftweb.common.Failure(msg + " - " + testAction.toStr, Empty, Empty)
case None =>
//case Success(v, _) => Full(this.theTest(v.toStr))
case Failure(m, _) => net.liftweb.common.Failure(m, Empty, Empty)
case Error(m, _) => net.liftweb.common.Failure(m, Empty, Empty)
} catch {
case e: Exception => net.liftweb.common.Failure(e.getMessage, Empty, Empty)
def testText =
def regularActions: List[RegularAction] = testExpr(testText) match {
case Success(v, _) => Action.regularActions(v)
case _ => Nil
def actionText =
def setAction(in: String): Box[Action] = _perform(in) match {
case Success(_, _) => Full(this.theAction(in))
case Failure(m, _) => net.liftweb.common.Failure(m, Empty, Empty)
case Error(m, _) => net.liftweb.common.Failure(m, Empty, Empty)
def matcher: PerformMatcher = {
new PerformMatcher(theTest.testFunc, id, uniqueId,
def enabled: Boolean = !
override def toXml: XmlElem =
<action id={id.toString}
class PerformMatcher(val func: Action.TestFunc, val performId: Long,
val uniqueId: String, val whatToDo: Performances) {
def doesMatch(msg: Message, userId: Long, cal: Calendar, reason: MailboxReason): Boolean =
func(msg, userId, cal, reason)
def filter_? = whatToDo == PerformFilter
* The condition causing an action to be performed
* Note: toStr must return a String which would be parsed to an identical object!
object TestAction {
import MsgParser._
def testTextToDisplayStr(in: String) = {
try {
testExpr(in) match {
case Success(v, _) => v.toDisplayStr
case Failure(m, _) => "ERROR"
case Error(m, _) => "ERROR"
} catch {
case e: Exception => "ERROR"
sealed trait TestAction {
var error: Option[String] = None
def toStr: String
def toDisplayStr: String = toStr
case object AnyAction extends TestAction {
def toStr = "any"
case object SentToMeAction extends TestAction {
def toStr = "tome"
case class NotAction(action: TestAction) extends TestAction {
def toStr = "not( "+action.toStr+" )"
override def toDisplayStr = "not( "+action.toDisplayStr+" )"
case class OrAction(left: TestAction, right: TestAction) extends TestAction {
def toStr = left.toStr + " | " + right.toStr
override def toDisplayStr = left.toDisplayStr + " | " + right.toDisplayStr
case class AndAction(left: TestAction, right: TestAction) extends TestAction {
def toStr = left.toStr + " & " + right.toStr
override def toDisplayStr = left.toDisplayStr + " & " + right.toDisplayStr
case class AtUserAction(userId: Long) extends TestAction {
def toStr = "@"+userId
override def toDisplayStr = "@" + User.getNickname(userId)
case class ConvAction(convId: Long) extends TestAction {
def toStr = "conv:" + convId
case object PoolAction extends TestAction {
def toStr = "pool"
case class PoolAction(poolId: Long) extends TestAction {
def toStr = "pool:" + poolId
override def toDisplayStr = "pool:" + AccessPool.getPoolName(poolId)
case object ResentAction extends TestAction {
def toStr = "resent"
case class ResentAction(userId: Long) extends TestAction {
def toStr = "resent:" + userId
override def toDisplayStr = "resent:" + User.getNickname(userId)
case class RegexAction(re: String) extends TestAction {
def toStr = "/"+fix+"/"
def fix: String = {
val ret = new StringBuilder
var pos = 0
val len = re.length
while (pos < len) {
re.charAt(pos) match {
case '/' => ret.append("\\/")
case c => ret.append(c)
pos += 1
case class StringAction(re: String) extends TestAction {
def toStr = "\""+fix+"\""
def fix: String = {
val ret = new StringBuilder
var pos = 0
val len = re.length
while (pos < len) {
re.charAt(pos) match {
case '"' => ret.append("\\\"")
case c => ret.append(c)
pos += 1
case class HashAction(hashId: Long, str: String) extends TestAction {
def toStr = "#"+str
case class ParenAction(action: TestAction) extends TestAction {
def toStr = "( "+action.toStr+" )"
override def toDisplayStr = "( "+action.toDisplayStr+" )"
case class PercentAction(percent: Int) extends TestAction {
def toStr = percent+"% "
case class AtSendAction(users: List[Long], opr: EqOprType) extends TestAction {
def toStr = "to "+opr.toStr+" "+(users match {
case x :: Nil => "@"+x
case xs => => "@"+v).mkString("(", ", ", ")")
override def toDisplayStr = "to "+opr.toStr+" "+(users match {
case x :: Nil => "@"+ User.getNickname(x)
case xs => => "@"+ User.getNickname(v)).mkString("(", ", ", ")")
case object LoginAction extends TestAction {
def toStr = "login"
case object FollowedAction extends TestAction {
def toStr = "followed"
case object UnfollowedAction extends TestAction {
def toStr = "unfollowed"
case object ProfileAction extends TestAction {
def toStr = "profile"
case class RegularAction(mins: Int) extends TestAction {
def toStr = "every " + mins + " mins"
case class DateTestAction(dateType: DateType, opt: OprType, what: List[Int]) extends TestAction {
def toStr = dateType.toStr + " " + opt.toStr + " " + (
what match {
case x :: Nil => x.toString
case xs => xs.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
error =
dateType match {
case DayDateType => if (what.exists((x) => x < 1 || x > 7)) Some("Invalid day value") else None
case DateDateType => if (what.exists((x) => x < 1 || x > 31)) Some("Invalid date value") else None
case MonthDateType => if (what.exists((x) => x < 1 || x > 11)) Some("Invalid month value") else None
case HourDateType => if (what.exists((x) => x < 0 || x > 23)) Some("Invalid hour value") else None
case MinuteDateType => if (what.exists((x) => x < 0 || x > 59)) Some("Invalid minute value") else None
sealed trait OprType {
def buildFunc: (Int, List[Int]) => Boolean
def toStr: String
sealed trait EqOprType extends OprType
case object EqOpr extends EqOprType {
val buildFunc: (Int, List[Int]) => Boolean = (v, l) => l.forall(_ == v)
def toStr: String = "="
case object NeOpr extends EqOprType {
val buildFunc: (Int, List[Int]) => Boolean = (v, l) => l.forall(_ != v)
def toStr: String = "<>"
case object GeOpr extends OprType {
val buildFunc: (Int, List[Int]) => Boolean = (v, l) => l.forall(_ >= v)
def toStr: String = ">="
case object GtOpr extends OprType {
val buildFunc: (Int, List[Int]) => Boolean = (v, l) => l.forall(_ > v)
def toStr: String = ">"
case object LeOpr extends OprType {
val buildFunc: (Int, List[Int]) => Boolean = (v, l) => l.forall(_ <= v)
def toStr: String = "<="
case object LtOpr extends OprType {
val buildFunc: (Int, List[Int]) => Boolean = (v, l) => l.forall(_ < v)
def toStr: String = "<"
sealed trait DateType {
def buildFunc: Calendar => Int
def toStr: String
case object DayDateType extends DateType {
val buildFunc: Calendar => Int = c => c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)
def toStr: String = "day"
case object DateDateType extends DateType {
val buildFunc: Calendar => Int = c => c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)
def toStr: String = "date"
case object MonthDateType extends DateType {
val buildFunc: Calendar => Int = c => c.get(Calendar.MONTH)
def toStr: String = "month"
case object HourDateType extends DateType {
val buildFunc: Calendar => Int = c => c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)
def toStr: String = "hour"
case object MinuteDateType extends DateType {
val buildFunc: Calendar => Int = c => c.get(Calendar.MINUTE)
def toStr: String = "minute"
sealed trait Performances
case class MailTo(who: String, text: Option[String]) extends Performances
case class HttpTo(url: String, user: String, password: String, headers: List[(String, String)], data: Option[String]) extends Performances
case class XmppTo(who: String, text: Option[String]) extends Performances
case class XmppFrom(who: String) extends Performances
case class FetchAtom(override val url: UrlStore, override val tags: List[String]) extends FetchFeed(url, tags)
case class FetchRss(override val url: UrlStore, override val tags: List[String]) extends FetchFeed(url, tags)
case object PerformResend extends Performances
case object PerformFilter extends Performances
case object ScalaInterpret extends Performances
object FetchFeed {
def unapply(f: FetchFeed): Option[(UrlStore, List[String])] =
Some((f.url, f.tags))
abstract class FetchFeed(val url: UrlStore, val tags: List[String]) extends Performances