blob: ac906ca44d5982c3caf55c42231f703bf8bb5dd9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import net.liftweb._
import http._
import actor._
import util._
import common._
import mapper._
import org.apache.esme._
import model._
import lib._
import{Props => AkkaProps, ActorSystem}
import bootstrap.liftweb.AkkaActorSystem.sys
import XmppSender._
import java.util.{TimeZone, Calendar}
import scala.xml.{Node, Elem}
//import com.twitter.stats.Stats
import com.twitter.ostrich.stats.Stats
object UserActor {
private[actor] case class StartMeUp(user: Long)
private[actor] case class RefreshMe(user: Long)
private[actor] case class CreateMessage(text: String, tags: List[String],
when: Long, metaData: Box[Node],
source: String,
replyTo: Box[Long],
pool: Box[Long])
private[actor] case class AddToMailbox(msg: Message, reason: MailboxReason)
private[actor] case class Listen(who: LiftActor)
private[actor] case class Unlisten(who: LiftActor)
private[actor] case class LatestMessages(cnt: Int)
private[actor] case class TestForTracking(msg: Message)
private[actor] case class UpdateTracking(ttype: Distributor.TrackingType)
private[actor] case class AllowPool(poolId: Long)
case class Resend(msgId: Long)
case class MessageReceived(msg: Message, reason: MailboxReason)
val logger: Logger = Logger("")
val xmppHost = Props.get("") openOr ""
val xmppPort = Props.get("xmpp.port") openOr ""
val xmppUsr = Props.get("xmpp.user") openOr ""
val xmppPwd = Props.get("xmpp.password") openOr ""
val xmppServiceName = Props.get("xmpp.serviceName") openOr ""
val XmppSender = sys.actorOf(AkkaProps(new XmppSender(xmppHost, xmppPort.toInt, xmppUsr, xmppPwd, xmppServiceName)), "XmppSender")
* The UserActor processes a user's messages
* The UserActor keeps track of pools a user belongs to, followers,
* active actions and tracking filters
class UserActor extends LiftActor {
import UserActor._
private var userId: Long = 0
private var userTimezone: TimeZone = _
private var listeners: List[LiftActor] = Nil
private var tracking: List[TrackingMatcher] = Nil
private var perform: List[PerformMatcher] = Nil
private var _mailbox: Array[(Long,MailboxReason,Boolean)] = Array()
private var pools: List[Long] = Nil
private def followers: List[Long] = User.followerIdsForUserId(userId)
private def canReadPool_?(poolId: Long) = pools contains poolId
protected def messageHandler = {
case m @ Distributor.UserUpdated(_) =>
foreach(u => userTimezone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(u.timezone))
listeners.foreach(_ ! m)
case StartMeUp(user) =>
userId = user
foreach(u => userTimezone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(u.timezone))
_mailbox = Mailbox.mostRecentMessagesFor(userId, 500).
map{case (msg, reason, resent) => (, reason, resent) }.toArray
pools = Privilege.findViewablePools(userId)
this ! UpdateTracking(Distributor.TrackTrackingType)
this ! UpdateTracking(Distributor.PerformTrackingType)
Stats incr "userCount"
case RefreshMe(user) =>
pools = Privilege.findViewablePools(user)
case CreateMessage(text, tags, when, metaData, source, replyTo, pool) =>
val tagLst =
setTextAndTags(text, tagLst, metaData).filter{ m =>
pool match {
case Full(p) =>
Privilege.hasPermission(userId, p, Permission.Write)
case _ => true
}.map{msg =>
// do some security... only reply to messages
// that are in our mailbox
for (rt <- replyTo;
mb <- Mailbox.find(By(Mailbox.message, rt),
By(Mailbox.user, userId));
rtm <- Message.find(
if (rtm.pool == msg.pool) msg.replyTo(rt)
Stats incr "userMessagesCreated"
Stats incr "messagesCreated"
Distributor ! Distributor.AddMessageToMailbox(userId, msg, NoReason)
for (id <- followers)
Distributor ! Distributor.AddMessageToMailbox(id, msg, NoReason)
for (id <- msg.sentToIds)
Distributor ! Distributor.AddMessageToMailbox(id, msg,
for (convId <- ;
val msgId = Message.findMap(By(Message.conversation, convId))
(m => Full(;
userId <- (Mailbox.findMap(InRaw(Mailbox.message, msgId.mkString(", "),
IHaveValidatedThisSQL("dpp", "Aug 27. 2008")))
(mb => Full(
Distributor ! Distributor.AddMessageToMailbox(userId, msg, ConversationReason(convId))
Distributor ! Distributor.NewMessage(msg)
case AddToMailbox(msg, reason) =>
if (!msg.pool.defined_? || canReadPool_?(
addToMailbox(msg, reason)
case TestForTracking(msg) =>
if (!msg.pool.defined_? || canReadPool_?(
for (t <- tracking.find(_.doesMatch_?(msg)))
this ! AddToMailbox(msg, TrackReason(t.trackId))
case UpdateTracking(ttype) =>
ttype match {
case Distributor.TrackTrackingType =>
tracking = Tracking.findAll(By(Tracking.user, userId),
By(Tracking.disabled, false),
By(Tracking.removed, false)).
case Distributor.PerformTrackingType =>
perform = Action.findAll(By(Action.user, userId),
By(Action.disabled, false),
By(Action.removed, false)).
case Listen(who) => listeners = who :: listeners
case Unlisten(who) => listeners = listeners.filter(_ ne who)
case LatestMessages(cnt) =>
case AllowPool(poolId) => pools ::= poolId
case Resend(msgId) =>
for (msg <- Message.find(msgId)) {
if (!msg.pool.defined_?)
PopStatsActor ! PopStatsActor.IncrStats(ResendStat, msgId)
Mailbox.find(By(Mailbox.message, msg),
By(Mailbox.user, userId)).foreach { m =>
_mailbox = {
case (`msgId`, r, _) => (msgId, r, true)
case x => x
listeners.foreach(_ ! Resend(msgId))
for (id <- followers)
Distributor !
Distributor.AddMessageToMailbox(id, msg, ResendReason(userId))
def buildCalendar = userTimezone match {
case null => Calendar.getInstance()
case tz => Calendar.getInstance(tz)
* This method decides which actions should be applied to a message
private def addToMailbox(msg: Message, reason: MailboxReason) {
// if the message is not in my mailbox
if (Mailbox.find(By(Mailbox.message, msg),
By(Mailbox.user, userId)).isEmpty) {
// get all the performance things
val cal = buildCalendar
val toDo = perform.filter(_.func(msg, userId, cal, reason))
// is one of those reasons rejection of the message
val reject = toDo.exists(_.filter_?)
// if we're not rejecting the message
if (!reject) {
val mb = Mailbox.create.user(userId).message(msg)
reason match {
case TrackReason(trackId) => mb.viaTrack(trackId)
Stats incr "messagesDeliveredTrackReason"
case DirectReason(fromId) => mb.directlyFrom(fromId)
Stats incr "messagesDeliveredDirectReason"
case ConversationReason(convId) => mb.conversation(convId)
Stats incr "messagesDeliveredConversationReason"
case ResendReason(resender) => mb.resentBy(resender)
Stats incr "messagesDeliveredResendReason"
case _ =>
Stats incr "messagesDelivered"
// Only add to mailbox and notify listeners if there is a real message involved
if( != -1) {
_mailbox = ((, reason, false) :: _mailbox.toList).take(500).toArray
listeners.foreach(_ ! MessageReceived(msg, reason))
toDo.foreach {
td =>
td.whatToDo match {
case m @ MailTo(_, _) =>
User.find(userId).foreach( u =>
HttpSender ! HttpSender.SendAMessage(m, msg, u, reason, td.uniqueId))
Stats incr "messagesMailed"
case h @ HttpTo(_, _, _, _, _) =>
User.find(userId).foreach( u =>
HttpSender ! HttpSender.SendAMessage(h, msg, u, reason, td.uniqueId))
Stats incr "messagesSentViaHTTP"
case x @ XmppTo(_, _) =>
User.find(userId).foreach( u => {
XmppSender ! XMPPMsg(x, msg, u, reason, td.uniqueId)
Stats incr "messagesSentViaXMPP"
case PerformResend =>
if (! msg.saved_?)
for (id <- followers)
Distributor !
Distributor.AddMessageToMailbox(id, msg, ResendReason(userId))
case XmppFrom(_) => {
sys.actorFor("akka://camel/user/XmppSupervisor") ! XmppSupervisor.Fetch(td.performId)
case FetchFeed(_, _) =>
MessagePullActor ! MessagePullActor.Fetch(td.performId)
case ScalaInterpret =>"Scala interpreter is disabled!")
/*if ( != "scala")
ScalaInterpreter ! ScalaInterpreter.ScalaExcerpt(userId,,, msg.body)
case PerformFilter => Stats incr "messagesFiltered" // IGNORE