blob: 35c490298589cec7dd2a6dfffb8d341c0b23eaf0 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Enterprise Social Messaging Environment (ESME) Change Log
Release 1.3 - 08/22/2011
** Bug
* [ESME-268] - User should not be offered the option to "resend" their own messages - it has no effect
* [ESME-282] - When a public message is resent by one user, no other users are able to resend it
* [ESME-304] - In the conversation view page, sending the message makes the reply go away
* [ESME-336] - Streams shows all pools rather than the pools in which I'm a member
* [ESME-342] - Sign On button doesn't work in IE9
* [ESME-344] - Searching for "test" doesn't display messages containing that string
* [ESME-353] - Tags aren't working any more
* [ESME-354] - Reply setting does not get removed from main timeline view after the message is sent
** Improvement
* [ESME-233] - Restrict access to the logchanger in production mode
* [ESME-308] - Update times in standard timeline on a regular basis
* [ESME-331] - Update documentation for message posting in API2 to address the misunderstanding in ESME-326
* [ESME-337] - User with no admin rights to a pool shouldn't be able to edit it.
* [ESME-338] - Follow / unfollow messages should contain links
* [ESME-339] - Clean up web content
* [ESME-350] - Add DOAP File to site
** New Feature
* [ESME-135] - Add LDAP to ESME
* [ESME-214] - Add container-based authentication
* [ESME-292] - Implement API2 methods for Tag/Conversation follow/unfollow
* [ESME-345] - Add autocompleter for add/edit pool member operation
** Task
* [ESME-235] - add the profiler plugin by John Resig to profile our jQuery calls.
* [ESME-321] - Get rid of deprecated methods
* [ESME-328] - Rewrite the comet timeline
* [ESME-340] - General Task to perform release associated tasks
* [ESME-341] - Upgrade to Lift 2.3 version
* [ESME-343] - Upgrade to SBT 0.7.5 version
* [ESME-349] - Migrate to SBT 0.10
Release 1.2 - 02/25/2011
ESME-5 Conversation ID missing for Messages in REST-Call "get_msgs"
ESME-139 Access-related changes should be logged
ESME-256 Allow user to follow a conversation or tag
ESME-270 Add word wrap to action page
ESME-274 Have to click "SignOn" 2x when logging in in Chrome
ESME-275 Feed error in parseInternetDate
ESME-279 Search result does not show message text for matches.
ESME-284 Make new message area expand/contract as needed to accommodate reply text
ESME-285 Allow turning features on and off through configuration options
ESME-286 Make My Contacts view lists expand to fix list
ESME-287 All message timelines should use standard timeline format
ESME-288 Style for conversations page is wrong
ESME-289 All message timelines should have new messages pushed using Comet
ESME-290 Public View no longer working
ESME-291 Messages are present multiple times in streams view
ESME-295 Tags appear in the main timeline twice
ESME-296 ESME-284 Split images/bg-update.png into top/middle/bottom sections
ESME-297 Change ESME name from Experiment -> Environment
ESME-298 lines are double in SchedulerActor.scala
ESME-299 Shrink the vertical display of messages in the standard timelines
ESME-300 Clicking "reply" link in the main timeline results in a focus at the beginning of the text. Should be at the end.
ESME-301 General Task to perform release associated tasks
ESME-302 Add update box to tag and conversation pages
ESME-303 Error in user timeline display
ESME-305 Search is broken in local build
ESME-306 Add message update box to search page
ESME-307 Format rendering gets confused by some punctuation
ESME-309 Remove Timeline tab from user page
ESME-310 Replace "Contacts" tab on user page with "Following" and "Followers" tabs
ESME-311 Profile picture doesn't display on the user page
ESME-312 Improve users table
ESME-313 Move to Liftweb 2.2
ESME-314 Fix formatting of timeline on user page so that it aligns with other timelines
ESME-315 Remove "reply" option from timeline on the user page
ESME-316 Sign-in button has gotten out of place
ESME-317 Display of single message on opening page is wrong
ESME-318 Can't reply to conversations correctly
ESME-320 Add SBT integration for building project
ESME-322 Some Scripts aren't loaded on tomcat
ESME-324 Login message not generated
ESME-325 Action mailto: failure
ESME-326 "tags" parameter doesn't work in API2 "messages" call
ESME-327 URL path problems
ESME-330 Test failing - API2 should conversations/CONVERSATIONID GET with valid session
Release 1.1-incubating - 09/10/2010
ESME-14 Redesign, rework, write unit tests for, and fully document API
ESME-100 Finish web UI
ESME-103 "Tabs on Message Page"
ESME-108 View my pools" functionality
ESME-117 Current Filter Info on Streams page
ESME-126 Remove delete icons from tables
ESME-127 Remove sorting from tables where it doesn't make sense
ESME-147 Images in the user view are not scaled
ESME-155 DB Problems during Tomcat shutdown
ESME-160 Move to Lift 2.0
ESME-161 Move the existing JMX interface to Ostrich
ESME-163 Search in the web interface is case sensitive (and not in a good way)
ESME-165 Remove blanks from property files
ESME-169 "Exception on Strems Page based on message model - ""asJS"""
ESME-171 "Display of user avatar is missing"
ESME-172 "User list is displayed incorrectly with extralong user names"
ESME-173 "Stream UI can't deal with extra long messages"
ESME-174 "Popular links aren't links"
ESME-175 IE 7 doesn't work at all with new layout
ESME-176 "Sign-up Page is broken"
ESME-177 "Add links to users in streams page"
ESME-179 "Resend is broken"
ESME-180 Creating a new pool doesn't lead to a ajax-based refresh
ESME-181 "Clicking ""reply"" link provides no feedback"
ESME-182 "On sign-in form, ""Enter""/""Return"" key does not submit the form"
ESME-183 "On the sign-in page, the footer is on the right side of the page"
ESME-184 Regular action that don't generate messages push real messages out of user timeline
ESME-185 "Menu overlaps avatar"
ESME-186 "Popular message and link formatting is currently not working"
ESME-187 Layout of message input interface - improvement suggestion
ESME-189 "Clicking on a menu link shouldn't make the item disappear - should only be unclickable"
ESME-190 Strange issue on Streams page
ESME-192 "Install JQuery UI ""Redmond"" theme from for modal dialogs and tabs"
ESME-194 User Page is buggy
ESME-196 "Message layout in IE6 is broken"
ESME-197 API2: Add the messageid when creating new messages
ESME-198 Action: We need an action that tests for a specific message id
ESME-199 API2: the replyto element seems not to be filled when retrieving via the api
ESME-200 GET /users/actions don't retrieve disabled actions
ESME-201 API2: a PUT to /users/action/MESSAGEID results in a 403
ESME-202 Conversation view is broken"
ESME-203 Clicking ""reply"" link on a message should populate pool with the same pool as the message - ""remove reply"" should remove the pool"
ESME-204 On ""My Contacts"" page both tabs are labelled ""Followers"" - one should be ""Following"""
ESME-205 Search is broken
ESME-206 Login via Open-ID is broken
ESME-207 "Main (IE7) - Message display (tools area!) is broken - linked to <div class=""separator"">"
ESME-208 [IE7] Message resend broken
ESME-209 [IE7] Public - errors?
ESME-210 Users (IE7) - word wrap broken
ESME-211 Search ignores pools
ESME-212 Messages from pools aren't hidden
ESME-216 Can't add a user to a pool
ESME-217 You can create an action with empty test / action fields
ESME-223 Date format on users pages doesn't work
ESME-224 Feed Actor Date parser error
ESME-226 reduce log entries
ESME-227 Empty search shouldn't be possible
ESME-229 tags are present twice on streams page
ESME-230 action-based filters don't work on streams
ESME-231 footer on streams page doesn't adjust to longer streams
ESME-232 add logchanger
ESME-234 Reply doesn't work when message conatins chars that must be encoded
ESME-236 Clean Web UI Files
ESME-237 Script paths are wrong in Tomcat
ESME-238 Sort pool drop alphabetically
ESME-239 [IE7] Message reply doesn't work
ESME-240 Can't create RSS feed based action UI
ESME-241 No error when adding an unknown user to a pool
ESME-242 The use of metadata in the api2 currently doesn't work
ESME-243 Pool selectbox option value wrong
ESME-257 Pools with an empty description result in an error in the pool edit view
ESME-259 Pool selector in streams doesn't work anymore
ESME-260 User pages aren't protected with authentication
ESME-261 "User Id shown in actions when using ""&"""
ESME-262 Pool Id shown in actions display instead of pool description
ESME-263 Action test with day isn't restricted to correct days of week
ESME-264 Logout from a user pages is wrong
Release 1.0-incubating - 02/28/2010
ESME-12 List of missing REST APIs functionality
ESME-19 API functions for Administration-related activities
ESME-26 The message parser should ignore # in urls
ESME-40 Static Texts in Resource File
ESME-47 Some Licensing Nits
ESME-53 Implement access pools
ESME-54 Restrict viewing messages to users with access to corresponding pools
ESME-69 Revoke permissions from a user in a pool
ESME-72 Add other attributes to the AccessPool object
ESME-73 Change REST-API to use new access pool attributes
ESME-87 The current access pool UI doesn't allow users to be deleted to an access pool.
ESME-89 Add create date to an action
ESME-91 Add Create date to authorization token
ESME-94 Conversation Page is broken
ESME-95 User images aren't displayed on main messages page - public timleine
ESME-96 ESME image for users with no avatars should use internal image
ESME-97 Add user links to streams page
ESME-100 Finish web UI
ESME-101 Search is currently broken
ESME-104 Profile link is missing
ESME-106 Remove msgformat.scala - it is no longer needed
ESME-108 "View my pools" functionality
ESME-110 Wrong fields in the public timeline
ESME-111 OpenID login/signon is broken
ESME-113 When a message is creating containing a " character, it displays as &quot;
ESME-125 Change Date format to make lists sortable: Users and Streams pages
ESME-128 Textile Formatting Stripper for non-web clients
ESME-129 Delete old branches that are no longer needed
ESME-131 Message in HTTP Post action includes tags twice
ESME-132 Signup using username that already exists doesn't result in an error message
ESME-133 Delete the scala file "didperform.scala"
ESME-134 UserView.scala contains old code that is no longer used
ESME-136 Complete basic test coverage for existing API2 methods
ESME-141 Text replaced in post actions not used in the URL
ESME-142 Get tests running on an in-memory DB (H2 or Derby)
ESME-144 API2 message streaming method displays RegularReason type messages, which should not be displayed to the user
ESME-150 POST /api2/pools/POOLID/users method does not work (403 - unauthorized)
ESME-151 POST /api2/user/messages?message=something&pool=poolname&tags=#one,#two drops the tags (when posting to pool)
ESME-154 LGPL code in ESME, review and remove before release