blob: 553ff8ec3509e692200837db3db73e9305fc5986 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.empire.db;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.empire.commons.ObjectUtils;
import org.apache.empire.commons.StringUtils;
import org.apache.empire.db.exceptions.NoPrimaryKeyException;
import org.apache.empire.db.exceptions.RecordUpdateAmbiguousException;
import org.apache.empire.db.exceptions.RecordUpdateFailedException;
import org.apache.empire.db.expr.join.DBColumnJoinExpr;
import org.apache.empire.db.expr.join.DBJoinExpr;
import org.apache.empire.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException;
import org.apache.empire.exceptions.ItemNotFoundException;
import org.apache.empire.exceptions.NotImplementedException;
import org.apache.empire.exceptions.NotSupportedException;
* This class can be used to wrap a query from a DBCommand and use it like a DBRowSet.<BR>
* You may use this class for two purposes:
* <UL>
* <LI>In oder to define subqueries simply define a command object with the subquery and wrap it inside a DBQuery.
* Then in a second command object you can reference this Query to join with your other tables and views.
* In order to join other columns with your query use findColumn(DBColumnExpr expr) to get the
* query column object for a given column expression in the original select clause.</LI>
* <LI>With a key supplied you can have an updateable query that will update several records at once.</LI>
* </UL>
public class DBQuery extends DBRowSet
// *Deprecated* private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static AtomicInteger queryCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
* DBQueryExprColumn
* @author doebele
protected static class DBQueryExprColumn extends DBQueryColumn
// *Deprecated* private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected DBQueryExprColumn(DBQuery q, String name, DBColumnExpr expr)
super(q, name, expr);
public DBColumn getUpdateColumn()
return expr.getUpdateColumn();
public boolean equals(Object other)
if (super.equals(other))
return true;
if (other instanceof DBQueryColumn)
{ // compare expressions
DBQueryColumn oc = (DBQueryColumn)other;
return (this.rowset.equals(oc.getRowSet()) && this.expr.equals(oc.getExpr()));
return false;
protected final DBCommandExpr cmdExpr;
protected final DBColumn[] keyColumns;
protected final DBQueryColumn[] queryColumns;
protected final String alias;
* Constructor initializes the query object.
* Saves the columns and the primary key of this query.
* @param cmd the SQL-Command
* @param keyColumns an array of the primary key columns
* @param the query alias
public DBQuery(DBCommandExpr cmd, DBColumn[] keyColumns, String alias)
{ // Set the column expressions
this.cmdExpr = cmd;
this.alias = alias;
// Set Query Columns
DBColumnExpr[] exprList = cmd.getSelectExprList();
this.queryColumns = new DBQueryColumn[exprList.length];
for (int i = 0; i < exprList.length; i++)
{ // Init Columns
queryColumns[i] = createQueryColumn(exprList[i], i);
// add column
DBColumn column;
if (exprList[i] instanceof DBColumn)
{ // use directly
column = (DBColumn)exprList[i];
{ // create Wrapper
column = new DBQueryExprColumn(this, queryColumns[i].getName(), exprList[i]);
// Set the key Column
this.keyColumns = keyColumns;
* Constructor initializes the query object.
* Saves the columns and the primary key of this query.
* @param cmd the SQL-Command
* @param keyColumns an array of the primary key columns
public DBQuery(DBCommandExpr cmd, DBColumn[] keyColumns)
{ // Set the column expressions
this(cmd, keyColumns, "q" + String.valueOf(queryCount.incrementAndGet()));
* Constructs a new DBQuery object initialize the query object.
* Save the columns and the primary key of this query.
* @param cmd the SQL-Command
* @param keyColumn the primary key column
* @param the query alias
public DBQuery(DBCommandExpr cmd, DBColumn keyColumn, String alias)
{ // Set the column expressions
this(cmd, new DBColumn[] { keyColumn }, alias);
* Constructs a new DBQuery object initialize the query object.
* Save the columns and the primary key of this query.
* @param cmd the SQL-Command
* @param keyColumn the primary key column
public DBQuery(DBCommandExpr cmd, DBColumn keyColumn)
{ // Set the column expressions
this(cmd, new DBColumn[] { keyColumn });
* Creaes a DBQuery object from a given command object.
* @param cmd the command object representing an SQL-Command.
* @param the query alias
public DBQuery(DBCommandExpr cmd, String alias)
{ // Set the column expressions
this(cmd, (DBColumn[]) null, alias);
* Creaes a DBQuery object from a given command object.
* @param cmd the command object representing an SQL-Command.
public DBQuery(DBCommandExpr cmd)
{ // Set the column expressions
this(cmd, (DBColumn[]) null);
* returns the underlying command expression
* @return the command used for this query
public DBCommandExpr getCommandExpr()
return cmdExpr;
* not applicable - returns null
public String getName()
return alias;
* not applicable - returns null
public String getAlias()
return alias;
* Returns whether or not the table supports record updates.
* @return true if the table allows record updates
public boolean isUpdateable()
return (getKeyColumns()!=null);
* Gets all columns of this rowset (e.g. for
* @return all columns of this rowset
public DBQueryColumn[] getQueryColumns()
return queryColumns;
* This function provides the query column object for a particular query command expression
* @param expr the DBColumnExpr object
* @return the query column
public DBQueryColumn findColumn(DBColumnExpr expr)
for (int i = 0; i < queryColumns.length; i++)
if (ObjectUtils.compareEqual(queryColumns[i].getExpr(), expr))
return queryColumns[i];
// not found
return null;
* This function provides the query column object for a particular query command expression
* @param the column name
* @return the query column
public DBQueryColumn findColumn(String name)
for (int i = 0; i < queryColumns.length; i++)
if (StringUtils.compareEqual(queryColumns[i].getName(), name, true))
return queryColumns[i];
// not found
return null;
* This is a convenience shortcut for findQueryColumn
* @param expr the DBColumnExpr object
* @return the query column
public DBQueryColumn column(DBColumnExpr expr)
DBQueryColumn col = findColumn(expr);
if (col==null)
throw new ItemNotFoundException(expr);
return col;
* This is a convenience shortcut for findQueryColumn
* @param the column name
* @return the located column
public DBQueryColumn column(String name)
DBQueryColumn col = findColumn(name);
if (col==null)
throw new ItemNotFoundException(name);
return col;
* return query key columns
public DBColumn[] getKeyColumns()
return keyColumns;
* Returns a array of primary key columns by a specified DBRecord object.
* @param record the DBRecord object, contains all fields and the field properties
* @return a array of primary key columns
protected Object[] getRecordKey(DBRecordBase record)
if (record == null || record.getRowSet() != this)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("record", record);
// get Key
Object rowSetData = getRowsetData(record);
if (rowSetData instanceof Object[])
return (Object[])rowSetData;
// generate key now
return record.getKey();
* Adds the select SQL Command of this object to the specified StringBuilder object.
* @param buf the SQL-Command
* @param context the current SQL-Command context
public void addSQL(StringBuilder buf, long context)
// Add Alias
if ((context & CTX_ALIAS) != 0 && alias != null)
{ // append alias
buf.append(" ");
* Add rowset data
public void initRecord(DBRecordBase record, DBRecordData recData)
// init
super.initRecord(record, recData);
// set record key as rowset data (optional)
if (keyColumns!=null)
{ // check
Object rowsetData = getRowsetData(record);
if (rowsetData!=null && !(rowsetData instanceof Object[]) && ((Object[])rowsetData).length!=keyColumns.length)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("rowSetData", rowsetData);
// create key if not already set
if (rowsetData==null)
{ // create key
Object[] recordKey = new Object[keyColumns.length];
for (int i=0; i<recordKey.length; i++)
rowsetData = recordKey;
setRowsetData(record, rowsetData);
* Returns an error, because it is not possible to add a record to a query.
* @param rec the DBRecord object, contains all fields and the field properties
* @param conn a valid database connection
* @throws NotImplementedException because this is not implemented
public void createRecord(DBRecordBase record, Object[] initalKey, boolean deferredInit)
throw new NotImplementedException(this, "createRecord");
* Creates a select SQL-Command of the query call the InitRecord method to execute the SQL-Command.
* @param record the DBRecord object, contains all fields and the field properties
* @param key an array of the primary key columns
* @param conn a valid connection to the database.
public void readRecord(DBRecordBase record, DBCompareExpr whereConstraints)
if (record==null || whereConstraints==null)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("record|key", null);
// Select
DBCommand cmd = getCommandFromExpression();
// Read Record
readRecord(record, cmd);
* Updates a query record by creating individual update commands for each table.
* @param record the DBRecord object. contains all fields and the field properties
* @param conn a valid connection to the database.
public void updateRecord(DBRecordBase record)
// check updateable
if (isUpdateable()==false)
throw new NotSupportedException(this, "updateRecord");
// check params
if (record == null)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("record", null);
// Has record been modified?
if (record.isModified() == false)
return; // Nothing to update
// Must have key Columns
DBColumn[] keyColumns = getKeyColumns();
if (keyColumns==null)
throw new NoPrimaryKeyException(this);
// Get the fields and the flags
Object[] fields = record.getFields();
// Get all Update Commands
DBContext context = record.getContext();
Map<DBRowSet, DBCommand> updCmds = new HashMap<DBRowSet, DBCommand>(3);
for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++)
{ // get the table
DBColumn col = columns.get(i);
if (col == null)
DBRowSet table = col.getRowSet();
DBCommand updCmd = updCmds.get(table);
if (updCmd == null)
{ // Add a new Command
updCmd = createRecordCommand(context);
updCmds.put(table, updCmd);
* if (updateTimestampColumns.contains( col ) ) { // Check the update timestamp cmd.set( DBDatabase.SYSDATE ) ); }
// Set the field Value
boolean modified = record.wasModified(i);
if (modified == true)
{ // Update a field
if (col.isReadOnly() && log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("updateRecord: Read-only column '" + col.getName() + " has been modified!");
// Check the value
// Set
// the connection
Connection conn = context.getConnection();
// the commands
DBCommand cmd = getCommandFromExpression();
Object[] key = getRecordKey(record);
DBRowSet table= null;
DBCommand upd = null;
for(Entry<DBRowSet,DBCommand> entry:updCmds.entrySet())
int i = 0;
// Iterate through options
table = entry.getKey();
upd = entry.getValue();
// Is there something to update
if (upd.set == null)
continue; // nothing to do for this table!
// Evaluate Joins
for (i = 0; cmd.joins != null && i < cmd.joins.size(); i++)
DBJoinExpr jex = cmd.joins.get(i);
if (!(jex instanceof DBColumnJoinExpr))
DBColumnJoinExpr join = (DBColumnJoinExpr)jex;
DBColumn left = join.getLeft() .getUpdateColumn();
DBColumn right = join.getRight().getUpdateColumn();
if (left.getRowSet()==table && table.isKeyColumn(left))
if (!addJoinRestriction(upd, left, right, keyColumns, key, record))
throw new ItemNotFoundException(left.getFullName());
if (right.getRowSet()==table && table.isKeyColumn(right))
if (!addJoinRestriction(upd, right, left, keyColumns, key, record))
throw new ItemNotFoundException(right.getFullName());
// Evaluate Existing restrictions
for (i = 0; cmd.where != null && i < cmd.where.size(); i++)
DBCompareExpr cmp = cmd.where.get(i);
if (cmp instanceof DBCompareColExpr)
{ // Check whether constraint belongs to update table
DBCompareColExpr cmpExpr = (DBCompareColExpr) cmp;
DBColumn col = cmpExpr.getColumn().getUpdateColumn();
if (col!=null && col.getRowSet() == table)
{ // add the constraint
if (cmpExpr.getValue() instanceof DBCmdParam)
{ // Create a new command param
DBColumnExpr colExpr = cmpExpr.getColumn();
DBCmdParam param =(DBCmdParam)cmpExpr.getValue();
DBCmdParam value = upd.addParam(colExpr, param.getValue());
cmp = new DBCompareColExpr(colExpr, cmpExpr.getCmpOperator(), value);
{ // other constraints are not supported
throw new NotSupportedException(this, "updateRecord with "+cmp.getClass().getName());
// Add Restrictions
for (i = 0; i < keyColumns.length; i++)
if (keyColumns[i].getRowSet() == table)
{ // Set key column constraint
Object value = key[i];
// Set Update Timestamp
int timestampIndex = -1;
Object timestampValue = null;
if (table.getTimestampColumn() != null)
DBColumn tsColumn = table.getTimestampColumn();
timestampIndex = this.getColumnIndex(tsColumn);
if (timestampIndex>=0)
{ // The timestamp is availabe in the record
timestampValue = context.getDbms().getUpdateTimestamp(conn);
Object lastTS = fields[timestampIndex];
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(lastTS)==false)
{ // set timestamp constraint
// Set new Timestamp
{ // Timestamp columns has not been provided with the record
// Execute SQL
DBUtils utils = context.getUtils();
int affected = utils.executeSQL(upd.getUpdate(), upd.getParamValues(), null);
if (affected<= 0)
{ // Error
if (affected == 0)
{ // Record not found
throw new RecordUpdateFailedException(this, key);
// Rollback
// context.rollback();
else if (affected > 1)
{ // More than one record
throw new RecordUpdateAmbiguousException(this, key);
{ // success"Record for table '" + table.getName() + " sucessfully updated!");
// Correct Timestamp
if (timestampIndex >= 0)
{ // Set the correct Timestamp
fields[timestampIndex] = timestampValue;
// success
* Deletes a record identified by its primary key from the database.
* @param key array of primary key values
* @param conn a valid database connection
public void deleteRecord(Object[] key, DBContext context)
throw new NotImplementedException(this, "deleteRecord()");
* Adds join restrictions to the supplied command object.
protected boolean addJoinRestriction(DBCommand cmd, DBColumn updCol, DBColumn joinCol, DBColumn[] keyColumns, Object[] key, DBRecordBase record)
{ // Find key for foreign field
for (int i = 0; key!=null && i < keyColumns.length; i++)
if (keyColumns[i]==joinCol)
{ // Set Field from Key
return true;
// Not found, what about the record
int index = this.getColumnIndex(updCol);
if (index<0)
index = this.getColumnIndex(joinCol);
if (index>=0)
{ // Field Found
if (record.wasModified(index))
return false; // Ooops, Key field has changed
// Set Constraint
return true;
return false;
* returns the command from the underlying command expression or throws an exception
* @return the command used for this query
protected DBCommand getCommandFromExpression()
if (cmdExpr instanceof DBCommand)
return ((DBCommand)cmdExpr);
// not supported
throw new NotSupportedException(this, "getCommand");
* factory method for column expressions in order to allow overrides
* @param expr
* @return the query column
protected DBQueryColumn createQueryColumn(DBColumnExpr expr, int index)
String name = expr.getName();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name))
name = "COL_"+String.valueOf(index);
// create wrapper
return new DBQueryColumn(this, name, expr);
* Gets the index of a particular column expression.
* <P>
* @param column the Column to get the index for
* @return the position of a column expression
public int getColumnIndex(ColumnExpr columnExpr)
if (columnExpr instanceof DBColumn)
return getColumnIndex((DBColumn)columnExpr);
for (int i=0; i<queryColumns.length; i++)
{ // find expression in QueryColumns
DBColumnExpr expr = queryColumns[i].getExpr();
if (expr.equals(columnExpr))
return i; // found
// try unwrap
ColumnExpr unwrapped = columnExpr.unwrap();
if (unwrapped!=columnExpr)
return getColumnIndex(unwrapped);
// not found
return -1;
public int getColumnIndex(DBColumn column)
int index = columns.indexOf(column);
if (index>=0)
return index;
// find by update column
for (DBColumn c : columns)
{ // check update column
if ((c instanceof DBQueryExprColumn) && column.equals(c.getUpdateColumn()))
return index;
// next
// not found
return -1;
protected DBColumnExpr getColumnExprAt(int index)
DBColumn column = columns.get(index);
if (column instanceof DBQueryColumn)
return ((DBQueryExprColumn)column).expr; // unwrap
// use column
return column;