blob: 5c247cc6f0bc259c0024b873f52201c3416baf22 [file] [log] [blame]
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version
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<div class="eInpWrap">
<template v-if="meta.readOnly">
<e-value :column="meta" :data="_recordData"/>
<template v-else-if="meta.controlType === 'select'">
<select :id="'CTL_' +" :name="" @change="updateData(inputValue($event))"
v-bind:class="styleClass('eSelect', meta)" v-bind:disabled="meta.disabled">
<template v-if="(meta.required === false || isValueEqualTo(null)) && meta.options[''] === undefined">
<option value="" :selected="isValueEqualTo(null)"></option>
<template v-for="(value, key) in meta.options">
<option :value="key" :selected="isValueEqualTo(key)">{{value}}</option>
<template v-else-if="meta.controlType === 'checkbox'">
<input :id="'CTL_' +" :name="" lang="en" type="checkbox"
v-bind:class="styleClass('eCheckbox', meta)" v-bind:readonly="meta.disabled"
:checked="dataValue" @input="updateData(checkboxValue($event))">
<template v-else>
<input :id="'CTL_' +" :name="" lang="en" type="text"
v-bind:class="styleClass('eInpText', meta)" v-bind:readonly="meta.disabled"
:maxlength="meta.maxLength" :value="dataValue" @input="updateData(inputValue($event))">
import EMPAPI from '../api/emp-api'
import eValue from '../components/e-value'
import $ from 'jquery'
export default {
name: 'e-input',
components: {
props: {
column: {
required: true
record: {
type: Object
data: {
type: Object
computed: {
_record: function () {
// find record
let record = this.record
if (record === undefined) {
let parent = this.$parent
while (parent) {
if (parent.record) {
record = parent.record
parent = parent.$parent
// check record
if (record === undefined) {
throw new TypeError('e-input: No data or record provided!')
if (record.meta === undefined) {
throw new TypeError('e-input: Invalid record param: no meta property!')
if ( === undefined) {
throw new TypeError('e-input: Invalid record param: no data property!')
return record
_recordData: function () {
if ( === undefined) {
// get column from meta
meta: function () {
// get column from meta
if (typeof this.column === 'string' || this.column instanceof String) {
// from record
return this._record.meta[this.column]
if (this.column.dataType === undefined) {
throw new TypeError('e-input: Invalid column param!')
return this.column
dataValue: {
get: function () {
// find record
const prop =
return this._recordData[prop]
set: function (value) {
const prop =
this._recordData[prop] = value
created: function () {
EMPAPI.debug('Input for ' + + ' created!')
methods: {
isValueEqualTo (value) {
const inp = this.dataValue
if (value === '') {
value = null
return (inp === value)
styleClass: function (type, meta) {
var cls = 'eInput ' + type
cls += ' eType' + meta.dataType
if (meta.disabled) {
cls += ' eInpDis'
if (meta.required) {
cls += ' eInpReq'
if (meta.styleClass) {
cls += ' ' + meta.styleClass
return cls
inputValue (event) {
const inp = $(event.currentTarget)
return inp.val()
checkboxValue (event) {
const cb = $(event.currentTarget)
// var un_val = cb.attr('data-unchecked');
return cb.prop('checked')
updateData (value) {
// this.$emit('input', val)
this.dataValue = value
// debug
EMPAPI.debug('Value for: "' + + '" has been set to: ' + value)