blob: 35c01c01328b3dcd99fe0b0a83dceb4fcb7c403f [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.empire.db;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.empire.commons.ObjectUtils;
import org.apache.empire.commons.Options;
import org.apache.empire.commons.StringUtils;
import org.apache.empire.db.context.DBContextAware;
import org.apache.empire.db.exceptions.CommandWithoutSelectException;
import org.apache.empire.db.exceptions.ConstraintViolationException;
import org.apache.empire.db.exceptions.QueryFailedException;
import org.apache.empire.db.exceptions.QueryNoResultException;
import org.apache.empire.db.exceptions.StatementFailedException;
import org.apache.empire.db.exceptions.UnknownBeanTypeException;
import org.apache.empire.db.list.DBBeanFactoryCache;
import org.apache.empire.db.list.DBBeanListFactory;
import org.apache.empire.db.list.DBBeanListFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.empire.db.list.DBRecordListFactory;
import org.apache.empire.db.list.DBRecordListFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.empire.db.list.DataBean;
import org.apache.empire.dbms.DBMSFeature;
import org.apache.empire.dbms.DBMSHandler;
import org.apache.empire.exceptions.InternalException;
import org.apache.empire.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException;
import org.apache.empire.exceptions.UnexpectedReturnValueException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class DBUtils implements DBContextAware
// Logger (Use logger from DBDatabase.class)
protected static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DBDatabase.class);
// Threshold for long running queries in milliseconds
protected long longRunndingStmtThreshold = 30000;
// Default list capacity
protected int DEFAULT_LIST_CAPACITY = 10;
// Max-Rows for list queries
protected int MAX_QUERY_ROWS = 999;
// the context
protected final DBContext context;
// the dbms
protected final DBMSHandler dbms;
* Constructs an empty DBRecordSet object.
* @param useFieldIndexMap
public DBUtils(DBContext context)
this.context = context;
this.dbms = context.getDbms();
* Returns the current Context
* @return
public DBContext getContext()
return context;
* Executes an update, insert or delete SQL-Statement.<BR>
* We recommend to use a DBCommand object in order to build the sqlCmd.<BR>
* <P>
* @param sqlCmd the SQL-Command
* @param sqlParams a list of objects to replace sql parameters
* @param setGenKeys callback to set the generated key for a each new record
* @return the row count for insert, update or delete or 0 for SQL statements that return nothing
public int executeSQL(String sqlCmd, Object[] sqlParams, DBMSHandler.DBSetGenKeys setGenKeys)
{ // Debug
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Executing: " + sqlCmd);
// execute SQL
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
int affected = dbms.executeSQL(sqlCmd, sqlParams, context.getConnection(), setGenKeys);
// number of affected records
if (affected < 0)
log.warn("Unexpected return value {} from dbms.executeSQL(\"{}\")", affected, sqlCmd);
// Log
long execTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"executeSQL affected {} Records in {} ms ", affected, execTime);
else if (execTime>=longRunndingStmtThreshold)
log.warn("Long running statement took {} seconds for statement {}.", execTime / 1000, sqlCmd);
// Return number of affected records
return affected;
} catch (SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException sqle) {
// ConstraintViolation
throw new ConstraintViolationException(dbms, sqlCmd, sqle);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
// Other error
throw new StatementFailedException(dbms, sqlCmd, sqle);
* Executes a select SQL-Statement and returns a ResultSet containing the query results.<BR>
* This function returns a JDBC ResultSet.<BR>
* Instead of using this function directly you should use a DBReader object instead.<BR>
* <P>
* @param sqlCmd the SQL-Command
* @param sqlParams a list of parameters for parameter queries (may depend on dbms)
* @param scrollable true if the reader should be scrollable or false if not
* @return the JDBC ResutSet
public ResultSet executeQuery(String sqlCmd, Object[] sqlParams, boolean scrollable)
{ // Debug
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Executing: " + sqlCmd);
// Execute the Statement
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
ResultSet rs = dbms.executeQuery(sqlCmd, sqlParams, scrollable, context.getConnection());
if (rs == null)
throw new UnexpectedReturnValueException(rs, "dbms.executeQuery()");
// Debug
long queryTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("executeQuery successful in {} ms", queryTime);
else if (queryTime>=longRunndingStmtThreshold)
log.warn("Long running query took {} seconds for statement {}.", queryTime / 1000, sqlCmd);
// Return number of affected records
return rs;
} catch (SQLException sqle)
{ // Error
throw new QueryFailedException(dbms, sqlCmd, sqle);
* Returns the value of the first row/column of a sql-query as an object.
* If the query does not return a result the value ObjectUtils.NO_VALUE is returned.
* @param sqlCmd the SQL-Command
* @param sqlParams list of query parameter values
* @param dataType the expected data type
* @param failOnNoResult if true a QueryNoResultException result is thrown if no record exists otherwise null is returned
* @return the value of the first column in the first row of the query
public Object querySingleValue(String sqlCmd, Object[] sqlParams, DataType dataType, boolean failOnNoResult)
// Debug
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Executing: " + sqlCmd);
// Read value
Object result = dbms.querySingleValue(sqlCmd, sqlParams, dataType, context.getConnection());
if (result==ObjectUtils.NO_VALUE)
{ // Query returned no result
if (failOnNoResult)
throw new QueryNoResultException(sqlCmd);
result = null;
// Debug
long queryTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("querySingleValue successful in {} ms. Result value={}.", queryTime, result);
else if (queryTime>=longRunndingStmtThreshold)
log.warn("Long running query took {} seconds for statement {}.", queryTime / 1000, sqlCmd);
// done
return result;
* Returns the value of the first row/column of a sql-query as an object.
* If the query does not return a result a QueryNoResultException is thrown
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @param dataType the expected data type
* @return the value of the first column in the first row of the query
public final <T> T querySingleValue(DBCommandExpr cmd, Class<T> resultType, boolean failOnNoResult)
Object value = querySingleValue(cmd.getSelect(), cmd.getParamValues(), DataType.fromJavaType(resultType), failOnNoResult);
return ObjectUtils.convert(resultType, value);
* Returns the value of the first row/column of a sql-query as an object.
* If the query does not return a result a QueryNoResultException is thrown
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @return the value of the first column in the first row of the query
public final Object querySingleValue(DBCommandExpr cmd, boolean failOnNoResult)
DBColumnExpr[] selExpr = cmd.getSelectExprList();
DataType dataType = (selExpr!=null && selExpr.length>0 ? selExpr[0].getDataType() : DataType.UNKNOWN);
return querySingleValue(cmd.getSelect(), cmd.getParamValues(), dataType, failOnNoResult);
* Returns the value of the first row/column of a sql-query as an object.
* If the query does not return a result a QueryNoResultException is thrown
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @return the value of the first column in the first row of the query
public final Object querySingleValue(DBCommandExpr cmd)
return querySingleValue(cmd, true);
* Returns the value of the first row/column of a sql-query as an int.
* If the query does not return a result or if the query result is NULL, then the defaultValue is returned
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @param defaultValue the default value if no value was returned by the database
* @return the result as a int value
public final int querySingleInt(String sqlCmd, Object[] sqlParams, int defaultValue)
Object value = querySingleValue(sqlCmd, sqlParams, DataType.INTEGER, false);
return ObjectUtils.getInteger(value, defaultValue);
* Returns the value of the first row/column of a sql-query as an int.
* If the query does not return a result or if the query result is NULL, then the defaultValue is returned
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @param defaultValue the default value if no value was returned by the database
* @return the result as a int value
public final int querySingleInt(DBCommandExpr cmd, int defaultValue)
Object value = querySingleValue(cmd.getSelect(), cmd.getParamValues(), DataType.INTEGER, false);
return ObjectUtils.getInteger(value, defaultValue);
* Returns the value of the first row/column of a sql-query as an int.
* If the query does not return a result a QueryNoResultException is thrown
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @return the result as a int value
public final int querySingleInt(DBCommandExpr cmd)
Object value = querySingleValue(cmd.getSelect(), cmd.getParamValues(), DataType.INTEGER, true);
return ObjectUtils.getInteger(value);
* Returns the value of the first row/column of a sql-query as an int.
* If the query does not return a result or if the query result is NULL, then the defaultValue is returned
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @param defaultValue the default value if no value was returned by the database
* @return the result as a int value
public final long querySingleLong(String sqlCmd, Object[] sqlParams, long defaultValue)
Object value = querySingleValue(sqlCmd, sqlParams, DataType.INTEGER, false);
return ObjectUtils.getLong(value, defaultValue);
* Returns the value of the first row/column of a sql-query as a long.
* If the query does not return a result or if the query result is NULL, then the defaultValue is returned
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @param defaultValue the default value
* @return the result as a long value
public final long querySingleLong(DBCommandExpr cmd, long defaultValue)
Object value = querySingleValue(cmd.getSelect(), cmd.getParamValues(), DataType.INTEGER, false);
return ObjectUtils.getLong(value, defaultValue);
* Returns the value of the first row/column of a sql-query as a long.
* If the query does not return a result a QueryNoResultException is thrown
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @return the result as a long value
public final long querySingleLong(DBCommandExpr cmd)
Object value = querySingleValue(cmd.getSelect(), cmd.getParamValues(), DataType.INTEGER, true);
return ObjectUtils.getLong(value);
* Returns the value of the first row/column of a sql-query as a string.
* If the query does not return a result or if the query result is NULL, then the defaultValue is returned
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @param defaultValue the default value if no value was returned by the database
* @return the result as a String object, if no result a empty String
public final String querySingleString(DBCommandExpr cmd, String defaultValue)
Object value = querySingleValue(cmd.getSelect(), cmd.getParamValues(), DataType.VARCHAR, false);
return StringUtils.toString(value, defaultValue);
* Returns the value of the first row/column of a sql-query as a string.
* If the query does not return a result a QueryNoResultException is thrown.
* If the query result is NULL an empty string is returned.
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @return the result as a String object, if no result a empty String
public final String querySingleString(DBCommandExpr cmd)
Object value = querySingleValue(cmd.getSelect(), cmd.getParamValues(), DataType.VARCHAR, true);
return StringUtils.toString(value);
* Returns the number of rows returned by executing the select statement
* @param cmd the select command
* @return the number of rows that will be returned
public int queryRowCount(DBCommand cmd)
{ // execute Native Query
if (cmd==null || !cmd.isValid())
return 0;
// Check for aggregation
boolean aggregate = false;
DBColumnExpr[] exprList = cmd.getSelectExprList();
for (int i=0; i<exprList.length; i++)
if (exprList[i].isAggregate())
{ aggregate = true;
// check if aggregate
if (aggregate)
{ // For Aggregations: Wrap
DBCommand subCmd = cmd.clone();
String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ("+subCmd.getSelect() + ") q";
return querySingleInt(sql, null, 0);
// find any rowset
DBRowSet rs = exprList[0].getSourceColumn().getRowSet();
// create the count command
DBCommand countCmd = cmd.clone();
// perform query
return querySingleInt(countCmd);
* Adds the first column of a query result to a collection.
* If the query has no result, an empty list is returned.
* @param c the class type for the list
* @param <T> the type for the list
* @param sqlCmd the SQL statement
* @param dataType the expected data type
* @param maxRows maximum number of rows or -1 for all rows
* @return the number of elements that have been added to the collection
public <T> int querySimpleList(Class<T> c, String sqlCmd, Object[] sqlParams, DataType dataType, Collection<T> result, int maxRows)
{ // Start query
ResultSet rs = null;
{ // Log performance
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Executing: " + sqlCmd);
// Get the next Value
rs = dbms.executeQuery(sqlCmd, sqlParams, false, context.getConnection());
if (rs == null)
throw new UnexpectedReturnValueException(rs, "dbms.executeQuery()");
// Check Result
int count=0;
while ( && (maxRows<0 || count<maxRows))
T item = ObjectUtils.convert(c, dbms.getResultValue(rs, 1, dataType));
// Debug
long queryTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("querySimpleList retured {} items in {} ms.", count, queryTime);
else if (queryTime>=longRunndingStmtThreshold)
log.warn("Long running query took {} seconds for statement {}.", queryTime / 1000, sqlCmd);
// done
return count;
} catch (ClassCastException e)
{ log.error("querySingleValue cast exception: ", e);
throw new InternalException(e);
} catch (SQLException sqle)
{ // Error
throw new QueryFailedException(dbms, sqlCmd, sqle);
} finally
{ // Cleanup
* Adds the first column of a query result to a collection.
* If the query has no result, an empty list is returned.
* @param c the class type for the list
* @param <T> the type for the list
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @return the number of elements that have been added to the collection
public final <T> int querySimpleList(Class<T> c, DBCommandExpr cmd, Collection<T> result)
return querySimpleList(c, cmd.getSelect(), cmd.getParamValues(), DataType.UNKNOWN, result, MAX_QUERY_ROWS);
* Returns a one dimensional array from an sql query.
* The array is filled with the values of the first column.
* @param c the class type for the list
* @param <T> the type for the list
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @return a list of the values of the first column of an sql query
public final <T> List<T> querySimpleList(Class<T> c, DBCommandExpr cmd)
{ // Execute the Statement
List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
if (querySimpleList(c, cmd, result)<0)
return null;
return result;
* Returns a one dimensional array from an sql query.
* The array is filled with the values of the first column.
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @return a list of values of type Object
public final List<Object> querySimpleList(DBCommandExpr cmd)
{ // Execute the Statement
return querySimpleList(Object.class, cmd);
* Fills an option list provided with the result from a query.
* The option list is filled with the values of the first and second column.
* @param sqlCmd the SQL statement
* @param options the option list to where the options are added
* @return an Options object containing a set a of values and their corresponding names
public int queryOptionList(String sqlCmd, Object[] sqlParams, Options options)
{ // Execute the Statement
ResultSet rs = null;
{ // Debug
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Executing: " + sqlCmd);
// Get the next Value
rs = dbms.executeQuery(sqlCmd, sqlParams, false, context.getConnection());
if (rs == null)
throw new UnexpectedReturnValueException(rs, "dbms.executeQuery()");
if (rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount()<2)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("sqlCmd", sqlCmd);
// Check Result
int count = 0;
while (
Object value = rs.getObject(1);
String text = rs.getString(2);
options.add(value, text, true);
// Debug
long queryTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("queryOptionList retured {} items in {} ms.", count, queryTime);
else if (queryTime>=longRunndingStmtThreshold)
log.warn("Long running query took {} seconds for statement {}.", queryTime / 1000, sqlCmd);
// done
return count;
} catch (SQLException sqle)
{ // Error
throw new QueryFailedException(dbms, sqlCmd, sqle);
} finally
{ // Cleanup
* Fills an option list provided with the result from a query.
* The option list is filled with the values of the first and second column.
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @param options the option list to where the options are added
* @return an Options object containing a set a of values and their corresponding names
public final int queryOptionList(DBCommandExpr cmd, Options options)
{ // Execute the Statement
return queryOptionList(cmd.getSelect(), cmd.getParamValues(), options);
* Returns a list of key value pairs from an sql query.
* The option list is filled with the values of the first and second column.
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @return an Options object containing a set a of values and their corresponding names
public final Options queryOptionList(DBCommandExpr cmd)
{ // Execute the Statement
Options options = new Options();
queryOptionList(cmd.getSelect(), cmd.getParamValues(), options);
return options;
* Adds the result of a query to a given collection.<br>
* The individual rows will be added as an array of objects (object[])
* <p>This function should only be used for small lists.
* Otherwise a DBReader should be used!</p>
* @param sqlCmd the SQL statement
* @return a list of object arrays
public int queryObjectList(String sqlCmd, Object[] sqlParams, Collection<Object[]> result, int maxRows)
{ // Perform query
ResultSet rs = null;
{ // Log performance
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Executing: " + sqlCmd);
// Get the next Value
rs = dbms.executeQuery(sqlCmd, sqlParams, false, context.getConnection());
if (rs == null)
throw new UnexpectedReturnValueException(rs, "dbms.executeQuery()");
// Read List
int colCount = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
int count = 0;
while ( && (maxRows<0 || count<maxRows))
{ // Read row
Object[] item = new Object[colCount];
for (int i=0; i<colCount; i++)
{ // Read from Resultset
item[i] = dbms.getResultValue(rs, i+1, DataType.UNKNOWN);
// Debug
long queryTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("queryObjectList retured {} items in {} ms.", count, queryTime);
else if (queryTime>=longRunndingStmtThreshold)
log.warn("Long running query took {} seconds for statement {}.", queryTime / 1000, sqlCmd);
// done
return count;
} catch (SQLException sqle)
{ // Error
throw new QueryFailedException(dbms, sqlCmd, sqle);
} finally
{ // Cleanup
* Returns the result of a query as a list Object-Arrays
* This function should only be used for small lists.
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @return a list of object arrays
public final List<Object[]> queryObjectList(DBCommandExpr cmd)
{ // Execute the Statement
List<Object[]> result = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
queryObjectList(cmd.getSelect(), cmd.getParamValues(), result, MAX_QUERY_ROWS);
return result;
* Returns all values of the first row of a sql-query as an array.
* If the query does not return a result a QueryNoResultException is thrown
* @param sqlCmd the SQL-Command
* @param sqlParams list of query parameter values
* @return the values of the first row
public Object[] querySingleRow(String sqlCmd, Object[] sqlParams)
List<Object[]> result = new ArrayList<Object[]>(1);
queryObjectList(sqlCmd, sqlParams, result, 1);
if (result.size()<1)
throw new QueryNoResultException(sqlCmd);
return result.get(0);
* Returns all values of the first row of a sql-query as an array.
* If the query does not return a result a QueryNoResultException is thrown
* @param cmd the Command object that contains the select statement
* @return the values of the first row
public final Object[] querySingleRow(DBCommandExpr cmd)
return querySingleRow(cmd.getSelect(), cmd.getParamValues());
* Called to inform that the limit for DataList, Record and Bean queries has exceeded the maximum value
protected void queryRowLimitExeeded()
log.warn("Query Result was limited to {} by MAX_QUERY_ROWS", MAX_QUERY_ROWS);
* Crates a default DataListFactory for a DataListEntry class
* The DataListEntry class must provide the following constructor
* DataListEntry(DataListFactory<? extends DataListEntry> head, int rownum, Object values[])
* @param entryClass the entryClass for which to create the list head
* @return
protected <T extends DataListEntry> DataListFactory<T> createDefaultDataListFactory(Class<T> entryClass, DataListHead head)
return new DataListFactoryImpl<T>(entryClass, head);
* Crates a default DataListHead for a DataListEntry class
* @param cmd the cmd for which to create the DataListHead
* @return the DataListHead instance
protected DataListHead createDefaultDataListHead(DBCommandExpr cmd, Class<? extends DataListEntry> entryClass)
return new DataListHead(cmd.getSelectExprList());
* Executes a query and returns a list of DataListEntry items
* @param sqlCmd the SQL-Command for the query
* @param factory the Factory to be used for each list item
* @param first the number of records to skip from the beginning of the result
* @param pageSize the maximum number of items to add to the list or -1 (default) for all
* @return the list
public <T extends DataListEntry> List<T> queryDataList(DBCommandExpr cmd, DataListFactory<T> factory, int first, int pageSize)
List<T> list = null;
DBReader r = new DBReader(context);
{ // prepare
factory.prepareQuery(cmd, context);
// check pageSize
if (pageSize==0)
{ log.warn("PageSize must not be 0. Setting to -1 for all records!");
pageSize = -1;
// set range
DBMSHandler dbms = context.getDbms();
if (pageSize>0 && dbms.isSupported(DBMSFeature.QUERY_LIMIT_ROWS))
{ // let the database limit the rows
if (first>0 && dbms.isSupported(DBMSFeature.QUERY_SKIP_ROWS))
{ // let the database skip the rows
// no need to skip rows ourself
first = 0;
// Runquery;
if (first>0)
{ // skip rows
// Create a list of data entries
int maxCount = (pageSize>=0) ? pageSize : MAX_QUERY_ROWS;
list = factory.newList((pageSize>=0) ? pageSize : 10);
// add data
int rownum = 0;
while (r.moveNext() && maxCount != 0)
{ // Create bean an init
T entry = factory.newEntry(rownum, r);
if (entry==null)
// add entry
// Decrease count
if (maxCount > 0)
// check
if (rownum==MAX_QUERY_ROWS)
// done
return list;
{ // close reader
// complete
if (list!=null)
* Queries a list of DataListEntry items
public final <T extends DataListEntry> List<T> queryDataList(DBCommandExpr cmd, Class<T> entryClass, DataListHead head)
return queryDataList(cmd, createDefaultDataListFactory(entryClass, head), 0, -1);
* Queries a list of DataListEntry items
public final <T extends DataListEntry> List<T> queryDataList(DBCommandExpr cmd, Class<T> entryClass)
return queryDataList(cmd, entryClass, createDefaultDataListHead(cmd, entryClass));
* Queries a list of DataListEntry items
public final <T extends DataListEntry> List<T> queryDataList(DBCommandExpr cmd, Class<T> entryClass, int first, int maxItems)
return queryDataList(cmd, createDefaultDataListFactory(entryClass, createDefaultDataListHead(cmd, entryClass)), first, maxItems);
* Queries a list of DataListEntry items
public final List<DataListEntry> queryDataList(DBCommandExpr cmd)
return queryDataList(cmd, DataListEntry.class);
* Queries a list of DataListEntry items
public final List<DataListEntry> queryDataList(DBCommandExpr cmd, int first, int maxItems)
return queryDataList(cmd, DataListEntry.class, first, maxItems);
* Queries a single DataListEntry item
public final <T extends DataListEntry> T queryDataEntry(DBCommandExpr cmd, Class<T> entryClass, boolean failOnNoResult)
DataListHead head = createDefaultDataListHead(cmd, entryClass);
List<T> dle = queryDataList(cmd, createDefaultDataListFactory(entryClass, head), 0, 1);
if (dle.isEmpty())
{ if (failOnNoResult)
throw new QueryNoResultException(cmd.getSelect());
return null;
return dle.get(0);
* Queries a single DataListEntry item
public final <T extends DataListEntry> T queryDataEntry(DBCommandExpr cmd, Class<T> entryClass)
return queryDataEntry(cmd, entryClass, true);
* Queries a single DataListEntry item
public final DataListEntry queryDataEntry(DBCommandExpr cmd)
return queryDataEntry(cmd, DataListEntry.class);
* Crates a default DBRecordListFactory for a DBRecord class
* The DBRecord class must provide the following constructor
* DBRecord(DBContext context, DBRowSet rowset)
* @param recordClass the recordClass for which to create the list head
* @return
protected <R extends DBRecordBase> DBRecordListFactory<R> createDefaultRecordListFactory(Class<R> recordClass, DBRowSet rowset)
return new DBRecordListFactoryImpl<R>(recordClass, context.getClass(), rowset);
* Executes a query and returns a list of DBRecord items
* @param sqlCmd the SQL-Command for the query
* @param listHead the HeadInfo to be used for each list item
* @param first the number of records to skip from the beginning of the result
* @param pageSize the maximum number of items to add to the list or -1 (default) for all
* @return the list
public <R extends DBRecordBase> List<R> queryRecordList(DBCommand cmd, DBRecordListFactory<R> factory, int first, int pageSize)
List<R> list = null;
DBReader r = new DBReader(context);
{ // prepare
factory.prepareQuery(cmd, context);
// check pageSize
if (pageSize==0)
{ log.warn("PageSize must not be 0. Setting to -1 for all records!");
pageSize = -1;
// set range
DBMSHandler dbms = context.getDbms();
if (pageSize>0 && dbms.isSupported(DBMSFeature.QUERY_LIMIT_ROWS))
{ // let the database limit the rows
if (first>0 && dbms.isSupported(DBMSFeature.QUERY_SKIP_ROWS))
{ // let the database skip the rows
// no need to skip rows ourself
first = 0;
// Runquery;
if (first>0)
{ // skip rows
// Create a list of data entries
int maxCount = (pageSize>=0) ? pageSize : MAX_QUERY_ROWS;
list = factory.newList((pageSize>=0) ? pageSize : DEFAULT_LIST_CAPACITY);
// add data
int rownum = 0;
while (r.moveNext() && maxCount != 0)
{ // Create bean an init
R entry = factory.newRecord(rownum, r);
if (entry==null)
// check
if (entry.isValid())
{ // add entry
log.warn("Record {} is not valid thus it will not be added to the RecordListQuery.", rownum);
// Decrease count
if (maxCount > 0)
// check
if (rownum==MAX_QUERY_ROWS)
// done
return list;
{ // close reader
// complete
if (list!=null)
* Executes a query and returns a list of DBRecord items
* @param cmd the command holding the constraints and order or the query
* @param rowset the rowset for which to query the records
* @return the list of DBRecord items
public final <R extends DBRecordBase> List<R> queryRecordList(DBCommand cmd, DBRowSet rowset, Class<R> recordType)
DBRecordListFactory<R> factory = (DBRecordListFactory<R>)createDefaultRecordListFactory(recordType, rowset);
return queryRecordList(cmd, factory, 0, -1);
* Executes a query and returns a list of DBRecord items
* @param cmd the command holding the constraints and order or the query
* @param rowset the rowset for which to query the records
* @return the list of DBRecord items
public final List<DBRecord> queryRecordList(DBCommand cmd, DBRowSet rowset)
return queryRecordList(cmd, rowset, DBRecord.class);
* Crates a default DBBeanListFactory for Java bean class
* The DBRecord class must provide
* either a standard construtor with correspondig property set fundtions
* or a constructor using the fields of the query
* @param beanType the beanType for which to create the list head
* @param constructorParams the columns to be used for the constructor (optional)
* @return the bean factory
protected <T> DBBeanListFactory<T> createDefaultBeanListFactory(Class<T> beanType, Column[] keyColumns, List<? extends DBColumnExpr> selectColumns)
return new DBBeanListFactoryImpl<T>(beanType, keyColumns, selectColumns);
* gets or creates DBBeanListFactory for the given rowset
* @param beanType the beanType for which to create the list head
* @param rowset the rowset for which to return the factory
* @return the bean factory
public synchronized <T> DBBeanListFactory<T> getRowsetBeanListFactory(Class<T> beanType, DBRowSet rowset)
DBBeanListFactory<T> factory = DBBeanFactoryCache.getFactoryForType(beanType);
if (factory==null)
{ // Create default factory"No factory found for bean type '{}' and rowset {}. Creating default", beanType.getName(), rowset.getName());
factory= createDefaultBeanListFactory(beanType, rowset.getKeyColumns(), rowset.getColumns());
DBBeanFactoryCache.setFactoryForType(beanType, factory);
return factory;
* gets or creates DBBeanListFactory for the given rowset
* @param beanType the beanType for which to create the list head
* @param rowset the rowset for which to return the factory
* @return the bean factory
public synchronized <T> DBBeanListFactory<T> getCommandBeanListFactory(Class<T> beanType, DBCommandExpr cmd)
DBBeanListFactory<T> factory = DBBeanFactoryCache.getFactoryForType(beanType);
if (factory==null)
{ // Check command: Must have select!
if (!cmd.hasSelectExpr())
throw new CommandWithoutSelectException(cmd);
// Create default factory"No factory found for bean type '{}'. Creating default", beanType.getName());
factory= createDefaultBeanListFactory(beanType, null, cmd.getSelectExpressions());
DBBeanFactoryCache.setFactoryForType(beanType, factory);
return factory;
* Query a list of simple Java objects (beans)
* @param cmd the comman
* @param type
* @param first
* @param pageSize the maximum number of items to add to the list or -1 (default) for all
* @return
public <T> List<T> queryBeanList(DBCommandExpr cmd, DBBeanListFactory<T> factory, Object parent, int first, int pageSize)
List<T> list = null;
DBReader r = new DBReader(context);
{ // prepare
factory.prepareQuery(cmd, context);
// check pageSize
if (pageSize==0)
{ log.warn("PageSize must not be 0. Setting to -1 for all records!");
pageSize = -1;
// set range
DBMSHandler dbms = context.getDbms();
if (pageSize>0 && dbms.isSupported(DBMSFeature.QUERY_LIMIT_ROWS))
{ // let the database limit the rows
if (first>0 && dbms.isSupported(DBMSFeature.QUERY_SKIP_ROWS))
{ // let the database skip the rows
// no need to skip rows ourself
first = 0;
// Runquery;
if (first>0)
{ // skip rows
// Create a list of data entries
int maxCount = (pageSize>=0) ? pageSize : MAX_QUERY_ROWS;
list = factory.newList((pageSize>=0) ? pageSize : DEFAULT_LIST_CAPACITY);
// add data
int rownum = 0;
while (r.moveNext() && maxCount != 0)
{ // Create bean an init
T item = factory.newItem(rownum, r);
if (item==null)
// add entry
// post processing
if (item instanceof DataBean<?>)
((DataBean<?>)item).initialize(((DBObject)r).getDatabase(), context, rownum, parent);
// next
// Decrease count
if (maxCount > 0)
// check
if (rownum==MAX_QUERY_ROWS)
// done
return list;
// complete
if (list!=null)
* Queries a list of Java beans for a given command
* @param cmd the query command
* @param factory the beanType factory used to instantiate the bean
* @param parent (optional) the parent bean if any
* @return the list of java beans
public final <T> List<T> queryBeanList(DBCommandExpr cmd, DBBeanListFactory<T> factory, Object parent)
return queryBeanList(cmd, factory, parent, 0, -1);
* Queries a list of Java beans for a given command
* @param cmd the query command
* @param beanType the beanType
* @param constructorParams the list of params used for the bean constructor (optional, may be null)
* @param parent (optional) the parent bean if any
* @return the list of java beans
public <T> List<T> queryBeanList(DBCommandExpr cmd, Class<T> beanType, DBRowSet rowset, Object parent)
return queryBeanList(cmd, getRowsetBeanListFactory(beanType, rowset), parent, 0, -1);
* Queries a list of Java beans for a given command
* @param cmd the query command
* @param beanType the beanType
* @param parent (optional) the parent bean if any
* @return the list of java beans
public <T> List<T> queryBeanList(DBCommandExpr cmd, Class<T> beanType, Object parent)
return queryBeanList(cmd, getCommandBeanListFactory(beanType, cmd), parent);
* queries a single Java Bean for a given command
* @param cmd the query command
* @param factory the factory to create the bean instance
* @return the bean instance
public <T> T queryBean(DBCommandExpr cmd, DBBeanListFactory<T> factory)
DBReader r = new DBReader(context);
{ // prepare
factory.prepareQuery(cmd, context);
// Runquery
// add data
T item = factory.newItem(-1, r);
// post processing
if (item instanceof DataBean<?>)
((DataBean<?>)item).initialize(((DBObject)r).getDatabase(), context, -1, null);
// done
return item;
// complete
* Queries a single Java Bean for a given command
* @param cmd the query command
* @param beanType the beanType
* @param parent (optional) the parent bean if any
* @return the list of java beans
public <T> T queryBean(DBCommandExpr cmd, Class<T> beanType)
return queryBean(cmd, getCommandBeanListFactory(beanType, cmd));
* Queries a single bean based on a where constraint
* @param beanType the beanType
* @param rowset the rowset used for the query
* @param whereConstraints the constraints for the query
* @return the entity bean
public final <T> T queryBean(Class<T> beanType, DBRowSet rowset, DBCompareExpr whereConstraints)
DBObject.checkParamNull("rowset", rowset);
DBObject.checkParamNull("whereConstraints", whereConstraints);
// find
DBCommand cmd = context.createCommand();
// use factory of rowset
return queryBean(cmd, getRowsetBeanListFactory(beanType, rowset));
* Queries a single bean based on a where constraint
* @param beanType the beanType
* @param whereConstraints the constraints for the query
* @return the entity bean
public final <T> T queryBean(Class<T> beanType, DBCompareExpr whereConstraints)
DBObject.checkParamNull("whereConstraints", whereConstraints);
// must have a factory
DBBeanListFactory<T> factory = DBBeanFactoryCache.getFactoryForType(beanType);
if (factory==null)
throw new UnknownBeanTypeException(beanType);
// add constraints
DBCommand cmd = context.createCommand();
// query now
return queryBean(cmd, factory);
* Queries a single bean based on primary key values
* @param beanType the beanType
* @param rowset the rowset used for the query
* @param key the primary key
* @return the entity bean
public final <T> T queryBean(Class<T> beanType, DBRowSet rowset, Object[] key)
DBObject.checkParamNull("rowset", rowset);
DBObject.checkParamNull("key", key);
// set key constraints
DBCommand cmd = context.createCommand();
// use factory of rowset
return queryBean(cmd, getRowsetBeanListFactory(beanType, rowset));