Apache Empire-db | |
Copyright 2008-2018 The Apache Software Foundation | |
For more Information about a particular issue please visit | |
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/EMPIREDB | |
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Release 2.5.0: | |
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** Improvement | |
EMPIREDB-329 Core: Add full join support for column joins | |
EMPIREDB-328 JSF: Add css style class to input element if value of input control was modified | |
EMPIREDB-327 JSF: CheckboxInputControl ignores isFieldReadOnly | |
EMPIREDB-325 JSF: TextInputControl: required-Styleclass is not updated after ajax call | |
EMPIREDB-324 Core: Add caseWhen expression for multiple conditions | |
EMPIREDB-322 Core: Add DataModelChecker for SQL-Server | |
EMPIREDB-321 JSF: TextInputControl: Improve the ability to implement custom parsing | |
EMPIREDB-319 Core: Improve partial record handling | |
EMPIREDB-317 JSF: Improve TagEncoding inside UIData components | |
EMPIREDB-315 Core: Extend Options allowing Entries to be active/inactive | |
EMPIREDB-314 Core: Add support for the SQL format function | |
EMPIREDB-312 JSF: Allow to customize whether to render the Input or the Value | |
EMPIREDB-311 Core: Allow Column Expression to be use with ValueTag | |
EMPIREDB-310 JSF: Improve ParamterMap for request parameter handling | |
EMPIREDB-308 JSF: WebApplication: Add "destroy"-method | |
EMPIREDB-307 JSF: Allow overrides of TagEncodingHelper class | |
EMPIREDB-306 JSF: Improve JSF Taglib support | |
EMPIREDB-305 JSF: Allow InputControl to render value wrapper tag | |
EMPIREDB-304 Core: Add isEnum() function to Column indicating whether an Enum-type has been set | |
EMPIREDB-303 Core: Add support for Unique-Indexes which allow null values | |
EMPIREDB-301 Core: DBCommandExpr: expose orderBy | |
EMPIREDB-300 JSF: Problem with prepared statements when using booleans with SelectInputControl | |
EMPIREDB-299 Core: Improve Oracle update statements using "MERGE INTO" | |
EMPIREDB-298 JSF: Allow update of required style after Ajax request with SelectInputControl | |
EMPIREDB-296 JSF: Allow page-specific idParams in ParameterMap | |
EMPIREDB-294 Core: Allow functions and command expression to be used as record values | |
EMPIREDB-293 Core: Allow driver to distinguish between DATETIME and TIMESTAMP | |
EMPIREDB-291 Core: Make table definition for update timestamp simpler | |
EMPIREDB-290 Core: Provide additional overloads to DBTable.addColumn for Enum value types | |
EMPIREDB-289 Core: Rename DataType TEXT to VARCHAR to align with SQL specification | |
EMPIREDB-288 JSF: Provide handler for view not found in web application | |
** Bugfix | |
EMPIREDB-326 Core: Fix DateTime conversion in ObjectUtils | |
EMPIREDB-323 Core: Fix multiple sql-functions on same column not possible with DBCommand | |
EMPIREDB-320 JSF: Fix skip default JSF input validation | |
EMPIREDB-318 Core: Fix field resolution failure for expressions with no UpdateColumn in DBQuery | |
EMPIREDB-316 JSF: Control-Rendering: distinguish between disabled and readOnly | |
EMPIREDB-313 JSF: Fix SelectInputControl not working for numeric enum columns | |
EMPIREDB-309 JSF: Fix JSF-LabelTag must not implement NamingContainter | |
EMPIREDB-302 JSF: Fix Support for NULL values in CheckboxInputControl | |
EMPIREDB-297 Core: Fix CodeGenerator failure for NVARCHAR columns in SQL-Server | |
EMPIREDB-295 Core: Fix incorrect From clause when using function expressions | |
EMPIREDB-286 JSF: Fix ControlTag using "colon"-Attribute for label rendering | |
EMPIREDB-285 Core: Fix correctly escape sequence name when dropping tables | |
EMPIREDB-283 Core: Fix PreparedStatements not working with MS SQL-Server >= 2016 | |
EMPIREDB-281 JSF: Fix Allow modifying options with SelectInputControl in Ajax request | |
EMPIREDB-280 Core: Fix incorrect validation of null values in DBRecord.setValue | |
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Release 2.4.7: | |
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** Improvement | |
EMPIREDB-278 Provide new accessors for Enum values on records | |
EMPIREDB-277 JSF2 Extensions: Allow other inputControl to be used with selectTag | |
EMPIREDB-276 Add support for pseudo table (like DUAL in Oracle) | |
EMPIREDB-275 Allow provision of sequence gerneration expression for bulk insert statements | |
EMPIREDB-274 Oracle: Correct MergeInto syntax | |
EMPIREDB-272 Provide easy way to select column with a qualfied alias | |
EMPIREDB-271 New application example with Vue.js framework and REST service | |
EMPIREDB-270 JSF2 Extensions: Allow records to provide context specific css styles for JSF tags | |
EMPIREDB-267 Allow DBCmdParams to be used as a value expression in an SQL statement | |
EMPIREDB-266 Map query columns in DBReader to underlying table columns | |
EMPIREDB-264 MySQL Driver: Update Keywords for version 5.7 | |
EMPIREDB-262 Add special enum handling to ObjectUtils.compareEqual function | |
EMPIREDB-258 MS-SQL Server: Improve Driver to support latest features | |
EMPIREDB-256 Allow page redirect in overrides of method Page.checkPageAcces() | |
EMPIREDB-254 Allow detection and handling of constraint violations when inserting or updating records | |
EMPIREDB-253 Add UNION ALL support to DBCommand | |
EMPIREDB-252 MySQL: Added Support for database specific CodeGenParser | |
EMPIREDB-251 MySQL: Added Support for TINYINT, MEDIUMINT Integer Types | |
** Bugfix | |
EMPIREDB-280 DBRecord.setValue does not correctly validate null for new records | |
EMPIREDB-279 Sequences left after dropping my Database. Can't create a new one. | |
EMPIREDB-273 Improve multi-region support in TagEncodingHelper / TextInputControl | |
EMPIREDB-269 DBDatabaseDriverPostgreSQL: wrong SQLPhrase for DBSystemDate | |
EMPIREDB-265 DDL syntax for DROP statements contains invalid quotes when a schema name is given. | |
EMPIREDB-263 Not possible to set skipRows unless limitRows is also set | |
EMPIREDB-261 DBCommand is not re-usable, when a CLOB column is involved | |
EMPIREDB-255 Compiler error in code generated from codegen plugin | |
EMPIREDB-250 MySQL: wrong SQL for CREATE VIEW with DBCombinedCmd | |
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Release 2.4.6: | |
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** Improvement | |
EMPIREDB-252 Add Support for database specific CodeGenParser | |
EMPIREDB-251 Add Support for TINYINT, MEDIUMINT Integer Types for MySQL | |
EMPIREDB-249 Add "format" Support to MySQL convert expression | |
EMPIREDB-245 Add Support for DELETE with JOIN for MySQL | |
EMPIREDB-243 Add Eclipse m2e plugin lifecycle mapping | |
EMPIREDB-242 Explicitly declare cross joins | |
EMPIREDB-238 Miscellaneous small improvements | |
EMPIREDB-237 Add support for the modulo function in SQL generation | |
EMPIREDB-235 Improve Empire-JSF-Extensions for JSF 2.2 | |
EMPIREDB-233 Remove MSSQL DateFormat dependency | |
EMPIREDB-232 Support InputControls to work correctly in MyFaces and inside UIData components | |
EMPIREDB-231 Improve CheckboxInputControl | |
EMPIREDB-229 Code cleanup and adjustment of maven project settings | |
EMPIREDB-228 Allow access to TagEncodingHelper in derived classes | |
EMPIREDB-227 Spring Integration including example | |
** Bugfix | |
EMPIREDB-248 date functions not properly handled in PostgreSQL | |
EMPIREDB-246 Label Required Mark check inconsistent | |
EMPIREDB-241 Error in lower() implementation for PostgreSQL | |
EMPIREDB-240 Update Spring dependencies in examples | |
EMPIREDB-239 Enum-handling: take name or ordinal as field value | |
EMPIREDB-236 Subquery join with DBQuery produces invalid join | |
EMPIREDB-230 MSSQL DDL generates incorrect data type for BLOB with nonzero length | |
EMPIREDB-226 Empire generates incorrect SQL when DBCommand's where list is empty | |
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Release 2.4.4: | |
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** Improvement | |
EMPIREDB-221 Allow batch execution through JDBC executeBatch | |
EMPIREDB-220 Allow override of fraction digits on JSF input tag | |
EMPIREDB-219 Added source code for Eclipse-Code-Generation-Plugin | |
EMPIREDB-217 Consistency check for data model definition vs deployed data model | |
** Bugfix | |
EMPIREDB-223 join function in DBCommand requires a DBColumn instead of a DBColumnExpr | |
EMPIREDB-218 Missing reserved keywords in DBDatabaseDriverMySQL | |
EMPIREDB-216 Reserved words as column names not correctly escaped/quoted for derby | |
EMPIREDB-215 Sequence generation and use for HSql to not agree in using toUpperCase | |
EMPIREDB-214 SQLServer - wrong 'alterColumnPhrase' | |
EMPIREDB-212 MySQL Nested Union bad syntax | |
EMPIREDB-210 Wrong Java Type in Records for BLOB Columns | |
EMPIREDB-209 Using a reserved word as a column alias in a select statement. | |
EMPIREDB-208 Decimal fields don't support scales above 9 | |
EMPIREDB-125 Problem with the location of velocity templates on the code generator | |
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Release 2.4.3: | |
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** Improvement | |
EMPIREDB-127 Switch to Apache Maven 3.0.x | |
** Bugfix | |
EMPIREDB-206 ExpireException may throw an ArrayOutOfBoundsException | |
EMPIREDB-205 DBColumn implements equals() but not hashcode() | |
EMPIREDB-204 PostgreSQL not supports size parameter on BYTEA | |
EMPIREDB-202 BeanListPageElement does not navigate back to page 0. | |
EMPIREDB-201 BeanListPageElement.getItemQueryCmd does not clear limit and skip rows | |
EMPIREDB-194 DBSQLScript: allow to insert statements | |
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Release 2.4.2: | |
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** Improvement | |
EMPIREDB-192 Implement limitRows and skipRows for Oracle | |
EMPIREDB-190 Improve DDL Syntax by allowing variable parameters for primary key and relations | |
EMPIREDB-188 Allow replacement of statements in a DBScript | |
EMPIREDB-183 Allow enabling / disabling foreign key constraints | |
EMPIREDB-180 Strip Mojarra dependency from JSF2 extensions and show use of MyFaces in example | |
EMPIREDB-178 Improve JSF example, add business logic for retired state | |
EMPIREDB-173 Switch to ASF Parent 13 POM | |
EMPIREDB-170 extend DBDatabase.querySingleValue to utilize DataType | |
** Bugfix | |
EMPIREDB-193 DBRowSet has an equals() implementation but no hashCode() implementation. | |
EMPIREDB-191 The spring example does not release connections. | |
EMPIREDB-189 DBDatabase.getSingleInt with default does not return the default but throws an exception. | |
EMPIREDB-185 MenuListTag not working in MyFaces | |
EMPIREDB-182 Wrong datatype for uniqueid in SQLServer | |
EMPIREDB-181 Do not check for item count in ListPageElement.isValid() | |
EMPIREDB-179 String to date conversion: use SimpleDateFormatter | |
EMPIREDB-177 Allow date entry in JSF-inputText | |
EMPIREDB-175 rename misleading method name that falsely suggests a redirect | |
EMPIREDB-171 ObjectUtils.compareEquals fails on BigDecimal | |
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Release 2.4.1: | |
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** Improvement | |
* [EMPIREDB-169] - Allow access to page properties in resource requests via EL. | |
* [EMPIREDB-168] - Extend JSF2 Input Controls by adding missing attributes and improve input value parsing and validation. | |
* [EMPIREDB-167] - Review DBRecord state handling. Changed state from int constants to state enum. Improved method overrides | |
* [EMPIREDB-165] - JSF2: detect model changes for record bound input controls | |
* [EMPIREDB-164] - Check Numeric values when encoding sql commands. New method DBDatabaseDriver.getSQLNumberString() | |
* [EMPIREDB-163] - New function Record.isFieldRequired() to determine whether a field is required or not | |
* [EMPIREDB-162] - JSF2: Support partial submits for Input control validation. Overridable method FacesApplication.isPartialSubmit() | |
* [EMPIREDB-161] - JSF2: Format and parse Input Values with according to the users locale | |
* [EMPIREDB-160] - JSF2: Preserve submitted form values when validation error occurs | |
* [EMPIREDB-158] - Avoid accidentally missing command parameter values when using DBDatabase.executeSQL. New executeInsert, executeUpdate and executeDelete on DBDatabase. | |
* [EMPIREDB-157] - Miscellaneous small improvements such as new overloads and improved JavaDoc | |
** Bugfix | |
* [EMPIREDB-171] - ObjectUtils.compareEquals returns false for BigDecimals with equal value but different scale | |
* [EMPIREDB-166] - Overwriting set expressions does not remove prepared statement parameter | |
* [EMPIREDB-154] - <e:input> component failed inside a datatable | |
* [EMPIREDB-153] - DBDatabaseDriverPostgreSQL.createReverseFunction throws syntax error exception | |
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Release 2.4.0: | |
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** New Feature | |
* [EMPIREDB-140] - New Empire-db JSF extensions project (empire-db-jsf2) allows simplified web development with JFS 2.x implementations. An example project is also provided. | |
** Improvement | |
* [EMPIREDB-149] - Simplified access to foreign key relations (see DBTable.getForeignKeyRelations()) | |
* [EMPIREDB-145] - Allow using DBQuery with UNION and INTERSECT commands | |
* [EMPIREDB-144] - Allow generation of update commands with join expressions | |
* [EMPIREDB-143] - Provide access to native error message for SQL exceptions | |
* [EMPIREDB-142] - Allow compare expressions to be wrapped with parenthesis | |
* [EMPIREDB-141] - Miscellaneous small improvements | |
* [EMPIREDB-138] - Optimized serialization by making database and rowset references transient | |
** Bugfix | |
* [EMPIREDB-151] - DBDatabaseDriverHSQL fails on selection of NEXT VALUE | |
* [EMPIREDB-150] - <sample:formInputRow> component failed to parse/resolve the "for" attribute | |
* [EMPIREDB-146] - Blob data type is not working with postgresql under v2.3 | |
* [EMPIREDB-147] - BLOB datatype under empire 2.3.1-SNAPSHOT | |
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Release 2.3.0: | |
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** New Feature | |
* [EMPIREDB-79] - Allow specification of delete action for each DBRelation (ON DELETE CASCADE) | |
** Improvement | |
* [EMPIREDB-137] - Extend Record and Column interfaces by Record.isReadOnly() and Column.validate() methods | |
* [EMPIREDB-133] - Simplify use of DBCommand:DBCommandParam class | |
* [EMPIREDB-129] - Allow expression based indexes | |
* [EMPIREDB-126] - Various small improvements, like new method overloads, code and javadoc cleanup, etc. | |
* [EMPIREDB-123] - Allow to specify the character column length in bytes (Non-Unicode) or chars (Unicode) for DDL generation | |
** Bugfix | |
* [EMPIREDB-136] - DBCommand.clone() modified to produce an independent clone of the original command. | |
* [EMPIREDB-135] - Suppress column alias inside concatenations | |
* [EMPIREDB-132] - Fix support for CLOB data type in Postgre SQL | |
* [EMPIREDB-130] - Prepared Statements: Convert Enums to String to avoid SQLException | |
* [EMPIREDB-128] - Velocity Template Table.vm does not handle tables without primary keys | |
* [EMPIREDB-124] - Added missing Serializable on class commons.Options and commons.OptionEntry | |
* [EMPIREDB-122] - Fixed support for Update/ Insert of Chinese characters with non-prepared statements | |
* [EMPIREDB-121] - Fixed lower case expression for SQL-Server (lower instead of lcase) | |
* [EMPIREDB-120] - Fixed FieldIllegalValueException for DataType.DATETIME and DataType.DATE if the value is empty (but DBTableColumn is nullable) | |
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Release 2.2.0: | |
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** New Feature | |
* [EMPIREDB-110] - Add support for reverse-engineering of foreign-key relationships | |
** Improvement | |
* [EMPIREDB-99] - Remove optional support for old style error handing | |
* [EMPIREDB-103] - reduce getDDLScript duplicate code | |
* [EMPIREDB-115] - Add parenthesis to the first select of a union/ intersect and allow driver to implement limit() and skip() | |
* [EMPIREDB-116] - Add support for multi column foreign-keys to code generator | |
* [EMPIREDB-117] - Allow Table, View and Column prefixes in generation process | |
** Bugfix | |
* [EMPIREDB-104] - Create DDL Script on MSSQL should state not CREATE DATABASE if already exist | |
* [EMPIREDB-105] - Support of long integer fields on MS SQL Server | |
* [EMPIREDB-107] - Limit function for postgres sql not implemented | |
* [EMPIREDB-109] - Missing conversion for Type double in ObjectUtils.convert | |
* [EMPIREDB-113] - Should preserve the decimal digits of DECIMAL columns | |
* [EMPIREDB-118] - Prevent columns to be added twice to a table or view | |
The following older issues are categorized as follows: | |
[{C=Core}|{S=Struts Extensions}|{E=Examples}|{O=Other} | |
/{N=New Feature}|{B=Bug fix}|{I=Improvement}] | |
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Release 2.1.0: | |
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Major new features: | |
- New and improved utilization of prepared statements which can be enabled / disabled by database property. | |
- Use of SLF4J instead of log4j | |
EMPIREDB-101- [C/I]: Create DDL Script on MySQL should state CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS | |
EMPIREDB-100- [C/I]: Support of long integer fields for H2, Derby and MySQL | |
EMPIREDB-97 - [C/I]: Added serialization to Empire-DB objects | |
EMPIREDB-95 - [C/I]: Code optimizations/cleanup and javadoc improvements | |
EMPIREDB-94 - [C/B]: Added Postgre and Derby bigint support | |
EMPIREDB-93 - [C/B]: DBRowSet.updateRecord log output does not report column name properly | |
EMPIREDB-92 - [C/I]: Switch to Apache Parent pom version 8 | |
EMPIREDB-91 - [C/I]: Increase and optimize the use of prepared statements | |
EMPIREDB-81 - [C/B]: Endless loop in DBSeqTable#getNextValue() fixed | |
EMPIREDB-77 - [C/I]: Removed the Log4J compile-time dependency by switching to slf4j (same also EMPIREDB-38) | |
EMPIREDB-38 - [C/I]: Switched from log4j to slf4j | |
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Release 2.0.7: | |
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Major new features: | |
- Switched to latest struts version and added portlet support to struts2 extensions | |
- Support for limiting the number of rows returned by a query. | |
EMPIREDB-90 - [C/B]: The "createRecordProperties" switch in the codegenerator's configuration works not properly. | |
EMPIREDB-89 - [S/I]: Update Empire-Struts-Extensions to Struts 2.2.1 and provide Portlet Support | |
EMPIREDB-88 - [C/B]: CodeGenerator generates uppercase fieldnames where empire code expects lowercase names | |
EMPIREDB-87 - [C/I]: Use EXTRACT() function to extract the day, month or year from a date column in Oracle | |
EMPIREDB-86 - [C/B]: Correct some typos in the javadocs | |
EMPIREDB-85 - [C/I]: Remove declarations of unused dependencies (from pom.xml) | |
EMPIREDB-84 - [C/B]: Typo in section "Empire-db and Struts2 � Forms and controls" | |
EMPIREDB-82 - [C/B]: Cloning does not work if DBTable's column (DBColumn) are declared final (as per shipped examples). Causing table alias in resulting SQL queries to be wrong | |
EMPIREDB-62 - [C/N]: Allow to set limit for maximum number of rows returned | |
EMPIREDB-60 - [C/B]: Cloning of columns is restricted to current class | |
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Release 2.0.6: | |
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Major new features: | |
- Code-Generator allows generation of Data Model code files for existing databases | |
- Maven plugin for DB-Code-Generator | |
- New example to demonstrate interoperability between Empire-db and Spring | |
- Provided jars are now OSGi compatible | |
Issues resolved: | |
EMPIREDB-76 - [C/B]: Erroneous translation of DataType.DOUBLE for postgres | |
EMPIREDB-73 - [C/N]: Spring interoperability example provided by Eike Kettner | |
EMPIREDB-72 - [C/I]: Change various private modifiers to protected to allow overrides | |
EMPIREDB-71 - [C/I]: New enumeration DataMode for column classification as a replacement for the required flag | |
EMPIREDB-70 - [C/B]: Corrected MySQL indentifier quote | |
EMPIREDB-67 - [C/I]: Allow selection of (Mysql) Database Engine | |
EMPIREDB-64 - [C/N]: CodeGenerator Maven Plugin | |
EMPIREDB-63 - [C/I]: Provide overloads for DBDatabase.queryObjectList() and querySimpleList() to allow using other collection types. | |
EMPIREDB-59 - [C/B]: HSQL double has hard-coded illegal precision (FLOAT(80)) for HSQL 1.8 | |
EMPIREDB-57 - [C/B]: HSQLDB driver fails to retrieve next sequence value for lower case sequence name | |
EMPIREDB-56 - [C/B]: getValue Function on DBReader does not fail on errors. | |
EMPIREDB-52 - [C/N]: CodeGenerator module for generating database definition code files from existing databases | |
EMPIREDB-35 - [C/I]: Make sure our jars are OSGi compatible | |
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Release 2.0.5: | |
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Major new features: | |
- Maven project management | |
- New database handlers for Apache Derby, H2, PostgreSQL | |
- New Examples showing WebService integration using Apache CXF | |
- Empire-DB Struts2-Extensions' dependencies updated from Struts 2.0.11 to Struts 2.1.6 | |
Issues resolved: | |
EMPIREDB-49 - [C/B]: The generation of table, view and query aliases now uses thread-safe counters | |
EMPIREDB-46 - [C/B]: datetime-phrase issue in DBDatabaseDriverDerby | |
EMPIREDB-45 - [S/I]: Update struts extensions to accomodate latest struts release | |
EMPIREDB-44 - [C/B]: error using apache derby and CLOB datatype | |
EMPIREDB-42 - [C/I]: Extend DBReader to provide query results in a hash set | |
EMPIREDB-41 - [C/I]: Deal with databases differences regarding SQL reverse function | |
EMPIREDB-40 - [C/B]: Postgresql cast problem | |
EMPIREDB-37 - [C/N]: PostgreSQL "BLOB" type not exist but is possible to create a "bytea" column | |
EMPIREDB-36 - [E/N]: New WebServices integration example using Apache CXF | |
EMPIREDB-34 - [C/I]: Add support for stmt.executeUpdate with Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS instead of getPostInsertAutoIncValue() | |
EMPIREDB-33 - [S/B]: BeanRecordProxy isFieldReadOnly wrong for new records | |
EMPIREDB-32 - [C/N]: Unit tests | |
EMPIREDB-31 - [E/B]: Advanced sample throws SQLException (wrong db user) | |
EMPIREDB-30 - [C/N]: Support for PostgeSQL | |
EMPIREDB-29 - [O/N]: Switch to Maven project management | |
EMPIREDB-28 - [E/B]: SampleConfig in the demo application has invalid user | |
EMPIREDB-27 - [C/B]: HSQLDB driver doesn't support conversion of value to DOUBLE | |
EMPIREDB-26 - [S/I]: Extend HTMLTagDictionary to allow default cssClass for all input types | |
EMPIREDB-25 - [C/I]: Implement getAttribute and setAttribute on BeanProperty class | |
EMPIREDB-24 - [S/I]: Allow textarea to handle keypress and keyup events in order to check the maximum length of input | |
EMPIREDB-23 - [C/B]: Maximum size is not passed to error message handler for DBErrors.FieldValueTooLong in DBTableColumn::checkValue | |
EMPIREDB-22 - [C/B]: deleteReferenceRecords() does not sort the depending records by id | |
EMPIREDB-21 - [S/I]: Allow empty record item parameter: The function getRecordKeyFromString should return null if the item string consists of the new item flag only. | |
EMPIREDB-20 - [C/B]: Convert to char doesn't work for hsqldb | |
EMPIREDB-19 - [S/B]: The form tag's "target" attribute is not rendered in HTML code | |
EMPIREDB-18 - [C/B]: DBRecord.setModified(column, isModified) doesn't set the record state back from modified to valid | |
EMPIREDB-17 - [S/B]: Checked attribute does not work on radio button tag. | |
EMPIREDB-16 - [S/I]: Tag library definition does not allow java expressions for the cssClass attribute | |
EMPIREDB-15 - [C/B]: Record fields are not cleared properly by createRecord. | |
EMPIREDB-14 - [S/I]: Allow javascript code on anchors | |
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Release 2.0.4: | |
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EMPIREDB-13 - [S/I]: Add column attribute to radioButtonTag and onClick attribute to menuItemTag | |
EMPIREDB-12 - [S/I]: Allow reloading of current record from the session | |
EMPIREDB-11 - [S/I]: WebAction.clearActionErrors does not remove Error from the session | |
EMPIREDB-10 - [S/I]: Allow setting of record property name with control tag | |
EMPIREDB-09 - [O/I]: Move build.xml from src directory to root directory. Change distribution scripts to meet apache incubator requirements. | |
EMPIREDB-08 - [C/I]: Restrict access to DatabaseDriver object for all subclasses of DBColumnExpr to the addSQL function. | |
EMPIREDB-07 - [C/I]: Add support for CASE WHEN expression with new class DBCaseExpr.java | |
EMPIREDB-06 - [C/I]: Support for quoting of table, view and column names added. | |
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Release 2.0.3: | |
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EMPIREDB-5 - Added missing ASF headers. See JIRA for further information. | |
EMPIREDB-4 - Fixed several DBDatabaseDriverHSql bugs. See JIRA for further information. | |
EMPIREDB-3 - Added "useQuotes" property to DBColumn. | |
PRE-114: - All package names changed to org.apache.empire. | |
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Release 2.0.2: | |
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PRE-113: - NEW FEATURE: class BeanRecordProxy<T> implements the Record interface of any given JavaBean object. | |
PRE-112: - NEW FEATURE: classes BeanDomain, BeanClass and BeanProperty allow metadata defition for JavaBean objects using the Column interface. | |
PRE-111: - DBDatabaseDriverOracle: new implementation for checkDatabase | |
PRE-110: - Method getSourceColumn added for data.Column | |
PRE-109: - DBRecordData: Type conversion moved to ObjectUtils | |
PRE-108: - NEW FEATURE: createView implemented for all Database Drivers | |
PRE-107: - DBView: canUpdateReocrds = Flag for updateable and non-updateable Views; | |
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Release 2.0.1: | |
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PRE-106: - NEW FEATURE: DBDatabaseDriverMySQL: Driver for MySQL 5 added. | |
PRE-105: - NEW FEATURE: DBColumnExpr: Added Support for REVERSE() and INSTR() SQL Functions | |
PRE-104: - BUGFIX: DBRecord::getFieldValue(): Field Access to invalid DBRecord returned Boolean FALSE instead of null. | |
PRE-103: - DBDatabaseDriver: Function isSupported() and getPostInsertAutoIncValue() added | |
PRE-102: - DBColumnExpr: Substring function now excepts column expressions | |
PRE-101: - DBSQLScript: New class to replace StringBuilder for DDL Script generation. See also DBDatabase::getCreateDDLScript() |