blob: c46d78bb523dc0d9d440e2a1afb920116404cc02 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import { NumericAxisBaseOptionCommon } from './axisCommonTypes';
import { getPrecisionSafe, round } from '../util/number';
import IntervalScale from '../scale/Interval';
import { getScaleExtent } from './axisHelper';
import { AxisBaseModel } from './AxisBaseModel';
import LogScale from '../scale/Log';
import { warn } from '../util/log';
import { increaseInterval, isValueNice } from '../scale/helper';
const mathLog = Math.log;
export function alignScaleTicks(
scale: IntervalScale | LogScale,
axisModel: AxisBaseModel<Pick<NumericAxisBaseOptionCommon, 'min' | 'max'>>,
alignToScale: IntervalScale | LogScale
) {
const intervalScaleProto = IntervalScale.prototype;
// NOTE: There is a precondition for log scale here:
// In log scale we store _interval and _extent of exponent value.
// So if we use the method of InternalScale to set/get these data.
// It process the exponent value, which is linear and what we want here.
const alignToTicks =;
const alignToNicedTicks =, true);
const alignToSplitNumber = alignToTicks.length - 1;
const alignToInterval =;
const scaleExtent = getScaleExtent(scale, axisModel);
let rawExtent = scaleExtent.extent;
const isMinFixed = scaleExtent.fixMin;
const isMaxFixed = scaleExtent.fixMax;
if (scale.type === 'log') {
const logBase = mathLog((scale as LogScale).base);
rawExtent = [mathLog(rawExtent[0]) / logBase, mathLog(rawExtent[1]) / logBase];
scale.setExtent(rawExtent[0], rawExtent[1]);
splitNumber: alignToSplitNumber,
fixMin: isMinFixed,
fixMax: isMaxFixed
const extent =;
// Need to update the rawExtent.
// Because value in rawExtent may be not parsed. e.g. 'dataMin', 'dataMax'
if (isMinFixed) {
rawExtent[0] = extent[0];
if (isMaxFixed) {
rawExtent[1] = extent[1];
let interval =;
let min: number = rawExtent[0];
let max: number = rawExtent[1];
if (isMinFixed && isMaxFixed) {
// User set min, max, divide to get new interval
interval = (max - min) / alignToSplitNumber;
else if (isMinFixed) {
max = rawExtent[0] + interval * alignToSplitNumber;
// User set min, expand extent on the other side
while (max < rawExtent[1] && isFinite(max) && isFinite(rawExtent[1])) {
interval = increaseInterval(interval);
max = rawExtent[0] + interval * alignToSplitNumber;
else if (isMaxFixed) {
// User set max, expand extent on the other side
min = rawExtent[1] - interval * alignToSplitNumber;
while (min > rawExtent[0] && isFinite(min) && isFinite(rawExtent[0])) {
interval = increaseInterval(interval);
min = rawExtent[1] - interval * alignToSplitNumber;
else {
const nicedSplitNumber = scale.getTicks().length - 1;
if (nicedSplitNumber > alignToSplitNumber) {
interval = increaseInterval(interval);
const range = interval * alignToSplitNumber;
max = Math.ceil(rawExtent[1] / interval) * interval;
min = round(max - range);
// Not change the result that crossing zero.
if (min < 0 && rawExtent[0] >= 0) {
min = 0;
max = round(range);
else if (max > 0 && rawExtent[1] <= 0) {
max = 0;
min = -round(range);
// Adjust min, max based on the extent of alignTo. When min or max is set in alignTo scale
const t0 = (alignToTicks[0].value - alignToNicedTicks[0].value) / alignToInterval;
const t1 = (alignToTicks[alignToSplitNumber].value - alignToNicedTicks[alignToSplitNumber].value) / alignToInterval;
// NOTE: Must in setExtent -> setInterval -> setNiceExtent order., min + interval * t0, max + interval * t1);, interval);
if (t0 || t1) {, min + interval, max - interval);
if (__DEV__) {
const ticks =;
if (ticks[1]
&& (!isValueNice(interval) || getPrecisionSafe(ticks[1].value) > getPrecisionSafe(interval))) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
`The ticks may be not readable when set min: ${axisModel.get('min')}, max: ${axisModel.get('max')} and alignTicks: true`