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// 'echarts/chart/lines',
// 'echarts/chart/effectScatter',
// 'echarts/component/legend',
// 'echarts/component/geo'
], function (echarts) {
var geoCoordMap = {
'上海': [121.4648,31.2891],
'东莞': [113.8953,22.901],
'东营': [118.7073,37.5513],
'中山': [113.4229,22.478],
'临汾': [111.4783,36.1615],
'临沂': [118.3118,35.2936],
'丹东': [124.541,40.4242],
'丽水': [119.5642,28.1854],
'乌鲁木齐': [87.9236,43.5883],
'佛山': [112.8955,23.1097],
'保定': [115.0488,39.0948],
'兰州': [103.5901,36.3043],
'包头': [110.3467,41.4899],
'北京': [116.4551,40.2539],
'北海': [109.314,21.6211],
'南京': [118.8062,31.9208],
'南宁': [108.479,23.1152],
'南昌': [116.0046,28.6633],
'南通': [121.1023,32.1625],
'厦门': [118.1689,24.6478],
'台州': [121.1353,28.6688],
'合肥': [117.29,32.0581],
'呼和浩特': [111.4124,40.4901],
'咸阳': [108.4131,34.8706],
'哈尔滨': [127.9688,45.368],
'唐山': [118.4766,39.6826],
'嘉兴': [120.9155,30.6354],
'大同': [113.7854,39.8035],
'大连': [122.2229,39.4409],
'天津': [117.4219,39.4189],
'太原': [112.3352,37.9413],
'威海': [121.9482,37.1393],
'宁波': [121.5967,29.6466],
'宝鸡': [107.1826,34.3433],
'宿迁': [118.5535,33.7775],
'常州': [119.4543,31.5582],
'广州': [113.5107,23.2196],
'廊坊': [116.521,39.0509],
'延安': [109.1052,36.4252],
'张家口': [115.1477,40.8527],
'徐州': [117.5208,34.3268],
'德州': [116.6858,37.2107],
'惠州': [114.6204,23.1647],
'成都': [103.9526,30.7617],
'扬州': [119.4653,32.8162],
'承德': [117.5757,41.4075],
'拉萨': [91.1865,30.1465],
'无锡': [120.3442,31.5527],
'日照': [119.2786,35.5023],
'昆明': [102.9199,25.4663],
'杭州': [119.5313,29.8773],
'枣庄': [117.323,34.8926],
'柳州': [109.3799,24.9774],
'株洲': [113.5327,27.0319],
'武汉': [114.3896,30.6628],
'汕头': [117.1692,23.3405],
'江门': [112.6318,22.1484],
'沈阳': [123.1238,42.1216],
'沧州': [116.8286,38.2104],
'河源': [114.917,23.9722],
'泉州': [118.3228,25.1147],
'泰安': [117.0264,36.0516],
'泰州': [120.0586,32.5525],
'济南': [117.1582,36.8701],
'济宁': [116.8286,35.3375],
'海口': [110.3893,19.8516],
'淄博': [118.0371,36.6064],
'淮安': [118.927,33.4039],
'深圳': [114.5435,22.5439],
'清远': [112.9175,24.3292],
'温州': [120.498,27.8119],
'渭南': [109.7864,35.0299],
'湖州': [119.8608,30.7782],
'湘潭': [112.5439,27.7075],
'滨州': [117.8174,37.4963],
'潍坊': [119.0918,36.524],
'烟台': [120.7397,37.5128],
'玉溪': [101.9312,23.8898],
'珠海': [113.7305,22.1155],
'盐城': [120.2234,33.5577],
'盘锦': [121.9482,41.0449],
'石家庄': [114.4995,38.1006],
'福州': [119.4543,25.9222],
'秦皇岛': [119.2126,40.0232],
'绍兴': [120.564,29.7565],
'聊城': [115.9167,36.4032],
'肇庆': [112.1265,23.5822],
'舟山': [122.2559,30.2234],
'苏州': [120.6519,31.3989],
'莱芜': [117.6526,36.2714],
'菏泽': [115.6201,35.2057],
'营口': [122.4316,40.4297],
'葫芦岛': [120.1575,40.578],
'衡水': [115.8838,37.7161],
'衢州': [118.6853,28.8666],
'西宁': [101.4038,36.8207],
'西安': [109.1162,34.2004],
'贵阳': [106.6992,26.7682],
'连云港': [119.1248,34.552],
'邢台': [114.8071,37.2821],
'邯郸': [114.4775,36.535],
'郑州': [113.4668,34.6234],
'鄂尔多斯': [108.9734,39.2487],
'重庆': [107.7539,30.1904],
'金华': [120.0037,29.1028],
'铜川': [109.0393,35.1947],
'银川': [106.3586,38.1775],
'镇江': [119.4763,31.9702],
'长春': [125.8154,44.2584],
'长沙': [113.0823,28.2568],
'长治': [112.8625,36.4746],
'阳泉': [113.4778,38.0951],
'青岛': [120.4651,36.3373],
'韶关': [113.7964,24.7028]
var BJData = [
[{name:'北京'}, {name:'上海',value:95}],
[{name:'北京'}, {name:'广州',value:90}],
[{name:'北京'}, {name:'大连',value:80}],
[{name:'北京'}, {name:'南宁',value:70}],
[{name:'北京'}, {name:'南昌',value:60}],
[{name:'北京'}, {name:'拉萨',value:50}],
[{name:'北京'}, {name:'长春',value:40}],
[{name:'北京'}, {name:'包头',value:30}],
[{name:'北京'}, {name:'重庆',value:20}],
[{name:'北京'}, {name:'常州',value:10}]
var SHData = [
var GZData = [
var planePath = 'path://M1705.06,1318.313v-89.254l-319.9-221.799l0.073-208.063c0.521-84.662-26.629-121.796-63.961-121.491c-37.332-0.305-64.482,36.829-63.961,121.491l0.073,208.063l-319.9,221.799v89.254l330.343-157.288l12.238,241.308l-134.449,92.931l0.531,42.034l175.125-42.917l175.125,42.917l0.531-42.034l-134.449-92.931l12.238-241.308L1705.06,1318.313z';
var convertData = function (data) {
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var dataItem = data[i];
var fromCoord = geoCoordMap[dataItem[0].name];
var toCoord = geoCoordMap[dataItem[1].name];
if (fromCoord && toCoord) {
coord: fromCoord
}, {
coord: toCoord
return res;
$.get('../map/json/china.json', function (chinaJson) {
echarts.registerMap('china', chinaJson);
var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'));
var color = ['#a6c84c', '#ffa022', '#46bee9'];
var series = [];
[['北京', BJData], ['上海', SHData], ['广州', GZData]].forEach(function (item, i) {
name: item[0] + ' Top10',
type: 'lines',
zlevel: 1,
effect: {
show: true,
period: 6,
trailLength: 0.7,
color: '#fff',
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color: color[i],
width: 0,
curveness: 0.2
data: convertData(item[1])
name: item[0] + ' Top10',
type: 'lines',
zlevel: 2,
effect: {
show: true,
period: 6,
trailLength: 0,
symbol: planePath,
symbolSize: 20,
// loop: false
lineStyle: {
normal: {
color: color[i],
width: 1,
opacity: 0.4,
curveness: 0.2
data: convertData(item[1])
name: item[0] + ' Top10',
type: 'effectScatter',
coordinateSystem: 'geo',
zlevel: 2,
rippleEffect: {
brushType: 'stroke'
label: {
normal: {
show: true,
position: 'right',
formatter: '{b}'
symbolSize: function (val) {
return val[2] / 8;
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: color[i]
data: item[1].map(function (dataItem) {
return {
name: dataItem[1].name,
value: geoCoordMap[dataItem[1].name].concat([dataItem[1].value])
backgroundColor: '#404a59',
title: {
text: '全国主要城市空气质量',
subtext: 'data from',
sublink: '',
left: 'center',
textStyle: {
color: '#fff'
tooltip : {
trigger: 'item'
legend: {
orient: 'vertical',
top: 'bottom',
left: 'right',
data:['北京 Top10', '上海 Top10', '广州 Top10'],
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color: '#fff'
selectedMode: 'single'
geo: {
map: 'china',
label: {
normal: {
show: true,
formatter: '{a}',
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roam: true,
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normal: {
areaColor: '#323c48',
borderColor: '#404a59'
emphasis: {
areaColor: '#2a333d'
series: series
myChart.on('geoselectchanged', function (param) {
var selected = [];
echarts.util.each(param.selected, function (v, key) {
v && selected.push(key);
document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = 'SELECTED: ' + selected.join(', ');
var isPaused = false;
document.getElementById('pause-resume').onclick = function () {
myChart.getZr().animation[isPaused ? 'resume' : 'pause']();
isPaused = !isPaused;