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option = {
title : {
text: '2013年上半年上证指数'
tooltip : {
trigger: 'axis',
formatter: function (params) {
var res = params[0].name;
for (var i = params.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (params[i].value instanceof Array) {
res += '<br/>' + params[i].seriesName;
res += '<br/> 开盘 : ' + params[i].value[0] + ' 最高 : ' + params[i].value[3];
res += '<br/> 收盘 : ' + params[i].value[1] + ' 最低 : ' + params[i].value[2];
else {
res += '<br/>' + params[i].seriesName;
res += ' : ' + params[i].value;
return res;
legend: {
toolbox: {
show : true,
feature : {
mark : {show: true},
dataZoom : {show: true},
dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false},
magicType: {show: true, type: ['line', 'bar']},
restore : {show: true},
saveAsImage : {show: true}
dataZoom : {
show : true,
realtime: true,
start : 50,
end : 100
xAxis : [
type : 'category',
boundaryGap : true,
axisTick: {onGap:false},
splitLine: {show:false},
data : [
"2013/1/24", "2013/1/25", "2013/1/28", "2013/1/29", "2013/1/30",
"2013/1/31", "2013/2/1", "2013/2/4", "2013/2/5", "2013/2/6",
"2013/2/7", "2013/2/8", "2013/2/18", "2013/2/19", "2013/2/20",
"2013/2/21", "2013/2/22", "2013/2/25", "2013/2/26", "2013/2/27",
"2013/2/28", "2013/3/1", "2013/3/4", "2013/3/5", "2013/3/6",
"2013/3/7", "2013/3/8", "2013/3/11", "2013/3/12", "2013/3/13",
"2013/3/14", "2013/3/15", "2013/3/18", "2013/3/19", "2013/3/20",
"2013/3/21", "2013/3/22", "2013/3/25", "2013/3/26", "2013/3/27",
"2013/3/28", "2013/3/29", "2013/4/1", "2013/4/2", "2013/4/3",
"2013/4/8", "2013/4/9", "2013/4/10", "2013/4/11", "2013/4/12",
"2013/4/15", "2013/4/16", "2013/4/17", "2013/4/18", "2013/4/19",
"2013/4/22", "2013/4/23", "2013/4/24", "2013/4/25", "2013/4/26",
"2013/5/2", "2013/5/3", "2013/5/6", "2013/5/7", "2013/5/8",
"2013/5/9", "2013/5/10", "2013/5/13", "2013/5/14", "2013/5/15",
"2013/5/16", "2013/5/17", "2013/5/20", "2013/5/21", "2013/5/22",
"2013/5/23", "2013/5/24", "2013/5/27", "2013/5/28", "2013/5/29",
"2013/5/30", "2013/5/31", "2013/6/3", "2013/6/4", "2013/6/5",
"2013/6/6", "2013/6/7", "2013/6/13"
yAxis : [
type : 'value',
splitNumber: 5,
boundaryGap: [0.01, 0.01]
type : 'value',
splitNumber: 5,
boundaryGap: [0.05, 0.05],
axisLabel: {
formatter: function (v) {
return Math.round(v/10000) + ' 万'
series : [
yAxisIndex: 1,
symbol: 'none',
13560434, 8026738.5, 11691637, 12491697, 12485603,
11620504, 12555496, 15253370, 12709611, 10458354,
10933507, 9896523, 10365702, 10633095, 9722230,
12662783, 8757982, 7764234, 10591719, 8826293,
11591827, 11153111, 14304651, 11672120, 12536480,
12608589, 8843860, 7391994.5, 10063709, 7768895.5,
6921859, 10157810, 8148617.5, 7551207, 11397426,
10478607, 8595132, 8541862, 9181132, 8570842,
10759351, 7335819, 6699753.5, 7759666.5, 6880135.5,
7366616.5, 7313504, 7109021.5, 6213270, 5619688,
5816217.5, 6695584.5, 5998655.5, 6188812.5, 9538301,
8224500, 8221751.5, 7897721, 8448324, 6525151,
5987761, 7831570, 8162560.5, 7904092, 8139084.5,
9116529, 8128014, 7919148, 7566047, 6665826.5,
10225527, 11124881, 12884353, 11302521, 11529046,
11105205, 9202153, 9992016, 12035250, 11431155,
10354677, 10070399, 9164861, 9237718, 7114268,
7526158.5, 8105835, 7971452.5
markPoint : {
symbol: 'emptyPin',
itemStyle : {
normal : {
label : {
formatter: function (param) {
return Math.round(param.value/10000) + ' 万'
data : [
{type : 'max', name: '最大值', symbolSize:5},
{type : 'min', name: '最小值', symbolSize:5}
markLine : {
symbol : 'none',
itemStyle : {
normal : {
label : {
formatter: function (param) {
return Math.round(param.value/10000) + ' 万'
data : [
{type : 'average', name: '平均值'}
data:[ // 开盘,收盘,最低,最高
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