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option = {
title : {
text: '德国队效力联盟',
tooltip : {
trigger: 'item',
formatter: function (params) {
if (params.indicator2) { // is edge
return params.indicator2 + ' ' + + ' ' + params.indicator;
} else { // is node
toolbox: {
show : true,
feature : {
restore : {show: true},
magicType: {show: true, type: ['force', 'chord']},
saveAsImage : {show: true}
legend: {
x: 'left',
data:['阿森纳', '拜仁慕尼黑', '多特蒙德']
series : [
sort : 'ascending',
sortSub : 'descending',
showScale : false,
itemStyle : {
normal : {
label : {
rotate : true
// 使用 nodes links 表达和弦图
nodes: [
links: [
{source: '阿森纳', target: '默特萨克', weight: 0.9, name: '效力'},
{source: '阿森纳', target: '厄齐尔', weight: 0.9, name: '效力'},
{source: '阿森纳', target: '波多尔斯基', weight: 0.9, name: '效力'},
{source: '拜仁慕尼黑', target: '诺伊尔', weight: 0.9, name: '效力'},
{source: '拜仁慕尼黑', target: '博阿滕', weight: 0.9, name: '效力'},
{source: '拜仁慕尼黑', target: '施魏因施泰格', weight: 0.9, name: '效力'},
{source: '拜仁慕尼黑', target: '拉姆', weight: 0.9, name: '效力'},
{source: '拜仁慕尼黑', target: '克罗斯', weight: 0.9, name: '效力'},
{source: '拜仁慕尼黑', target: '穆勒', weight: 0.9, name: '效力'},
{source: '拜仁慕尼黑', target: '格策', weight: 0.9, name: '效力'},
{source: '多特蒙德', target: '胡梅尔斯', weight: 0.9, name: '效力'},
{source: '多特蒙德', target: '魏登费勒', weight: 0.9, name: '效力'},
{source: '多特蒙德', target: '杜尔姆', weight: 0.9, name: '效力'},
{source: '多特蒙德', target: '格罗斯克罗伊茨', weight: 0.9, name: '效力'},
// Ribbon Type 的和弦图每一对节点之间必须是双向边
{target: '阿森纳', source: '默特萨克', weight: 1},
{target: '阿森纳', source: '厄齐尔', weight: 1},
{target: '阿森纳', source: '波多尔斯基', weight: 1},
{target: '拜仁慕尼黑', source: '诺伊尔', weight: 1},
{target: '拜仁慕尼黑', source: '博阿滕', weight: 1},
{target: '拜仁慕尼黑', source: '施魏因施泰格', weight: 1},
{target: '拜仁慕尼黑', source: '拉姆', weight: 1},
{target: '拜仁慕尼黑', source: '克罗斯', weight: 1},
{target: '拜仁慕尼黑', source: '穆勒', weight: 1},
{target: '拜仁慕尼黑', source: '格策', weight: 1},
{target: '多特蒙德', source: '胡梅尔斯', weight: 1},
{target: '多特蒙德', source: '魏登费勒', weight: 1},
{target: '多特蒙德', source: '杜尔姆', weight: 1},
{target: '多特蒙德', source: '格罗斯克罗伊茨', weight: 1}
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