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<textarea id="code" name="code">
option = {
title : {
text: '人物关系:乔布斯',
subtext: '数据来自人立方',
tooltip : {
trigger: 'item',
formatter: '{a} : {b}'
toolbox: {
show : true,
feature : {
restore : {show: true},
saveAsImage : {show: true}
legend: {
x: 'left',
series : [
name : "人物关系",
categories : [
name: '人物'
name: '家人',
symbol: 'diamond'
itemStyle: {
normal: {
label: {
show: true,
textStyle: {
color: '#333'
nodeStyle : {
brushType : 'both',
strokeColor : 'rgba(255,215,0,0.4)',
lineWidth : 1
emphasis: {
label: {
show: false
// textStyle: null // 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
nodeStyle : {
//r: 30
linkStyle : {}
useWorker: false,
minRadius : 15,
maxRadius : 25,
gravity: 1.1,
scaling: 1.2,
draggable: false,
linkSymbol: 'arrow',
steps: 10,
coolDown: 0.9,
category:0, name: '乔布斯', value : 10,
symbol: 'star',
symbolSize: 40,
draggable: true,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
label: {
textStyle: {
color: 'white'
{category:1, name: '丽萨-乔布斯',value : 2},
{category:1, name: '保罗-乔布斯',value : 3},
{category:1, name: '克拉拉-乔布斯',value : 3},
{category:1, name: '劳伦-鲍威尔',value : 7},
{category:2, name: '史蒂夫-沃兹尼艾克',value : 5},
{category:2, name: '奥巴马',value : 8},
{category:2, name: '比尔-盖茨',value : 9},
{category:2, name: '乔纳森-艾夫',value : 4},
{category:2, name: '蒂姆-库克',value : 4},
{category:2, name: '龙-韦恩',value : 1},
links : [
{source : 1, target : 0, weight : 1, itemStyle: {
normal: {
lineWidth: 10
{source : '丽萨-乔布斯', target : '乔布斯', weight : 1},
{source : '保罗-乔布斯', target : '乔布斯', weight : 2},
{source : '克拉拉-乔布斯', target : '乔布斯', weight : 1},
{source : '劳伦-鲍威尔', target : '乔布斯', weight : 2},
{source : '史蒂夫-沃兹尼艾克', target : '乔布斯', weight : 3},
{source : '奥巴马', target : '乔布斯', weight : 6},
{source : '比尔-盖茨', target : '乔布斯', weight : 6},
{source : '乔纳森-艾夫', target : '乔布斯', weight : 1},
{source : '蒂姆-库克', target : '乔布斯', weight : 1},
{source : '龙-韦恩', target : '乔布斯', weight : 1},
{source : '克拉拉-乔布斯', target : '保罗-乔布斯', weight : 1},
{source : '奥巴马', target : '保罗-乔布斯', weight : 1},
{source : '奥巴马', target : '克拉拉-乔布斯', weight : 1},
{source : '奥巴马', target : '劳伦-鲍威尔', weight : 1},
{source : '奥巴马', target : '史蒂夫-沃兹尼艾克', weight : 1},
{source : '比尔-盖茨', target : '奥巴马', weight : 6},
{source : '比尔-盖茨', target : '克拉拉-乔布斯', weight : 1},
{source : '蒂姆-库克', target : '奥巴马', weight : 1}
var ecConfig = require('echarts/config');
function focus(param) {
var data =;
var links = option.series[0].links;
var nodes = option.series[0].nodes;
if (
data.source !== undefined
&& !== undefined
) { //点击的是边
var sourceNode = nodes[data.source];
var targetNode = nodes[];
console.log("选中了边 " + + ' -> ' + + ' (' + data.weight + ')');
} else { // 点击的是点
console.log("选中了" + + '(' + data.value + ')');
myChart.on(ecConfig.EVENT.CLICK, focus)
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