blob: da334cbb0cc12f262bdf7dafa5dd60b2271bffb0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
import { ComponentOption, CircleLayoutOptionMixin } from '../../util/types';
import ComponentModel from '../../model/Component';
import Polar from './Polar';
import { AngleAxisModel, RadiusAxisModel } from './AxisModel';
export interface PolarOption extends ComponentOption, CircleLayoutOptionMixin {
mainType?: 'polar';
class PolarModel extends ComponentModel<PolarOption> {
static type = 'polar' as const;
type = PolarModel.type;
static dependencies = ['radiusAxis', 'angleAxis'];
coordinateSystem: Polar;
findAxisModel(axisType: 'angleAxis'): AngleAxisModel
findAxisModel(axisType: 'radiusAxis'): RadiusAxisModel
findAxisModel(axisType: 'angleAxis' | 'radiusAxis'): AngleAxisModel | RadiusAxisModel {
let foundAxisModel;
const ecModel = this.ecModel;
ecModel.eachComponent(axisType, function (this: PolarModel, axisModel: AngleAxisModel | RadiusAxisModel) {
if (axisModel.getCoordSysModel() === this) {
foundAxisModel = axisModel;
}, this);
return foundAxisModel;
static defaultOption: PolarOption = {
zlevel: 0,
z: 0,
center: ['50%', '50%'],
radius: '80%'
export default PolarModel;