blob: a4e7fadadb831ced8300e395a54af67c8e55f405 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* [Notice]:
* Consider custom bundle on demand, chart specified
* or component specified types and constants should
* not put here. Only common types and constants can
* be put in this file.
import Group from 'zrender/src/graphic/Group';
import Element, {ElementEvent, ElementTextConfig} from 'zrender/src/Element';
import { DataFormatMixin } from '../model/mixin/dataFormat';
import GlobalModel from '../model/Global';
import ExtensionAPI from '../core/ExtensionAPI';
import SeriesModel from '../model/Series';
import { createHashMap, HashMap } from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import { TaskPlanCallbackReturn, TaskProgressParams } from '../core/task';
import List, {ListDimensionType} from '../data/List';
import { Dictionary, ElementEventName, ImageLike, TextAlign, TextVerticalAlign } from 'zrender/src/core/types';
import { PatternObject } from 'zrender/src/graphic/Pattern';
import { TooltipMarker } from './format';
import { AnimationEasing } from 'zrender/src/animation/easing';
import { LinearGradientObject } from 'zrender/src/graphic/LinearGradient';
import { RadialGradientObject } from 'zrender/src/graphic/RadialGradient';
import { RectLike } from 'zrender/src/core/BoundingRect';
import { TSpanStyleProps } from 'zrender/src/graphic/TSpan';
import Path, { PathStyleProps } from 'zrender/src/graphic/Path';
import { ImageStyleProps } from 'zrender/src/graphic/Image';
import ZRText, { TextStyleProps } from 'zrender/src/graphic/Text';
import { Source } from '../data/Source';
import Model from '../model/Model';
// ---------------------------
// Common types and constants
// ---------------------------
export {Dictionary};
export type RendererType = 'canvas' | 'svg';
export type LayoutOrient = 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
export type HorizontalAlign = 'left' | 'center' | 'right';
export type VerticalAlign = 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom';
// Types from zrender
export type ColorString = string;
export type ZRColor = ColorString | LinearGradientObject | RadialGradientObject | PatternObject;
export type ZRLineType = 'solid' | 'dotted' | 'dashed' | number | number[];
export type ZRFontStyle = 'normal' | 'italic' | 'oblique';
export type ZRFontWeight = 'normal' | 'bold' | 'bolder' | 'lighter' | number;
export type ZREasing = AnimationEasing;
export type ZRTextAlign = TextAlign;
export type ZRTextVerticalAlign = TextVerticalAlign;
export type ZRElementEvent = ElementEvent;
export type ZRRectLike = RectLike;
export type ZRStyleProps = PathStyleProps | ImageStyleProps | TSpanStyleProps | TextStyleProps;
export type ZRElementEventName = ElementEventName | 'globalout';
// ComponentFullType can be:
// 'xxx.yyy': means ComponentMainType.ComponentSubType.
// 'xxx': means ComponentMainType.
// See `checkClassType` check the restict definition.
export type ComponentFullType = string;
export type ComponentMainType = keyof ECUnitOption & string;
export type ComponentSubType = Exclude<ComponentOption['type'], undefined>;
* Use `parseClassType` to parse componentType declaration to componentTypeInfo.
* For example:
* componentType declaration: 'xxx.yyy', get componentTypeInfo {main: 'xxx', sub: 'yyy'}.
* componentType declaration: '', get componentTypeInfo {main: '', sub: ''}.
export interface ComponentTypeInfo {
main: ComponentMainType; // Never null/undefined. `''` represents absence.
sub: ComponentSubType; // Never null/undefined. `''` represents absence.
export interface ECElement extends Element {
highDownSilentOnTouch?: boolean;
onHoverStateChange?: (toState: DisplayState) => void;
// 0: normal
// 1: blur
// 2: emphasis
hoverState?: 0 | 1 | 2;
selected?: boolean;
z2EmphasisLift?: number;
z2SelectLift?: number;
* Force disable animation on any condition
disableLabelAnimation?: boolean
* Force disable overall layout
disableLabelLayout?: boolean
* Force disable morphing
disableMorphing?: boolean
export interface DataHost {
getData(dataType?: SeriesDataType): List;
export interface DataModel extends Model<unknown>, DataHost, DataFormatMixin {}
// Pick<DataHost, 'getData'>,
// Pick<DataFormatMixin, 'getDataParams' | 'formatTooltip'> {}
interface PayloadItem {
excludeSeriesId?: OptionId | OptionId[];
animation?: PayloadAnimationPart
// TODO use unknown
[other: string]: any;
export interface Payload extends PayloadItem {
type: string;
escapeConnect?: boolean;
batch?: PayloadItem[];
export interface HighlightPayload extends Payload {
type: 'highlight';
notBlur?: boolean
export interface DownplayPayload extends Payload {
type: 'downplay';
notBlur?: boolean
// Payload includes override anmation info
export interface PayloadAnimationPart {
duration?: number
easing?: AnimationEasing
delay?: number
export interface SelectChangedPayload extends Payload {
type: 'selectchanged'
escapeConnect: boolean
isFromClick: boolean
fromAction: 'select' | 'unselect' | 'toggleSelected'
fromActionPayload: Payload
selected: {
seriesIndex: number
dataType?: SeriesDataType
dataIndex: number[]
export interface ViewRootGroup extends Group {
__ecComponentInfo?: {
mainType: string,
index: number
export interface ECElementEvent extends
CallbackDataParams {
type: ZRElementEventName;
event?: ElementEvent;
* The echarts event type to user.
* Also known as packedEvent.
export interface ECActionEvent extends ECEventData {
// event type
type: string;
componentType?: string;
componentIndex?: number;
seriesIndex?: number;
escapeConnect?: boolean;
batch?: ECEventData;
export interface ECEventData {
// TODO use unknown
[key: string]: any;
export interface EventQueryItem {
// TODO use unknown
[key: string]: any;
export interface NormalizedEventQuery {
cptQuery: EventQueryItem;
dataQuery: EventQueryItem;
otherQuery: EventQueryItem;
export interface ActionInfo {
// action type
type: string;
// If not provided, use the same string of `type`.
event?: string;
// update method
update?: string;
export interface ActionHandler {
(payload: Payload, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI): void | ECEventData;
export interface OptionPreprocessor {
(option: ECUnitOption, isTheme: boolean): void
export interface PostUpdater {
(ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI): void;
export interface StageHandlerReset {
(seriesModel: SeriesModel, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI, payload?: Payload):
StageHandlerProgressExecutor | StageHandlerProgressExecutor[] | void
export interface StageHandlerOverallReset {
(ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI, payload?: Payload): void
export interface StageHandler {
* Indicate that the task will be piped all series
* (`performRawSeries` indicate whether includes filtered series).
createOnAllSeries?: boolean;
* Indicate that the task will be only piped in the pipeline of this type of series.
* (`performRawSeries` indicate whether includes filtered series).
seriesType?: string;
* Indicate that the task will be only piped in the pipeline of the returned series.
getTargetSeries?: (ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI) => HashMap<SeriesModel>;
* If `true`, filtered series will also be "performed".
performRawSeries?: boolean;
* Called only when this task in a pipeline.
plan?: StageHandlerPlan;
* If `overallReset` specified, an "overall task" will be created.
* "overall task" does not belong to a certain pipeline.
* They always be "performed" in certain phase (depends on when they declared).
* They has "stub"s to connect with pipelines (one stub for one pipeline),
* delivering info like "dirty" and "output end".
overallReset?: StageHandlerOverallReset;
* Called only when this task in a pipeline, and "dirty".
reset?: StageHandlerReset;
export interface StageHandlerInternal extends StageHandler {
uid: string;
visualType?: 'layout' | 'visual';
// modifyOutputEnd?: boolean;
__prio: number;
__raw: StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset;
isVisual?: boolean; // PENDING: not used
isLayout?: boolean; // PENDING: not used
export type StageHandlerProgressParams = TaskProgressParams;
export interface StageHandlerProgressExecutor {
dataEach?: (data: List, idx: number) => void;
progress?: (params: StageHandlerProgressParams, data: List) => void;
export type StageHandlerPlanReturn = TaskPlanCallbackReturn;
export interface StageHandlerPlan {
(seriesModel: SeriesModel, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI, payload?: Payload):
export interface LoadingEffectCreator {
(api: ExtensionAPI, cfg: object): LoadingEffect;
export interface LoadingEffect extends Element {
resize: () => void;
* 'html' is used for rendering tooltip in extra DOM form, and the result
* string is used as DOM HTML content.
* 'richText' is used for rendering tooltip in rich text form, for those where
* DOM operation is not supported.
export type TooltipRenderMode = 'html' | 'richText';
export type TooltipOrderMode = 'valueAsc' | 'valueDesc' | 'seriesAsc' | 'seriesDesc';
// ---------------------------------
// Data and dimension related types
// ---------------------------------
// Finally the user data will be parsed and stored in `list._storage`.
// `NaN` represents "no data" (raw data `null`/`undefined`/`NaN`/`'-'`).
// `Date` will be parsed to timestamp.
// Ordinal/category data will be parsed to its index if possible, otherwise
// keep its original string in list._storage.
// Check `convertValue` for more details.
export type OrdinalRawValue = string | number;
export type OrdinalNumber = number; // The number mapped from each OrdinalRawValue.
* @usage For example,
* ```js
* { ordinalNumbers: [2, 5, 3, 4] }
* ```
* means that ordinal 2 should be diplayed on tick 0,
* ordinal 5 should be displayed on tick 1, ...
export type OrdinalSortInfo = {
ordinalNumbers: OrdinalNumber[];
* `OptionDataValue` is the primitive value in `` or `dataset.source`.
* `OptionDataValue` are parsed (see `src/data/helper/dataValueHelper.parseDataValue`)
* into `ParsedValue` and stored into `data/List` storage.
* Note:
* (1) The term "parse" does not mean `src/scale/Scale['parse']`.
* (2) If a category dimension is not mapped to any axis, its raw value will NOT be
* parsed to `OrdinalNumber` but keep the original `OrdinalRawValue` in `src/data/List` storage.
export type ParsedValue = ParsedValueNumeric | OrdinalRawValue;
export type ParsedValueNumeric = number | OrdinalNumber;
* `ScaleDataValue` means that the user input primitive value to `src/scale/Scale`.
* (For example, used in `axis.min`, `axis.max`, `convertToPixel`).
* Note:
* `ScaleDataValue` is a little different from `OptionDataValue`, because it will not go through
* `src/data/helper/dataValueHelper.parseDataValue`, but go through `src/scale/Scale['parse']`.
export type ScaleDataValue = ParsedValueNumeric | OrdinalRawValue | Date;
export interface ScaleTick {
value: number
export interface TimeScaleTick extends ScaleTick {
* Level information is used for label formatting.
* For example, a time axis may contain labels like: Jan, 8th, 16th, 23th,
* Feb, and etc. In this case, month labels like Jan and Feb should be
* displayed in a more significant way than days.
* `level` is set to be 0 when it's the most significant level, like month
* labels in the above case.
level?: number
export interface OrdinalScaleTick extends ScaleTick {
* Represents where the tick will be placed visually.
* Notice:
* The value is not the raw ordinal value. And do not changed
* after ordinal scale sorted.
* We need to:
* ```js
* const coord = dataToCoord(ordinalScale.getRawOrdinalNumber(tick.value)).
* ```
* Why place the tick value here rather than the raw ordinal value (like LogScale did)?
* Becuase ordinal scale sort is the different case from LogScale, where
* axis tick, splitArea should better not to be sorted, especially in
* anid(animation id) when `boundaryGap: true`.
* Only axis label are sorted.
value: number
// Can only be string or index, because it is used in object key in some code.
// Making the type alias here just intending to show the meaning clearly in code.
export type DimensionIndex = number;
// If being a number-like string but not being defined a dimension name.
// See `List.js#getDimension` for more details.
export type DimensionIndexLoose = DimensionIndex | string;
export type DimensionName = string;
export type DimensionLoose = DimensionName | DimensionIndexLoose;
export type DimensionType = ListDimensionType;
export const VISUAL_DIMENSIONS = createHashMap<number, keyof DataVisualDimensions>([
'tooltip', 'label', 'itemName', 'itemId', 'itemGroupId', 'seriesName'
export interface DataVisualDimensions {
// can be set as false to directly to prevent this data
// dimension from displaying in the default tooltip.
// see `Series.ts#formatTooltip`.
tooltip?: DimensionIndex | false;
label?: DimensionIndex;
itemName?: DimensionIndex;
itemId?: DimensionIndex;
// Group id is used for linking the aggregate relationship between two set of data.
// Which is useful in prepresenting the transition key of drilldown/up animation.
// Or hover linking.
itemGroupId?: DimensionIndex;
seriesName?: DimensionIndex;
export type DimensionDefinition = {
type?: ListDimensionType,
name?: DimensionName,
displayName?: string
export type DimensionDefinitionLoose = DimensionDefinition['name'] | DimensionDefinition;
export const SOURCE_FORMAT_ORIGINAL = 'original' as const;
export const SOURCE_FORMAT_ARRAY_ROWS = 'arrayRows' as const;
export const SOURCE_FORMAT_OBJECT_ROWS = 'objectRows' as const;
export const SOURCE_FORMAT_KEYED_COLUMNS = 'keyedColumns' as const;
export const SOURCE_FORMAT_TYPED_ARRAY = 'typedArray' as const;
export const SOURCE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = 'unknown' as const;
export type SourceFormat =
export const SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_COLUMN = 'column' as const;
export const SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_ROW = 'row' as const;
export type SeriesLayoutBy = typeof SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_COLUMN | typeof SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_ROW;
// null/undefined/'auto': auto detect header, see "src/data/helper/sourceHelper".
// If number, means header lines count, or say, `startIndex`.
// Like `sourceHeader: 2`, means line 0 and line 1 are header, data start from line 2.
export type OptionSourceHeader = boolean | 'auto' | number;
export type SeriesDataType = 'main' | 'node' | 'edge';
// --------------------------------------------
// echarts option types (base and common part)
// --------------------------------------------
* [ECUnitOption]:
* An object that contains definitions of components
* and other properties. For example:
* ```ts
* let option: ECUnitOption = {
* // Single `title` component:
* title: {...},
* // Two `visualMap` components:
* visualMap: [{...}, {...}],
* // Two `` components
* // and one `series.pie` component:
* series: [
* {type: 'bar', data: [...]},
* {type: 'bar', data: [...]},
* {type: 'pie', data: [...]}
* ],
* // A property:
* backgroundColor: '#421ae4'
* // A property object:
* textStyle: {
* color: 'red',
* fontSize: 20
* }
* };
* ```
export type ECUnitOption = {
// Exclude these reserverd word for `ECOption` to avoid to infer to "any".
baseOption?: unknown
options?: unknown
media?: unknown
timeline?: ComponentOption | ComponentOption[]
backgroundColor?: ZRColor
darkMode?: boolean | 'auto'
textStyle?: Pick<LabelOption, 'color' | 'fontStyle' | 'fontWeight' | 'fontSize' | 'fontFamily'>
useUTC?: boolean
[key: string]: ComponentOption | ComponentOption[] | Dictionary<unknown> | unknown
stateAnimation?: AnimationOption
} & AnimationOptionMixin & ColorPaletteOptionMixin;
* [ECOption]:
* An object input to echarts.setOption(option).
* May be an 'option: ECUnitOption',
* or may be an object contains multi-options. For example:
* ```ts
* let option: ECOption = {
* baseOption: {
* title: {...},
* legend: {...},
* series: [
* {data: [...]},
* {data: [...]},
* ...
* ]
* },
* timeline: {...},
* options: [
* {title: {...}, series: {data: [...]}},
* {title: {...}, series: {data: [...]}},
* ...
* ],
* media: [
* {
* query: {maxWidth: 320},
* option: {series: {x: 20}, visualMap: {show: false}}
* },
* {
* query: {minWidth: 320, maxWidth: 720},
* option: {series: {x: 500}, visualMap: {show: true}}
* },
* {
* option: {series: {x: 1200}, visualMap: {show: true}}
* }
* ]
* };
* ```
export interface ECBasicOption extends ECUnitOption {
baseOption?: ECUnitOption;
timeline?: ComponentOption | ComponentOption[];
options?: ECUnitOption[];
media?: MediaUnit[];
// or dataset.source
export type OptionSourceData<
VAL extends OptionDataValue = OptionDataValue,
ORIITEM extends OptionDataItemOriginal<VAL> = OptionDataItemOriginal<VAL>
> =
OptionSourceDataOriginal<VAL, ORIITEM>
| OptionSourceDataObjectRows<VAL>
| OptionSourceDataArrayRows<VAL>
| OptionSourceDataKeyedColumns<VAL>
| OptionSourceDataTypedArray;
export type OptionDataItemOriginal<
VAL extends OptionDataValue = OptionDataValue
> = VAL | VAL[] | OptionDataItemObject<VAL>;
export type OptionSourceDataOriginal<
VAL extends OptionDataValue = OptionDataValue,
ORIITEM extends OptionDataItemOriginal<VAL> = OptionDataItemOriginal<VAL>
> = ArrayLike<ORIITEM>;
export type OptionSourceDataObjectRows<VAL extends OptionDataValue = OptionDataValue> =
export type OptionSourceDataArrayRows<VAL extends OptionDataValue = OptionDataValue> =
export type OptionSourceDataKeyedColumns<VAL extends OptionDataValue = OptionDataValue> =
export type OptionSourceDataTypedArray = ArrayLike<number>;
// See also `model.js#getDataItemValue`.
export type OptionDataItem =
| Dictionary<OptionDataValue>
| OptionDataValue[]
// FIXME: In some case (markpoint in geo (geo-map.html)), dataItem is {coord: [...]}
| OptionDataItemObject<OptionDataValue>;
export type OptionDataItemObject<T> = {
id?: OptionId;
name?: OptionName;
groupId?: OptionId;
value?: T[] | T;
selected?: boolean;
// Compat number because it is usually used and not easy to
// restrict it in practise.
export type OptionId = string | number;
export type OptionName = string | number;
export interface GraphEdgeItemObject<
VAL extends OptionDataValue
> extends OptionDataItemObject<VAL> {
* Name or index of source node.
source?: string | number
* Name or index of target node.
target?: string | number
export type OptionDataValue = string | number | Date;
export type OptionDataValueNumeric = number | '-';
export type OptionDataValueCategory = string;
export type OptionDataValueDate = Date | string | number;
// export type ModelOption = Dictionary<any> | any[] | string | number | boolean | ((...args: any) => any);
export type ModelOption = any;
export type ThemeOption = Dictionary<any>;
export type DisplayState = 'normal' | 'emphasis' | 'blur' | 'select';
export type DisplayStateNonNormal = Exclude<DisplayState, 'normal'>;
export type DisplayStateHostOption = {
emphasis?: Dictionary<any>,
[key: string]: any
export interface OptionEncodeVisualDimensions {
tooltip?: OptionEncodeValue;
label?: OptionEncodeValue;
itemName?: OptionEncodeValue;
itemId?: OptionEncodeValue;
seriesName?: OptionEncodeValue;
// Notice: `value` is coordDim, not nonCoordDim.
export interface OptionEncode extends OptionEncodeVisualDimensions {
[coordDim: string]: OptionEncodeValue | undefined
export type OptionEncodeValue = DimensionLoose | DimensionLoose[];
export type EncodeDefaulter = (source: Source, dimCount: number) => OptionEncode;
// TODO: TYPE Different callback param for different series
export interface CallbackDataParams {
// component main type
componentType: string;
// component sub type
componentSubType: string;
componentIndex: number;
// series component sub type
seriesType?: string;
// series component index (the alias of `componentIndex` for series)
seriesIndex?: number;
seriesId?: string;
seriesName?: string;
name: string;
dataIndex: number;
data: OptionDataItem;
dataType?: SeriesDataType;
value: OptionDataItem | OptionDataValue;
color?: ZRColor;
borderColor?: string;
dimensionNames?: DimensionName[];
encode?: DimensionUserOuputEncode;
marker?: TooltipMarker;
status?: DisplayState;
dimensionIndex?: number;
percent?: number; // Only for chart like 'pie'
// Param name list for mapping `a`, `b`, `c`, `d`, `e`
$vars: string[];
export type InterpolatableValue = ParsedValue | ParsedValue[];
export type DimensionUserOuputEncode = {
[coordOrVisualDimName: string]:
// index: coordDimIndex, value: dataDimIndex
export type DimensionUserOuput = {
// The same as `data.dimensions`
dimensionNames: DimensionName[]
encode: DimensionUserOuputEncode
export type DecalDashArrayX = number | (number | number[])[];
export type DecalDashArrayY = number | number[];
export interface DecalObject {
// 'image', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow', 'line', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'square', 'circle'
symbol?: string | string[]
// size relative to the dash bounding box; valued from 0 to 1
symbolSize?: number
// keep the aspect ratio and use the smaller one of width and height as bounding box size
symbolKeepAspect?: boolean
// foreground color of the pattern
color?: string
// background color of the pattern; default value is 'none' (same as 'transparent') so that the underlying series color is displayed
backgroundColor?: string
// dash-gap pattern on x
dashArrayX?: DecalDashArrayX
// dash-gap pattern on y
dashArrayY?: DecalDashArrayY
// in radians; valued from -Math.PI to Math.PI
rotation?: number
// boundary of largest tile width
maxTileWidth?: number
// boundary of largest tile height
maxTileHeight?: number
export interface InnerDecalObject extends DecalObject {
// Mark dirty when object may be changed.
// The record in WeakMap will be deleted.
dirty?: boolean
export interface MediaQuery {
minWidth?: number;
maxWidth?: number;
minHeight?: number;
maxHeight?: number;
minAspectRatio?: number;
maxAspectRatio?: number;
export type MediaUnit = {
query?: MediaQuery,
option: ECUnitOption
export type ComponentLayoutMode = {
// Only support 'box' now.
type?: 'box',
ignoreSize?: boolean | boolean[]
/******************* Mixins for Common Option Properties ********************** */
export type PaletteOptionMixin = ColorPaletteOptionMixin;
export interface ColorPaletteOptionMixin {
color?: ZRColor | ZRColor[]
colorLayer?: ZRColor[][]
export interface AriaLabelOption {
enabled?: boolean;
description?: string;
general?: {
withTitle?: string;
withoutTitle?: string;
series?: {
maxCount?: number;
single?: {
prefix?: string;
withName?: string;
withoutName?: string;
multiple?: {
prefix?: string;
withName?: string;
withoutName?: string;
separator?: {
middle?: string;
end?: string;
data?: {
maxCount?: number;
allData?: string;
partialData?: string;
withName?: string;
withoutName?: string;
separator?: {
middle?: string;
end?: string;
// Extending is for compating ECharts 4
export interface AriaOption extends AriaLabelOption {
mainType?: 'aria';
enabled?: boolean;
label?: AriaLabelOption;
decal?: {
show?: boolean;
decals?: DecalObject | DecalObject[];
export interface AriaOptionMixin {
aria?: AriaOption
* Mixin of option set to control the box layout of each component.
export interface BoxLayoutOptionMixin {
width?: number | string;
height?: number | string;
top?: number | string;
right?: number | string;
bottom?: number | string;
left?: number | string;
export interface CircleLayoutOptionMixin {
// Can be percent
center?: (number | string)[]
// Can specify [innerRadius, outerRadius]
radius?: (number | string)[] | number | string
export interface ShadowOptionMixin {
shadowBlur?: number
shadowColor?: ColorString
shadowOffsetX?: number
shadowOffsetY?: number
export interface BorderOptionMixin {
borderColor?: ZRColor
borderWidth?: number
borderType?: ZRLineType
borderCap?: CanvasLineCap
borderJoin?: CanvasLineJoin
borderDashOffset?: number
borderMiterLimit?: number
export type ColorBy = 'series' | 'data';
export interface SunburstColorByMixin {
colorBy?: ColorBy
export type AnimationDelayCallbackParam = {
count: number
index: number
export type AnimationDurationCallback = (idx: number) => number;
export type AnimationDelayCallback = (idx: number, params?: AnimationDelayCallbackParam) => number;
export interface AnimationOption {
duration?: number
easing?: AnimationEasing
delay?: number
// additive?: boolean
* Mixin of option set to control the animation of series.
export interface AnimationOptionMixin {
* If enable animation
animation?: boolean
* Disable animation when the number of elements exceeds the threshold
animationThreshold?: number
// For init animation
* Duration of initialize animation.
* Can be a callback to specify duration of each element
animationDuration?: number | AnimationDurationCallback
* Easing of initialize animation
animationEasing?: AnimationEasing
* Delay of initialize animation
* Can be a callback to specify duration of each element
animationDelay?: number | AnimationDelayCallback
// For update animation
* Delay of data update animation.
* Can be a callback to specify duration of each element
animationDurationUpdate?: number | AnimationDurationCallback
* Easing of data update animation.
animationEasingUpdate?: AnimationEasing
* Delay of data update animation.
* Can be a callback to specify duration of each element
animationDelayUpdate?: number | AnimationDelayCallback
export interface RoamOptionMixin {
* If enable roam. can be specified 'scale' or 'move'
roam?: boolean | 'pan' | 'move' | 'zoom' | 'scale'
* Current center position.
center?: number[]
* Current zoom level. Default is 1
zoom?: number
scaleLimit?: {
min?: number
max?: number
// TODO: TYPE value type?
export type SymbolClip = string | Path;
export type SymbolSizeCallback<T> = (rawValue: any, params: T) => number | number[];
export type SymbolCallback<T> = (rawValue: any, params: T) => string;
export type SymbolRotateCallback<T> = (rawValue: any, params: T) => number;
export type SymbolClipCallback<T> = (rawValue: any, params: T) => SymbolClip;
export type SymbolOffsetCallback<T> = (rawValue: any, params: T) => string | number | (string | number)[];
* Mixin of option set to control the element symbol.
* Include type of symbol, and size of symbol.
export interface SymbolOptionMixin<T = unknown> {
* type of symbol, like `cirlce`, `rect`, or custom path and image.
symbol?: string | (unknown extends T ? never : SymbolCallback<T>)
* Size of symbol.
symbolSize?: number | number[] | (unknown extends T ? never : SymbolSizeCallback<T>)
symbolRotate?: number | (unknown extends T ? never : SymbolRotateCallback<T>)
symbolKeepAspect?: boolean
symbolClip?: SymbolClip | (unknown extends T ? never : SymbolClipCallback<T>)
symbolOffset?: string | number | (string | number)[] | (unknown extends T ? never : SymbolOffsetCallback<T>)
* ItemStyleOption is a most common used set to config element styles.
* It includes both fill and stroke style.
export interface ItemStyleOption extends ShadowOptionMixin, BorderOptionMixin {
color?: ZRColor
opacity?: number
decal?: DecalObject | 'none'
* ItemStyleOption is a option set to control styles on lines.
* Used in the components or series like `line`, `axis`
* It includes stroke style.
export interface LineStyleOption<Clr = ZRColor> extends ShadowOptionMixin {
width?: number
color?: Clr
opacity?: number
type?: ZRLineType
cap?: CanvasLineCap
join?: CanvasLineJoin
dashOffset?: number
miterLimit?: number
* ItemStyleOption is a option set to control styles on an area, like polygon, rectangle.
* It only include fill style.
export interface AreaStyleOption<Clr = ZRColor> extends ShadowOptionMixin {
color?: Clr
opacity?: number
type Arrayable<T extends Dictionary<any>> = { [key in keyof T]: T[key] | T[key][] };
type Dictionaryable<T extends Dictionary<any>> = { [key in keyof T]: T[key] | Dictionary<T[key]>};
export interface VisualOptionUnit {
symbol?: string
// TODO Support [number, number]?
symbolSize?: number
color?: ColorString
colorAlpha?: number
opacity?: number
colorLightness?: number
colorSaturation?: number
colorHue?: number
decal?: DecalObject
// Not exposed?
liftZ?: number
export type VisualOptionFixed = VisualOptionUnit;
* Option about visual properties used in piecewise mapping
* Used in each piece.
export type VisualOptionPiecewise = VisualOptionUnit;
* Option about visual properties used in linear mapping
export type VisualOptionLinear = Arrayable<VisualOptionUnit>;
* Option about visual properties can be encoded from ordinal categories.
* Each value can either be a dictonary to lookup with category name, or
* be an array to lookup with category index. In this case the array length should
* be same with categories
export type VisualOptionCategory = Arrayable<VisualOptionUnit> | Dictionaryable<VisualOptionUnit>;
* All visual properties can be encoded.
export type BuiltinVisualProperty = keyof VisualOptionUnit;
export interface TextCommonOption extends ShadowOptionMixin {
color?: string
fontStyle?: ZRFontStyle
fontWeight?: ZRFontWeight
fontFamily?: string
fontSize?: number | string
align?: HorizontalAlign
verticalAlign?: VerticalAlign
// @deprecated
baseline?: VerticalAlign
opacity?: number
lineHeight?: number
backgroundColor?: ColorString | {
image: ImageLike | string
borderColor?: string
borderWidth?: number
borderType?: ZRLineType
borderDashOffset?: number
borderRadius?: number | number[]
padding?: number | number[]
width?: number | string// Percent
height?: number
textBorderColor?: string
textBorderWidth?: number
textBorderType?: ZRLineType
textBorderDashOffset?: number
textShadowBlur?: number
textShadowColor?: string
textShadowOffsetX?: number
textShadowOffsetY?: number
tag?: string
export interface LabelFormatterCallback<T = CallbackDataParams> {
(params: T): string
* LabelOption is an option set to control the style of labels.
* Include color, background, shadow, truncate, rotation, distance, etc..
export interface LabelOption extends TextCommonOption {
* If show label
show?: boolean
// TODO: TYPE More specified 'inside', 'insideTop'....
// x, y can be both percent string or number px.
position?: ElementTextConfig['position']
distance?: number
rotate?: number
offset?: number[]
* Min margin between labels. Used when label has layout.
// It's minMargin instead of margin is for not breaking the previous code using margin.
minMargin?: number
overflow?: TextStyleProps['overflow']
silent?: boolean
precision?: number | 'auto'
valueAnimation?: boolean
// TODO: TYPE not all label support formatter
// formatter?: string | ((params: CallbackDataParams) => string)
rich?: Dictionary<TextCommonOption>
export interface SeriesLabelOption extends LabelOption {
formatter?: string | LabelFormatterCallback<CallbackDataParams>
* Option for labels on line, like markLine, lines
export interface LineLabelOption extends Omit<LabelOption, 'distance' | 'position'> {
position?: 'start'
| 'middle'
| 'end'
| 'insideStart'
| 'insideStartTop'
| 'insideStartBottom'
| 'insideMiddle'
| 'insideMiddleTop'
| 'insideMiddleBottom'
| 'insideEnd'
| 'insideEndTop'
| 'insideEndBottom'
| 'insideMiddleBottom'
* Distance can be an array.
* Which will specify horizontal and vertical distance respectively
distance?: number | number[]
export interface LabelLineOption {
show?: boolean
* If displayed above other elements
showAbove?: boolean
length?: number
length2?: number
smooth?: boolean | number
minTurnAngle?: number,
lineStyle?: LineStyleOption
export interface SeriesLineLabelOption extends LineLabelOption {
formatter?: string | LabelFormatterCallback<CallbackDataParams>
export interface LabelLayoutOptionCallbackParams {
* Index of data which the label represents.
* It can be null if label does't represent any data.
dataIndex?: number,
* Type of data which the label represents.
* It can be null if label does't represent any data.
dataType?: SeriesDataType,
seriesIndex: number,
text: string
align: ZRTextAlign
verticalAlign: ZRTextVerticalAlign
rect: RectLike
labelRect: RectLike
// Points of label line in pie/funnel
labelLinePoints?: number[][]
// x: number
// y: number
export interface LabelLayoutOption {
* If move the overlapped label. If label is still overlapped after moved.
* It will determine if to hide this label with `hideOverlap` policy.
* shiftX/Y will keep the order on x/y
* shuffleX/y will move the label around the original position randomly.
moveOverlap?: 'shiftX'
| 'shiftY'
| 'shuffleX'
| 'shuffleY'
* If hide the overlapped label. It will be handled after move.
* @default 'none'
hideOverlap?: boolean
* If label is draggable.
draggable?: boolean
* Can be absolute px number or percent string.
x?: number | string
y?: number | string
* offset on x based on the original position.
dx?: number
* offset on y based on the original position.
dy?: number
rotate?: number
align?: ZRTextAlign
verticalAlign?: ZRTextVerticalAlign
width?: number
height?: number
fontSize?: number
labelLinePoints?: number[][]
export type LabelLayoutOptionCallback = (params: LabelLayoutOptionCallbackParams) => LabelLayoutOption;
export interface TooltipFormatterCallback<T> {
* For sync callback
* params will be an array on axis trigger.
(params: T, asyncTicket: string): string | HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]
* For async callback.
* Returned html string will be a placeholder when callback is not invoked.
params: T, asyncTicket: string,
callback: (cbTicket: string, htmlOrDomNodes: string | HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]) => void
) : string | HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]
type TooltipBuiltinPosition = 'inside' | 'top' | 'left' | 'right' | 'bottom';
type TooltipBoxLayoutOption = Pick<
BoxLayoutOptionMixin, 'top' | 'left' | 'right' | 'bottom'
export type TooltipPositionCallbackParams = CallbackDataParams | CallbackDataParams[];
* Position relative to the hoverred element. Only available when trigger is item.
export interface TooltipPositionCallback {
point: [number, number],
* params will be an array on axis trigger.
params: TooltipPositionCallbackParams,
* Will be HTMLDivElement when renderMode is html
* Otherwise it's graphic.Text
el: HTMLDivElement | ZRText | null,
* Rect of hover elements. Will be null if not hovered
rect: RectLike | null,
size: {
* Size of popup content
contentSize: [number, number]
* Size of the chart view
viewSize: [number, number]
): Array<number | string> | TooltipBuiltinPosition | TooltipBoxLayoutOption
* Common tooltip option
* Can be configured on series, graphic elements
export interface CommonTooltipOption<FormatterParams> {
show?: boolean
* When to trigger
triggerOn?: 'mousemove' | 'click' | 'none' | 'mousemove|click'
* Whether to not hide popup content automatically
alwaysShowContent?: boolean
formatter?: string | TooltipFormatterCallback<FormatterParams>
* Absolution pixel [x, y] array. Or relative percent string [x, y] array.
* If trigger is 'item'. position can be set to 'inside' / 'top' / 'left' / 'right' / 'bottom',
* which is relative to the hovered element.
* Support to be a callback
position?: (number | string)[] | TooltipBuiltinPosition | TooltipPositionCallback | TooltipBoxLayoutOption
confine?: boolean
* Consider triggered from axisPointer handle, verticalAlign should be 'middle'
align?: HorizontalAlign
verticalAlign?: VerticalAlign
* Delay of show. milesecond.
showDelay?: number
* Delay of hide. milesecond.
hideDelay?: number
transitionDuration?: number
* Whether mouse is allowed to enter the floating layer of tooltip
* If you need to interact in the tooltip like with links or buttons, it can be set as true.
enterable?: boolean
backgroundColor?: ColorString
borderColor?: ColorString
borderRadius?: number
borderWidth?: number
shadowBlur?: number
shadowColor?: string
shadowOffsetX?: number
shadowOffsetY?: number
* Padding between tooltip content and tooltip border.
padding?: number | number[]
* Available when renderMode is 'html'
extraCssText?: string
textStyle?: Pick<LabelOption,
'color' | 'fontStyle' | 'fontWeight' | 'fontFamily' | 'fontSize' |
'lineHeight' | 'width' | 'height' | 'textBorderColor' | 'textBorderWidth' |
'textShadowColor' | 'textShadowBlur' | 'textShadowOffsetX' | 'textShadowOffsetY'
| 'align'> & {
// Available when renderMode is html
decoration?: string
export type ComponentItemTooltipOption<T> = CommonTooltipOption<T> & {
// Default content HTML.
content?: string;
formatterParams?: ComponentItemTooltipLabelFormatterParams;
export type ComponentItemTooltipLabelFormatterParams = {
componentType: string
name: string
// properies key array like ['name']
$vars: string[]
} & {
// Other properties
[key in string]: unknown
* Tooltip option configured on each series
export type SeriesTooltipOption = CommonTooltipOption<CallbackDataParams> & {
trigger?: 'item' | 'axis' | boolean | 'none'
type LabelFormatterParams = {
value: ScaleDataValue
axisDimension: string
axisIndex: number
seriesData: CallbackDataParams[]
* Common axis option. can be configured on each axis
export interface CommonAxisPointerOption {
show?: boolean | 'auto'
z?: number;
zlevel?: number;
triggerOn?: 'click' | 'mousemove' | 'none' | 'mousemove|click'
type?: 'line' | 'shadow' | 'none'
snap?: boolean
triggerTooltip?: boolean
* current value. When using axisPointer.handle, value can be set to define the initail position of axisPointer.
value?: ScaleDataValue
status?: 'show' | 'hide'
// [group0, group1, ...]
// Each group can be: {
// mapper: function () {},
// singleTooltip: 'multiple', // 'multiple' or 'single'
// xAxisId: ...,
// yAxisName: ...,
// angleAxisIndex: ...
// }
// mapper: can be ignored.
// input: {axisInfo, value}
// output: {axisInfo, value}
label?: LabelOption & {
precision?: 'auto' | number
margin?: number
* String template include variable {value} or callback function
formatter?: string | ((params: LabelFormatterParams) => string)
animation?: boolean | 'auto'
animationDurationUpdate?: number
animationEasingUpdate?: ZREasing
* Available when type is 'line'
lineStyle?: LineStyleOption
* Available when type is 'shadow'
shadowStyle?: AreaStyleOption
handle?: {
show?: boolean
icon?: string
* The size of the handle
size?: number | number[]
* Distance from handle center to axis.
margin?: number
color?: ColorString
* Throttle for mobile performance
throttle?: number
} & ShadowOptionMixin
seriesDataIndices?: {
seriesIndex: number
dataIndex: number
dataIndexInside: number
export interface ComponentOption {
mainType?: string;
type?: string;
id?: OptionId;
name?: OptionName;
z?: number;
zlevel?: number;
export type BlurScope = 'coordinateSystem' | 'series' | 'global';
* can be array of data indices.
* Or may be an dictionary if have different types of data like in graph.
export type InnerFocus = DefaultEmphasisFocus | ArrayLike<number> | Dictionary<ArrayLike<number>>;
export interface DefaultExtraStateOpts {
emphasis: any
select: any
blur: any
export type DefaultEmphasisFocus = 'none' | 'self' | 'series';
export interface DefaultExtraEmpasisState {
* self: Focus self and blur all others.
* series: Focus series and blur all other series.
focus?: DefaultEmphasisFocus
interface ExtraStateOptsBase {
emphasis?: {
focus?: string
select?: any
blur?: any
export interface StatesOptionMixin<StateOption, ExtraStateOpts extends ExtraStateOptsBase = DefaultExtraStateOpts> {
* Emphasis states
emphasis?: StateOption & ExtraStateOpts['emphasis'] & {
* Scope of blurred element when focus.
* coordinateSystem: blur others in the same coordinateSystem
* series: blur others in the same series
* global: blur all others
* Default to be coordinate system.
blurScope?: BlurScope
* Select states
select?: StateOption & ExtraStateOpts['select']
* Blur states.
blur?: StateOption & ExtraStateOpts['blur']
export interface UniversalTransitionOption {
enabled?: boolean
* Animation delay of each divided element
delay?: (index: number, count: number) => number
* How to divide the shape in combine and split animation.
divideShape?: 'clone' | 'split'
* Series will have transition between if they have same seriesKey.
* Usually it is a string. It can also be an array,
* which means it can be transition from or to multiple series with each key in this array item.
* Note:
* If two series have both array seriesKey. They will be compared after concated to a string(which is order independent)
* Transition between string key has higher priority.
* Default to use series id.
seriesKey?: string | string[]
export interface SeriesOption<
StateOption=any, ExtraStateOpts extends ExtraStateOptsBase = DefaultExtraStateOpts> extends
StatesOptionMixin<StateOption, ExtraStateOpts>
mainType?: 'series'
silent?: boolean
blendMode?: string
* Cursor when mouse on the elements
cursor?: string
* groupId of data. can be used for doing drilldown / up animation
* It will be ignored if:
* - groupId is specified in each data
* - encode.itemGroupId is given.
dataGroupId?: OptionId
// Needs to be override
data?: unknown
colorBy?: ColorBy
legendHoverLink?: boolean
* Configurations about progressive rendering
progressive?: number | false
progressiveThreshold?: number
progressiveChunkMode?: 'mod'
* Not available on every series
coordinateSystem?: string
hoverLayerThreshold?: number
* When dataset is used, seriesLayoutBy specifies whether the column or the row of dataset is mapped to the series
* namely, the series is "layout" on columns or rows
* @default 'column'
seriesLayoutBy?: 'column' | 'row'
labelLine?: LabelLineOption
* Overall label layout option in label layout stage.
labelLayout?: LabelLayoutOption | LabelLayoutOptionCallback
* Animation config for state transition.
stateAnimation?: AnimationOption
* If enabled universal transition cross series.
* @example
* universalTransition: true
* universalTransition: { enabled: true }
universalTransition?: boolean | UniversalTransitionOption
* Map of selected data
* key is name or index of data.
selectedMap?: Dictionary<boolean>
selectedMode?: 'single' | 'multiple' | boolean
export interface SeriesOnCartesianOptionMixin {
xAxisIndex?: number
yAxisIndex?: number
xAxisId?: string
yAxisId?: string
export interface SeriesOnPolarOptionMixin {
polarIndex?: number
polarId?: string;
export interface SeriesOnSingleOptionMixin {
singleAxisIndex?: number
singleAxisId?: string
export interface SeriesOnGeoOptionMixin {
geoIndex?: number;
geoId?: string
export interface SeriesOnCalendarOptionMixin {
calendarIndex?: number
calendarId?: string
export interface SeriesLargeOptionMixin {
large?: boolean
largeThreshold?: number
export interface SeriesStackOptionMixin {
stack?: string
type SamplingFunc = (frame: ArrayLike<number>) => number;
export interface SeriesSamplingOptionMixin {
sampling?: 'none' | 'average' | 'min' | 'max' | 'sum' | 'lttb' | SamplingFunc
export interface SeriesEncodeOptionMixin {
datasetIndex?: number;
datasetId?: string | number;
seriesLayoutBy?: SeriesLayoutBy;
sourceHeader?: OptionSourceHeader;
dimensions?: DimensionDefinitionLoose[];
encode?: OptionEncode
export type SeriesEncodableModel = SeriesModel<SeriesOption & SeriesEncodeOptionMixin>;