blob: 99b9cfd729aff339849ec4b73a0afb98d2ce03e3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import DataZoomView from './DataZoomView';
import sliderMove from '../helper/sliderMove';
import * as roams from './roams';
import InsideZoomModel from './InsideZoomModel';
import GlobalModel from '../../model/Global';
import ExtensionAPI from '../../core/ExtensionAPI';
import { bind } from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import RoamController, {RoamEventParams} from '../helper/RoamController';
import { AxisBaseModel } from '../../coord/AxisBaseModel';
import Polar from '../../coord/polar/Polar';
import SingleAxis from '../../coord/single/SingleAxis';
import { DataZoomCoordSysMainType, DataZoomReferCoordSysInfo } from './helper';
class InsideZoomView extends DataZoomView {
static type = 'dataZoom.inside';
type = 'dataZoom.inside';
* 'throttle' is used in this.dispatchAction, so we save range
* to avoid missing some 'pan' info.
range: number[];
render(dataZoomModel: InsideZoomModel, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI) {
super.render.apply(this, arguments as any);
if (dataZoomModel.noTarget()) {
// Hence the `throttle` util ensures to preserve command order,
// here simply updating range all the time will not cause missing
// any of the the roam change.
this.range = dataZoomModel.getPercentRange();
// Reset controllers.
pan: bind(getRangeHandlers.pan, this),
zoom: bind(getRangeHandlers.zoom, this),
scrollMove: bind(getRangeHandlers.scrollMove, this)
dispose() {
super.dispose.apply(this, arguments as any);
private _clear() {
roams.disposeCoordSysRecordIfNeeded(this.api, this.dataZoomModel as InsideZoomModel);
this.range = null;
interface DataZoomGetRangeHandler<
T extends RoamEventParams['zoom'] | RoamEventParams['scrollMove'] | RoamEventParams['pan']
> {
coordSysInfo: DataZoomReferCoordSysInfo,
coordSysMainType: DataZoomCoordSysMainType,
controller: RoamController,
e: T
): [number, number]
const getRangeHandlers: {
pan: DataZoomGetRangeHandler<RoamEventParams['pan']>
zoom: DataZoomGetRangeHandler<RoamEventParams['zoom']>
scrollMove: DataZoomGetRangeHandler<RoamEventParams['scrollMove']>
} & ThisType<InsideZoomView> = {
zoom(coordSysInfo, coordSysMainType, controller, e: RoamEventParams['zoom']) {
const lastRange = this.range;
const range = lastRange.slice() as [number, number];
// Calculate transform by the first axis.
const axisModel = coordSysInfo.axisModels[0];
if (!axisModel) {
const directionInfo = getDirectionInfo[coordSysMainType](
null, [e.originX, e.originY], axisModel, controller, coordSysInfo
const percentPoint = (
directionInfo.signal > 0
? (directionInfo.pixelStart + directionInfo.pixelLength - directionInfo.pixel)
: (directionInfo.pixel - directionInfo.pixelStart)
) / directionInfo.pixelLength * (range[1] - range[0]) + range[0];
const scale = Math.max(1 / e.scale, 0);
range[0] = (range[0] - percentPoint) * scale + percentPoint;
range[1] = (range[1] - percentPoint) * scale + percentPoint;
// Restrict range.
const minMaxSpan = this.dataZoomModel.findRepresentativeAxisProxy().getMinMaxSpan();
sliderMove(0, range, [0, 100], 0, minMaxSpan.minSpan, minMaxSpan.maxSpan);
this.range = range;
if (lastRange[0] !== range[0] || lastRange[1] !== range[1]) {
return range;
pan: makeMover(function (range, axisModel, coordSysInfo, coordSysMainType, controller, e: RoamEventParams['pan']) {
const directionInfo = getDirectionInfo[coordSysMainType](
[e.oldX, e.oldY], [e.newX, e.newY], axisModel, controller, coordSysInfo
return directionInfo.signal
* (range[1] - range[0])
* directionInfo.pixel / directionInfo.pixelLength;
scrollMove: makeMover(
function (range, axisModel, coordSysInfo, coordSysMainType, controller, e: RoamEventParams['scrollMove']
) {
const directionInfo = getDirectionInfo[coordSysMainType](
[0, 0], [e.scrollDelta, e.scrollDelta], axisModel, controller, coordSysInfo
return directionInfo.signal * (range[1] - range[0]) * e.scrollDelta;
export type DataZoomGetRangeHandlers = typeof getRangeHandlers;
function makeMover(
getPercentDelta: (
range: [number, number],
axisModel: AxisBaseModel,
coordSysInfo: DataZoomReferCoordSysInfo,
coordSysMainType: DataZoomCoordSysMainType,
controller: RoamController,
e: RoamEventParams['scrollMove']| RoamEventParams['pan']
) => number
) {
return function (
this: InsideZoomView,
coordSysInfo: DataZoomReferCoordSysInfo,
coordSysMainType: DataZoomCoordSysMainType,
controller: RoamController,
e: RoamEventParams['scrollMove']| RoamEventParams['pan']
): [number, number] {
const lastRange = this.range;
const range = lastRange.slice() as [number, number];
// Calculate transform by the first axis.
const axisModel = coordSysInfo.axisModels[0];
if (!axisModel) {
const percentDelta = getPercentDelta(
range, axisModel, coordSysInfo, coordSysMainType, controller, e
sliderMove(percentDelta, range, [0, 100], 'all');
this.range = range;
if (lastRange[0] !== range[0] || lastRange[1] !== range[1]) {
return range;
interface DirectionInfo {
pixel: number
pixelLength: number
pixelStart: number
signal: -1 | 1
interface GetDirectionInfo {
oldPoint: number[],
newPoint: number[],
axisModel: AxisBaseModel,
controller: RoamController,
coordSysInfo: DataZoomReferCoordSysInfo
): DirectionInfo
const getDirectionInfo: Record<'grid' | 'polar' | 'singleAxis', GetDirectionInfo> = {
grid(oldPoint, newPoint, axisModel, controller, coordSysInfo) {
const axis = axisModel.axis;
const ret = {} as DirectionInfo;
const rect = coordSysInfo.model.coordinateSystem.getRect();
oldPoint = oldPoint || [0, 0];
if (axis.dim === 'x') {
ret.pixel = newPoint[0] - oldPoint[0];
ret.pixelLength = rect.width;
ret.pixelStart = rect.x;
ret.signal = axis.inverse ? 1 : -1;
else { // axis.dim === 'y'
ret.pixel = newPoint[1] - oldPoint[1];
ret.pixelLength = rect.height;
ret.pixelStart = rect.y;
ret.signal = axis.inverse ? -1 : 1;
return ret;
polar(oldPoint, newPoint, axisModel, controller, coordSysInfo) {
const axis = axisModel.axis;
const ret = {} as DirectionInfo;
const polar = coordSysInfo.model.coordinateSystem as Polar;
const radiusExtent = polar.getRadiusAxis().getExtent();
const angleExtent = polar.getAngleAxis().getExtent();
oldPoint = oldPoint ? polar.pointToCoord(oldPoint) : [0, 0];
newPoint = polar.pointToCoord(newPoint);
if (axisModel.mainType === 'radiusAxis') {
ret.pixel = newPoint[0] - oldPoint[0];
// ret.pixelLength = Math.abs(radiusExtent[1] - radiusExtent[0]);
// ret.pixelStart = Math.min(radiusExtent[0], radiusExtent[1]);
ret.pixelLength = radiusExtent[1] - radiusExtent[0];
ret.pixelStart = radiusExtent[0];
ret.signal = axis.inverse ? 1 : -1;
else { // 'angleAxis'
ret.pixel = newPoint[1] - oldPoint[1];
// ret.pixelLength = Math.abs(angleExtent[1] - angleExtent[0]);
// ret.pixelStart = Math.min(angleExtent[0], angleExtent[1]);
ret.pixelLength = angleExtent[1] - angleExtent[0];
ret.pixelStart = angleExtent[0];
ret.signal = axis.inverse ? -1 : 1;
return ret;
singleAxis(oldPoint, newPoint, axisModel, controller, coordSysInfo) {
const axis = axisModel.axis as SingleAxis;
const rect = coordSysInfo.model.coordinateSystem.getRect();
const ret = {} as DirectionInfo;
oldPoint = oldPoint || [0, 0];
if (axis.orient === 'horizontal') {
ret.pixel = newPoint[0] - oldPoint[0];
ret.pixelLength = rect.width;
ret.pixelStart = rect.x;
ret.signal = axis.inverse ? 1 : -1;
else { // 'vertical'
ret.pixel = newPoint[1] - oldPoint[1];
ret.pixelLength = rect.height;
ret.pixelStart = rect.y;
ret.signal = axis.inverse ? -1 : 1;
return ret;
export default InsideZoomView;