blob: 8898bc7b0639b0430981c1236e3108bbc34dcaa8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import * as zrColor from 'zrender/src/tool/color';
import {linearMap} from '../util/number';
import { AllPropTypes, Dictionary } from 'zrender/src/core/types';
import {
} from '../util/types';
import { warn } from '../util/log';
const each = zrUtil.each;
const isObject = zrUtil.isObject;
// Type of raw value
type RawValue = ParsedValue;
// Type of mapping visual value
type VisualValue = AllPropTypes<VisualOptionUnit>;
// Type of value after normalized. 0 - 1
type NormalizedValue = number;
type MappingMethod = 'linear' | 'piecewise' | 'category' | 'fixed';
// May include liftZ. wich is not provided to developers.
interface Normalizer {
(this: VisualMapping, value?: RawValue): NormalizedValue
interface ColorMapper {
(this: VisualMapping, value: RawValue | NormalizedValue, isNormalized?: boolean, out?: number[])
: ColorString | number[]
interface DoMap {
(this: VisualMapping, normalzied?: NormalizedValue, value?: RawValue): VisualValue
interface VisualValueGetter {
(key: string): VisualValue
interface VisualValueSetter {
(key: string, value: VisualValue): void
interface VisualHandler {
this: VisualMapping,
value: RawValue,
getter: VisualValueGetter,
setter: VisualValueSetter
): void
_normalizedToVisual: {
linear(this: VisualMapping, normalized: NormalizedValue): VisualValue
category(this: VisualMapping, normalized: NormalizedValue): VisualValue
piecewise(this: VisualMapping, normalzied: NormalizedValue, value: RawValue): VisualValue
fixed(this: VisualMapping): VisualValue
* Get color mapping for the outside usage.
* Currently only used in `color` visual.
* The last parameter out is cached color array.
getColorMapper?: (this: VisualMapping) => ColorMapper
interface VisualMappingPiece {
index?: number
value?: number | string
interval?: [number, number]
close?: [0 | 1, 0 | 1]
text?: string
visual?: VisualOptionPiecewise
export interface VisualMappingOption {
type?: BuiltinVisualProperty
mappingMethod?: MappingMethod
* required when mappingMethod is 'linear'
dataExtent?: [number, number]
* required when mappingMethod is 'piecewise'.
* Visual for only each piece can be specified
* [
* {value: someValue},
* {interval: [min1, max1], visual: {...}},
* {interval: [min2, max2]}
* ],.
pieceList?: VisualMappingPiece[]
* required when mappingMethod is 'category'. If no option.categories, categories is set as [0, 1, 2, ...].
categories?: (string | number)[]
* Whether loop mapping when mappingMethod is 'category'.
* @default false
loop?: boolean
* Visual data
* when mappingMethod is 'category', visual data can be array or object
* (like: {cate1: '#222', none: '#fff'})
* or primary types (which represents default category visual), otherwise visual
* can be array or primary (which will be normalized to array).
visual?: VisualValue[] | Dictionary<VisualValue> | VisualValue
interface VisualMappingInnerPiece extends VisualMappingPiece {
originIndex: number
interface VisualMappingInnerOption extends VisualMappingOption {
hasSpecialVisual: boolean
pieceList: VisualMappingInnerPiece[]
* Map to get category index
categoryMap: Dictionary<number>
* Cached parsed rgba array from string to avoid parse every time.
parsedVisual: number[][]
// Have converted primary value to array.
visual?: VisualValue[] | Dictionary<VisualValue>
class VisualMapping {
option: VisualMappingInnerOption;
type: BuiltinVisualProperty;
mappingMethod: MappingMethod;
applyVisual: VisualHandler['applyVisual'];
getColorMapper: VisualHandler['getColorMapper'];
_normalizeData: Normalizer;
_normalizedToVisual: DoMap;
constructor(option: VisualMappingOption) {
const mappingMethod = option.mappingMethod;
const visualType = option.type;
const thisOption: VisualMappingInnerOption = this.option = zrUtil.clone(option) as VisualMappingInnerOption;
this.type = visualType;
this.mappingMethod = mappingMethod;
this._normalizeData = normalizers[mappingMethod];
const visualHandler = VisualMapping.visualHandlers[visualType];
this.applyVisual = visualHandler.applyVisual;
this.getColorMapper = visualHandler.getColorMapper;
this._normalizedToVisual = visualHandler._normalizedToVisual[mappingMethod];
if (mappingMethod === 'piecewise') {
else if (mappingMethod === 'category') {
? preprocessForSpecifiedCategory(thisOption)
// categories is ordinal when thisOption.categories not specified,
// which need no more preprocess except normalize visual.
: normalizeVisualRange(thisOption, true);
else { // mappingMethod === 'linear' or 'fixed'
zrUtil.assert(mappingMethod !== 'linear' || thisOption.dataExtent);
mapValueToVisual(value: RawValue): VisualValue {
const normalized = this._normalizeData(value);
return this._normalizedToVisual(normalized, value);
getNormalizer() {
return zrUtil.bind(this._normalizeData, this);
static visualHandlers: {[key in BuiltinVisualProperty]: VisualHandler} = {
color: {
applyVisual: makeApplyVisual('color'),
getColorMapper: function () {
const thisOption = this.option;
return zrUtil.bind(
thisOption.mappingMethod === 'category'
? function (
this: VisualMapping,
value: NormalizedValue | RawValue,
isNormalized?: boolean
): ColorString {
!isNormalized && (value = this._normalizeData(value));
return, value) as ColorString;
: function (
this: VisualMapping,
value: NormalizedValue | RawValue,
isNormalized?: boolean,
out?: number[]
): number[] | string {
// If output rgb array
// which will be much faster and useful in pixel manipulation
const returnRGBArray = !!out;
!isNormalized && (value = this._normalizeData(value));
out = zrColor.fastLerp(value as NormalizedValue, thisOption.parsedVisual, out);
return returnRGBArray ? out : zrColor.stringify(out, 'rgba');
_normalizedToVisual: {
linear: function (normalized) {
return zrColor.stringify(
zrColor.fastLerp(normalized, this.option.parsedVisual),
category: doMapCategory,
piecewise: function (normalized, value) {
let result =, value);
if (result == null) {
result = zrColor.stringify(
zrColor.fastLerp(normalized, this.option.parsedVisual),
return result;
fixed: doMapFixed
colorHue: makePartialColorVisualHandler(function (color: ColorString, value: number) {
return zrColor.modifyHSL(color, value);
colorSaturation: makePartialColorVisualHandler(function (color: ColorString, value: number) {
return zrColor.modifyHSL(color, null, value);
colorLightness: makePartialColorVisualHandler(function (color: ColorString, value: number) {
return zrColor.modifyHSL(color, null, null, value);
colorAlpha: makePartialColorVisualHandler(function (color: ColorString, value: number) {
return zrColor.modifyAlpha(color, value);
decal: {
applyVisual: makeApplyVisual('decal'),
_normalizedToVisual: {
linear: null,
category: doMapCategory,
piecewise: null,
fixed: null
opacity: {
applyVisual: makeApplyVisual('opacity'),
_normalizedToVisual: createNormalizedToNumericVisual([0, 1])
liftZ: {
applyVisual: makeApplyVisual('liftZ'),
_normalizedToVisual: {
linear: doMapFixed,
category: doMapFixed,
piecewise: doMapFixed,
fixed: doMapFixed
symbol: {
applyVisual: function (value, getter, setter) {
const symbolCfg = this.mapValueToVisual(value);
setter('symbol', symbolCfg as string);
_normalizedToVisual: {
linear: doMapToArray,
category: doMapCategory,
piecewise: function (normalized, value) {
let result =, value);
if (result == null) {
result =, normalized);
return result;
fixed: doMapFixed
symbolSize: {
applyVisual: makeApplyVisual('symbolSize'),
_normalizedToVisual: createNormalizedToNumericVisual([0, 1])
* List available visual types.
* @public
* @return {Array.<string>}
static listVisualTypes() {
return zrUtil.keys(VisualMapping.visualHandlers);
// /**
// * @public
// */
// static addVisualHandler(name, handler) {
// visualHandlers[name] = handler;
// }
* @public
static isValidType(visualType: string): boolean {
return VisualMapping.visualHandlers.hasOwnProperty(visualType);
* Convinent method.
* Visual can be Object or Array or primary type.
static eachVisual<Ctx, T>(
visual: T | T[] | Dictionary<T>,
callback: (visual: T, key?: string | number) => void,
context?: Ctx
) {
if (zrUtil.isObject(visual)) {
zrUtil.each(visual as Dictionary<T>, callback, context);
else {, visual);
static mapVisual<Ctx, T>(visual: T, callback: (visual: T, key?: string | number) => T, context?: Ctx): T
static mapVisual<Ctx, T>(visual: T[], callback: (visual: T, key?: string | number) => T[], context?: Ctx): T[]
static mapVisual<Ctx, T>(
visual: Dictionary<T>,
callback: (visual: T, key?: string | number) => Dictionary<T>,
context?: Ctx
): Dictionary<T>
static mapVisual<Ctx, T>(
visual: T | T[] | Dictionary<T>,
callback: (visual: T, key?: string | number) => T | T[] | Dictionary<T>,
context?: Ctx
) {
let isPrimary: boolean;
let newVisual: T | T[] | Dictionary<T> = zrUtil.isArray(visual)
? []
: zrUtil.isObject(visual)
? {}
: (isPrimary = true, null);
VisualMapping.eachVisual(visual, function (v, key) {
const newVal =, v, key);
isPrimary ? (newVisual = newVal) : ((newVisual as Dictionary<T>)[key as string] = newVal as T);
return newVisual;
* Retrieve visual properties from given object.
static retrieveVisuals(obj: Dictionary<any>): VisualOptionPiecewise {
const ret: VisualOptionPiecewise = {};
let hasVisual: boolean;
obj && each(VisualMapping.visualHandlers, function (h, visualType: BuiltinVisualProperty) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(visualType)) {
(ret as any)[visualType] = obj[visualType];
hasVisual = true;
return hasVisual ? ret : null;
* Give order to visual types, considering colorSaturation, colorAlpha depends on color.
* @public
* @param {(Object|Array)} visualTypes If Object, like: {color: ..., colorSaturation: ...}
* IF Array, like: ['color', 'symbol', 'colorSaturation']
* @return {Array.<string>} Sorted visual types.
static prepareVisualTypes(
visualTypes: {[key in BuiltinVisualProperty]?: any} | BuiltinVisualProperty[]
) {
if (zrUtil.isArray(visualTypes)) {
visualTypes = visualTypes.slice();
else if (isObject(visualTypes)) {
const types: BuiltinVisualProperty[] = [];
each(visualTypes, function (item: unknown, type: BuiltinVisualProperty) {
visualTypes = types;
else {
return [];
visualTypes.sort(function (type1: BuiltinVisualProperty, type2: BuiltinVisualProperty) {
// color should be front of colorSaturation, colorAlpha, ...
// symbol and symbolSize do not matter.
return (type2 === 'color' && type1 !== 'color' && type1.indexOf('color') === 0)
? 1 : -1;
return visualTypes;
* 'color', 'colorSaturation', 'colorAlpha', ... are depends on 'color'.
* Other visuals are only depends on themself.
static dependsOn(visualType1: BuiltinVisualProperty, visualType2: BuiltinVisualProperty) {
return visualType2 === 'color'
? !!(visualType1 && visualType1.indexOf(visualType2) === 0)
: visualType1 === visualType2;
* @param value
* @param pieceList [{value: ..., interval: [min, max]}, ...]
* Always from small to big.
* @param findClosestWhenOutside Default to be false
* @return index
static findPieceIndex(value: number, pieceList: VisualMappingPiece[], findClosestWhenOutside?: boolean): number {
let possibleI: number;
let abs = Infinity;
// value has the higher priority.
for (let i = 0, len = pieceList.length; i < len; i++) {
const pieceValue = pieceList[i].value;
if (pieceValue != null) {
if (pieceValue === value
// It is supposed to compare value according to value type of dimension,
// but currently value type can exactly be string or number.
// Compromise for numeric-like string (like '12'), especially
// in the case that visualMap.categories is ['22', '33'].
|| (zrUtil.isString(pieceValue) && pieceValue === value + '')
) {
return i;
findClosestWhenOutside && updatePossible(pieceValue as number, i);
for (let i = 0, len = pieceList.length; i < len; i++) {
const piece = pieceList[i];
const interval = piece.interval;
const close = piece.close;
if (interval) {
if (interval[0] === -Infinity) {
if (littleThan(close[1], value, interval[1])) {
return i;
else if (interval[1] === Infinity) {
if (littleThan(close[0], interval[0], value)) {
return i;
else if (
littleThan(close[0], interval[0], value)
&& littleThan(close[1], value, interval[1])
) {
return i;
findClosestWhenOutside && updatePossible(interval[0], i);
findClosestWhenOutside && updatePossible(interval[1], i);
if (findClosestWhenOutside) {
return value === Infinity
? pieceList.length - 1
: value === -Infinity
? 0
: possibleI;
function updatePossible(val: number, index: number) {
const newAbs = Math.abs(val - value);
if (newAbs < abs) {
abs = newAbs;
possibleI = index;
function preprocessForPiecewise(thisOption: VisualMappingInnerOption) {
const pieceList = thisOption.pieceList;
thisOption.hasSpecialVisual = false;
zrUtil.each(pieceList, function (piece, index) {
piece.originIndex = index;
// piece.visual is "result visual value" but not
// a visual range, so it does not need to be normalized.
if (piece.visual != null) {
thisOption.hasSpecialVisual = true;
function preprocessForSpecifiedCategory(thisOption: VisualMappingInnerOption) {
// Hash categories.
const categories = thisOption.categories;
const categoryMap: VisualMappingInnerOption['categoryMap'] = thisOption.categoryMap = {};
let visual = thisOption.visual;
each(categories, function (cate, index) {
categoryMap[cate] = index;
// Process visual map input.
if (!zrUtil.isArray(visual)) {
const visualArr: VisualValue[] = [];
if (zrUtil.isObject(visual)) {
each(visual, function (v, cate) {
const index = categoryMap[cate];
visualArr[index != null ? index : CATEGORY_DEFAULT_VISUAL_INDEX] = v;
else { // Is primary type, represents default visual.
visual = setVisualToOption(thisOption, visualArr);
// Remove categories that has no visual,
// then we can mapping them to CATEGORY_DEFAULT_VISUAL_INDEX.
for (let i = categories.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (visual[i] == null) {
delete categoryMap[categories[i]];
function normalizeVisualRange(thisOption: VisualMappingInnerOption, isCategory?: boolean) {
const visual = thisOption.visual;
const visualArr: VisualValue[] = [];
if (zrUtil.isObject(visual)) {
each(visual, function (v) {
else if (visual != null) {
const doNotNeedPair = {color: 1, symbol: 1};
if (!isCategory
&& visualArr.length === 1
&& !doNotNeedPair.hasOwnProperty(thisOption.type)
) {
// Do not care visualArr.length === 0, which is illegal.
visualArr[1] = visualArr[0];
setVisualToOption(thisOption, visualArr);
function makePartialColorVisualHandler(
applyValue: (prop: VisualValue, value: NormalizedValue) => VisualValue
): VisualHandler {
return {
applyVisual: function (value, getter, setter) {
// Only used in HSL
const colorChannel = this.mapValueToVisual(value);
// Must not be array value
setter('color', applyValue(getter('color'), colorChannel as number));
_normalizedToVisual: createNormalizedToNumericVisual([0, 1])
function doMapToArray(this: VisualMapping, normalized: NormalizedValue): VisualValue {
const visual = this.option.visual as VisualValue[];
return visual[
Math.round(linearMap(normalized, [0, 1], [0, visual.length - 1], true))
] || {} as any; // TODO {}?
function makeApplyVisual(visualType: string): VisualHandler['applyVisual'] {
return function (value, getter, setter) {
setter(visualType, this.mapValueToVisual(value));
function doMapCategory(this: VisualMapping, normalized: NormalizedValue): VisualValue {
const visual = this.option.visual as Dictionary<any>;
return visual[
(this.option.loop && normalized !== CATEGORY_DEFAULT_VISUAL_INDEX)
? normalized % visual.length
: normalized
function doMapFixed(this: VisualMapping): VisualValue {
// visual will be convert to array.
return (this.option.visual as VisualValue[])[0];
* Create mapped to numeric visual
function createNormalizedToNumericVisual(sourceExtent: [number, number]): VisualHandler['_normalizedToVisual'] {
return {
linear: function (normalized) {
return linearMap(normalized, sourceExtent, this.option.visual as [number, number], true);
category: doMapCategory,
piecewise: function (normalized, value) {
let result =, value);
if (result == null) {
result = linearMap(normalized, sourceExtent, this.option.visual as [number, number], true);
return result;
fixed: doMapFixed
function getSpecifiedVisual(this: VisualMapping, value: number) {
const thisOption = this.option;
const pieceList = thisOption.pieceList;
if (thisOption.hasSpecialVisual) {
const pieceIndex = VisualMapping.findPieceIndex(value, pieceList);
const piece = pieceList[pieceIndex];
if (piece && piece.visual) {
return piece.visual[this.type];
function setVisualToOption(thisOption: VisualMappingInnerOption, visualArr: VisualValue[]) {
thisOption.visual = visualArr;
if (thisOption.type === 'color') {
thisOption.parsedVisual =, function (item: string) {
const color = zrColor.parse(item);
if (!color && __DEV__) {
warn(`'${item}' is an illegal color, fallback to '#000000'`, true);
return color || [0, 0, 0, 1];
return visualArr;
* Normalizers by mapping methods.
const normalizers: { [key in MappingMethod]: Normalizer } = {
linear: function (value: RawValue): NormalizedValue {
return linearMap(value as number, this.option.dataExtent, [0, 1], true);
piecewise: function (value: RawValue): NormalizedValue {
const pieceList = this.option.pieceList;
const pieceIndex = VisualMapping.findPieceIndex(value as number, pieceList, true);
if (pieceIndex != null) {
return linearMap(pieceIndex, [0, pieceList.length - 1], [0, 1], true);
category: function (value: RawValue): NormalizedValue {
const index: number = this.option.categories
? this.option.categoryMap[value]
: value as number; // ordinal value
return index == null ? CATEGORY_DEFAULT_VISUAL_INDEX : index;
fixed: zrUtil.noop as Normalizer
function littleThan(close: boolean | 0 | 1, a: number, b: number): boolean {
return close ? a <= b : a < b;
export default VisualMapping;