blob: b98c3af8698fe00ad341d1c6b8375637bd946feb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
// TODO clockwise
import IndicatorAxis from './IndicatorAxis';
import IntervalScale from '../../scale/Interval';
import * as numberUtil from '../../util/number';
import {
} from '../axisHelper';
import { CoordinateSystemMaster, CoordinateSystem } from '../CoordinateSystem';
import RadarModel from './RadarModel';
import GlobalModel from '../../model/Global';
import ExtensionAPI from '../../core/ExtensionAPI';
import { ScaleDataValue } from '../../util/types';
import { ParsedModelFinder } from '../../util/model';
import { parseAxisModelMinMax } from '../scaleRawExtentInfo';
import { map, each } from 'zrender/src/core/util';
class Radar implements CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystemMaster {
readonly type: 'radar';
* Radar dimensions
readonly dimensions: string[] = [];
cx: number;
cy: number;
r: number;
r0: number;
startAngle: number;
private _model: RadarModel;
private _indicatorAxes: IndicatorAxis[];
constructor(radarModel: RadarModel, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI) {
this._model = radarModel;
this._indicatorAxes = map(radarModel.getIndicatorModels(), function (indicatorModel, idx) {
const dim = 'indicator_' + idx;
const indicatorAxis = new IndicatorAxis(dim,
new IntervalScale()
// (indicatorModel.get('axisType') === 'log') ? new LogScale() : new IntervalScale()
); = indicatorModel.get('name');
// Inject model and axis
indicatorAxis.model = indicatorModel;
indicatorModel.axis = indicatorAxis;
return indicatorAxis;
}, this);
this.resize(radarModel, api);
getIndicatorAxes() {
return this._indicatorAxes;
dataToPoint(value: ScaleDataValue, indicatorIndex: number) {
const indicatorAxis = this._indicatorAxes[indicatorIndex];
return this.coordToPoint(indicatorAxis.dataToCoord(value), indicatorIndex);
// TODO: API should be coordToPoint([coord, indicatorIndex])
coordToPoint(coord: number, indicatorIndex: number) {
const indicatorAxis = this._indicatorAxes[indicatorIndex];
const angle = indicatorAxis.angle;
const x = + coord * Math.cos(angle);
const y = - coord * Math.sin(angle);
return [x, y];
pointToData(pt: number[]) {
let dx = pt[0] -;
let dy = pt[1] -;
const radius = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
dx /= radius;
dy /= radius;
const radian = Math.atan2(-dy, dx);
// Find the closest angle
// FIXME index can calculated directly
let minRadianDiff = Infinity;
let closestAxis;
let closestAxisIdx = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < this._indicatorAxes.length; i++) {
const indicatorAxis = this._indicatorAxes[i];
const diff = Math.abs(radian - indicatorAxis.angle);
if (diff < minRadianDiff) {
closestAxis = indicatorAxis;
closestAxisIdx = i;
minRadianDiff = diff;
return [closestAxisIdx, +(closestAxis && closestAxis.coordToData(radius))];
resize(radarModel: RadarModel, api: ExtensionAPI) {
const center = radarModel.get('center');
const viewWidth = api.getWidth();
const viewHeight = api.getHeight();
const viewSize = Math.min(viewWidth, viewHeight) / 2; = numberUtil.parsePercent(center[0], viewWidth); = numberUtil.parsePercent(center[1], viewHeight);
this.startAngle = radarModel.get('startAngle') * Math.PI / 180;
// radius may be single value like `20`, `'80%'`, or array like `[10, '80%']`
let radius = radarModel.get('radius');
if (typeof radius === 'string' || typeof radius === 'number') {
radius = [0, radius];
this.r0 = numberUtil.parsePercent(radius[0], viewSize);
this.r = numberUtil.parsePercent(radius[1], viewSize);
each(this._indicatorAxes, function (indicatorAxis, idx) {
indicatorAxis.setExtent(this.r0, this.r);
let angle = (this.startAngle + idx * Math.PI * 2 / this._indicatorAxes.length);
// Normalize to [-PI, PI]
angle = Math.atan2(Math.sin(angle), Math.cos(angle));
indicatorAxis.angle = angle;
}, this);
update(ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI) {
const indicatorAxes = this._indicatorAxes;
const radarModel = this._model;
each(indicatorAxes, function (indicatorAxis) {
indicatorAxis.scale.setExtent(Infinity, -Infinity);
ecModel.eachSeriesByType('radar', function (radarSeries, idx) {
if (radarSeries.get('coordinateSystem') !== 'radar'
// @ts-ignore
|| ecModel.getComponent('radar', radarSeries.get('radarIndex')) !== radarModel
) {
const data = radarSeries.getData();
each(indicatorAxes, function (indicatorAxis) {
indicatorAxis.scale.unionExtentFromData(data, data.mapDimension(indicatorAxis.dim));
}, this);
const splitNumber = radarModel.get('splitNumber');
function increaseInterval(interval: number) {
const exp10 = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(interval) / Math.LN10));
// Increase interval
let f = interval / exp10;
if (f === 2) {
f = 5;
else { // f is 2 or 5
f *= 2;
return f * exp10;
// Force all the axis fixing the maxSplitNumber.
each(indicatorAxes, function (indicatorAxis, idx) {
const rawExtent = getScaleExtent(indicatorAxis.scale, indicatorAxis.model).extent;
niceScaleExtent(indicatorAxis.scale, indicatorAxis.model);
const axisModel = indicatorAxis.model;
const scale = indicatorAxis.scale as IntervalScale;
const fixedMin = parseAxisModelMinMax(scale, axisModel.get('min', true) as ScaleDataValue);
const fixedMax = parseAxisModelMinMax(scale, axisModel.get('max', true) as ScaleDataValue);
let interval = scale.getInterval();
if (fixedMin != null && fixedMax != null) {
// User set min, max, divide to get new interval
scale.setExtent(+fixedMin, +fixedMax);
(fixedMax - fixedMin) / splitNumber
else if (fixedMin != null) {
let max;
// User set min, expand extent on the other side
do {
max = fixedMin + interval * splitNumber;
scale.setExtent(+fixedMin, max);
// Interval must been set after extent
interval = increaseInterval(interval);
} while (max < rawExtent[1] && isFinite(max) && isFinite(rawExtent[1]));
else if (fixedMax != null) {
let min;
// User set min, expand extent on the other side
do {
min = fixedMax - interval * splitNumber;
scale.setExtent(min, +fixedMax);
interval = increaseInterval(interval);
} while (min > rawExtent[0] && isFinite(min) && isFinite(rawExtent[0]));
else {
const nicedSplitNumber = scale.getTicks().length - 1;
if (nicedSplitNumber > splitNumber) {
interval = increaseInterval(interval);
const max = Math.ceil(rawExtent[1] / interval) * interval;
const min = numberUtil.round(max - interval * splitNumber);
scale.setExtent(min, max);
convertToPixel(ecModel: GlobalModel, finder: ParsedModelFinder, value: ScaleDataValue[]): never {
console.warn('Not implemented.');
return null as never;
convertFromPixel(ecModel: GlobalModel, finder: ParsedModelFinder, pixel: number[]): never {
console.warn('Not implemented.');
return null as never;
containPoint(point: number[]): boolean {
console.warn('Not implemented.');
return false;
* Radar dimensions is based on the data
static dimensions: string[] = [];
static create(ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI) {
const radarList: Radar[] = [];
ecModel.eachComponent('radar', function (radarModel: RadarModel) {
const radar = new Radar(radarModel, ecModel, api);
radarModel.coordinateSystem = radar;
ecModel.eachSeriesByType('radar', function (radarSeries) {
if (radarSeries.get('coordinateSystem') === 'radar') {
// Inject coordinate system
// @ts-ignore
radarSeries.coordinateSystem = radarList[radarSeries.get('radarIndex') || 0];
return radarList;
export default Radar;